
221 Reviews
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Richard Marx: Hazard (1992 Music Video)
Who killed Mary? The world may never know
5 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This song stays with you long after it's over. There are actually TWO videos for it. The first one is the official video. The second one is Chapter Two. Both are dark and unsettling with the death of Mary. Was she murdered or was it suicide? Richard's character is the town pariah after he may have killed his mother as a child. It's set in a gothic looking small town. The townspeople burn down Richard's trailer home near the end. So here's how I see it for the possible suspects in Mary's death. Just my opinion.

1. Richard's character

2. The sheriff

3. The unseen lover of Mary's from the car

4. Mary committed suicide by jumping off the bridge.
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Poor Things (2023)
Sorry but not for me
28 February 2024
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I appreciate a movie with a unique concept if done well but I don't think this one was. The overall concept is very dark and disturbing. I read that some find this movie empowering to women but I find it anything but that. I don't know how so many people enjoy this. I hung in there hoping for it to get better but found it more disturbing as it went on. I'm not a fan of watching a brain damaged woman get repeatedly raped by multiple men. How is this artistic or empowering? I have always liked Emma Stone's work and am a fan. However I can't support this film. Congratulations to her for her success but don't really understand it in this case.
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So disappointed
16 January 2024
The original film of The Color Purple was certainly not a musical with all the constant singing and dancing in the middle of scenes. It was far superior to this one. I would file this under movies that do not to be remade and definitely not turned into musicals. I found myself turned off repeatedly in the middle of a serious scene where hat everyone would bust into song and start dancing everywhere. The music and dancing ruined this film for me. It's a shame too because the actors and actresses were all excellent and would have done much better without the constant distraction of music and dancing routines. This is not a comedy. It's a serious drama. But it was hard to take it seriously with all the silliness in between the dramatic scenes. Sorry but I would NOT recommend this disappointment of a remake.
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Dead End (I) (2003)
Fun horror movie at its best
4 October 2023
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I didn't expect much from this movie but it's absolutely awesome! It's a horror film at its best. It's got a little humor, a lot of dread and fear, etc. I forgot to mention the cast is fantastic and the chemistry between all of the cast in the car is delightful. The son is snarky, immature but also funny. The dad is clueless and falls asleep while driving. Mom is nice and practical despite her husband driving unsafely and her son making snarky comments repeatedly. Then there's the daughter who is pretty but feeling carsick so is also complaining. I have no idea who the other guy in the backseat. Maybe he's another brother or boyfriend of the daughter. He doesn't say a lot either. But regardless, this movie is creepy in a great way like you KNOW something really terrible is happening but you can't seem to figure out what or why...
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Panic (2021)
Why all the negativity? This is good stuff
24 September 2023
I'm not the demographic this was written for but I remember being a teenager like it was yesterday. I got sucked in very quickly and I was going to just watch one episode. I couldn't WAIT to find out what happened in the second episode. Before I knew it, I had binged the whole series. It's not a kids show. It's just a very good series! It has a great cast of many unknown younger people and some terrific vets too. It kept me intrigued throughout each episode. Each episode is intriguing so you want to watch the next one. If you give this a try, I don't think you will be disappointed. Scary, fun, dark themes.
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Another Woman's Child (1983 TV Movie)
Where do I begin? Linda Lavin's character is a saint
22 September 2023
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This is not a feel good film by a long shot. Linda Lavin plays a woman who is happily married to a successful man she adores. They have a lovely and happy home. So what could possibly go wrong? A child from an affair her husband had that she knew nothing about suddenly enters their life after the girl's mother passes. So now this perfectly normal childless couple are raising this little girl who is very unhappy, bratty and sometimes violent towards her new stepmother. She's always nice to dear old dad but like a Tasmanian devil to the poor stepmom. It's at times difficult to watch but ends on a more pleasant note thankfully.
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Don't Kill the Babysitter (2023 TV Movie)
Wow! I did NOT forget figure this one out!
16 September 2023
I expected very little from a movie called Don't Kill the Babysitter but it was quite good! If you enjoy Lifetime thrillers, this one is worth the watch. Many Lifetime thrillers are a bit predictable but this one had me going the whole way through. I couldn't figure out the endgame of the one I suspected of being a villain. It wasn't that simple. Twists and turns continued throughout the movie leading me to be shocked when all was revealed. I literally shouted "WHAT!?!?!" But it all made sense but was incredibly creepy. The title of the movie is not great but the actual movie IS! Go in with an open mind and you will be pleasantly surprised!
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Kalifornia (1993)
Chilling & Disturbing! Memorable
12 September 2023
I saw this movie many years ago at the theater. It really creeped me out then. I decided to revisit it today many years and life experiences later. It's still an incredibly dark and disturbing film. Brad Pitt & Juliette Lewis play the leading characters with David Duchovny and his onscreen girlfriend character (sorry I can't think of her name) as supporting co-stars. First of all, I can't believe neither Pitt nor Lewis was nominated for any awards for this film. Pitt is not the gorgeous, all-American sex symbol in this movie. He is dark, damaged and very dangerous. Lewis is sweet, innocent and seems a bit slow. She believes in her man and practically worships him despite his terrible actions. This film holds up to scrutiny decades later.
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Best Lifetime Thriller in YEARS
4 September 2023
Omg! This Lifetime Thriller just came out a couple weeks ago and it is fantastic! It was mysterious, creepy and fascinating throughout. I found myself going back and forth in my mind about how it was all going to turn out. Did I guess it? No. It's fascinating because the story is really good and somewhat original in my opinion. The actors and actresses are very talented in their roles. So many people seem suspicious but is it just the viewers own paranoia or maybe just mine! Lol But trust me that this movie held my attention every single second long. I was totally drawn in right away too! Watch this now. It's so good!
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Why the Snow Day Title? No Snow
1 September 2023
This was actually a pretty decent movie as Lifetime type of movies go. But throughout the story, I kept waiting for the Dangerous snow day in the title. The film was about 95% over before one flake fell. It wasn't even a snow day. How odd. The movie was a pretty decent thriller with a twist at the end that I did not predict. I was sure that I knew the way it would end but nope. I did not. I'm a fan of movies in this genre that surprise me in a good way. It far exceeded my expectations. The acting was very good especially the police man. The children impressed me too. Adorable and talented. The script wasn't bad. I would recommend this little gem even without the snow day.
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The Night Stalker (2016 TV Movie)
Lou Diamond Phillips is Chilling and Brilliant
28 August 2023
Lou Diamond Phillips is Chilling and Brilliant in this account of the serial killer, Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker. Bellamy Young was miscast in her role opposite him. She is a very good actress but paled in comparison to her costar. She just seemed flat in their interactions which was a shame. If she had even tried to muster some intensity or strength, it would have made all the difference. Her character who was supposed to be a smart but slightly damaged lawyer, just came off as weak. The supporting cast was brilliant especially the young boy and man who played younger Richard. They not only looked exactly right but were fabulous in the part. The only thing that was troubling was the script which I felt was too sympathetic towards Ramirez.
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Lake Alice (2017)
It's pretty decent
19 August 2023
Oh come on! This movie is not that bad. Unless you're a critic for a major newspaper, this is a pretty decent litter gem of a horror movie. Obviously the filmmakers didn't have a huge budget but they clearly did the best they could with what they had. The cast is all very believable in their roles and I liked the snowy cabin and woods. It looked authentic and I almost felt the chill watching it. I thought the concept was interesting and the execution was just fine. I did guess a couple things but not everything. Horror from this era is just plain fun and entertainment. And this movie is one of the better ones.
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Ghosts (2021– )
Hilarious but Sweet Comedy
30 July 2023
I am way late to the party but I'm finally here. I started watching this past week and it's an excellent series. The original advertisements I saw for this show looked silly and goofy to me. I was wrong. This is a hilarious comedy with a very sweet tone to it. I didn't have high hopes but was incredibly pleased to be wrong. The entire cast is excellent and appealing. Each of the ghosts has their own backstory which makes the show even more interesting. They are all from a different time in history, too, which makes it interesting. If you haven't watched it yet, please take my recommendation and give it a try.
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I would watch Jacob Young in anything! Sigh
26 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's actually a pretty decent lifetime sort of movie. Jacob Young, sexiest soap star of all time and musician, plays the bad guy in this soapy melodrama of a movie. Ella is a sweet, gorgeous young woman engaged to one of the hottest looking men on the planet (played by sexpot stud muffin, Jacob Young). Everything seems delightful for the pair until a fortune teller tells Ella that bad things will happen to her including her own death if she marries her fiance. Her friends and family are very concerned upon hearing this. But she decides to marry the gorgeous but sneaky guy anyway. Will the fortune teller be right? Check it out to see!
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Locked Up: A Mother's Rage (1991 TV Movie)
Angela Bassett is excellent in a supporting role
9 July 2023
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This is a very good movie with an exceptionally good cast! Academy Award Winner Angels Bassett is a supporting role to Cheryl Ladd's leading role. Both are excellent. Dean Norris and Jean Smart are also terrific in their parts. Soap star Peter Reckell is also very good in his pivotal role. Everyone is good. Cheryl Ladd plays a beautiful, hard working but vulnerable single mother. She meets a guy she really likes but doesn't know he's a criminal who eventually sets her up to do his time in prison. She gets convicted while he gets probation for selling her out with his lies. Her sister takes the kids reluctantly. Things are not easy in prison but she makes the most of her time inside.
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Christian Thriller
1 July 2023
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Don't skip this one because you might think a Christian thriller will be boring because this one is definitely not! It starts out with the murder of a small community's pastor. Then the new pastor and his wife take over the flock. They are younger and more progressive than the previous minister who was a widower. They meet the bossy older woman who oversees everything that goes on in the church and town. She tries to control the narrative at church and the young couple. Her creepy adult son causes discomfort among the parishioners. This is anything but boring trust me. So much is going on. It's scary but i interesting.
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No One Would Tell (1996 TV Movie)
This Should Be Required Viewing in All High Schools
29 June 2023
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Don't laugh and dismiss a movie because it's from Lifetime. THIS movie is extremely powerful and doesn't pull any punches. Candace Cameron Bure is a young, shy teen who catches the eye of the most popular wrestler in her school. Fred Savage is incredible in the role of her boyfriend. It all seems like a teen dream at first but hints of his controlling nature slip out here and there. Before you know it, he gives her a push, a shove a slap. A punch! He also gets between her friends and family isolating her. And he starts picking at her trying to chip away at her self esteem. This is a perfect portrayal of an abusive boyfriend. I am an adult woman who was triggered watching it. I'm lucky my story didn't end as hers did but it easily could have when I was in that sort of relationship. Please take this movie seriously. It is very accurate.
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A Rage to Live - an excellent underrated film!
20 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I just happened to find this brilliant little gem on YouTube this afternoon. It was filmed in 1965 before I was born. I knew nothing about it but thought the thumbnail looked interesting. The star of this movie is Suzanne Pleshette who I knew from Bob Newhart years later of course. Miss Pleshette is absolutely beautiful in the leading role of Grace. Grace is a fascinating character who can't resist her one temptation which is men. She is not one-dimensional though. Grace has feelings and is a nice person just has a real thing for the guys who she is sexually attracted to. She isn't perfect but struggles with saying no. When she falls in love with a good man, can she stay faithful? This woman isn't a nymphomaniac in my opinion but I believe she may have bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder. She is very impulsive and often makes choices which she knows are not in her best interests. My heart goes out to Grace and all who love her.
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Hypnotic (2023)
Oh no! It started out well...
1 June 2023
I never give up on Ben Affleck. He's a great screenwriter, actor, director and more. My favorite films he did were Pearl Harbor and the mind-blowing thriller, Gone Girl. Sadly for quite a bit now, he keeps picking our clunkers to star in. I keep giving his new ones a chance to no avail.

Sadly This one is the same. It starts out intriguing but falls apart flat. It just goes all rogue in about 30 minutes. Then it just gets completely impossibly ridiculous and keeps going. Ben, I was really rooting for you to shine but this wasn't the route. An action thriller should not put someone to sleep. Please don't make a sequel.
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Daughter (V) (2022)
Something different but interesting
29 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I rented Daughter because it sounded like something different which I have to say it was. Casper Van Dien plays father but is barely recognizable in this. There is father, mother, son and replaceable daughters because they keep escaping and get murdered. Then they find a new daughter and kidnap her. They are forced to live in their new family unit listening to father's strange pseudo-cultish ramblings. It soon becomes evident that something is wrong in this family and that something even darker is afoot. Why does mother tolerate this situation or is she part of it? Why do they need the daughter? What's up with the seemingly placid son? And obviously what is wrong with father? The answers lie somewhere in this intriguing if quite odd horror movie.
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Magic Mike should have danced MORE!!!!!
1 March 2023
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I am a Channing Tatum fan and enjoyed the first two Magic Mike films to see him dance again and again and again! The sexier the BETTER! These movies aren't for the art house crowd or the film elites. They are a Valentine to Channing Tatum's fans period. And we accept them gratefully. Now about this one...we get one sexy very short dance early in the film and one at the end. That's NOT ENOUGH! If this is his LAST DANCE, we want a movie filled with love, romance and most of all sexy dancing by Tatum! I have to say I was disappointed overall because I wanted at least a hot fast food meal and got a frozen tv dinner instead.
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Australian Survivor (2016– )
AUSTRALIAN SURVIVOR! Absolutely Perfect!
23 February 2023
I've watched Survivor USA since it began many years ago. This show is what ours used to be! Ours has become soft through the years but this one is terrific, excellent players, difficult challenges, Gorgeous locations, excellent host Jonathan LaPaglia! I am so excited I finally found this show and am thoroughly enjoying each episode! My husband is too! You have no idea how many fans of your show there are in America! We talk about this on our regular Survivor page daily. Americans looooove Australian Survivor! Please keep up the excellent work! We are all excited about each episode! Love from the USA!
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Cold Case: Wunderkind (2007)
Season 5, Episode 6
Michael B Jordan!!! 20 years old!
22 February 2023
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This is a really good episode of Cold Case but the absolute best part is a gorgeous twenty year old Michael B Jordan playing a young card game hustler with his half brother. He is the standout of the episode by a mile! He looks and acts like a superstar already on this one. He's such a brilliant and natural actor. And soooooo handsome! But back to Cold Case, it's an interesting episode about the two half brothers who get in deep with some bad dudes who have unsavory intentions to take advantage of them. It's one that you will be interested throughout trying to figure out where it's going. A very good treat!
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The Whale (2022)
Brendan Fraser I hardly knew thee!
21 February 2023
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Brendan Fraser has been stereotyped as a sexy goofball who can't act his way out of a wet paper bag in ridiculously silly movies for many years. However in The Whale, he completely transformed himself into a completely different character. He's sweet, kind and tender hearted man on the verge. He's extremely obese, has high blood pressure. I suspect he also suffers from Severe depression. Was. It's hard to watch him struggle when he's trying to things that we mostly take for pgranted. At times it's hard to watch it but mostly it's fascinating and gives you the feels. He definitely earned his Oscar Nomination.
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Excellent Thriller/Mystery
21 February 2023
I feel like I owe it to M Night Shyamalan to review this film after adoring his first two then being very disappointed with several after that. I did love Old. It was exceptional. But that was another film. Today we are discussing A Knock at the Cabin. Previews of this movie had me very excited to see it. I waited to stream it today and was very pleasantly surprised. It starts off intriguing right out of the gate and keeps pulling you in. All of the actors were fabulous throughout the movie. I kept wondering how this was going to go. Then I moved into WHAT COULD BE HAPPENING NEXT??? Then I was thinking HOW are they going to end this??? The ending was not what I wouhave chosen but I respect M Night for having the guts to go dark. Go see or stream this. M Night is on a hot streak again!
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