
1 Review
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The Game Changer.
21 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I always felt that season 8 was going downhill. It seemed all too slow, and the jokes were starting to degrade. But this was a game changer. This changed everything. For one, I was thinking about how we all know that Barney was going to end up with Robin, and how they might make it exciting for us, and I was pleasantly surprised by this episode. I loved how everything came together, and how it referred back to older episodes. It definitely appealed to my emotional side (music helped. Great song decision btw), and it was a nice and surprising way to make a known outcome surprising and fun.

In my opinion, this was one of the best episodes they made. It refers back to old episodes, and I have to rate this 10 out of 10. I will definitely be looking out for the next episode to see where they go with this story.
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