
5 Reviews
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Gives a completely new meaning to watermelons
21 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
One of the formally most interesting films of this year's Berlin Film Festival, "The Wayward Cloud" is set in a city without identity, in a society where hardcore sex seems to be the only way of life. It's a very hot summer, and everything is dried out - including the relationships between people. But then the two main characters meet. They used to be friends but haven't seen each other in a while. Their (very) slow process of getting closer to each other is put in contrast to the cold, unemotional porn film shoots with which the male character earns his living. This may all sound very dull, difficult and complicated but that's only one side of the movie. On the other hand it's also outrageously funny (some memorable scenes including watermelons and crabs) and includes half a dozen absolutely insane musical scenes. Apart from them, the film is completely without music, which adds to the comical power of the musical scenes. The final long, desperate, ugly sex scene is hard to take even for the hard-boiled viewer; many people left the theatre. Still, this shouldn't distract from the fact that this is a truly unique piece of film art. (8/10)
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Adorable children's movie on first love
21 February 2005
Being my first movie in this year's Berlin Film Festival, this was a treat. A story about a 12 year old girl experiencing first love more or less against her will, set in rural Norway (beautiful photography). Elin grows up in a chaotic family where men and women just don't get along with each other. She decides never to be interested in boys and to concentrate on science instead. But things change when she befriends a boy who seems to share her interests and a mysterious Swede appears...

Unlike many other children's movies of this year's festival, "The Colour of Milk" has a very light atmosphere and its script sparkles with humour. Rewarded by a Special Mention from the children's jury, this is fun to see for both older children and grown-ups. (8 points)
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Your patience will be rewarded
11 May 2004
Calling this movie boring misses the point. Many people aren't used to really *watch* films, i.e. read the pictures. This films' pictures speak such a humourous and humanist language that dialogue is simply not needed. They tell you how important it is to live your dream - even if it's only the small dream of an elderly, not very handsome or clever man. Schultze is just not the type who speaks a lot - his story is worthy to be told nevertheless.

I laughed a lot seeing this, it also touched me. Great camera work, the film really trusts the power of pictures. To me it's the best German movie of 2004 so far (and I've seen "Gegen die Wand", which I liked very much).
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A Fond Kiss (2004)
Masterpiece of social realism
11 May 2004
I saw Loach's new work at the Berlin festival and was stunned. Usually, I'm not very much into his films as he gets a little to preachy for me at times. Still, I respect him for taking up subject matters other directors avoid nowadays - most of all British working class stories. "Ae fond kiss" to me is his masterpiece. It's the first film I've seen that really brings across all the complexities of intercultural relationships. It resists the temptation to judge or mock the conservative islamic family while making clear that its sympathies are with the bicultural couple. It doesn't give any easy answers but shows that sometimes you can only choose between bad and worse - but choose you must if you still want to be able to look at yourself in the mirror. A friend of mine is Afghan, and the film reminded me a lot of the problems she is going through, balancing between family tradition and Western culture. So if you're interested in a deep, aching but also hopeful look into the intercultural reality of our European societies, go and see "Ae fond kiss". Its Berlin awards are well deserved.
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Lautlos (2004)
Could have been great if the dialogue had been better
11 May 2004
Lautlos is a movie from Tom Tykwer's film company, and you can see his influence as a producer in the sometimes dreamlike, introvert sequences. The film is about a serial killer who finds love and subsequently plans to quit his old underground life. Joachim Król plays the silent hitman very well, he gives a hint of broken softness to the character so that it's easy to like him. The plot is also exciting enough to keep your attention, with the right balance between action and character development. The only big problem about this movie are the dialogues. They are deliberately artificial but in such an exaggerated way that they just spoil the whole thing. Still, with the Król-bonus, it's a 7 out of 10 for me.
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