2 Reviews
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One of the greatest movies of 2019
31 August 2020
This is Arguably best sci fi movie I've watched. The graphics & especially the personal character of roza Salazar is really visible in alita's character.. Even the small blinking of eyes, cheeks going up while she smiles... Every little detail they captured beautifully... And this might be only sci fi movie which makes you cry, laugh, be astounded, makes you jump out of your seat.. Like no other... A sheer masterpiece.
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The Beyond (2017)
Really bad graphics & cgi
31 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Good concept but the whole movie feels like a documentary, it feels like it's made by Armatures not a single science fact is fact checked. Humans in movie are capable of transplanting brain into a robotic body but they don't understand anything about wormholes or gravitational waves(their words) is just laughable.. Also every scene is blurry wherever cgi was needed.. You can't even see the wormhole/void clearly. Really poorly recorded i know it's must be low budget but you should feel special even if it's low budget but this is just worst movie i saw.. Or should i say documentary... It's useless. If you are a astro neard don't even play the thing.
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