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Supernova (II) (2020)
A great story about loving a person whit dementia
19 March 2023
The middle-aged couple Sam (Colin Firth) and Tusker (Stanley Tucci) have been together for a long time. And it's really noticeable from how they are grunting when the film starts. As this beautiful and lovely couple are in the middle of a road trip with a motor home along the British countryside where the weather is constantly overcast. And where they are going. That have I not a singel clue about until after about 30min. Although it's probably clear much earlier in the story. Because I fell so in love with Colin Firth's impressive work with portraying his character (Sam). Who are constantly trying to hide his feelings of desperation and powerlessness. And as the same for Tucci's tastefully interpretation of Tusker's dementia that I didn't made any efford to understand the main plot of the film But from what I understand from several reviews, so are they on their way to Sam's annual piano concert while they are making some very planned pitstop at both their friends and relatives. Who are dealing with Tusker's dementia in their own special way. Which makes the film a much slower story than the super acclaimed The father where Anthony Hopkins plays a demented old man. Although there is nothing wrong with that. No for such a good movie doesn't need to have any tempo-boosting scenes.
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One of the worlds greatest music documentary
11 April 2018
Searching for Sugar Man is not a documentary to read about before you see it. And I'm glad I managed to avoid all information in the Swedish media since the premier. So in order to not give way to much of the action, you only get this information, Rodriguez released two albums on American companies 1970-71. Both "sink like a stone" and he laid down his career. A number of years later, his music becomes a huge success in the closed and boycotted South Africa where apartheid ruled. Rodriguez finally sold platinum and was as big as The Beatles in South Africa. But nobody told that to Rodriguez, who was seen as a rebel and inspiration for South African musicians, who opposed Botha's apartheid regime. But they had no idea who Rodrigues was.

So two fans decide to find out what happened to their big idol. And it does not seem to have gone According to one rumor he poured gasoline over himself during a performance, and burned up. And according to another rumor, he shot himself in the head at the end of a really bad gig. It really made me sick when I saw the film in a nearly empty theater in Hallstavik (located 10 milesoutside Stockholm), because what causes a person to do something that tragic? And another thing that I was wondering about was where I could find the music. And as it seems right now, when I write this review, you have to buy the movie's soundtrack on CD. It has been removed from Spotify in Sweden
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High-Rise (2015)
High-Rise is a really nice art movie.
11 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In this dystopian world based on J. G. Ballard's 70s novel, there is no room for realism, but excessively absurd situations take over the story. Here, there are social criticisms and humor for those who are so made, yet far from what suits everyone. The stylistically interesting weighs up the increasingly flawed location, where Jeremy Irons lives at the top of this gated community for those with money, and for those with devilish lot of money. At the top of a horse, on the fifth floor you can shop for a week. It is rumored about a brothel on any of the floors.

The skyscraper is so ridiculous that it is impossible to miss it totaly absurd metaphorism , where tenants are cells, and corridors and lifts are its blood circulation. But then the lifts begin to stop and the power disappears periodically. The fruit in the supermarket rots, injustice takes its right. In the midst of all this is the relatively sobra Tom Hiddleston, looking out over the misery that climbs to the top of the money line.

Stylistically, this evocation of a world "prone to fits of mania, narcissism and power failure" is spot-on; you can smell the smoke and booze in which everyone is marinated, unhinged adults behaving like unruly children. And when that happens in the movie I'm completely speechless.
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A political thriller in the FN-buldings
11 April 2018
The "interpreter" attacks current issues like terrorism and genocide. It illustrates our contemporary Western policy that chooses to cover up what is really going on in Africa. But it also shows the few strong individuals who want and dare to fight for democracy and change, and to me as a peace activist, it is very important. I also like the view of vengeance found in the fictional country of Matobo in Africa, becouse as Nicole Kidman's character tells "Vengeance is a lazy form of grief," And she also tells a very interesting story from Matobo: When a man kills a member of your family and is captured, he is tied up and thrown into the river, and it is up to your family to save him, or let him drink. If he drewns, you will have vengeance, but you will grieve all of your days. If you save him, you will be released from your lament. That's why I rank the movie as high as on the second place on my list over in my opinion the world's best movies.

The second thing that makes this movie so good is the actors is Nicole Kidman makes a really good impression to me whit a vaguely South African accent and a little girl fearing peering out from behind her big-girl occupation. And Sean Penn matches here with a weary professionalism, a way of sitting there and just looking at here , as if she will finally break down and tell him what he thinks she knows. It's intriguing the way his character keeps several possibilities in his mind at once, instead of just signing on with the theory that has the most sympathy from the audience. Part of it obviously depends on Sydney Pollack's extraordinary direction.
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A great adaptation of the book Shutter Island
10 April 2018
It's just as well that I recognize this directly - I'm a real "sucker" for stylistically strong movies and in Shutter Island there's a lot of it. It are also going to make people happy (at least from my point of view) who read the book by Dennis Lehane that the movie are based of.. Yes, the film follows the book very carefully. So If you then agree that the film must follow the book, the director Scorsese is a pure genius in how he treated the material. His constant photographer Robert Richardson does a great job of getting that rainforest island to look magnificent and Teddys dreams and flashbacks are nothing but adorable beautiful.

Yes, there are ghostly shadows, rain that goes down from gray-tailed clouds and weathery men in trenchcoats with troubled ankle dragons. Tortured by all, is the agent Teddy Daniels (Leonardo DiCaprio). Not only does he hate water. Now he is going to investigate a strange escape from a prison hospital for mental illness on an isolated island. With staff members who is not particularly cooperative and a doctor with strange Nazi connections, police work much effective. He also have to fight against his nightmares and increasingly annoying migraines. It is really great characterized by Leonardo DiCaprio, which has really made evelopment from the breakthrough in "Titanic".
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Mommy (I) (2014)
A love story between a mother and a son whit ADHD
10 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Xavier Dolan is hardly 30 years old, but has already made eight movies. For me is mommy the first film of him that i have seen. It is settled in Quebec in the near future, and in accordance with a new Canadian law (S 14), that allowds parents of children with neuropsychiatric disabilities to place their uncontrollable child in health care institutions. For Diane Désprés (Anne Dorval), mother of 15-year-old Steve (Antoine-Olivier Pilon), it this completely ruled out as a option. When Steve is thrown out of his last youth home, after firing in he cafeteria school and causing severe burns to another student, Diane takes him home to her house It obviously leads to a lot of problems even if they love each other, which I recognize, as I also have an ADHD-diganos. It makes it extra hard to see Steve suffer in the tumult that occurs between them, no matter who is "guilty" for the moment. All the scens in the movie quickly switches between the characters' both negative and positive emotions.

As for the style of the has Xavier made it in 1.1 format, which gives the feeling of that is as recorded whit a verry expensive mobile camera. It gets you grasped by the people's facial expressions. However, In the scene, where Steve goes on a longboard and cries out freedom!, the format enlarges and captures the environment. You really getting touched by Steve's longing for freedom when he does not live up to the demands of the environment. His feelings are enhanced by film music, which are well-known hits like Oasis Wonderwall and Lana del Reys Born to die.
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Beck: Det tysta skriket (2007)
Season 3, Episode 7
Are two teenage girls murded or is it a suicid
9 April 2018
Two teenage girls are crossed by a commuter train at dawn outside Flemingsberg. At first, it seems to be a very tragic accident. But the local police unit still wants Martin Beck to take a look. After all, much of the evidens suggests that the girls were forced on the track. Yes, someone seems to have used the commuter tran as the murder weapon. But why bee so brutal? it really produce a big headgear to Beck and his team, becouse as more as they starting to know about the girls, is they left whit the feeling, that they could bee dealing whit an totally randown killer. Or the girls could have committed suicid. And to your surprice are not going to tell you the truth about that in this review
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