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Exit No. 6 (2006)
8 October 2007
A wonderful drama about the lives of a few outlawish teenagers. The story follows Van Dine, a total playboy stuntman who with his friend Vance are living the fun life doing Jackass-like stunts to show their friends. The girls in their life Fion, Vivian, and her two sisters always go with them on their adventures. Van also has a cop friend who gets porn from his adult magazine stand from time to time. The controversy appears when Fion gets between Van Dine and Vivians close friendship. Vivian then disappears and now they're out to find her and why she went away. Using Vance's hacking skills they think they locate the culprit being an old pervert known as the "Binding Freak". The color used for this movie is magnificent and all of the characters are absolutely gorgeous. There's a few moments when it goes a bit beyond the spectrum of reality but its part of the lightheartedness of the film. Its a very cute movie overall and has some very sweet moments. While the ending was a little confusing it all worked out for everyone.
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Tideland (2005)
Silly Kissers!
25 August 2006
Tideland tells the story of a little girl caught up in a series of totally bizarre characters. the story begins with her mom dying of a heroin overdose and she and her dad head out to their grandma's old house to avoid any controversy. Jeliza-Rose isn't an ordinary girl, she has a wild imagination and her best friends include the heads of four of her dolls, each with its own personality. her favorite being Mystique, the troublesome one with a British accent. At the new house she meets her neighbors, Dell, a lady she believes is a ghost but is really just a twisted taxidermist, and her brother dickens who is a sweet guy but mentally challenged. her imagination gone wild and her dad totally gone on drug injections, Jeliza-Rose and and dickens fight to take down the monster shark and possibly find the end of the world! The first thing off the bat that people will be happy to know is that gilliam has not lost his style one bit. Dismissing the sub-par Brothers Grimm, this movie more than makes up for it bringing back his Fear And Loathing ups and downs of meotion while keeping a comedy aspect of it all. While admitting to never have used any illicit drugs, Gilliam sure has a pretty warped sense to create such wild characters and personalities.

This is deinfately the lead actress Jodelle Ferland's movie. not only does she act in it but she voices for all four of her dolls. at first you see her doing the voices but as it transitions, they end up just speaking on their own. You'll definitely fall in love with her after seeing this film. Jeff Bridges is very funny, almost revising his "The Dude" role from the Big Lebowski. the other characters perform their roles well too and are sometimes maybe TOO scary for some audiences. The movie contains what might be considered mild pedophilia so some audiences might be cautioned of this beforehand.

The musical score is very nice. While seeming to be a tim burton movie at some parts, the music score is very whimsical despite its dark humor and very strange characters. no matter how bad things gt in the movie whether it be death, drugs, murder or whatever, it keeps a lighthearted sense about it with the music.

This movie was released over a year ago outside of the united states and its a shame as the movie is definitely one of Gillliam's finest. It didn't stop once and kept a very funny and happy pace even with its dark humor. Any fan of his movies will love it. People new to his style might be turned off by some parts but its aim for a more mature audience anyway.
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Snakes on a Train (2006 Video)
23 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This train-wreck begins with Brujo and Alma crossing the Mexican border. Alma is suffering from some horrid curse that causes her to vomit garden snakes and Nickelodeon Gac every few minutes as well as clench her teeth and mutter nonsense. So Apparently Alma has this uncle in Los Angeles who knows of a cure for her. They hop aboard a train to get there and luckily a friend of theirs pays their way. Alma and Brujo stay in the luggage cart the whole movie since they can't afford upper class seats. Meanwhile in the higher class we see a bunch of nobodies on their way to LA for whatever reasons. A balding guy on a business trip, two girls, one of whom is carrying $5 grand and a wad of cocaine, three stoners, and some Mexicans. The Mexicans rough it up with Brujo and try to take his "weed" which apparently is a sedative for Alma's snakes slithering inside her. They realize that the snakes don't attack, they Enter Your Body Through Your Veins! Very twisted and B-Movie. Brujo saves the guy by ripping out his heart (Temple Of Doom style) and procuring the snake. For some reason he cannot have the snakes harmed or it'll hurt Alma. While this is going on a narcotics expert tries to bust one of the girls and gets a little action (topless) in exchange for not telling about her shipment of drugs. A mystery guy shows up and has a gunfight with him. As a grand finale Alma turns into a vampire, bites her man and then becomes a giant pathetic excuse for a CG snake the size of the train, eats the train and is blasted into a nuclear bomb hurricane whirlwind and disappears. Everyone then heads to LA on foot.

The credits actually say at the end "Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental, and very weird. We suggest moving and/or taking a plane". Odd since a line in the movie from the bald guy is "Yeah, I HATE planes!" The credits go on to say "No snakes were hurt during the production of this screenplay. Only a small child but it's cool." There actually were a LOT of real snakes used in the movie, and all of them very tame. There is actually no scene of CG snakes attacking anyone unless you count the large one, but then it just eats the train and the other fake snake is just the head and it looks like a muppet. The snakes don't really attack anything, they're just...there. One crawls out of toilet paper actually!

the movie isn't funny, isn't scary (as there's no real snake attack), and is just a 'quickie cash-in' which is when a low-budget movie company hears about a big budget Hollywood release, then they rush to put out a similar film, or even a parodic version, for release just prior to, or simultaneously with, the big name flick. The effect of this being that many people will either confuse one for the other, and go see the quickie rather than the 'biggie' or, they will want to see both, for whatever reason... like myself. Avoid at all costs.
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Hak yae (2006)
We'll be together, even until death
2 July 2006
Black Night is a compilation of three scary stories and are all filmed in different parts of Asia. The first story "Next Door" (filmed in Hong Kong) is definitely the scariest of the three. It involves a (very attractive Thaiwanese) girl returning to her cheating boyfriend only to find there's another (Chinese) girl in the picture. The other girl not only wants her out of their lives but now wants both of them dead. Its very creepy and the camera-work is definitely topnotch, as you get some of the strangest angles of how the girl sneaks up on them. This chapter not only had a good story but a really scary ghost and was the most violent of the three.

The second story "Dark Hole" (filmed in Japan) involves a relatively simple lady who keeps seeing ghosts of dead people coming after her. She apparently has forgotten her past memory of having found an imaginary creature as a kid. The creature is brought back to her under hypnosis by the therapist who is trying to help her find out why she is seeing these things. The creature's desire to kill those who cross her turns deadly as she realizes that maybe SHE is the one with double-personality and it might not exist at all.

The third story "Lost Memory" (filmed in Thailand) is more story driven about a wife/mother who recently lost some of her more important memories in a car crash. Some of them are cloudy and vague while others she may have completely invented herself. Shes uncertain which people in her lives are still here or may be dead, but there's a side plot of child kidnappers on the news so maybe she is a victim of that. It gets fairly confusing as you don't learn the truth until the end of this one so its less scary than confusing.

All three are very dark and while some are more scary than psychologically disturbing, its overall a good experience in Asian horror.
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EGG. (2005)
The Egg In Her Eyes
15 February 2006
Very weird artsy horror movie directed by Yukihiko Tsutsumi.

The movie centers around this woman. Nothing special about her but the fact that she one day "starts" seeing an buoyant egg in the middle of her vision when she closes her eyes. She tries to understand why and how it's there. In the beginning of the film you'll see great-great-grandmother lady together with a small kid. She calls herself a Krussian because she's of mixed Korean and Russian heritage. She speaks is a kind of Russian dialect spoken by Krussians. The old lady kills the kid who's quietly doodling on a paper. It's all somehow related to the egg she's seeing.
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Yasuwa minyeo (2005)
Hae-joo The Beauty & Dong-gun, The Beast
13 January 2006
This was a kind of movie that leaves you ending up with a sorta goofy dumbstruck grin at the end. Its like a lot of other Korean romance dramas, with an old tale of ugly meets beautiful.

The story follows Dong-gun who is the world to a blind girl Hae-joo. He shows her amazing things, takes her to all of these places and loves her very much. What she doesn't see is that Dong-gun isn't the most attractive of men. This is where things take a twist. Hae-joo is about to get her sight back and now Dong-gun is faced with the dilemma of what her reaction is going to be. Instead of facing up to it he plays off like he's Dong-guns secretary and Dong-gun has taken a 2 week trip to Hawaii. To toss things up more, Hae-joo runs into Jun-Ha, and handsome old buddy of Dong-gun's who has the looks shes dreamed of but a completely opposite personality. Now Dong-gun is forced to deal with him, and a gang leader out to get Jun-Ha for arresting his gang! The movie was quite bittersweet and cute for the most part. Like a few other dramas, there's some really low points, but ultimately it a very cute story with interesting characters. The music is also very nice for all of the parts, especially when Jun-Ha sings! A good date movie or one for a bit more laughter than other dramas and a very cute girl as the lead role.
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Baby, Stars Shine Bright
11 January 2006
A Very cute story of two 17 yr olds, both which are completely different from one another, joined by a strange chain of events. The main girl Momoko is comparable to Lizzie McGuire. Cutesy, delicate, and lives like shes a princess in the 1700s. Her father made a living selling generic clothes with multiple expensive name brand labels and winds up getting caught and kicked out to the country with her grandmother. The second girl, comparable to Avril Laviene, a dirtied-up biker gang member finds out about her clothes and even though she cant stand her style, ridicules her, and even head-butts Momoko around, shes helplessly drawn to this little girl. Together they're on a hunt to find an ex-gang member who can sew Ichigos perfect uniform for her gang member's wedding.

I loved the movie's fast pace! It was very reminiscent to that of Japanese movie Survive Style 5 and kind of resemblant to Run Lola Run. There's a few segments that are drawn anime style to show past events even quicker and more violent. Its very funny how fast paced the movie runs sometimes but there's slow moments as well that tell the story. The entire movie plays out like a perfectly drawn girls manga, with insanely exaggerated characters, even more crazy outfits, and one male character in particular, 5 foot greaser haircut! Its well worth watching for any anime/manga fan! The music composed by Yoko Kanno fits very well into this movie and has fast and slow paced music for all of the scenes.

Its a girl flick at heart but definitely one to see if you're into anime and manga. Very nice surprise ending as well!
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Demonlover (2002)
We Have The Possibility To Kill Here, I Say Let's Do It
23 October 2005
Summary: two large adult animation companies are competing to see who can be the more powerful of the market. in these companies are french American and Japanese business people who will go to any lengths to sabotage and win over the other. Diane, working with Demonlover and creating a joint with TokyoAnime, is in between teams, beginning the film by drugging the previous project lead manager on the plane trip from Tokyo and then following up by working with the rival company MangaTronics. Along with her is her partner Hervé who seems to have a team of his own. To make things more complicated, it seems another girl Elise seems to know about the incident on the plane. What Diane discovers about the underground adult website market leads her into murder, deception, and even extreme torture. Its a very incense movie and features some twists and turns that will eventually lead to discovering the truth behind what really goes on in the underground scene.

Story: 8/10 Sometimes a bit hard to follow. From the very start there's double-crossing and lies from both ends of the corporations. The movie never stops though and keeps you on your toes as to who is working for who and what motivates them. Its sexual themes are given just the right amount of screen time being the theme of the movie but off and on there's some sexual parts. It almost seems like two different stories as once the Hell Fire Club site is discovered a lot of the story focuses on Diane finding out more and who runs that.

Acting: 8/10 All of the characters did very well. It was almost hard to see Connie Nielsen in such a role, seeing as she isn't usually the one doing all of the dangerous stuff. Chloë Sevigny did very well in her role and while she came off as the little secretary girl she grew to be completely twisted and dangerous as the main lead. Gina Gearshon had her moments but she played the typical American girl right.

Sound Mix: 7/10 There's a few scenes in Rave clubs in Japan as well as different areas and luxurious hotels in France. There were a few intense scenes where the music kept its pace but nothing too drastic.

Camera-work / Lighting: 9/10: The movie took place in a Lot of areas. All of the scenes of Japan were shot in dark brightly lit areas, mainly clubs and all kinds of other spotlight areas. There are many times that certain particular attention is drawn to objects (the water Diane drugs for instance) that it cleverly focuses on. Its nicely shot and gives everything in this film a real dark moody tone clashing perfectly with the underground adult industry.

Editing: 7/10 The focus remains on Diane the entire time but we do get a glimpse of what the other characters are up to. Just enough so that we can follow it without losing the excitement and mystery of whats going on. The focus could have been better since things change halfway through the movie into a side plot of the Hell Fire Club website.

Uniqueness: 8/10 For adult anime fans, yes it has that attraction to see what could possibly be going on behind the curtains of the industry. Also for anyone looking for something dark and mysterious, it would be good too. Fans of 8MM will notice certain scenes bare a resemblance as Diane is new to all of the things going on around her and whether she wants to or not, she gets involved in many ways.

Worth: 8/10 It is interesting enough to hunt down and see. Coming across this wont be too easy as its a French film with spoken languages of Japanese English and French. Perhaps if a DVD is released internationally then it would be a promising movie to see if you're looking for an intense Drama Thriller. Fans of 8MM looking for more should see this as well.

Overall Score (Not an average): 8.0 It isn't anything groundbreaking and there isn't anything new with twists and subplots that develop to other subplots but the movie would be good for something different as its French and takes place in many settings. The acting is very good and does have enough twists to stay interested. The story branching off might throw some people off but by that time they're used to the characters and should be interested enough to sit through the rest. It can be fairly violent at times so some squeamish people might want to think twice.

Reviewer's Insight: Though finding information on this film wasn't easy, the main plot focusing on Adult Anime got me interested. Hearing Chloë Sevigny played a bad guy got me instantly hooked. It surprised me to hear both her and Connie Nielsen, and heck, even Gina Gearson for a line or two, speak French. Thankfully it didn't deter from the story at all and I followed it all the way. There was only one real sex scene but that didn't change my opinion of the story at all. I loved the many shots of Tokyo and the fluentness of certain scenes where they'd speak English, French, and Japanese and not miss a word in the translation. Its a solid flick and should be seen by anyone who enjoyed the intensity of 8MM and other thriller dramas.
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Cheon gun (2005)
You're To Be A Great General
9 October 2005
Its not often you see a movie go from completely serious war film to sci fi time travel to comedy and then somehow manage to keep its war film story intact that you're anxious to see how it all ends.

the movie follows two sides: one army whose orders are to deliver a nuke and the other army determined to stop them and try to get the nuke away from them. As luck has it, a comet nears the earth and causes a time rift sending the two groups of soldiers back to 1572. The two sides are now in confusion as to where their nuke has gone to and how to return home.

While in years past they're robbed by what appears to be a common thief, but then they all realize the person is General Lee, a famous general who kept Korea from being invaded by japan. The war film now becomes a comedy, trying to find different ways for Lee to prepare for battle, and how modern weapons can somehow be carried over to ancient times. Meanwhile, the brilliant scientist might have found a way to travel home given the comet's time cycle is 433 years, but what about the Nuke, and who win wind up victorious in the oncoming battle against the barbarians that threaten the lives of them and General Lee? Its very gripping and leaves you wondering what the outcome will be.

The movie would have to be considered war comedy mostly, as the clash of different things in time is what most of the humor focuses on, but its not just that. Some moments like the big battles are very intense with bloody sword fights. The story is great, and while its got some serious moments, its easy to follow and anyone can enjoy it. Go to see this if you're looking for something different and new. Its an original and clever idea thats pulled off nicely.
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HooDoo Phycological Thriller
8 October 2005
While people are now getting used to a plethora of slasher/suspense horror movies coming out, this one comes as a breath of fresh air delivering a much more psychological thrill to audiences. The rating pg-13 might also dismay some people, but the story and twists in the movie make up for over violent gory scenes. The story follows hottie (Kate hudson) caroline from an uncaring hospice to finding a new caretaker job that is more rewarding and kind. A job comes up with a grand a week pay and is in a large house with plenty of space. The person shes caring for is an old man who's had a stroke who lives with his very judgmental wife. While the first few days are difficult to get into, caroline gets used to the job. However, the house or something beyond that is bothering her. A room in the attic that has never been opened, rumors of possible HooHoo spells, and the history of two slaves being hung and burn for casting such magic. Not only this but the old man shes caring for might not have a stroke at all, and is trying to tell her something she cant possibly understand. Its almost like several psychological thrillers at once! The sound is this has its moments too. There's a bunch of quick shrills when things creep up. The rushing sound of violent history when the back story of the house is explained by the old woman definitely hits the mark. The music isn't anything special, but some of the Hoo Doo records used when conjuring spells are very very creepy. The movie doesn't have that many main characters, but this is good since its focus on the main ones definitely gets into detail. Carolie's character is incredibly attractive in this movie. The semi-nude shower scene was intense and shots of her sleeping in panties are hot too. Following her as a main lead was definitely an experience as you almost feel as scared as she does on most levels. The weasley lawyer gets under your skin as quite disturbing too, in his own down-south character. Of course the old lady Violet gives the biggest threat as nearly every scene she is in makes you wonder what she might do next. The movie isn't for people looking for a gory slasher flick or another crazy killer movie. Its a psychological thriller, and delivers a unsettling eeriness about it that most horror films have almost forgotten. Its definitely got a slow pace but once the story picks up its hard to stop watching it. Follow it to the end and my goodness the twist is something nobody could ever expect.
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Showgirls (1995)
We Do What We Do In Vegas: We Gamble!
9 July 2005
All scores are out of a possible 10:

Story: 6- Nomi came from a pretty rough background of drugs, sex, and hooking but now she wants to be a top Vegas dancer. There's been lots of movies with the "be rich in Vegas" shindig and this one isn't too different. you've got your stereotypical Big Shot money guys here and all kinds of sleezebags, but there's also a few warm-hearted people in Vegas who will take you in and help you get on your feet. Shes tossed around from a strip club to the Stardust theater by the lead star who has an almost obsessive attraction to her, regardless that Nomi hates her.

Acting: 5- James, Nomi's victim of chance bad luck throughout the movie was really fake and unrealistic. Almost everything that came out of his mouth seemed like he was reading a script. Crystal also had a way with words and seemed like she had nothing better to do in the movie but to be evil. Nomi was well.... exactly like her character in SavedByTheBell! Very very stubborn and always got her way. She and the rest of the girls all had amazing dance skills but acted like everything that happened to them threw them into an anger fit.

Music: 6- Maybe this movie should have been a musical, or at least had some musical numbers in it. There were quite a few showgirl performances but they only show about 2 mins of it at most. Still the Vegas shows in the movie were very powerful and cool.

Costumes: 8- Nomi goes through over 20 different wardrobe changes in this movie. Gstrings, Leather, glittering bikini, and plenty of other stripper outfits. They're all really nice looking and even when she bares all, her look is very beautiful. Cristal, being the lead star of the performance also has some great outfits, most of which heighten her character's evilness.

Camera-work / Lighting: 8- Vegas has always been a great place for amazing lighting and camera effects and this movie was no stranger. The sets were nicely lit and the scenes showing the landscaping of Vegas were very nice. There's a shot of her by her car staring at the Flamingo's swirling pink flashing lights and another in front of the Pyramid & Sphinx of the Luxor. Even James' shack of a house had nice camera work for the dances.

Editing: 7- Kind of a jumble at times but its a pretty straightforward storyline. Some characters don't go into detail as much with who they are and why they're trying to get back at Nomi but the majority of back story is explained. It could have used more side stories of other characters in the movie other than Nomi to explain how they got where they are.

Uniqueness: 4- Its a Vegas movie, but hell... its also a story of a tough girl working her way to the top. Its been done before yeah, but this movie has made a reputation of itself. While its not anything new to Vegas movies, it has its hokeyness that will bring audiences to see how things end up.

Worth: 6- a big BIG reason most people watched this (myself included) would to see our favorite bookworm Saved By The Bell girl get down and nasty and yes, you get to see her in full nude. The rape scene in the NC-17 version isn't anything too racy and the sex scene with Zack was all underwater so there wasn't anything to see there anyway. Aside from that its got plenty of T & A for people who just want some stripper action.

Overall Score (Not an average): 7- People aren't going to watch this to see a deep involving story of a girl who grows to be a sweetheart after making it to the top. They want to see Jessie Spano, thats what they'll get. Her character is definitely way beyond overacting and everyone around her is scheming and evil but hey, thats what Vegas is like right? Its still worth a watch with friends to laugh at some of the corny lines but its not a BAD movie, it just falls in some obscure adult audience category that few people care to see.

Reviewer's Insight (Including bias): So Okay, I got the movie for Elizabeth Berkley, knowing full well that there would be some really dumb plot and characters but what else do people see when they hear about Showgirls? Jessie Spano nude, thats right! I had seen clips of the censored VH-1 version and oh man, it must have taken some major time to not only cut out a LOT of scenes but to censor cussing and, get this, Literally PAINT black bikinis on all of the nudity. Its a lot of work that was regarded as one of the worst films of all time. I can assure you its really not that bad of a film. I, myself even had a chuckle or two at some of the lines, but that doesn't make it a bad film. The women are all pretty hot, and while every character overacts their part, it still keeps a decent story through it. Some amazing shots of Vegas are also in this film , and being to Vegas myself its fun to be able to point out and recognize some of the great places there. The movie is worth a watch, if anything to see plenty of topless dancing and Elizabeth Berkley bare all.
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7 April 2005
An underground country, each level of its underground home is another set of strange people. From the casual crowd, to families and civilians, to scientists, and military. However there are also floors you don't want the elevator to stop at. What could happen if the elevator were to stop on a psychotic prisoners level, sending them to be disposed of is what we get to see and how things can go completely bizarre when you involve telepathic powers, violence, rape, and gore all into one enclosed elevator.

All scores are out of a possible 10: Story: 8 - There's several stories twisted into one. The main girl Luchino has a twisted past with her father but has telepathy powers and the ability to see into peoples soul. The prisoners background is freakish and very violent. Even the mild mannered people in the elevator have strange background stories that while all we get is a glimpse, its very cool and explains why they act the way they do.

Acting: 8 - Acting is superb. The two prisoners are especially insane! When he's not crawling around licking everything he's yelling all kinds of freaky stuff at people. The other prisoner is calm and collected but oh MAN, he's speaking -backwards!- its really twisted how this sounds on screen. Everyone else goes just insane enough to be believable if not over the top but hell, when you see deaths like they do how can you not lose your mind!

Characters / Fashion: 10 - The outfits in the movie stand out a lot! Elevator lady especially with her uniform thats sexy yet professional looking. The military in their Nazi-esquire getup. Even the prisoners have their own unique creepy style sense.

Music: 8 - The classical music thrown in fits right in, especially how its used. Much like Battle Royale and other Japanese horror films, there's something eerie about how the classical music can be used at the most disturbing scenes. There's also Noize and Drum & Bass riffs that fit in well too during some of the more gruesome scenes.

Sound Mix: 8 - Sound is mixed almost TOO well, its kinda disturbing how the people who made this could actually come up with a "sound" for splitting people's throats in half, or bashing someones face in. Elevator sounds too go really well and amplify the scenes enough that you almost get claustrophobic yourself.

Camera-work / Lighting: 9 - VERY good. The elevator is all you ever see but the lighting effects are very freaky. All of the speed-ups, the slow downs, heck.. even bullet-time is incorporated in this film! During the scenes with telepathy, they edit-cut the dialog between two characters and throw in the film burn effect so it gives you the twisty psychic feeling. Its very cool and should be used in more films the way this used it.

Uniqueness: 8 - Maybe its because I've seen a lot of Japanese horror/thriller but this one wasn't about one crazy guy trying to kill everyone, or a group of school kids killing each other. This is a twisted, different world with no rules, and nothing leading you into guessing what could happen next. The movie's setting isn't explained but by the end you should figure out how it works.

Worth: 7 - For fans of Japanese horror/thriller its definitely one to see. Ichi The Killer, Old Boy, Izo fans would like this but quite possibly fans of violent anime as the characters in this definitely take some influence from the movies.

Overall Score (Not an average): 8 - Previews of this movie definitely got me interested and its been a good while since something totally new and different came along. I'm a big fan of the Silent Hill series of games and this was right about the same category as it. The movie never let up at all, and the fast-forward effects and telepathy scenes really got me interested. Watch with a group of friends and definitely spread the word to get an official release of this in America as more people should see this twisted film!
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Closer (I) (2004)
I'm Just Not Big Enough To Forgive You... Buster.
11 March 2005
having watched this movie in two separate sittings, it can easily be called a two-parter film. an emotional roller-coaster from boy meets girl with dreams love movie to twisted scheming adultery sex fest. Its definitely something new quite a new turn for some of the actors in the movie like Natalie Portman

The characters, while only four each perform vividly in their roles. Natalie (Alice) plays an aspiring American stripper who meets Jude Law (Dan) on her tour around London. Dan plays is a writer who uses Alice as inspiration to his book. the book is then read by Julia Roberts (Anna) who also falls in love with him. The final character Clive Owen (Larry), a perverted doctor, is thrown in by Dan on an anonymous fake internet date, setup by Dan in attempt to get back at Anna for not wanting an affair with him. Seems like your typical love story romance right? the one where it all works out in end and everyone finds the right person. Exactly huh? Not quite, as we find out. There's more to the picture than the character lead on to be.

not unlike Larry in the movie, my original intention in seeing this movie was as the previews showed, Natalie Portman As A Stripper! Can't miss seeing Star Wars's Queen Amadala in the buff, of course. When friends told me about this, their reaction was nothing like i had suspected. One of my friends said she nearly wanted to kill herself, another said she would never again watch it, that it was extremely difficult to watch. Had they seen the first half and walked out for some reason they'd go home with the warm happy feeling that all things will turn out and we'll get the cinema romance we paid to watch. Don't get me wrong, it is definitely worth seeing but the twists midway through this movie make this stand out as very Very different from a lot of other movies.

Its controversial, daring, and very different from a lot of other romance movies ever made. Cruel Intentions also has similar characters but none well-defined as the ones in Closer. The movie is definitely for adults and it worth seeing as a date movie. Very different, but also very good.
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Shutter (II) (2004)
You Cannot Escape Your Past
2 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
with a slew of Japanese horror films being released its a surprise to see one as good as Shutter comes not from Japan but Thailand.

Shutter focuses on Tun. A recent high school graduate who has a keen interest in photography. While driving late one night with his girlfriend Jane something or someone in the dark causes them to swerve off-road. whoever they hit, if they lived through it, if they didn't they're unsure. They flee the scene but nothing is the same anymore. Nightmares happen for both Tun and Jane as well as strange occurrences in Tuns photographs. Some of Tuns close friends are told to have mysteriously killed themselves. As they go to find out what could have caused this haunting spirit, they find out a lot more about their forgotten past. The car accident wasn't the only mistake that could have caused the series of events, the truth is much worse.

In comparison to other recent horror movies like JuOn and Ringu its easy to say the film was highly influenced. Its also notable to point out certain scenes (hair effects seen in JuOn, crawling ghouls as in Ringu) borrow from them as well. Had Shutter been released before them it would be visa versa of course but giving credit to Shutter, it could be said it can stand on its own as a really good horror movie. Most of the scare effect are things not seen in any movies and will really get a jump reaction. The storyline also has some really good twists that just make the movie even more creepier.

Acting is also done really well in this movie. Admittingly there aren't many Thaiwanese films that have got a lot of attention but its as good if not better than any other horror movie. It actually stays as a serious horror and doesn't go into the cornball "scary movie" genre (save for a single scene) which is rare. Special effects are kept low in this but there really isn't a need for overdone scariness anyway.

Sound by far was one of the best things in Shutter. The extremely loud -Shriek!- or a bang and clatter here and there really adds to the shock effect. Lighting and overall pacing of the film is also constant. There's not a moment to rest, it kept coming with small unexpected moments. There can't be much said for music as there isn't much but it has its few melodic moods to set the tone.

Shutter deserves more attention. Perhaps a US re-release such as Grudge and The Ring with a few more scare moments. It really does well as its own horror movie in Thailand and should definitely not be missed by fans of Japanese Horror and horror in general. It will scare you and leave you scared of the dark nights after. Shutter should not be missed by anyone wanting a really good scare.
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2 January 2005
Gday Mates! just watched Croc Hunter the movie. it was alright but the show seems more real. this just seemed like a longer AnimalPlanet episode with funnier lines and more characters. A few things: Steve described snakes Fangs like hypodermic needles. yeeeowch! for reals you know that hurts. and cant they jump up high? hes all grabbin them by the tail and stuff. There was two MAJOR cleavage shots in this movie. when Terry find that baby joey she goes like "We have to nurture them, just like a baby". Woah! i thought she was gonna up & breast feed that kid. that woulda made it PG-13 though. While on Terry, did anyone notice on the movie and a lot of the show Terry's knowledge on ritual mating. she knows her sex stuffs. movie takes place in Queensland, Austrailia. I want a koala, dingo, and joey!

Steve's dog Sui actually has a purpose in this movie. albeit a small one which proves useless against the dynamite-wielding hottie.

Oh and if anyone else watches this, try and agree with me in saying that country bumpkin fat lady with the herd of dogs was RIGHT in shotgunning the croc. he was eating her sheep!! i would be mad too!
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They (2002)
Night Terrors
2 January 2005
liked it. eh not because it had more kissy kissy than it did killy killy, but i dunno. it was pretty decent. a few quick humor jokes but nothing hilarious. In light of recent horror movies, this would be the perfect medium between GhostShip & TheRing.

Story is about Julia (who looks similar Aya on ParasiteEve), who's friend commits suicide right in front of her at a diner. he was having NightTerrors and strange illusions and a Severe Paranoia about the dark and things out to get him. She talks to his college friends at the funeral about this and they knew what he went through as well as experiencing the same things as him. But then things get odd. the night after, Julia wakes up to sounds in her bathroom, then noticed a dark black slime from the medicine door, then out of nowhere a CREATURE SEES HER and attacks, but after the lights come back in....its her boyfriends trying to protect her (boyfriend is military boy from Buffy... i think?). the same similar event ended up happening to the two friends she met at her friend's funeral. things get spooky, y'all. The city begins getting power outages everywhere. There is no light to run to now. I remember talking to a friend before about mysterious things coming out of the woods on dark roads. i mean picture its late out. Two Lane Road. you're driving home. there's a dense fog. its been clear of any traffic for nearly 5 miles with no sounds but crickets coming from the dark. but then A SHADOW! A BIG BLACK DARK SHADOW WITH NO SIZE, SHAPE AND/OR FORM APPEARS... and you're gone. and there's no trace of you. You're missing. gone, no sign. It could happen and it could YOU!

Stock up on the flashlights for this one kids. Its creeptacular. But if you're looking for a bloody violent sorta bad guy upstairs, look somewhere else. this encases more of thrill and tension than cheap murder hits. I need to mention i really liked the camera-work in this movie too. the shots of the rainy city streets. the way something is "watching" it looked really clean. also, how just about everywhere in the movie seemed to resemble a warehouse, or have the effect of being a big metal layout. reminded me of the dark world in SilentHill.

Anywho, there's my review. watch it, but yeah don't expect the gore you get from Wes on a normal basis.
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Kangaroo Jack (2003)
I Am Bolaman
2 January 2005
Dorky movie starring Jerry O'Connell as Charlie, and his big dumb buddy Lewis who he owes his life to for saving it as a kid. Christopher Walken plays Sal,(Surprise!!!) the evil bad guy mobster step dad in the movie and because he almost gets his underground artifact dealing business trade ruined by Lewis' blunderings, he sends Charlie and him off to Australia to do some money trading. On the way there, they wack Jacky Legs while singing "Land Down Under" like a stereotypical American touring Australia would. (G'day Mate!). Lewis puts his "Lucky Jacket" on the -dead- roo and oddly the money they were supposed to deliver is in the pocket. Kangaroo gets up bounces off and they're off on a chase to get everything back. At the local pub they meet HOTTIE Estella Warren, who plays Jessi. The outrageously hot wildlife babe who just so happens to be visiting Autralia to mate near-extinct Bilbys. she also happens to have a powerful tranquilizer used for capping roos and they hire a pilot to go hunt him down. Meanwhile the big evil overlord Sal wants them killed for not delivering the money on time, as well as the bloke who didn't get his $50,000 American dollars (cause thats like uhh... a million in AussieWorld). So its a kid's movie. But rated PG cause of suggestive language and/or violence. whee. its a kids movie through and through. Thankfully the kangaroo does NOT talk like seen in the previews, but unfortunately it does feature a 30second little "Look at me! I'm A CG Kangaroo" encore sequence.
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Halloween: The Homecoming
2 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
GOD! why can't anybody make a good scary movie? if anything a decent sequel to a bad revived sequel of a long-dead (pun?) movie series. Halloween Resurretion... my version was named Halloween: The Homecoming, or as i will call it Halloween: Featuring Busta Rhymes! haha the movie borrows no-names and hardly stars from several things: *The nerd on all those Disney films (he's got the babyface look. i think he was on like Smart House and some other Disney things) *American pie kid (no not the cool one Stiffler, the guy who did it with the pie, the guy doing stiffler's mom or the slick one... the OTHER guy) *Tyra Banks (who cannot act to save her life....literally as this movie shows) *Busta Rhymes (WHOO HAH!)

as some of you know i played the Reaper in "Scream Louder". a totally independent film made locally by the film crew at Sandalwood High and produced by Robert Lasowski. it was pretty bad really but sadly, very very sadly, this movie actually Borrowed a scene from it! explained simply: Make a sexually suggestive comment, get the middle finger. HAW! there was a tit bit of nippledge but nothing to write home about. the girl was so obviously trying to look Drew Barrymoreish. Memoriable quotes? Busta Rhymes had some: You hit like I murdered your f*ckin mother or somethin' and How do I FEEL right now? Feel this!

and thats ALL! Busta Rhymes would be the only reason to see this. mainly because of the Kung Fu moves he busts on Michael Myers near the end. he saved this film from being say... Troll 2 level of stupidity, bad ideas, and film-making. I'm sick to my stomach from watching this film and not because of the #7 Chicken Value meal i ordered from Burger King. because this movie completely BLOOOOOOWS!!! ugh! why?!
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S Diary (2004)
Memories That Are Nothing Yet Mean Everything
2 January 2005
A cute Korean story about a girl Jini and her memories of first loves. Her mom gave her a diary at coming of age and in the movie she goes through her past boyfriends and reflects on how they've given her memories.

Her first love is Goo-hyeon, a choir boy who reads poetry to her. Her second love Jeong-seok, a wild automobile lover who wants to be a cop. Finally Yoo-in, a carefree graffiti artist with a dog Longish. She has fallen in and out of love with all of them and reflects on the memories that they shared.

The turning point in the movie would be when her conscience (made possible by some pretty funny looking CG creatures) advises her to try and get revenge on her loves until they've learned a lesson. Suddenly the movie takes a turn from cute romance love story to funny petty revenge. Its all in good fun though as most of the tactics she has are harmless and just cute.

The music in the movie was for the most part pretty simple piano, but there's a few touching songs in it. Its definitely a date movie or something to watch with a loved one. The adult humor in this movie is just mild PG-13 with no nudity but slightly suggestive themes, such as bedsprings bouncing or a CG wolf crying out.

The movie has a nice story and definitely should be seen on a date or with a significant other. Its a little sad, a little funny, and quite romantic. Definitely find a place to pick this up, its worth a watch.
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Phone Booth (2002)
Ring Ring Ring Bananaphone
2 January 2005
Story: 8/10 Very good. Also very simple. A sniper calls a phone booth he watched and stalked for quite awhile so he knows what he's doing. This isn't your typical "Whats your favorite scary movie" type killer/caller. He loves to mind f*ck the guy too, which is just eerie! The victim, Stu also has his own mess of troubles and turns out being a lot less than he shows off to be.

Acting: 9/10 Strong! At first Stu could give a crap about everything but ends up going near insane with anger and confusion and most of all fear of getting himself and everyone else killed by the sniper/stalker. The police chief also does very well in playing out the concerned role. I guess Stus girlfriend(s) would kind of count off on this.

Sound Mix: 8/10 Sniper loads his rifle "KA- CHUNK!!!", heart beat "Thump thump thump".... its very gripping. you'll jump when he actually shoots something. you wont expect it at all.

Camera-work / Lighting: 10/10 As measly as it sounds, there's only one REAL location; the phone booth. but oh so many angles and shots you can have on it. All of the camera-work was brilliant in this. Itll cause fear because you're not sure where in New York he could be hiding. Anywhere, and the camera swerves to show the excitement. During all of the intense scenes, the camera almost works like something on Cops with swerving and uneasiness all over the place. It really sets the mood.

Editing: 8/10 Great. Going back from the plans the police force has to find out what the hell is going on with the phone call, to Stuwart stuck in the booth with no way of hanging up without getting shot, to the killer's sight scope dancing around with the red pointer laser aimed at people's heads.

Uniqueness: 8/10 If anything Scream had a similar concept with phone stalker/killers but this really intensifies it. Being able to mind f*ck a guy into confessing everything he's done wrong in his life to save the lives of his loved ones; or watch them die... you don't see that very much.

Worth: 9/10 Watch this! Its definitely a movie that'll keep you on the edge of your seat, trying to figure a way he can escape the sniper and the police and make it out alive with his balls intact. The movie is a bit short tho.

Synopsis: A slick weasely New York publicist Stu gets a call in a phone booth (after he calls his cheating new girlfriend) is told that if he hangs up, he'll be killed... and the little red light from a laser rifle sight is proof that the caller isn't kidding. Any attempt he makes to outsmart the sniper ends up getting other people in the mix. Not even the police can help him.

Overall Score (Not an average): 9.0 The movie definitely has a lot of grip to it. Something you'll be afraid to take a bathroom break through if you're at the theater because you might miss another sniping or chance/attempt for the guy to escape the booth.

Reviewer's Insight: Get your Jujubees and Popcorn before the movie! missing one minute of this hour, 45 min movie could mean the end of somebody! The voice of the sniper is definitely much more freakier than the Reaper on Scream and boy does he know how to mess with this guy's mind. Heh, he makes him ask the police chief if he jerks off. That or sniper guy blows his head off. Wow!
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3, 2, 1, Go!!!
2 January 2005
A wide variety of race competitors participate in a wild and illegal cross-country car race, one of the best of the all-star comedy chase movies. The drive they make is 3000 miles going from New Jersey to California and the cops are waiting to bust the "Cannonballers" at every turn. Let The Race Begin! All scores are out of a possible 10: Story: 6 - Its several stories with no real background, but very fun concept of everyone meeting up.

Acting: 5 - Everyone is way over confident, yet slick and cool about why they're here for the race. Some shining moments have to be Roger Moore playing his James Bond part perfectly, regardless that its a totally different movie.

Music: 3 - Nothing real catchy, but there is a funny Japanese jingle whenever Jackie Chan's scenes come up.

Sound Mix: 3- Also not too impressive. The crazy doctor appearing gives a quick pipe organ sound whenever he appears, and all of the cars are revving with speed in it.

Camera-work / Lighting: 5 - Chase scenes get pretty intense though you can predict what will happen. Some good aerial shots showing how close the cars get and long jumps over obstacles take place.

Editing: 6 - Pretty easy to follow along with each character's scenario, but again there's a LOT of main characters so it gets a bit confusing on who's winning the race.

Uniqueness: 7 - Rat Race, Cannonball Run 2, and others... this WAS the original so it was fine at its time. Now its just overdone.

Worth: 7 - Definitely worth watching. its an all time classic. its just two decades old.

Overall Score (Not an average): 7 - Worth watching. The sheer amount of 70's/ Early 80's stars makes it likable for anyone really. Its got a lot of quick funny bits and who doesn't love Burt Reynolds?! Reviewer's Insight (Including bias): This event actually takes place in Europe! I really liked the way that every actor meets up with one another and everyone gets involved. Jackie Chan has a decent role in here too, with Fight Scene!
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Change one thing. Change everything
2 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Evan has always suffered from something that causes him to "blackout" during times of extreme crisis. All through his childhood he would blank out right before something drastic happens and not remember anything that happened. Now in college, he reads through a journal he used to write as a kid to notice that all of a sudden these harmful memories are coming back to him. When he goes to ask his childhood sweetheart about it she doesn't want to talk about it. He finds out however, that he can actually tap into his past and change what happened in these events. Unfortunately, every time he changes the past, even in the slightest way the future is also effected.

All scores are out of a possible 10:

Story: 9 - VERY interesting story on psychology and how the mind sometimes blanks out events. Also playing on the theory of Butterfly Effect which is explained in the very beginning of the movie "If a butterfly flaps its wings on one side of the world, the ripple effect could cause a tempest on the other"

Acting: 8 - The lead girl in this movie did a great job. Since she was the result of many of the alternate realities, she had to go though as a crack whore, a sorority princess, a broken waitress and other things. Kutcher seemed to do what he does best... playing a crazy college kid. He's not as comedic in this role, but adds his charm in for fun. This isn't a comedy but its got its moments.

Music: 8 - A few good scores. On the more peaceful moments it sounds real well.

Sound Mix: 8 - Freaking scary! There are parts that really jump out at you. Since one of the dramatic events in the main character's life was dynamite going off, the sounds of him blacking out goes off like the dynamite exploding. I'll admit, i even jumped a few times.

Camera-work / Lighting: 7 - It suited the scenes real well. In some of the fight scenes it gets pretty wavy for effect that does real well and makes it more intense.

Editing: 9 - This must have been one of the hardest things in this movie. Since it involves alternate realities as well as time, a lot of thought must have gone into making all world seem to make sense. Since changing the reality effects where the main character is when he wakes up in the present, all of his "missed" memories flood back into him. They did really well with keeping the continuity up to par.

Uniqueness: 8 - Its not horror. It is scary most of the time, but its also a romance for the most part since his largest goal is making his girlfriend happy while keeping everything else in the world tame. It doesn't go into the sci-fi time travel stuff either which is good since its more of a mental thing than flux capacitors and DeLoreans.

Worth: 8 - Worth seeing. Even if you aren't a fan of Punk'd or Dude Where's My.. you'll enjoy seeing Kutcher in this role. The story is very gripping and almost makes you review how things could have changed in your life had some different events altered it.

Overall Score (Not an average): 8 - Really good movie. The sound is powerful, there's a good romance about this which should be cute for the tearjerkers who want something new. The acting is really good for the most part and the shock of some of the scenes will definitely grab people.

Reviewer's Insight (Including bias): Time travel has always been an interest for me. BackToTheFuture, my favorite book "Replay" by Ken Grimwood and some others. This movie isn't ALL about time travel. Its what small events in life end up resulting to, whether it be the biggest event in your life or a small one. Changing reality isn't truly the answer to happiness. As they say in the movie, You Can't Play God. Time will catch up to you no matter what you do to change it. "Change one thing. Change everything" as the movie's caption says and it definitely shows in every alternate reality he tries to effect.
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2 January 2005
The Passion of The Christ focuses on the last twelve hours of Jesus of Nazareth's life. It begins where Jesus has gone to pray after sitting the Last Supper. He is then arrested and taken within the city walls where leaders of the confront him with accusations of blasphemy and his trial results in a violent beating and then to crucifixion. For further plot the Bible.

All scores are out of a possible 10:

Story: 8 - Great. Very well told with actual quotes and keeps completely true to the IL book. Even if you have no idea what The Bible is (living under a rock?) the story pieces things together so you get background story of who Jesus is and why the things happen to him.

Acting: 8 - The main actor who played Jesus did an outstanding job. He really really looked to be suffering. The sounds and expressions he made really get to you, right down there really. All other actors also did well, Pontius Pilate also had a really good role and acted great for his scene. The executioners were drunk with stupidity and wicked laughter so their part was fairly easy. The woman who played as Satan (Rosalinda Celentano) was also very eerie looking, and did well in her role, especially the shaved eyebrows!

Music: 7 - Nothing too great. Most times you would hear drum beats and flutes. Some chanting & moaning almost Enya-like music. Still, it fit the scenes well.

Sound Mix: 9 - Very very well done. All of the loud clashing really hits you. And the screaming of crowds is really loud too.

Camera-work / Lighting: 7 - There were lots of views from different angles of the mountain he is crucified on. The closeups really showed what pain he was in and the dark expressions on some of the evil people in the movie, Satan in particular. There were some quick shots that scared you a bit too.

Editing: 7- Overall time for the whole movie's time line is only from when Jesus is captured to when he dies, so its not the story of Christ, just the final moments, but during the movie there's a lot of scenes to explain parts of his past. Scenes of him as a carpenter, scenes of the last supper, and a few miracles he performed. It pieces this all together well but could have explained more.

Uniqueness: 7- There's been Bible movies before and other Jesus movies, but this one was dedicated to going into full detail about the actual crucifixion. It did well but still seemed to have parts missing to fill in some questions people have about Jesus' past.

Worth: 7- Worth watching at least once. Not a late night movie with friends or girlfriend, but more if you're in a real deep mood and want to see just how much Jesus suffered in his final moments. For the weak of heart, this can be passed up for another action movie.

Overall Score (Not an average): 8 - Its a well made movie. The subtitles for the Aramaic / Latin / Hebrew spoken dialogue was definitely a good idea to keep the setting extremely true to the real event as told by the Bible. The initial shock from the violent beatings in the movie will definitely surprise most people and children should definitely be warned before viewing this. For a broad audience its not that great of a movie as its mainly just the ending to the full story of Jesus. Religious followers might also be turned by the violence but fascinated by the accuracy of the movie in comparison to the Bible.

Reviewer's Insight (Including bias): First off, the previews before the movie were Agent Cody Banks 2 & Spiderman 2. Maybe i'm wrong but this movie was definitely cut out for adults, so why preview kid's movies? I had heard about this movie about a year ago when it was getting a lot of controversy over being released (and at that time it was simply "The Passion") and i totally see why. Even though my church pastor previewed the movie telling us "Everyone Should Go Watch This", i'd say it is more for dedicated people who already know the story of Jesus and can actually stomach the intense violence in this. More nitpicking! The entire theater smelled like old grannies, mainly since the audience felt like a church because of all the old people watching. I thought there'd be a more varied audience than church goers. The lady next to me had the shaky-leg thing going too, especially during the intensely violent scenes. I liked how Jesus is pronounced "Yesh-wah" in Hebrew. It rolls off the tongue better
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Whats In The Box?
2 January 2005
Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy THE MOVIE is about dolls that come to life when the humans aren't around. In this adventure they must rescue a kidnapped french doll named Babette from the captain of pirates. On their way they journey though Deep Dark Woods, Taffy Pit, and even Looney Land. Will the aide of their new friend The Camel With Wrinkled Knees help them or just slow them down with his hallucinations of his friends leaving him? How will they escape the Kookoo king and his henchmen!? What will their owner Marcella say when she sees her 7th birthday present doll gone along with her other toys? Delightful surprises await the two adventurers.

All scores are out of a possible 10: Story: 8 - Very cute. Dolls that come to life when the master isn't around. Not just that because they go out into many many different places, but they are in an imaginary world so anything can happen. Meeting new characters, going to different places finding new friends, its great. The characters all work so well in this too and who doesn't love pirates?! Acting: 8 - Every character suits their voice so well. Specifically the Marlon Brando taffy pit enemy, The Greed. The french doll has a very uptight french accent, the evil Hitler-esquire king Kookoo (whos got hair that resembles Simpson's Sideshow Bob) plays his role very well, and the sorrow old black man voice for Camel works perfectly. Why is it that old dubbed animation was soo much better than new ones? Music: 10 - Nothing short of perfection here. The songs have been in my head for years, and re-watching it nearly 20 years later, i can still remember each and every one of them and will now be able to know exactly where these tunes come from. Joe Raposo of "Sesame Street" fame did an excellent job with the songs for this and everyone sings real well.

Editing: 6 - Heh, this is where it'll get confusing. I mean how far did the Raggedy's walk anyway? A lot of events just seem to occur one after another and there's no telling WHO the other dolls and toys were as you never see them in the real world of the movie, but it does follow some sort of path and you know they'll eventually get to where they need to go, its just pretty hard to follow at times.

Uniqueness: 8 - Between this and Unico i'd have to say there's parts in both movies i will never forget no matter how hard i try to. Mainly the scary parts. I've probably mentioned already how older movies were Much creepier than animation of today but this takes the cake in the scary factor. Outside of the South Park movie and some Disney films there's almost no animated musicals, or good ones of that coming out so its very unique.

Worth: 8- Its classic. Worth the hunt to get a good copy thats for sure, but the VHS copies are probably all stretched out by now. The DVD version is sold on Ebay all the time and it'll definitely be something you'll watch more than once. If anything get it for the nostalgia purposes.

Overall Score (Not an average): 8 - Its a wonderful timeless musical made in the late 70s and can still be enjoyed today. Its characters are all unique and the songs are great. So great you might find yourself humming them time and time again. Give your favorite stuffed animal a hug today! Reviewer's Insight (Including bias): This isn't like the Raggedy Ann TV series made a decade later. This was way more darker and real world. The effects in this seem like a lot of other acid-trip cartoons from the 70's, in particular, Yellow Submarine. Still, its given me memories I'll never forget, and might still influence things today. It wasn't easy to find but it'll remain a treasure to keep in my collection of DVDs and videos forever.
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Slashers (2001 Video)
18 December 2004
What began to sound like a good idea couldn't have been pulled off worse. Reality TV, horror movies, and japan TV. oh my! but when combined using a extremely weak script and talentless acting, it fails in every single way. Gore, and what might be considered slight nudity don't help this indie movie at all. the main character Megan wasn't even attractive even though everyone calls her pretty and cute. and why the excitement to see her naked? when you finally do get to see her breasts they aren't even that good looking! Every single actor in this lacks any acting skill. can they even cry on cue? or at least pretend to be scared? the Japanese/English accents aren't even funny, they're annoying, much like the announcer girl. I can honestly say this movie belongs somewhere between Zombies VS Vampires and Club Dread. Itll get points for a Good idea but it loses those points and more for being pulled off so poorly. watch it with a group of extremely drunk friends. or better yet, just don't even watch it at all.
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