
14 Reviews
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The Invitation (I) (2015)
17 minutes of fun is what you get.
29 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I like suspense movies normally. They build plot and with the right pace, make for great tension. This movie however, drags for about 77 minutes and then packs everything of interest in the last 17 minutes. Not very well acted but plausible story makes for a fair to OK backdrop but a few holes.

One, they never really showed you what the invitees learned down Mexico except they filmed a death. Two, who visits their ex they haven't spoken to in 2 years with a new gf in tow and finally, EVERYONE HAS A LANDLINE THAT DOESN'T HAVE PHONE SERVICE A HOUSE THAT SIZE.

The end was kinda neat and unexpected. The lanterns all being lit up let you know this was a mass event. The end of the movie makes up for a boring beginning but still just OK to watch.
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Willow Creek (2013)
80 minute movie that seemed 3 hours long
9 June 2014
I was hoping to see a good, found footage movie about Bigfoot in "Willow Creek". Instead what I got was a bunch of half-wit interviews with locals (& no credible witnesses, I mean I get it was a movie but at LEAST ONE witness needs to be credible) & some of the WORST interaction between boyfriend and girlfriend ever put on camera.

Jim and Kelly decide to go retrace the infamous Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot footage of 1967. Kelly is a non-believer while Jim is determined to get footage. I will not give away any spoilers because THERE ARE NOT ANY! This movie NEVER gets going. Where as Blair Witch Project was interesting while slow moving, Willow Creek has 12 minutes of interesting things happen. The ending looks like it was shot by a 7th grader and you are left wondering WHY IN THE HELL DID I WATCH THIS FILM??? Bobcat Golgthwait wrote and directed this. I hope like hell he NEVER HAS IDEAS LIKE THIS AGAIN! Willow Creek is dried up. Avoid!
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Rage (2014)
Good (with some plot holes) up until the last 15 minutes.
25 May 2014
So I just got finished watching Rage (The original title was Torarev, a type of Russian firearm ). I was pretty in to it actually and that is a HUGE surprise given that Nic Cage pretty much will do any film now for a few dollars. And then...the ending happened but lets review the whole thing shall we? Nic Cage plays Paul McGuire, a reformed criminal whose daughter gets kidnapped one night while hanging out with 2 of her male friends at her house. My 1st complaint is that this girl (who is very cute) is hanging out with 2 of the biggest losers this side of the Mississippi. I mean really? Anyways, lets move on. Danny Glover (who REALLY needs better roles...c'mon it is DANNY F'ING GLOVER) plays the lead detective and assures Paul that they will find her and to "let the cops do their job". Glover's talents are wasted with a horrible script for him. I really wished they has used someone else for this role. Anyways, Paul does not heed the police at all. Paul decides to get the "old gang" back together and busts some heads to find out who took his daughter.

I was really into this movie despite less than stellar acting. Cage plays Paul as a legit grieving parent, one who knows his past very well may have caught up to him. The lengths he goes to try to find out what has happened to his daughter does not seem that far-fetched to me. Kane (played by Max Ryan) is worth watching in the film with pretty decent acting. The rest of the cast is average-bland (but Aubrey Peebles sure is easy on the eyes though!) The biggest problem I had with this movie is the last 15 minutes made me wanna kick something (or somebody). It is like when you watch fireworks and the last one is a complete dud. Up until the last 15 minutes I was ready to give this movie a solid 6.5 rating, BUT it dropped to a 4.5. The end will just make a LOT of the early parts seem rather foolish. Not horrible (like most people up here say) but not amazing either.

Decent action film with a horrible ending.
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Ready 2 Die (2014)
One Word: Terrible
11 May 2014
So I saw a decent rating on this film om IMDb and thought to myself "Hey, it is only 80 minutes long and sounds interesting...why not?" HUGE MISTAKE!!!! This movie has so many Grand Theft Auto clichés that I truly think the writers of the movie/script played the game while coming up with material. Stereotypical thugs rob banks and flee from the police but at no time do they seem to be worried/threatened. Word gets out about the money they have. The dialogue is BEYOND horrible. Junior high kids talk about better things. Shot on a low budget with low expectations.

The only reason why it gets a 2 is because the getaway car is pretty cool. The camera work sucks The acting looks worse than a junior high school play. They did manage to have a few explosions but even those looked cheezy.

At no point in time do you feel any sympathy for the "good guys" (use that term loosely, after all, they brag about shooting innocent women). I found myself hoping they would get killed just so it would be OVER! After 60 minutes of watching, I literally was laughing at how horrible the plot was and why the hell I was still watching. If you make it that far, you deserve some kind of award.

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Alpha Alert (2013)
Better as it goes along, Keep watching till the end!
28 March 2014
I just watched Alpha Alert (or Event 15 as some may call it) and I was VERY pleasantly surprised. I truly expected a military cliché movie from start to finish and to be honest, the only reason why I watched it was because of Jennifer Morrison. Loved her work on House and Once Upon A Time and thought "Hey, she is easy on the eyes so it cannot be too bad right?" I am glad I watched this hidden gem! The story is pretty straightforward at the beginning: It shows the comments in individual therapy sessions of 3 soldiers. As they leave the therapy facility in an elevator, something happens to make the elevator get stuck. Panic sets in as crazy events happen next as the soldiers try to get out of the elevator to help the situation. Truly to tell anymore I am afraid I will give something away. All I can say is this: KEEP WATCHING! There will be a major WTF moment followed by several more smaller ones after. The movie really picks up after about 20-25 minutes.

Two standouts in this movie for sure. Jennifer Morrison as Cpt. White is spot-on and solid (and still easy on the eyes). She plays the lead and carries it well in this movie. Josh Stewart as Oldsmand was BRILLIANT casting and for those of you who like The Collector & The Collection, he once again shows us and Hollywood why people take notice of his acting skills.

I gave this a 7 and I am SHOCKED the rating is so low. I know some people have "complained" about the authenticity of the military actions/sequences/protocol. IT IS A MOVIE! IT IS FICTION! It is not like they went and made the people wear purple and sing in Russian. Don't let that run you away from this movie.

If you are someone who needs everything to fit nice and neat and have no holes at all in a movie, this may not be for you. However, if you are someone who likes good acting, and want a movie that throws a curve-ball at you while entertaining you, I HIGHLY recommend this one.
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Good but could have been great!
28 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It is not that I did not like Reasonable Doubt. I was entertained and the movie has its good moments. Synopsis: An up-and-coming assistant in the D.A.'s office (and new father to boot) Mitch Brockden has many things going for him. He is a solid attorney. He even boasts early on in the movie that in court, he never loses. He has a beautiful wife as well. One night after drinking with buddies, he gets into a hit & run accident with a pedestrian. Not wanting to get a DUI, he makes a call to 911 and then leaves the scene. Another man, Clinton Davis played amazingly well by Samuel L. Jackson, gets arrested while taking the man to the hospital in his van. Brockden is now torn on what exactly to do...

Now back to what I was saying earlier. I did like the film somewhat but... I pretty much knew early on that Clinton Davis was the killer. I think anyone who watches it will as well. I also figured out with relative ease why he went to different self-help meetings: to find future victims. Those set up the main problem I have with the movie.

The problem I have with this movie is the amount of cliché's that are used. Hit & Run has been done so many times and to avoid getting that DUI, call it in. Lets count the rest shall we? Mitch having a "brother" (step-brother actually) on the wrong side of the law, The attorney getting the case in court, A cop who suspects the attorney after he tanks the trial, Man getting set-up like he is the killer by the killer, Killer coming to attorney's house and "harassing" him by leaving something for him to see, Killer attacking attorney's family. (there are more but I am getting writers cramp.

The two reasons to see this movie are as follows: The performance of Samuel L. Jackson & the camera work/sound. Both are EXCEPTIONAL and I really hope other film makers watch just to see how the music really helps set the tone of the movie. Jackson excels in this type of role. I truly think he plays a bad guy better than most in Hollywood.

I give it a 5. Good but the cliché's keep it from being great. Watch it for S.L. Jackson.
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Awesome story and very well told!
18 January 2013
Sometimes you come across a film of great importance as well as one that allows you to feel good and be very entertained. Searching For Sugar Man is that type of movie. Amazing what one man with a voice can do for a whole nation not his own.

For those of you who do not know the story of Sixto Rodriguez, I will not spoil much except to tell you that in the 70's, he was a folk singer on the mean streets of Detroit. He did 2 albums and kinda faded out of site, with little to no fanfare here in the States. Needless to say, in another part of the world, his fame was a much different story. He was as big perhaps as Elvis or even The Beatles! He disappeared off the map literally. Some people wanted to find out whatever happened to him. Rumor had it he was dead. Some people said he may have been arrested.

What became of The Sugar Man Sixto Rodriguez? Watch this revealing documentary and find out! Includes a great soundtrack of his music (that I would recommend you invest in) through the movie as well. Never heard of him? Trust me, you will wanna see how this one turns out!
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Munger Road (2011)
Too many loose ends can only get you so far.
7 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Man, I really wanted this one to pan out more. Shot on a shoestring budget with good scenery and okay to better than average acting, Munger Road tells two stories that intertwine in St. Charles, Illinois. The first being that a former serial killer is on the loose and the second being that a group of teenagers want to test the paranormal limits of an urban legend of an old road (Munger Road). They both happen on the same night! Gonna try my best not to give too much away on this one. Shot in and around the actual town of St. Charles, Illinois, there really is a "Munger Road" who happens to have an urban legend attached to it. Supposedly, a group of school kids were on a school bus on Munger Road and the bus stalled on the train tracks, forcing it to get hit by a train. If you kill your engine on Munger Road on the train tracks, the spirits of the children will move your car off the tracks (TONS of variations of this urban legend exist about Munger) I actually liked that this urban myth was built in to the story.

This is the basis for the beginning of the movie as four teenagers set out to prove this urban legend true. At the same time, the town law enforcement finds out about an escaped former serial killer that killed in that area. It is the weekend of a HUGE festival that will have an additional 6,000 people in the town. Will the killer return to St. Charles?? I loved the premise. Every town has that one haunted place or road that EVERYONE knows about.

Starts slow, builds gradually, but has things that make little to no sense happen in the movie (with no explanation) and then there is the ending. Trust me when I tell you that you will either LOVE or HATE the ending. Their is no middle ground. Leaves you wanting more or completely fed up.

No gore, no nudity, little violence and lots of tension make this film go. (NOTE: IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A STRONG IMAGINATION OR NEED MOVIES SPOON-FED TO YOU, THIS MOVIE IS NOT FOR YOU.) I liked that they tried to make a modern day Hitchcock-meets-Halloweeen style film. The only problem(s) with the film are: A lack of a good explanation about 11:14 p.m. (watch it and see), The idea of the cops splitting up, and finally the ending. Had they have shown the may have been a 6 or higher. Too many loose ends can only get you so far.

4. 75 stars out of 10 (rounds up to 5) If you are a fan of slower moving genres with "shot video" added (think Blair Witch meets Halloween with Hitchcock style), check this out.

If you need gore, violence or have little to no patience...pass on it.
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The Tall Man (2012)
Tale of two movies
15 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to see this film for a long time. I loved the premise of the idea of the film. After seeing it, I realized that this film should be called "Two Film Mashup". After 40 minutes, it goes off to be another film altogether.

Starts off with a promising story: 6 years ago, a small town in Washington state loses their mine (main source of income)and most of its residence are poor or headed towards poverty level because of it. Children have become missing and the townspeople are blaming it on a almost mythical character, that lives in the woods, known as The Tall Man. Who is the Tall Man and what does he want with the children? This plot line excited me and had me ready for a taut thriller.

For the first 35-40 minutes, I got just that! Jessica Biel plays the town nurse who runs a free clinic (not sure how she makes money to afford the house she lives in or why townspeople did not wonder the same thing but oh well) and plays her role exceptionally well. She comes off as caring and more than eye candy. She helps deliver a baby and is respected by the townspeople. Her child eventually gets taken by The Tall Man (or so you think) and a chase ensues. From there, this movie starts to sink. Complicated story-lines, ridiculous actions by characters, and huge holes in concepts (examples: How come none of the kids run off at their new places? Why did the one assistant help the nurse in the first place? How did they explain the disappearance of the doctor aka the husband?) turned this movie upside down. Turns out there is not really a Tall Man per se but a system of removing kids from there homes. I could explain the ending but it will just give us both a headache.

I gave it a 5 because it was shot well,and the beginning was on point. Biel acts pretty well in it and despite SEVERAL holes/plot stupidity, it is a decent watch. I just wish instead of two movies, they would have stayed with what they started with.
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Elevator (V) (2012)
I took the stairs after watching it
15 September 2012
So this gem is now available on Netflix and I recommend it. Well acted and pretty well paced little film about a group of strangers (well a few know each other but I will not say how) that get on an elevator. By interesting means, the elevator gets stuck and from there, the film really takes off as the group is in severe danger.

The cast of characters are perfectly suited for this kind of film. A little something for everyone if you will.

Being slightly claustrophobic myself, I felt the tension in the elevator. The characters really play off each other well (especially the wise-cracking comic and the snotty little girl)and you sense that once you figure out the trouble, that it seems genuine and real. A very short movie (a little over an hour and 15 minutes long), the last 10 minutes really were not needed, I think it was just added to make the length of the movie more industry standard acceptable. A fast catchy beginning sets an early pace that never really dulls.

6.25 out of 10. Good enough for a watch and some popcorn.
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V/H/S (2012)
should of been called "keep waiting"
12 September 2012
First off, I like the genre (usually) of found footage films. Goes all the way back to Blair Witch Project and I have seen several that do an to good job of storytelling and such. This is one of those films that is WAY WAY too long for what it was trying to achieve.

Without giving too much away, a group of Jackass wannabe's get the chance to make some serious cash by simply retrieving a VHS tape from a mans home. What comes afterward is the basis of several "stories" (kinda like Paranormal Activity meets Creepshow). The segments are seen by the intruders.

There is a LOT of boring stuff in this movie that could have easily been removed. The scares are OK up to good when they happen, but they happen few and far between. The first real "scare" of the movie does not even take place until almost 1/4 of the way in the movie. I found myself fast-forwarding A LOT to get to the good parts. Acting is decent, budget is good despite grainy hand-held footage throughout. The concept of this movie is pretty good just poorly executed with time-consuming dialogue that is truly not needed.

Of the "stories" the third one was my favorite. The first one was good but took WAY to long to get into and the ending seemed almost rushed.

If you are an extremely patient person, this movie may be for you but I gave it 4.5 out of 10 stars. Whittle this down to about an hour and it would have been a 6 or maybe even a 7.
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hmm..just average at best..
6 August 2012
Hoboken Hollow is one of those films that makes you think two words: If Only. If only the writing had been a little better with more intriguing dialogue. If only the acting had been a little better (which is surprising considering it has Michael Madsen, Dennis Hopper, and C. Thomas Howell). If only a little more had gone into the plot to make the film seem unforced and cohesive.

Premise: A guy is hitchhiking his way to California after returning home from the war. A stranger offers him a lift to his ranch he works at and wants to know if he wants a job. Guy agrees but says it can only be for one day. The horrific events that follow on the "ranch" are beyond brutal and it i safe to say you would never wanna go there.

Gory scenes make up a lot of stuff. It is not SCARY just more of an uncomfortable collage of messed up violence. This move could have been great instead it just kinda lays there.

4.75 out of 10 stars. Only watch it if you TRULY love the genre or need some gore.
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ATM (I) (2012)
ATM: Good but not great
5 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
First off, too many people thought this was gonna be a horror/slasher film. It truly is not one. This film deals with suspense and is a "thinking man's" thriller. Simply put, what would you do if you were put in the situation that these characters were put into? For starters, I watched the directors cut and I am not sure of any differences that may exist between this and the original theatrical version.

ATM starts out kinda slow, with a guy who is finally taking a chance on asking out a girl he has had his eye on for some time now. He offers to take her home from a Christmas party when his buddy reminds him that he is his ride home for the night. They end up stopping at an ATM to get some money and that is when the mayhem starts. A menacing figure begins to terrorize the ATM occupants and, as the night wears on, forced them into paranoid thoughts and acts of desperation.

I don't wanna give too much away but I have read a few things up here that I would like to comment on. First off, none of the three main characters are heroes. I read why not just beat him up...HE HAS A TIRE IRON IN HIS HAND. Are you gonna attack a weapon-wielding guy, especially if you don't know how to fight? Secondly, some people have said why not run in three directions? Hmm, interesting idea BUT here is some factors. One, they have dress shoes on. Ever try to run in dress shoes or for the women's case heels? Two, how many "bad people" are truly out there? Do you know if there is one, two or maybe more? Of course you don't, so you stay. Lastly, if it is cold, you are paranoid and beyond freaked and a guy has killed two people in front of your eyes, you probably have NO DAMN IDEA what you would do.

I loved how the killer pushes the cars up to the door to kinda lock them in. Adding the water was just another element of "OMG what now???" He was not going for drowning there people, the water would have caused hypothermia with the freezing temperatures. Loved the "chair" idea as well.

Yes, there were plot holes. Yes they could have parked closer to the ATM. Yes they could have opened the door a little when the water came in, even with the cars in the way (but remember, hypothermia was what the killer was going for. main character even mentions this so people would get it.) The acting is good, not great but reminds you with someone you work with if you work at an office or cubicle. The ending seemed a little rushed together but it makes sense if you think about it. Good to see no excessive gore just for the sake of having it, seems to be the norm nowadays and there truly is no need for it here.

6.75 out of 10. Despite the horrible reviews up here, check it out for yourself. Put on the actors shoes and ask yourself what you would do in each situation. Not a great film, but good enough for a rental at least.
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Eyes Front (2008 Video)
WTF is up with this movie???
3 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie looks like it was shot on NO BUDGET and with very little idea of what entertainment is. I usually look forward to seeing Independent Films because they tend to go places big budget films do not dare go. This one goes nowhere...FAST! Movie starts out promising as you see a young man looking into a camera and you can tell he knows something that the viewers do not yet know. Here's where it gets REALLY GOOD (note the sarcasm here). For the next 15 min or so, you hear Micheal Madson talk about if there is good or evil or if there is a God while the most BORING images ever pass by your screen (including laundry being done, staring off aimlessly, looking in a trunk for NO REASON, etc. etc.) When something FINALLY happens, the cameraman appears to be having a conniption fit because the camera goes ALL over the place. The "killer' then looks around a bunch to waste more time, including moments where they just show him bloodstained staring off aimlessly. The movie finally picks up after about 45 min or so and then...WHAM! it's over. 1hr.10 min long of which 12 minutes is entertaining.

I give it a 2 simply because I made it through the whole thing without turning it off. If you wanna see Micheal Madson (you can tell he REALLY like s this movie, he looks about as stiff as starched underwear in this film.) talk aimlessly about good and evil, then this is your movie...otherwise, do not waste your time.
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