
220 Reviews
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Adorable Stop-Motion Series for Kids of the longtime Fans
29 June 2024
The story follows Haru, who starts her job as a new Pokémon concierge at the Pokémon resort. It's a simple tale where Haru becomes friends with Psyduck and they meet about 20 other Pokémon that serve mostly as side or background characters.

However, there are three other human characters: two colleagues and Haru's manager. It's a very cute, short skit aimed at young kids with enough additional charm to entertain fans open to some change. A hardcore gamer might get stuck on this not fitting in the lore, but another might say that everything about this is very Pokémon.

The dialogue is simple and doesn't have a lot of depth, but that works fine with what it tries to achieve: a fun and colorful series for children. While it's unlikely to entertain a purely older crowd, it's a great way for fans to get their kids acquainted with the world of Pokémon.

The series is a stop-motion project. The look is a mix of clay, stuffed animal plush, and CGI. It's gorgeous, and it's all edited together with simple special effects.

Overall, there are four episodes that clearly had a lot of work put into them. Online, the response has been good in regards to reviews, but a bit poor in terms of quality attention. This series may fade due to being overlooked. However, that is certainly not what I hope, as it really has a lot of potential for kids. This does feel more like a YouTube series, so I'm curious to see what the future holds.
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Shark Tank: Shark Tank LIVE! (2022)
Season 14, Episode 1
Why Shark Tank's Live Audience Is a Mistake
17 April 2024
Shark Tank, a show that's not just about business but also about entertainment. It's meticulously crafted, drawing viewers in with its professional setup and serious tone. However, recent live episodes, found on Shark Tank Global's YouTube channel, left me disappointed. They deviate from the show's essence, turning it into a chaotic, cheap imitation of itself. The audience's involvement detracts from the seriousness, transforming it into a noisy spectacle reminiscent of daytime talk shows. This departure from the show's core threatens its integrity and risks alienating its loyal fan base. I felt compelled to leave a one-star review as a plea to the producers to reconsider this direction. Shark Tank's success lies in its simplicity and authenticity, and introducing unnecessary gimmicks undermines what makes it great. Let's hope the producers heed this feedback and return to what made Shark Tank a beacon of entrepreneurial spirit and inspiration.
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Run (I) (2020)
Mom what's going on...
20 February 2024
In Two Lines: This intense thriller delves into the depths of maternal secrets, with stellar performances and a gripping storyline that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Story Summary: Chloe, a homeschooled daughter, confronts the shadows of her mother's past, unraveling a web of deceit and betrayal that challenges their bond and identity.

Analysis: "Run" shines with its original story and outstanding acting, delivering a tense and unforgettable cinematic experience that sets it apart in the thriller genre.

Dialogue 9/10: The nerve-wracking dialogue heightens the tension, perfectly complementing the film's deliberate pace to create a palpable sense of suspense.

Acting 10/10: Stellar performances from the entire cast immerse viewers in the story, with each character flawlessly embodying their role and enhancing the narrative.

Visuals 9/10: The dark, morbid atmosphere envelops every scene with fitting decor, while the evolving appearances of Diane and Chloe mirror their emotional journey, intensifying the film's unsettling ambiance.

Deleted Scenes: post movie I Discovered quite a bit of extra and deleted scenes. Those add depth to the story whivh imho enrich the narrative further. Hopefully they will release an extended director's cut one day.

Overall Assessment 9/10: "Run" delivers a chilling yet masterfully executed narrative, with nods to cinematic predecessors adding depth, though its intensity warrants caution for sensitive audiences.
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Timeless Nostalgia
13 February 2024
After revisiting the iconic short film "Flowers and Trees," once again I felt compelled to share my thoughts. This charming piece holds a special place in many hearts, marking a significant milestone in animation history.

The simplicity of its narrative coupled with expressive animation, music, and dance, creates an enchanting atmosphere. The theme of nature triumphing over adversity through collaboration resonates deeply, delivering a wholesome message that transcends time.

The villain's personality shines through, demonstrating early animation's ability to infuse characters with depth and charm. Despite its age, the film remains remarkably memorable, with characters like the tree coule and the many dancing flowers etched into our collective memory.

"Flowers and Trees" imho serves as a testament to the foundation of modern animation, reminding us of its fairy tale-like quality and musical essence. It earns a solid nine in my book, a tribute to its enduring legacy.

Furthermore, as the film now resides in the public domain, it opens doors for creative reinterpretations and adaptations. Its appearance in scenes of "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" serves as a delightful reminder of its timeless appeal.

In conclusion, "Flowers and Trees" deserves to be remembered and cherished by future generations. It's a classic that paved the way for the animated masterpieces that followed, leaving an indelible mark on cinema history.
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Leo (I) (2023)
Cute wholesome movie
3 December 2023
This movie has some great moments and is a great watch for young and old alike.

Story Summary: And biology class type lizard and turtle are well on age and when Leo the Lizard finds out he has little time to live he wants to give back to the kids.

Analysis: The makers really tried to do something different here. And it comes through. The movie is lovely and even has quite of bit of action in there to keep viewers engaged.

Dialogue & Music: It can get a bit talkshowish at times, but being as wholesome the sweetness does fit the movie.

Voice acting: No stand outs, everyone is doing a great job.

Visuals: Absolute excellence the vibrant colors and characters as well as the scenes are fantastic.
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The Bad Guys (2022)
A Familiar ¨Bad¨ Formula with Great Charm
3 December 2023
This film offers delightful highs, especially the characters. The plot as expected is mostly predictable, but the pace, dialogue and humour are likely to charm a lot of viewers.

Story Summary: The narrative revolves around anthropomorphic animals orchestrating a bank robbery. While the main storyline may seem somewhat generic, reminiscent of heist movies from the late '90s and early 2000s, it's skillfully brought into the modern era. Which can be noted with gadgets, dialogue and the role of influencers.

Analysis: Despite the thin and generic plot, the movie shines bright due to it attention to detail. Unexpected moments emerge, making it great entertainment for both the young and old.

The characters are well-thought-out, and the film successfully blends current affairs and humor alike.

Dialogue: 9/10 realistic dialogue, sharp jokes and great pacing throughout the story. Whilst there are some needed plot cliches, none it feels recycled

Voice Acting: 8/10 The voice acting is consistently good, with no standout performances, yet every actor effectively contributes, keeping the audience engaged. Wolf is the main character but all the supportive cast is just a good. It's also what makes this movie come to live. Not every animation movie or series or video game is blessed with good casting. This movie got it right.

Visuals: 9/10 The movie is impeccably produced, featuring convincing scenes with top-notch animation. The choice of have realistic cartoon 3D style cartoon with kawaii is original an it gives the movie a unique style. I

Music: 7/10 Animation music can often become theatrical, but this movie seamlessly integrates it for example in an exciting car chase scene. And even a performance. The one thing missing would be a bop for the kids

  • This movie includes some scary scenes for the youngest viewers, making it advisable to watch with kids.

  • The film maintains broad appeal without delving into political themes.

Overall Assessment: 8.5/10 This film doesn't strive to be the most original, wisely focusing on fleshing out characters and infusing current affairs and humor. It successfully highlights a diverse set of characters without feeling forced, making it a perfect choice for family entertainment.

This movie a very pleasant surprise and is great watch with or without kids.
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3 December 2023
It's so forgettable that it took me a hot minute to realize thet ai had already seen the movie.

While the Princess looks great and realistic, the 3D quirky power girl concept doesn't make her stand out as much. For kids this is a good movie and there are a few jokes for adults too. It all looks fantastic yet sole spark is missing. This lacks the vibe that makes us watch The Emperors New Groove or Aladdin over and over again. Not does it have the heart from more recent titles like Toy Story 3 or Coco. Moana, Tangled and Frozen are done. We needs something original and new. A good movie, but the most forgettable full release movie of the Disney Library. If they wanna go classic and do a real fairytale Thumbelina, the Nightingale and the Swan Princess are still open.
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Unapologetic promiscuous married woman plans to seduce stranger
24 November 2023
This movie is unlike any Turkish production most of us would have seen. And it might not be appealing for everyone in the Middle East as it is a romcom with a woman who is highly unapologetic bold and assertive in her explicit intentions. Acting of the male character is good. And the woman is not bad, but her behaviour especially is quite scandalous. The way she carries herself with the guy is remarkable and will make people frown more then a few times... The opposite way around (him chasing her that way) in today's standard would not be accepted.

Who should watch this, hard to say, but initially it will probably be progressive people or those that watch the movie from an adult entertainment perspective. As the movie progresses somehow it picks up and get into a more realistic story. Which is worth finishing.

STORY: A woman and a stranger connect of the lost suitcase on New York City airport. After both expression that they are married, the women shows up for drinks in a skimpy glitter dress and speaks out that her marriage is boring and that she wants to have fun with the man. What follows is a night out with drinks and her winning a saucy contest which is filmed for social media...

As the movie progresses, It is strongly recommended to keep watching

ANALSYS The story on itself is not that shocking, but the way the female characters goes about having fun outside of her marriage is really what makes it a bit of an uncomfortable watch. In real life, many men would not like this approach, but it is better the watch the movie until the end before judging. It is a movie that one probably will remember in parts.

DECOR / STAGING / VISUALS / EDITING It all looks very good and professional. The scenes are beautifully captured and the editing is smooth. Technically this is great movie. And the scenes all look great. Aesthetically the movie looks good, including the main characters, they look like a flaming couple.

SCREENPLAY Acting is good, initially the director mainly choose for good looks, later dialogue becomes more prominent. Side characters are a bit theatrical.
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Crashing Eid (2023– )
Very well executed, an absolute stand out
18 November 2023
This mini series has everything, realistic characters, serious issues, humour and it will be very relatable for anyone from an Arabic or wider Asian culture. Is it a representative of all Saudi people, no of course not, but that it doesn't aim to be. It aims to be funny whilst presenting topics that are relevant. And it does it perfectly.

When thinking about cinema and series, few titles bring high production very as well as an international touch. This series nailed both of these thing, while being very funny. The performances are insanely convincing and my only criticism is that one more episode would probably been great! Hope to see more series like this on Netflix. Only saw it coz it was recommended during my stay in Saudi Arabia and will definitely recommend it to my friends both in and outside of the cultures in the series.
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Seventh Son (I) (2014)
No storytelling just plot scenes: like the last Game of Thones season .
9 November 2023
This is not a great movie, as much a we all want to like it, below I broke down, why this movie only got a 4/10.

Story Summary: Master Gregory has to battle the most powerful witch who has returned because of the blood moon.

Analysis: This movie does so much wrong, it is had to even start to sum up where.

The whole premise looks is great and so does the cast. But it goes nowhere. It seems like a bunch of scenes bolted together without glue. It probably deserved the LOTR treatment and get multiple movies, but is like the old Mortal Kombat Annihilation movie, where characters quickly appear just for the sake of having them in the movie.

The screenplay is lifeless and the dialogue feels disarranged and forced. Switching so quick between scenes is probably the part that hits the hardest. There is barely any storytelling: reminds me of the last 4 episodes of Game of Thrones, just plot development without any investment into the characters.

Aside from that the fake accent from Master Gregory is unbearable and outside of that often hard to follow.

Dialogue / Plot : Very cringe and it doesn't suck you into the story. These is also an extremely boring and predictable love story with lines that is so cliche.

Acting: Somehow no one is great, this must be a lack of the director with such a cast.

Also the special effect often overshadow the story.

Special Effect: the movie is like a VFX compilation. As if graphic design students and editors were given free run with the script. Most of it looks great, with some epic campy failures in there. But it rarely compliments the story, instead it is a distraction and it makes the whole experience more of a kids affair.

Costume & Make up: It really feels like a cosplay especially the main witch. IT's great to see love given to the outfits, but it doesn't go anywhere.

Decor: is definitely good and one of the best parts of the movie.

Anything else: It feels VERY unrealistic all, even for a fantasy it feels like even the weakened witch on the beginning could have destroyed them.

End Word: It will be hard to recommend this movie other than to young watchers. For kids up to 14-16 this might be a cool watch probably and for some diehard fantasy fans. Personally I love a good fantasy and this was the reason to watch this movie.

Unless you fall into the group above, I got one advice for you: spare yourself the time and look for another fantasy movie.
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7 Khoon Maaf (2011)
FINALLY, I got to see this one
14 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well.this might be my first spoiler review, I mean after over a decade why not. Seeing Priyanka as the murderess was highly entertaining and Usha Uthup was a great surprise, it was only know to me that she sang the song.

Which is another Easter egg that I never figured out, Kalinka Kalinka, uncanny, yet it never landed to me that it is based on the same song, genius!! I remember when this song was all it, And for me this movie and the also Fashion with Priyanka mark a big shift in Bollywood where not only Yash Raj movie would get success, but also good stories, with great acting. This movie has NOT dissappointed and It will deffo recommend it to people that are never to the genre.
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Smurfs go Looney Tunes
12 September 2023
Nice to see the Smurfs in 2D, but the real spirit is not really captured as the direction is less adventurous and more slapstick style. Especially the inclusion of Why you and rude jokes see straight out of the Warner Bros arsenal.

Also The animation is rough, The Smurfs look a bit messy, not reminiscent of the 80s cartoon.

If you look at this standing on itself its actually ok. But probably not the direction anyone would like to see for The Smurfs going forward.

It's nice to see Gutsy in cartoon form as he belongs in the comics too. Hopefully we will see him there too as an occasional/recurring or guest character. And we finally got to see Panicky who was part of the marketing campaign of the first movie, but didn't appear eventually.
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The Smurfs 2 (2013)
Get a Shroom and some snack and enjoy!!
12 September 2023
In short: where the first movie felt awkward and cringe it really feels like this came into its own. The team cut the weak parts out (Brainy, and gave us improvements on Gargamel, Smurfette and the story.

This is one of the case where the sequel is better than the predecessor. Even the cringe has been left mostly for genuinely better jokes. The fact that writer chose to make fun of our modern world really helped in the setting even though The Smurfs continue to be better off in their own village and forest.

Story Summary The movie centres build upon the dark and fan-beloved origin story of Smurfette.

Analysis This movie picked up where the last movie ended and it's actually starts good. Gargamel has found a living in the real world. A choice that was quite controversial in eyes of the fans. This time the movie is making a mockery out it. Azrael has Facebook and Patrick and his wife (The human characters from previous movie ) are mocking all the ridiculous thing that privileged people require for a kids birthday.

Also, good to mention: since this is direct continuation of the previous movie, made with the same engine technology and characters. The criticisms and stand outs from previous movie (The Smurfs 2011) will be accepted.

Shortly said: we already know and accepted, that the story is not 100% taking place in the Smurf village, but e are in the real world and that Papa Smurf is the most recognisable Smurf. And that Azrael in half CGI looks weird

Dialogue: 8/10 This is as good as it should be for a kids movie. In comparison to the previous movie a lot more elements have been added to engage old viewers outside of the very young ones. And it really brings the story to life.

Acting: 7/10 Patrick is still quite one dimensional, however Gargamel seems to have grown into his role. He becomes reminiscent of himself with a nice though of. Wile E. Coyote* The cast is being extended by a joke character who is really living up the party and a joy to watch *Wile E. Coyote is a cartoon character from Looney Tunes characters by Warner Bros. Usually paired with the roadrunner an elusive running bird in the desert).

Voice Cast & Character depiction: 8/10 The movie did very well in bringing the two best Smurfs back from the previous movie: Grouchy and Clumsy along with the most faithfully executed Papa Smurf are joined by Vanity Smurf. All are doing well.

Vexy and Hackus are new characters and especially Vexy is very strong fleshed out character. She is the highlight of the movie Hefty again needs to sit out a lead character as well as Brainy and Gutsy from previous movie.

Visuals (Decor): 7/10 The change from New York City to Paris feels much closer to home. The CGI is better, especially the stork scene is well done.

Music: 7/10 Personally I love the Smurf song, so no idea why people hate it so much. But it is well integrated into the movie. Furthermore the score is mostly scenic with a few standouts.

Overall assessment: 8/10 This a good family movie that will entertain the young ones whilst also have the older audiences laugh at times.

End Word: If you hated the previous movie, you mostly not like this one. However if you thought the previous movie was flawed but has some good points. This will be a welcome surprise.
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The Smurfs (2011)
I hated this, so much less then I expected
12 September 2023
The Smurfs go Hollywood, that kinda wraps it up! This is not a great movie, however some of the charm and characters do make the move have delightful moment.

Story Summary: The Smurfs get sucked into the real world and of course land in New York, however. Gargamel and Azrael follow them

Analysis: The Smurfs in the real world will kind give you what you expect a lot of cringe, funny moments and a predictable plot. For young kids it is will most likely be good, but for older kids and adults it has some dull moments.

One thing that is important to notice is that the second half from the movie outside of its great intro is much better then the beginning.

Dialogue: 6/10 hit and miss. Gargamel is very cringe and doesn't capture the feeling of the cartoon one and the human characters are one dimensional. Sofia Vergara does steal the show, being a wicked boss.

Acting:6/10 As mentioned Gargamel missed the mark a lot of point and the the other characters have very little interactions with eacher.

Voicecast & Character Depiction: -Grouchy 10/10, never has he been able to get a multilayered personality until this movie.

-Papa Smurf:9/10 this really captures the feeling of Papa Smurf especially in personality.

-Clumsy; 9/10 it feels and sounds like Clumsy -Brainy: 6.5 /10 not to offend, nor stand out. Brainy does have one moment at the end, but it felt like more could have been done with him at least they could have done the classic joke with him -Smurfette: 6/10 it's ok, Smurfette just doesn't really bring it.

-Gutsy: 8/10 Voice acting is great, at first feels like because of him Hefty got robbed, but Gutsy does stand on himself and has some great moments. It's a pity, that the comic writers never included him in the comics afterwards. At least as a guest character.

Visuals (Decor):animation is good, but Smurfette and Azrael don't look great. Somehow it seems nailing a female face is harder, coz sometimes when looking at her, she does not look great.

Costume & Make up: It's alright. Gargamel could have looked a bit more like a real wizard, the outfit is a bit hockey hockey / cosplay.

Special Effects: 6/10 It's a kids movie

Music and background score: 7/10 Not as impactful as you might think

Story, liberties: This movie made me realise that it is much better to leave The Smurfs in their magical forest. What worked for Sonic does not work for everyone. The possibilities of The Smurfs in their own CGI word are much more charming

Overall assessment: This movie will undoubtedly disappoint fans of the comics and 60s and 1981 series. However it is not a bad movie and luckily the second half is better then the part of the movie after leaving the village. While being in New York City is cringe, predictable and sometimes boring- Stand out characters like Grouchy and the newly introduced Gutsy do give a charm next to the recognisable Clumsy and Papa Smurf.

End Word: A soft recommendation with a trigger warning for old school fans, this can definitely feel like a bad money grab, but if you look past that, the charming moments are also memorable.
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Encanto (2021)
Tried to replicate the success of Coco but ended being kinda forgetful
5 September 2023
In two lines: This movie has beautiful animation and attention put into it, but overall it somehow doesn't come together. The plot is very flat and predictable and the characters don't come to live.

Story Summary A young girl lived in a family where she is outshines by basically every member. She goes on a journey or bravery and self discovery to add value.

Analysis: The movie lacks heart, which is not because attention wasn't given. But the movie feels rushed and lack flashed out characters. It's basically scenes next to each other and many characters are introduced but none include the main characters steals the show.

Dialogue: Very average and predictable.

Voice Acting: is more then fine, the professionals did what the script told them too. Nothing to complain here.

Visuals (Decor): visually the movie is at its best it looks fantastic and keeps up the quality of Disney

Characters: The biggest flaw. Most character have one or none to shine especially the sister of the main character is very one dimensional and so is one uncle who is a key figure even the parents of the girl do nothing more then being side characters. And one of the main characters closest family members has a moment and te beginning and is then tossed aside.

Aside from that there are some great animal characters, but those rarely get a shot other then a meme moment.

Music: the music is not bad at all, but here the comparison with Coco will be made and it is not in the same universe. The soundtrack is ok and after a viewings it will probably be loved by many. But on a first watch nothing stood out.

The story is original in the sense that it feels like a very original take on the Ugly Ducking tale, but it is full of cliche and average dialogue.

Overall assessment: This movie is not bad, but would I recommend it, not really. It is not bad, but there are so many better movies.

And even as someone who personally feels connected to Colombia this movie didn't give me a lot on that edge other then some of the singers.

End Word: The review might seem harsh, but this movie just didn't live up to its potential and didn't bring anything to the table to make it memorable or worth a rewatch. Only thing I would want to rewatch it the Toucan characters who was the best part of the movie.
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Black Mirror: Mazey Day (2023)
Season 6, Episode 4
This is really a low point in the series
7 August 2023
Honestly who is not into swtiching up the game. For this one the concept of Black mirrors is moving out of far fetched reality with technology. This almost becomes a Netflix adaption of some Buffy Spin off. It is really not interesting.

Without revealing anything from the episode my advise is this. If you are new to Black Mirror, if you are coming back to it after awhile. Or if you don't want to take a risk and just have fun. IGNORE THIS episode.

Nothing really scream Black Mirror and outside of that there is no charm, lesson or anything in that sense. The production is all over the place and the thing that annoyed me the most is that somehow the Pecan Cake chef is not visible. Strange editing.

Keep it moving this flick is not worth ur time.
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Qorin (2022)
Some good ideas, but it doesn't come together
18 April 2023
Risky choice taking Islam as a red treat of your movie. Unfortunately it doesn't pay off at all. The recitation of the holy Qu'ran feels of and taking place where the bible wpuld be mlre fitting.

It's very interesting to see Java, Indonesia take center stage. But the movie is trying to many things without having a solid script or well thought out screenplay. So with that good acting, decor and even an ok script kinda fall through.

The movie has too many story gaps and at one point implodes with trying to make the story comem around. Too much suspense after a very decent start without going anywhere.

Who should watch this: anyone interested in seeing a somewhat not totally terrible Indonesian horror flick. But truth said, no one on the planet will miss out for not watching this.
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It doesn't get better
26 March 2023
The movie starts pretty well and initially is ok. But it looses it self in too many fantasy plot twists that no one probably cares about. It's so pointless and childish. The dialogue is cringe and when ai say cringe, I mean really cringe.

Nothing is believable and at one point you just wonder when it is going to stop: well it goes on for two hours. Not even half way in the movie I kept myself looking at the bar on Netflix to see how much time was left.

One redeeming thing about the movie is Maggi Q. Her acting is good and she is the only one that somewhat comes off well from the movie. The rest is just a mess

If you can, do yourself a favor and skip this set of interesting ideas with a ridiculous and just not entertaining execution.
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Very well acted, but aweful story and portayal of Turks
17 January 2023
Bill Hayes an absolute unpure person is the centre stage in the film. A drugs smugglers, attempted murderer, liar. Who makes bad choice after bad choice. It's insane how many poor choices this person makes in the movie. TIME after TIME again. Vulgar rude and to the point of insane.

Somehow he escaped from prison and got to be an American celebrity after writing a book.

The film is an aweful portrayal of Turkey, not undermining any of the hard experiences, but everything is shown as barbaric.

Having gotten that out of the way: why still a 6 (almost a seven).

The film looks incredible well done and has ages perfectly. The decors, the acting, for dialogue. For everything wrong with the movie the production is 10/10.
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Must watch, piece of art
15 January 2023
In two lines: This raw and delicate piece of art is a lust for the eye. Acting is sublime and the slow pace really works for the narrative.

Story Summary Set in Mexico in the 19th century, the story tells a painful reality of a couple that is fighting for and against their own identity.

Analysis: from a critical point of view there are few things against this movie. Even people that are not into costume dramas and slow storytelling (like myself). Will be lured in by the almost perfect film making.

Dialogue: 9/10 no comments, very goof Acting: 10/10 dramatic, and captivating Visuals (Decor, Costume & Make up): 10/10 absolute perfection

Music: 10/10 cinematic and very fitting. Ghe performances are so went blend into the film. And it makes the movie the gem it is.

Anything else (originals story, liberties etc:

Overall assessment 9/10: rarely do we get to see a mind bending original, daring movie thwt is so well executed as this movie. Movie excellence

End Word: watch it! It's really good, it's in essence a true story!!
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Hellhole (2022)
This was GOOD
12 December 2022
This movie is super unpredictable, where it starts in away that you would think, I have seen it all before. This film has many twists and plot that work.

The quality of the production is good too which makes it all the better.

In a genre as saturated as horror it is quite impressive how this movie delivers.

Would recommend this to any horror lover. Just as a side note, the movie is not for the fainthearted ones. Not because it is that scary (well it kinda is scary). But it is just disgusting, like graphic disgusting, so be warned before watching this on a romantic night.

Other than that, watch it, you will be entertained.
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Troll (2022)
Visually stunning, story weak and not as good as Troll Hunters
12 December 2022
This story. Is not a good for movie buffs and people that want a movie to make sense, but still manages to enjoy due to a visually stunning troll and some heart.

Acting is alright, although the screen play is just a mess at times. Some actors just don't get to shine due to poor writing and unfledged characters. Like the hunky military guy, nice on the eye. But his role adds next to nothing to the role. The movie is fun, but it has people in it playing very dumb. Like when something looks like a trolls, sounds like a trill and feels like a troll at least media agencies around the world would name it that.

Should people watch this? Well yeah, the movie poster is good so curiosity will probably win. However if you want a great Norwegian Troll movie: watch Troll Hunters. Which is very well done, not a visually stunning, but more realistic and fun to watch.
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Camp Netflix take on Trilogy of Terror kinda stories
31 October 2022
Review based on the first two two episodes. The stories are focused on HIGHLY unlikeable greedy people disrespecting the death.

It is not meant to be serious or scary it is more gory and ridiculous.

So who should watch this: probably a younger generation, who doesn't know the stories that will be familiar to many.

The series isn't per se bad on itself, but it doesn't really add anything. The firt episode is well acting and feels serious, but then gets into a camp campfire story direction. Whilst the second story almost starts like a Charles Dickens, Disney movie to turn into a Tom & Jerry chase. Only now with a Goblin.

Do this all sound appealing, make sure to check this series out, you will love it. I know I won't be watching any more of this.
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Why turn it into a 'horror' movie?? #confused
28 October 2022
Throughout the movie I was asking myself why go over this angle? It just didn't make any sense. As someone who like the franchise or the comics this is a HUGE departure.

Story Summary: So the story takes young mutants who are locked up in a sort of mental health institution and tutored by a very stoic Cecilia Reyes.

Analysis: High risk can mean high reward. But this movie is just not that. As a horror it fails: it is all build up and it takes too long for things to start. As a Marvel X-men series it fails, the characters are just there in name and power, but the but the film just never seems to get going. The last 20min of the movie are ok, but the ending feels somewhat childish.

Dialogue: dark and depressing, it is just not a nice film to sit through. Heavy tones without any relatability. One thing that is weird is that the white guy switches between normal accent and weird accent.

Acting: stellar, the actors are good

Costume, Make up & Visuals (Decor): it all looks fine no comments here

Personally I would say this movie is a failure. It came at a time when so many Marvel productions came out at the same time, that for me as a casual fan I feel overwhelmed. This movie had my biggest interest. But seeing the negativity surrounding it lost priority.

However today when watching this I felt excited to see it, and I went in blank. It takes about an hour for the movie to get going. And one character: Lockhead doesn't get screen time until well the last 20 minutes.

And while his movie might be ok for some action / horror fans, but for Marvel Men fans it will very likely be an confusing experience. The only people I can see finding this movie good are those, that are into the software lesbian relationship between two of the characters.

Cannot rank this higher than a 5.
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Watching away like a crime series episode
19 October 2022
Surprisingly entertaining movie. It is not perfect by very entertaining. It is a movie where it feels the movie would be even better, but certainly a great watch.

Story is about a a murder case with a lot of circumstantial evidence pointing into a married man. When it comes to the case however some surprising witnesses stand up.

Analysis: The film is a bit theatrical at the beginning, but picks up quite fast. It Shows how someone who is a not friendly in live, can still be professional outside.

Dialogue: is good, and some of the scenes are memorable.

End Word: This movie has ages like a good wine, not a fine one. But a good one. It is Agatha Christie all over and whilst is strongest part is in the middle, the beginning and end are not bad.
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