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Well researched docudrama
2 July 2006
George Clooney's father was a newscaster and that background appears to be inform his approach to this docudrama about Edward R. Murrow and his desire to inform the American public of the excesses of Senator McCarthy.

There is a fine line between ideally cast actors and actors who use their skills to bring a character to life realistically. The actors in this carefully, yet delightfully underplayed movie realistically inhabit both the characters they inhabit and illuminate the paranoid 1950's brilliantly. I found myself completely immersed in the story and cannot ask more of any book or movie.

Unlike most Hollywood nonsense where the stars seem to constantly, barely escape ever more implausibly massive explosions, this movie relies on an ensemble of highly skilled actors gently crafting an extremely believable micro-universe.

The statements contained in the movies including an excerpt from a broadcast by President Eisenhower are relevant to the new millennium.
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Prison Break (2005–2017)
Excellent Start in Pilot Episode
2 February 2006
Two thing are required in a TV series for it to survive: Lead actors who give their characters intriguing depth which makes you want to see more and which will not grate in the longer term; and tight scripting.

This appears to have both elements from what I saw of the Pilot episode which only just screened in Australia. Dominic Purcell and Wentworth Miller give taut underplayed performances which elicit the stoic, low-key style which prisoners who don't want to make a splash seem to acquire. Purcell in particular is excellent, giving colour and nuance without overplaying.

I have seen Robin Tunney in a few things and she has a strong screen presence and interestingly magnetic eyes. I hope her role develops as the series progresses.

The part of the prison doctor seems underdeveloped and/or the actor playing it is not giving it much interest. It is a minor role but I would like Callies to dress down a bit as you would expect an attractive female doctor to do in such circumstances.

Peter Stromare is awesome and exudes menace effortlessly. Then suddenly we can read into him the sheer terror of his mafia 'family' when they put pressure on him.

I am looking forward to this series. I just hope they keep up the standard.
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An enjoyable small movie with highlights
30 December 2005
The only comment I have seen on IMDb was a spoiler with which I disagreed.

This movie never set out or purported to be an artistic classic. It is just a simple movie about a baseball player/manager, his family and his major achievement.

Yes I like baseball although cricket is the game I'm most involved with. Yes I enjoyed this movie as a baseball lover.

What you will miss if you just treat this as a one-dimensional clunker is the wonderful warm vignettes of Italian family life portrayed by brilliant actors wonderfully cast. Not overdone or clouded by the Italian-American propensity to view their families too sentimentally.

Then you have the portrayal of top level athletes in the confines of their dressing rooms. Not hysterical, over the top psychopaths but calm, dedicated professionals doing something they desperately love. Here I have to nominate Isaiah Washington for his beautifully underplayed yet insightful portrait of a man wanting to atone for past misdeeds.

Hollywood produces overblown garbage hyped to the limits to recoup investors' funds. Yet when a gentle, small but highly professional film like this is made we fail to recognise that telling simple stories in an unadorned manner is what movie making lacks. This move tells a story. Simply, effectively, with skilled actors within type, who inhabit their characters to illustrate the story.
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Ghost Whisperer (2005–2010)
Well done but could improve
20 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Ghost Whisperer is not an ambitious undertaking. It is simple light entertainment and taken that way is a harmless and entertaining way to spend an hour.

Jennifer Love Hewitt creates a sympathetic character and has that niceness which is ideal for the part. She plays what could be a kitch role with a nice balance.

What I find sad is that like other shows where the star is either the producer or has an undue influence on the production values, the star's sensibilities and ego needs can override the dramatic values.

In this instance, it is clear that Ms. Hewitt is overly conscious of her height and curves and too much is done to work around this. She's small, surprisingly curvy and lovely (yes, Ms. Hewitt, if you read this, you could work sexy into it but need to beef up the scripts a bit). Work with that. Forget the extreme high heels craftily hidden by bell bottom jeans and weird dresses that make her look pregnant.

Whether this show has the oomph to have a longish run is doubtful. I suspect it is just a little too thin. Perhaps is the husband's part could be fleshed out and some non-ghostly conflict introduced it may improve.

The Medium scriptwriters have given their stars conflict which drives the plot nicely and the husband is more than just an accessory.

If anyone associated with this show reads this stuff, give Ms. Hewitt the opportunity to stretch her acting skills a bit with relevant conflict. She's the star, she doesn't have to be in every second of every scene. Give the other characters some meaning.
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The Sky's on Fire (1999 TV Movie)
Light and brainless way to spend 90 minutes
10 November 2005
Provided your belief is suspended about 60,000 feet above sea level (in-joke) this is a brainless, harmless way to spend 90 minutes. It isn't great science so don't expect too much.

Some of the actors are really quite good and it is fun to see them out of their normal milieu. Bradley Whitford is a smooth, skilled, understated actor with just enough quirks to make him always interesting. John Billingsley is always delightful although it would be nice to see him stretch outside his typecast and nearly trademarked nerdiness.

Corbett is quite competent but not in Billingsley's or Whitford's class. The other leads are jobbing actors, good enough, but without the high skill level to make something interesting from their cardboard characters.

Keep your belief well suspended and don't be too critical of the science and this is a way to spend 90 minutes of a boring, rainy day.

Anyway Billingsley's always fun to watch with his weird mannerisms.
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Medium (2005–2011)
Strangely well written and acted portrayal of a marital relationship
21 June 2005
American TV and movies overly dramatise the simple, everyday interplay of a functional marriage. Forget the leaps of faith required to believe in the basic premise, this show is magical just for the well drawn characters of Allison and Joe Dubois. They squabble and disagree but always with an underlying current of deep love. Patricia Arquette and Jake Weber manage many layers of meaning within the characters interplay which is the mark of really great acting. And it looks so real, artless and effortless.

Many watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer just for the incredibly good writing and interesting characters. I think this series has a similar level of quality writing and acting.

Good writing and good acting is truly rare in this age of pseudo-science and pseudo-law being overdone every evening.

To me, Patricia Arquette is a find and I hope that this series is sufficiently successful to persuade the Hollywood powers to give her a chance to show her skills on the big screen.

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Boston Legal (2004–2008)
Just OK--Sorta Testorone-fueled Ally McBeal
14 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
As an alternative to CSI Sault City or wherever they are basing the 649th franchise or any of the murkily lit Brukheimer clones this is at least entertaining and doesn't take itself seriously.

Shatner is... well... Shatner? How else can you describe such an idiosyncratic actor. But he draws an interesting character portrait. I think we all become charactures of our younger selves as we age and Shatner is surely portraying this well.

Spader is awesome. He is one of those actors who seemed so natural when I first saw him many years ago I thought he was a real person brought in to play himself. Now that is a compliment.

Monica Potter is lovely eye candy but I have seen her act and would like her to get some bits which have a bit more meat on them.

As often happens some of the minor characters lack depth and both the writers and the actors themselves need to give them nuance and vitality. Sadly with actors the calibre of Shatner and Spader that makes is it very hard for less experienced and perhaps less talented actors to make their mark.
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The Aviator (2004)
Well made but in some need of objective editing
14 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is a fine, well-drawn film overall and I recommend it. However it falls short of a masterpiece and the areas of supporting cast and editing appear to be the main problem.

The era and its style was evoked very well but despite having the dates appear on the screen I sometimes got confused about just where the story was. Some special effects were really excellent and some were just a bit pedestrian. For example, the spy plane crash sequence just didn't ring true but I can't say why.

Without question the main leads: DiCaprio and Blanchett, were brilliantly accurate in evoking the personalities and feeling of the very famous characters they portray. Blanchett is perhaps the greatest film actress on the screen today and in time will be spoken of with the same awe and reverence as Streep and Hepburn herself. I have to be honest and admit that I was pleasantly surprised by DiCaprio's portrayal. He could easily have damaged my immersion in the story with an off-key effort but it was spot-on and carefully underplayed Hughes' known peculiarities. These two actors made the movie a success.

Most of the supporting cast were well selected and did a fine job with only a couple of minor exceptions.

Alan Alda is as always a complete delight. We have all seen low-life politicians like Sen. Brewster and he captured the person well. Why can't we find a good role for Alda as the main star of a movie?

Ian Holm was competent in his usual highly underplayed style. I don't know if the character he portrays ever existed or if it is a composite but it seems Holm struggled to give flesh to a character which was very thinly written.

Beckinsale is less accurate in her portrayal of Ava Gardner and it felt like she 'phoned the role in' rather than inhabiting the character as the two main leads managed to achieve. I keep feeling that there is a good actress under the pretty facade and I would love to see here in a role which gives here an opportunity to act and not just be pretty.

Gwen Stefani. Why bother? She didn't look like Harlow, she didn't sound like Harlow. Mercifully her scenes were brief. Perhaps an exercise in good editing taste by Scorcese? Overall, the editing seems to be self-indulgent and the movie would benefit from a more objective cut. There are some excellent actors who would have done the roles of Gardner and Harlow better but these were mild deficiencies.
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