
15 Reviews
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Pistol Whipped (2008 Video)
Steve Seagall still has it
6 October 2008
Steven Seagall at one time was one of the best action actors around twenty years ago and by the turn of the next decade he would be a attraction to see on screen even if I never went to any of his films in the theatre. The last several years Steven seem to slow down a bit and he wasn't the same kick ass guy he once was but after watching Pistol Whipped. Steven still had it which hopefully it'll be an opportunity to be on screen again and perhaps appearing in a Quentin Taratino film may really boost a comeback for him teaming up Uma Thurman. I always liked Steven Seagall even though many critics don't take him as a serious actor but hopefully they'll praise his acolaides when they start to realize his talent.
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Amazing Concert
28 September 2008
I may be the first one to write about this show on IMDb but I first got this on DVD back in late 2006 and this concert is amazing and although with some of the changes in the band of Styx. This is a amazing concert and these guys were certainly having the time of their lives performing all the great Styx tunes with some new ones. The Contemporary Youth Orchestra from Clevland Ohio really made that show special for Styx and they certainly with all the practice they put on weeks end paid of and may had played their best performance ever. These kids from 13 to 19 have a gift of talent and this is one show they'll remember for the rest of their lives. If you folks like to see a very inspirational emotional show. Get this DVD and watch it with your kids cause they'll realized that this music is very real and all the performers gave their hearts & souls to a audience of more that 10'000 in one place.
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The Perfect Assistant (2008 TV Movie)
Josie Davis is Hot
30 July 2008
I got to see this film a few times on on the Movie Network and I really enjoyed every second of the film which featured two stars Joesie davis & Chris Potter who as some of you may remember him from Kung-Fu (Peter Caine) The Legend Continues & Queer As Folk (Dr. David Cameron) I had met Chris a few times back in the early 2000's down at club called Blues On Belair and he is also a great musician. Josie Davis I remember her from Y&R playing the original Grace Turner who had a love interest for Nick Newman. Anyway the most outstanding of the two goes to Josie who played Rachel a assistant to David Wescott (Potter) who is going through the lost of his wife and she simply want Wescott to be with her but unfortunately he simply doesn't feel like having affair with Rachel would not heal his lost to his wife. So Rachel would go to lengths to be more closer to David so she can have him to herself. This is the best I seen Josie in and she looks even more beautiful now.
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Janice Dickinson Season 4
12 January 2008
Season 4 is here and it looks like the models are now living under one roof and guess who is watching them? It's Janice Dickinson who'll be keeping an eye on all her models making sure none of them are making mistakes. This season the drama around her agency is really starting to set in & some of the ones that are from season 3 had been shown the door to make way for the new models to come in. Of course none of them are happy about it and that's just the beginning. Meanwhile two other models get thrown out of the house Dominique Sharpe & Brian Kehoe due to missing a shoot & bad behavior. The last three seasons of the show we seen various signs of drama of the series and this one may be the most dramatic of all and this goes to show you people that the modeling business isn't always glamorous as you thought. This industry can really turn ugly in a instant as long as you stay in the right path without making bad choices that could rear it's ugly head. Janice herself has been in the business and seen it all and felt it and she doesn't want her models to end up losing everything they got and having to start at the beginning. This show is going to be a roller coaster ride of emotions but in the end some of these models will come out being better of themselves.
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Great show
8 April 2007
I'm now starting to watch the second season of family Jewel's and this is a unique show of a nice family Gene & Shannon and their two children Sophie and Nick. These kids are not the spoil brats you may see in them. these people are just ordinary kids just being themselves not always the rock family attitude. I just got through watching the episode when Gene & Shannon had surgery on their faces. When Gene came back Nick was glad to see him but Sophie looked sad and you can just tell from her face she was about to bawl her eyes which just goes to show you she's human too. At first you see this young child very strong like her mom but she does have feelings too and seeing her dad in bandages really showed it all
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New Zoo Revue (1972–1977)
The greatest campiest kid show of the 70's
5 April 2006
I may as well get in on this New Zoo Review wagon and here are my thoughts of that show. I used to watch it when it aired on WUTV which is now Fox from Buffalo which may had aired on a Saturday afternoon and the first episode I saw was when Emmy Jo was stubborn for some reason I can't recall. In any case Emmy Jo was quite a lady back in her day and 30 some years later she may have Grey hairs right now. The New Zoo Review was a very interesting program that may had one of the most weirdest animal characters in TV history and the that winner goes out to Freddy the Frog. This Frog person in todays politically incorrect fad would be labeled retarded to today's kids but back in the day he was another animal character of a children's television that no one would judge on. He may have been the most focal character on the show besides Doug & Emmy Joe that had the most color personality on screen. I'm sure every child seem to like Freddy because he was the most fantasized favorite every kid like to be with. Besides Freddy's antics you got Charlie the Owl & Henrietta the hippo that also brought values and beliefs to the show which at times it need to be serious on various issues. It's also great to know that the show is now available on DVD which every parent may watch with their child to take you back to a different era when Children's programs were something to watch that made sense.
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ReGenesis (2004–2008)
One of my Favorite drama Canadian series
3 September 2005
ReGenesis is one of my favorite shows I been very fortunate to watch and you got some great talented actors that are involved with the production. Talented people like Maxim Roy who plays Caroline Morrison who is the director of NORBAC and very gorgeous woman to boot plays her part very well. Dimtry Chepovetsky playing the brainy Bob Melnikov who certainly knows his science to a T. These are the only two characters I enjoyed seeing on ReGenesis that really flows well with the show. It's now about to be seen on Global which they'll be showing all the first season shows. This is a must show everyone should look at. Can't wait for the second season on Movie Central.
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Catwoman (2004)
Sharon Stone was the only thing I liked about this film
22 August 2005
It's been written a million times that Catwoman was a dreadful film which everybody who may have gone to see the flick spite the hype it got went home disappointed after their lives were taken away for 1 hour & 47 minutes. The only standout inn this film was Sharon Stone whom as most of you know from Basic Instinct sleepwalked her way to this film and played a very convincing corrupted cosmetics mogul. Sharon like a true professional gave it her best to do this movie which like thousands of other actors in this film industry was paid millions to do this no matter how bad it is. The only thing that was outstanding in that picture was Sharon Stone whom is one of the worlds popular actors manage to pull everything she could in this lame flick which won the Whammies award as worst picture which may have been the best thing for them. Halle Berry is a good actor herself but she was bad trying to be another Tobey Maguire.
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Hee Haw (1969–1997)
Country Music's best Variety show
14 July 2005
Back in the seventies I used to watch Hee Haw every Saturday afternoon before Lawrence Welk on CHCH which was station in Hamilton that syndicated both shows. I didn't care much about the comedy but the music was the only thing that made that show great. It's unfortunate you don't see shows of this magnitude unless you have the right people that can make a good show successful. Hee Haw was on for a very longtime which it's run ended in the early nineties which marked an end of an era that lasted over 20 years. It's great the got some DVD's that are now re-leasing the Hee Haw shows from the late 60's to the early seventies. A show like Hee Haw can revive itself by hiring some WWE Diva wannabe's that like to show their assets for television.
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Emotional Documentary
5 May 2005
I too got to see the Hookers on Davie St months ago before I moved to my new location and this is one documentary that shows you what Davie St. was like back in the early 1980's. Today it looks cleaner but back then it looked like a seedy street you would see on crime shows. It's very unlikely some of these prostitutes are still living but they may be some that has changed their lives and pretty much are living better lives than they did back then. I hope they may one day an update on these original prostitutes and see where are they now. Still the documentary was watchable to see especially this one transvestite having a fit that even Big Bird can't never duplicate.
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The Real Idol show
13 November 2004
I remember watching It's Showtime at the Apollo when it aired back in mid nineties even though I only got to see it just twice. Late this summer I got to watch again and it's on very late at night around 2:00 and it's a very watchable show. Monique is a great host and everything you see on there is real and all the performers you see are everyday ordinary folks just like you and me. This a must show for people to watch cause not only does these amateur performers go out there to that legendary Apollo stage for five minutes of fame but to be on the same stage where hundreds of legendary performers before them have graced it. I sincerely hope I may get my chance to perform at the Apollo at a amateur night cause that'll be my ticket to reach my goals & dreams.
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Absolon (2003)
Not a bad film but still watchable
13 November 2004
I got to watch Absolon on my Movie On Demand channel which you can pick movies for free without paying for it and this one may have been weak in some area's but still a watchable film. Lou Diamond Phillips does a good job as a bad guy which he may have play various roles of that character may have been the highlight of the film even though Lambert who I saw for the first time does look weak but this guy had balls to make this film just like the other actors do and gave it his best. Kelly Brock may have good looks and being an actor is a new challenge for her but give marks for trying that's not easy for a novice entertainer. Ron Pearlman is another standout as a villain like Phillips and he played a believable character. He may not win a Oscar but if the right film comes his way, you may see his trophy on his display
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Summerslam (2004 TV Special)
A good show with some bad matches
10 November 2004
I was very fortunate to watch Survivour Series this past Summer and this one PPV. It wasn't a bad show overall. There were some matches no one even cared for and they were matches that definitely was interest to some people. Toronto is a major hot bed for wrestling that's been around for over 50 years and it certainly had it's share of good stars worldwide coming there through the years. The WWE has certainly been a great support of the wrestling scene in Toronto and on this PPV the fans itself made that show even though we have the right to cheer or boo the kind of matches we like and don't like. The JBL & Undertaker match was the worst on the card and everyone in attendance didn't take interest in watching it and to show their protest they did the wave which the camera's didn't bother showing to the crowd. Many reports began complaining that the fans didn't care about the match but as I mentioned we the the fans have the right to boo or cheer on any match we like or don't like.
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Not perfect but still watchable
29 June 2004
I got to watch every episode of Superstars U.S.A. which during it's month one I got to watch more than 20 episodes which I got to see two hours on one station in Toronto which made me me enjoy the show even more. Some may look at it as a novelty spoof of American Idol, This show is something you can watch if you have nothing to do just to keep you away from being bored. WB Superstars U.S.A. was one show that kept me watching during these two hours and I enjoyed every moment of it. Some of the singers may have been bad but for the most part some of the ladies were gorgeous. My favorite panelist is Vitamin C (Colleen Fitzpatrick) She seems to be the kind I would like to hang around with even though she never had a hit record since the early 90's but still she was favarable to watch. I'm looking forward for next years WB Superstars U.S.A.
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Hot Springs Hotel (1997– )
Corny Show but the women makes up for it
29 May 2004
Now it's been a while since I posted a comment of anything on IMDb but I'll make my say on Hot Springs Hotel. This show can be a pain in the royal butt on certain episodes but it does have it's share of moments whenever they wake up and smell the roses. Now in this soft porn TV flick most of these actors may never get a chance to go mainstream unless they got a good agent that's willing to believe them. If not they still be making b rated porn flicks which may never get them anywhere. The Hot Springs Hotel flick is among the corniest flick of them all even though you see plenty of eye candy on there. Some these actors I'm sure are still doing porn or some of them vanished completely. The acting is the most amateurist which you can bet you might as well change the channel if you start to get annoyed watching these people make complete geeks of themselves which of course is obvious this show is recommended for geeks only if they need to watch something that suits them, this show is for them.
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