
4 Reviews
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The most influential film you've never seen
1 October 2021
A masterpiece. Stunning visuals , with sublime composition and framing . No subtitles, hat would ruin the aesthetic..interesting. Nico's songs sound profound and contemporary, do yourself a favour, switch of your phone and your mind, and let long lingering moments of filmmaking dazzle and confound you.
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Unexpected delight
8 September 2021
So I was assuming the usual trashy delights from this genre, watching this , what a surprise, very well made, brilliant editing, and DP work.

Even the 80's music is bearable,especially in the 2nd half.

Wierdly engrossing. Michal Sopkiw is very watchable. There are the occasialnal ham fisted moments- the wild boar rescue in the cage for example, but this is great.
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Knightfall (2017–2019)
Who is this made for ?
9 February 2020
This series is worryingly bad, the characters are simplistic and stupid in their behaviour , judgement and reactions. They are given dialog that is so wooden , you could make a fire out of it. It look's ok, if a little squeaky clean in terms of costumes and set design, but I wonder if this is made with a deliberate demographic audience in mind ? Perhaps for those who have never read a book ? I don't care about the carefree attitude towards historical acuracy, but the portrayal of the Knights Templar is fleeting and insubstantial, and probably pointless.
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What? (1972)
Stylish Dream.
6 August 2018
This is an unexpected gem. Basicly the film has a dream like quality, similar to Fellini, with repetition accentuating this, with reality revolving and entwinning. The set design and setting itself alone is unbelievable, with seemingly every cool visual icon from the sixties in evidence, in the form of paintings, sculpture and decor. The film is sexualised in an oddly distanced and offhand manor, which I guess was part of the zeitgeist of the era, but is in keeping with the dreamlike feel. Suspend whatever attitude you may have with directors current status, and enjoy a fasinateing artefact from the past.
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