
46 Reviews
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It was a very good sequel to the Beverly Hills Cop series.
5 July 2024
I was 22 when the first Beverly Hills Cop Movie came out and it was great.

This movie brings back those times in this updated version and is well worth watching, even for those who were not around at that time.

Eddie Murphy is and was so great as an actor and does a great job along with most of the original cast and the additional new cast.

I can relate to what Eddie Murphy said as he is now 63 and I am 62, he was glad to get through this, in it being an action film. He did an outstanding job and if he were to do another one, I would hope it delivers like this film did as it kept my interest all the way through.
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The Locksmith (I) (2023)
Just lazy writing.
18 June 2024
You have a very good cast that is wasting there time on this, well all of us need money, especially with this economy !

I thought about the writers strike as they all demanded more money ?

It was very predictable as Ryan's character follows the same pattern. I was literally yelling at what he should have said, but a lot of the films these days have no common sense, written in to them. The character's have dialogue that in the real world would not happen, but if they were better written. I would be giving this a much better score.

I have seen so many films these days with seasoned actors and there given low scores by the audience.

I say get better writers who will deserve the pay their given.

I believe many films with high scores come from people in the industry.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
What's with all the high scores ?
22 May 2024
You know when you watch a Hollywood movie and you are drawn in by how good it is, this is just another Hollywood movie that does not deliver. The leads have no chemistry, everyone knows Emily Blunt is married to John Krasinski and Ryan Gosling does not match playing a stuntman, besides there is no back story flashbacks of him and Emily to relate to in what they had, besides the long run time and what the main focus of the movie is supposed to be, the Hollywood cliches of how everyone treats each other is a sad fact that bothered me in my being a production assistant on MR. Belvedere in how badly your treated.

When I saw the title of this movie, it reminded me of the TV show starring Lee Majors and I thought it cannot be that good, well it delivered on that part. Let's be honest when you read what the movie is about, does it really draw you in, I turned it off about half way.

The main focus of the film with all the unnecessary stuff probably finally showed up, but at that point who cares anyways, stuntman should have been more of a theme here as they do so much and should be more of a focus in the credits, when they die that is when their talked about as Chris Pratt's stuntman was, show some more acknowledgment and do a better job Hollywood !
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Slash/Back (2022)
100 percent on rotten tomatoes ?
26 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I found it to be very slow, the special effects were lame and the way it should have showed people of the area it showed was not handled well at all. I love to watch movies in showing places around the world that should be enjoyable, to hear the one girl say it is ghetto and she puts down the culture there as well just brings things down. The other thing that made no sense was to find out the boy the girls liked is actually a girl, what is up with that, this is just another example of dumb film making, Hollywood Style.
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Stillwater (2021)
What can one say, too much fantasy land going on.
21 August 2021
It started out fine, but went side ways in many ways, it has the typical Hollywood parts in it, that just frustrates me, Matt Damon should listen to his daughter more often, in looking more carefully at the scripts. Please keep out of politics in films and for gods sake, can everyone stop smoking in films, it does cause cancer, kids look at this as if they should do it. I watched the whole film and was of course disappointed with how there was no real reason for this film to be made, it had no solid message, considering the cast and the many people involved in making it.
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Sneaky Pete (2015–2019)
Great cast and good story to a point.
5 October 2020
The show kept me interested with the premise, seeing all the talented cast involved was what drove it as well as the production values, but once the real Pete played along with the situation, everything went south for me, it was a bad point for what had unfolded in being believable, he just goes with the flow in being with his family ?
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Outback (2019)
Wrong score.
7 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The film takes common sense and throws it out the window. I will not give away the story plot, but considering the score and that it is based on a true story, I feel it could have been much better. The film should have started with the couples journey from the beginning, instead it cuts to a different part in telling the visual story. The actors are good and the locale is nice and scenic, but it lacked emotion and depth as well as showing what people would probably not try in trying to survive, in knowing better in at least one way.
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The Assistant (III) (2019)
Brought back the memories of being a P.A.
24 May 2020
I look at the mundane things Julia Garner does in this film and it made me think of my production assistant work on Mr. Belvedere and how way under appreciated they treat you and she expresses this so well. The film unfortunately waste the talent in a snail's pace in getting to its point of the Harvey Weinstein effect in showing what so many people still go through in that industry to get into show business and a blinds eye still exists, unfortunately until people get caught.
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This does take patience to watch.
19 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The whole film has elements that could have been done better as Rotten Tomatoes points out it takes patiences to watch it. I looked at Edward Norton's character and wondered what does having a speech problem do for the movie, it served no purpose outside of showing it is an unfortunate disability for many people. He is an actor that was going strong at one point then he kind of dropped off as does this film. I find Bruce Willis is an actor just like him who are under appreciated in Hollywood. The film is definitely worth watching as it shows what Hollywood is about, their actors have great ideas, that Hollywood spends a lot of money on, than they lack in delivery, no fault to these wonderful actors.
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Wendy (2020)
The Same Stuff Over Again.
18 April 2020
What did I just watch, why make a film of the same theme again, that has been done way too many times. Hollywood knows it will get younger people - who are not aware, no fault to them and many others who will spend money on this stuff. Peter Pan has many other versions that have been done so much, I look at these people who spend all this money - Film Studios and wonder why they do it. They have no idea what their doing in just making these films. Rotten Tomatoes shows the critics were right, but people gave this a 75 %, the cast was great and the filming was very good, it would have been great to see an original idea, my rating is based on the cast and crew effort as well as the location shoots.
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Devs (2020)
It got me hooked
10 April 2020
This is a wonderful show, the pace, the writing and the acting, it drew me in from the first episode. The whole cast does a great job and the concept in quantum time travel, in a show has been done before, but this is much better than the show quantum leap from the eighties in realm of its serious nature. I find this to be much better than the show tales from the loop, that show is so slow and each episode should have more of a connect to one another to what the loop is, I gave up on that one within a couple of episodes, I hope this one continues.
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Deserves a 6, better then Rotten Tomatoes score.
31 August 2019
I tend to use the audience score from Rotten Tomatoes and the score from here as a good indicator if a movie is worth watching. They both give it a 6/64%, critics tend to overthink as do some people in watching a film. This is a true popcorn film as it held my interest all the way through. There are so many worse Films and TV series for that matter, too many to point out, that make me stop - just enjoy the ride and do not overanalyze.
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Teacher (I) (2019)
Shows how things have changed so much.
24 August 2019
I grew up in a time when bullying was low key for the most part , then an event like Columbine happened, still that does not compare to today in the many tragedies happening involving young people . When a coworker tells you his son and daughter are now being home schooled. It says a lot about the mental state of our society in how children are being raised in bullying others. This movie is worth a watch for that, in making you think, how can we change these issues.
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Main talented cast wasted on this, that is a clue.
18 August 2019
The two main actors from the conjuring are barely in this film, it starts out strong with them, then quickly goes down hill in being slow, predictable and weak through out with out them. The one thing many movies lack is good writing and in some cases good acting, this film has the acting part down for the most part, but is very disappointing in what could have been in using the talented cast with a much more in depth story, so many films these days are shallow in what they present, writers are part of the blame, politics is another as the main stars, if they could have more control would have made this a much better film.
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A 5 for trying, as some may get something out of it.
14 July 2019
Talking to someone at work that enjoys watching movies, we agree many on IMDB most be padding their rating for these kind of films in knowing someone that works on them or just enjoys watching anything. The Rotten Tomatoes reviews are something else on the critic side as these people miss the target many times, guess what, they get paid to give their opinion. He and I see the audience score is a better indicator of how good the film really is, this film just drags on and on.
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The Upside (2017)
Hits all the wrong notes.
5 July 2019
I watched 40 minutes of this film, it was a disappointment from the start, I am from a family of 8 children, my parents struggled in raising us at given points. Why watch a movie about a rich man who has done nothing in helping other people, he spends a fortune on everything around him, art, cars, clothes, material items, nothing that really gives meaning to a person's life when they have way more than people trying to do their best with their lives have. This is just another Hollywood film from the elite, who thought this film was a good idea, they have no idea how much people have to endure, I gave this film a 5, as someone at work said, that gives it a thumbs up for people to judge for them yourselves.
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Pet Sematary (2019)
Copy of the original for the most part.
19 May 2019
The original film was flawed but at least to me it was better than this, putting some changes does not make this better by any means. This is what Hollywood is unfortunately known for, they lack writers with great ideas, all they do is rehash old films and spit out very few original good ones. It is funny to see writers strike as if they come up with anything worth spending all this money on, in copying others great ideas.
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Life Hack (2017)
Bad sign when the movie has different dates.
19 May 2019
I see Rotten Tomatoes shows this film as 2019 with no reviews, but here it shows 2017 with a high rating and a few reviews. I watched it to a point and found it to be not worth the high reviews, do people that work on it do this ?
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Arctic (2018)
Worth a watch if you take logic out.
21 April 2019
The film as many these days, does not have a true beginning or an end. I find reading stories, books, etc. always have more to offer as they have a true conclusion and give one closure, writers - most directors, feel it is not necessary to do this in so many films, they frustrate me, to the point it makes many films negative. Many people I speak too say books are much better than the films for this reason. I give this film a 6 because Mads is a good actor, who deserves better roles with much more detail as do many films being made these days, films cannot be nearly as detailed as a book, at least the film can have solid detail - logic and a full ending - Please...
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It worked for what it had to offer.
23 February 2019
The cast was good and the story was not bad, but it could have been shorter in where it was going. The writing was what you would expect from Simon Pegg as he did a better job on Shaun of the Dead and has not matched that movie, since in his career of writing, hopefully he will again at some point, still waiting.
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Serenity (I) (2019)
Better then reviews.
22 February 2019
I enjoyed this film, it was good all the way through, sometimes people do not understand what the concept was, the movie explains where the logic is coming from and it made sense. The boy who plays Matthew's son did a great job and surprisingly this is his first film. People have to look at this film from a child's perspective in their imagination, I remember those days, now many kids - people do not seem to have one in the electronic age.
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Death Kiss (2018)
Can find work on Hollywood Blvd, if he does not have the talent.
18 February 2019
This is just sad, the Baldwin family needs to get a life as none are good actors. There is only one Charles Branson, if you say this guy is like him, you did not grow up watching his many good films. I give it a 3 as they made an effort in trying to copy him, but fall well short in a stupid attempt, there is no point in trying to make a carbon copy of another person. This guy should stand on his own, if he truly has the talent to be an actor.
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There are many worse films out there.
18 February 2019
The very talented cast is wasted on this, the 5.6 score here is better in the realm of what this film has to offer, then the higher score on Rotten Tomatoes. I looked at the comments on both this website and R.T. and had thought it would be much better, the title made me think, well it is a parody of these things and will play out in a good way. I always try to find films that are worth watching, but the film industry always disappoints in what is made, they would be better off helping people in society instead of wasting money on the many worse films as well.
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Creed II (2018)
The first was better.
16 February 2019
I must be missing something, 45 minutes in, there was not much going on. The high ratings here and on Rotten Tomatoes as well as the comments, made me feel this was an exciting, must watch film. I feel it is worth watching as my rating of 6 fits the film, not those above that, as it has a lot of talk going on. I have to point out, Phylicia Rashad looks damn good for her age.
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The lack of reviews is confusing.
13 January 2019
I understand why this was a film I did not watch back when it came out, it is a mixed bag. There is a high review rate on this site, that makes no sense, what is that based on, where are the positive reviews to back that up ? Rotten Tomatoes does not even review this film, it falls in the middle because of course there are much worse films to watch, Keanu Reeves latest film is a great example - Replicas.
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