
5 Reviews
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The Planets (2019)
Inspiring and at times sublime.
22 February 2021
I watched this series when it first came out in 2019, and went on to watch all the other series , like 'Wonders of the universe", "Wonders of the solar system" , "Human Universe" , "Wonders of Life". "Forces of Nature" and more. Dr Brian Cox has been narrating these series since 2010.

These are all BBC productions available on BBC-Earth and are definitely "worth the price of admission." The combination of imagery musical score and Professor Cox narration -boarders on an art form at times.

One thing bothers me though. PBS uses the exact same doc footage music etc . but doesn't credit the BBC production and substitute the professors narration with some kid.

I would not mind so much except in my University you could be expelled for using another's published material . Do Americans not respect intellectual property rights?

I have lost more respect for PBS.
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War of the Worlds (2019– )
WOW nice progression
6 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Finished episode 4 and can't wait for the next one.

I love the "k9" dog like critter's . STRANGE combination of slow crawling noisy mechanical beasts with combination of advanced futuristic bio computer brain firing deadly darts that never seem to miss and last century pneumatic powered limbs ...makes you wonder why ???? Now the dart gun is sucking brains out and has a strange taste for baby's/fetuses....

Maybe that's where they build the bio-computers.....or salt to survive our atmosphere. just Luv it.
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The Expanse: Godspeed (2017)
Season 2, Episode 4
Every episode it gets better
16 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was very excited to site down and watch this episode . The entire second season seems to have just gotten better and better with each passing week.

Its so rare these days and refreshing to see a great series with tech/science/characters & a fascinating plot. However the ending shocked me as it happened that - I had to watch it several times.

Its one thing to establish that the extra solar life form is using human biology to talk/rap & grow etc ; but I thought a bit of a stretch when it jammed out the "Nauvoo" guidance system. But when I realized it was the asteroid moving not the space ship.... I'M just totally lost as to were to go next! BTW keep up the great work.

I love the rap & multitude of different cultures represented in this show.
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The Colony (I) (2013)
For once I would like to see something new????
1 January 2014
Tired old cliché plot that starts out with some potential & hope in this post apocalyptic world. The bulk of the important setting info is feed in couple of narration snippets, that just leave you puzzled and full of questions of Why.

Since this is a rather topical subject one would expect more...but the whole thing just descends into an excuse to shoot and kill people. environmentally savvy audience are just not going to buy into this.

Some of the younger characters were interesting and I hoped something would happen that they could help develop or would help to develop their roles etc.

I would have much rather seen a survival struggle through the blizzard's to find this miraculous colony where they had reversed the weather disaster.

Watch it once so at least you can join in the wailing and laments on the pathetic state of modern film making.
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
7/10 might have made a good movie a great movie.
16 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Like many others, I too was awaiting this title, but had less illusions as to outcome. One of the basic plot flaws of the Original Alien movie, was a science android over-ruling the ranking officer and allowing a 'contaminated' crew member back on the ship. The reason such protocols exist is to avoid any conflicting actions in such a crises situation. Any such space ship would have a complete self contained Quarantine that would prevent any contagion -no matter how big or small- from ever entering the ship-vent into space?.

So even though I love the movie Alien, it's just what I expect from Riddle Scott.

This movie had similar suspensions of the very same type of ship protocols, leading to a rapid disintegration and spoiling of the plot. I was disappointed there were in-sufficient aliens in the show like many other movie goers. But I feel an opportunity was lost to explore the possible connection to the new emerging notion of "Ancient Aliens". I wished that had been explored more, it might have made a good movie a great movie.

The TV show/series like 'Life After People' has demonstrated that evidence of a human culture would disappear very quickly after that culture died off. If there was nothing to keep its legacy going, it would just be reclaimed by nature within hundreds of years , while all massive structural evidence would be gone in a matter of thousands of years. Even Neolithic human structures should disappear within tens of thousands of years. Given that archaeological digs cover at most a tiny fraction of a percent of the worlds land surface, we just can't say previous civilizations couldn't have existed. 'Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence'.

So when this idea was hinted at in Prometheus, I was intrigued, only to be disappointed it was only dealt with superficially. Given that the "Prometheus" Ancients were discovered - planning to send the 'Zenomorph' aliens back to earth to wipe out the human race 2000 years ago, one has to wonder why then? What was so special about AD 80-94 time period- that they were planning global human genocide?

Maybe these ancient genetic engineers had finally accepted that with the Roman Empire ...after the Greek Empire and Egyptian before that.... humans had demonstrated their rule always leads to decedent , slavery based civilizations that are too unstable to last or too rebellious/dangerous to utilize for the Engineers own ends.

Here's an interesting article that explores some of this.
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