
3 Reviews
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A mix of Peter Jackson and Raimi zombies in Mexico
9 April 2005
Oh man, how can i stared? This is an amazing short film, definitely one of the best i ever seen, Why? course is the funniest, frenetic, horror short film from Mexico. The story about a constructor worked (wrestler wanna be) that has to fight an army of crazy zombies at midnight, full of punks, gore and cool music.

Avendaño works the camera really cool, a mix of Raimi, Jackson and Rodriguez, he knows where he came from and the horror genre is the game, shoot on beautiful black and white, this is a Mexican tribute to the great films of George Romero.

Imagine "Night of the living Dead" and "Dead Alive" in Mexico, well acted and with a twist ending, i cant wait for Avendaño feature film debut, remember you will be hearing from him soon. Aron Soto
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Prostitutes in Tijuana!
9 April 2005
This is another example of the versatility of the "Tijuana Cinema Scene".

I saw "El Corazon DE Fanny" on last year Morelia International Film Festival, and i was really impressed on how cool it looks in the big screen along all those shorts shoot on 35 mm on competition, "EL Corazon DE Fanny" was made on regular minidv!!!!!!!!!

"Fanny" is the simple story of revenge in a town that is worldwide known by it's cheep bear and cheep woman, even if i don't love the fact that Tijuana keep been the immoral town where anything can happen on movies, "Fanny" is a very exiting short film and some times really unusual, specially that surprise ending,

I'm a fan of Inigo work, and hope he can get a bigger budget so he can show what he can really do.

Others great shorts of Inigo are "Pablo" and "Strange People", the last one marked the beginning of the new "Tijuana Cinema Scene" on the late 90's, now it's time to see Inigo at his best, and believe me, he's feature film debut will be a key point of the cinema scene from south of the border.

Aaron Soto
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Oxigeno (2000)
Great visuals and amazing atmosphere!
9 April 2005
I remember i saw this short while ago when it was called "Shortfilm" on the late 90's, and i tough was some of the most interesting visuals from Mexico, living in the same region i became a big fan of Ruiz work, the way he work was a big inspiration to me as a filmmaker. Totally low budget, black and white and with a regular Sony 8 video camera, this guy was doing incredible stuff!

I have the chance to see "Shortfilm" in this new 8 minute version called "Oxygen" in El Festival Cervantino in Guanajuato last year (2004), i like it, but not as much as the long version, but he keep those haunting images that have that post-apocalyptic feel, for me is really poetry.

Still Giancarlo Ruiz is one the best keep secrets from the Tijuana "Cinema Scene". I recommended his early film "IV", really amazing scary short.

Aaron Soto
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