
21 Reviews
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I Love Venice (2013)
Good documentary, but...
7 May 2024
I felt kind of sad after watching this documentary. A city losing it's identity and becoming more and more an amusement park is indeed very sad.

I felt it while i lived in Firenze, the city center over there is full of tourists, luxury and touristics stores everywhere, and gelateria every 15 seconds while you walk. The italians ? Also living outside of the center, no choice of leaving because of how the city has become.

And obviouvsly, it's worse at Venezia, and it must be heartbreaking for its (fewer and fewer) inhabitants, as shown with the interviews of some of them in this documentary ("it's like walking in a cemetary" even says one of them). Once one of the most populated city in the world, now less than 49'000 inhabitants, about 59'000 when this documentary was shot 10 years ago, and millions of tourists every year.

Overall this Netflix documentary is interesting, thanks to the opinion of the locals, and showing the bad side of the mass tourism. But nothing really new, i think lot of people saw or heard how bad it has become. At least here we have the point of view of the people living there.
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Very good surprise
3 November 2023
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Finally a Godzilla movie with interesting and developed characters, for this point it's certainly the best of the franchise.

(Spoiler part) I also thought the death of one particular character was really surprising... Well, until she suddenly turns out to be alive at the end, in order to allow a happy ending. Kind of ruined the meaning of the death for the main character and emotion part (as the title "Minus One" can have a meaning for Japan overall AND specificaly the main hero).

The idea to set the story in the 40's Japan is also interesting, as a foreigner i really discovered this post-war period of the country that i didn't really know about (i only saw Kurosawa's "Subarashiki nichiyobi" prior to this movie).

The actions sequences are also very cool. You definitively won't be disapointed with them. I loved the treatment of the King of the Monsters, who have an interesting design and new ability (both are kind of linked).

I saw it in a casual cinema, but i guess the IMAX version is worth it, so go for it if you got the chance.
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Spiral (2021)
No surprises
26 July 2022
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Well, usually the end is a surprise, here you see it coming almost at the beginning. Also many problems with the script, some nonsense, especially when the hero is a cop and should have guesses most of what's happening way sooner.

Except that, i liked some of the traps ideas and i didn't get bored while watching the movie.

Could maybe have been further with the gory effects, but the job is done.
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Entertaining but disturbing
3 July 2022
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Of course i didnt expect the best movie ever, with this kind of direct-to-video stuff you know it has higher chances to be bad than good.

Special effects are mostly bad, but some dinos really look good in comparison of others. For exemple the pterodactyles are badly animated and poorly embedded, but for bigger dinos, more efforts seem to have been made.

I still kind of enjoyed the first movie, The Jurassic Games, but this time the movie disturbed me for its... Racism ?

I mean, it's produced by chinese people and so, they put a lot of chinese actors in the movie. Why not. But the fact that all the chinese characters survive as long as possible and have "badass" scenes, while all the american ones die little by little and are mean or stupid is really weird. Ho, and no afro-americans at all, i don't know if it was asked by the producters also... Not sure how to feel about it.
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Ok movie, better if you have all the references
7 June 2022
Far to be as good as "Who Framed Roger Rabbit", as people keep comparing the two movies for obvious reasons, but it does it job as a good entertainment.

For the bad points: the plot doesn't hold a lot of surprises, you see fast enough how it will end and who are the good/bad guys.

I also don't know how to feel with some criticisms present in the movie about the cinema industry. I mean, I agree with most of them, but the fact that Disney is the company behind this movie is weird because... Well, most of the critics can be turned against Disney. I guess it could be in purpose, but in that case it's to soft with itself and seems to target mostly other companies, which is unfair. I would have loved to see the same movie with less censorship, because i guess here the director was "hands and feet tied", with not a lot freedom with the use of the Disney Universes.

But yeah, it's an original way to bring back Chip and Dale, no one would have expect that and the idea is pretty fun.
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Ok movie
22 May 2022
I haven't cared of Detective Conan for years, then i decided to try this movie when i saw my cinema airing it. Let's just say it's entertaining. Could have been more surpring but nice use of the characters, even if maybe Ran and Kogoro Mori could have deserved more screen time.

Also I didn't notice a big effort in animation as it is usually the case when anime are adapted to the big screen. Maybe it was an upgraded in comparaison to the tv series, but it didn't really feels like it.

Well, a movie adaptation faithfull to its roots, but i expected a little more.
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Giant monster, cars and young couples
11 April 2022
I saw the colorised version, which is a big plus in comparaison of the Black & White version.

Typical SF movie of the 50's. Enjoyable, with a real gila filmed as a giant monster. Something we can also see for exemple on "Journey to the Center of The Earth", also from 1959 or in "The Lost World" (1960).

But unlike those big budget adventure movies, "The Giant Gila Monster" is more classic, simple. The story is situated in a little town from Texas, and its surrounding roads.

And we have here a typical american hero from this time: Young, in shape, kind, brave, clever, has a "true man job" (mechanic)... And he can sing and play guitare, also. He helps the sheriff in his investigations to discover what happens to the cars and people.

The Movie is not long so you don't really get the time to get bored.

Well, if you don't have too high expectations, that's just a B-movie, and love those old flicks, i think you'll enjoy it.
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Finally able to see it!
7 October 2021
Well, that was the weirdest James Bond movie I've ever seen.
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Not that bad, an "OK" remake.
11 October 2018
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Of course the movie is far to be perfect, but Let's be honest: it's way better than the remake from 2008.

Bloodline is more faithfull to the original Romero's movie and it manages to include some interesting new stuff. For exemple i love what they did to the character that replaces Bub, Max is indeed a "fun" idea.

The most important problems here are the development of some characters, the main antagonist not as crazy and detestable as the original movie for exemple, and some good ideas that would have deserved a better treatment to be more credible/interesting. Same goes for the bond between characters (the sick girl and her mother, or Zoe and Max and her bofriend for instance).

And more bloody/gory stuff would have been nice too. Nothing really shocking here.
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Not as good as the book, but a very good movie anyways!
26 March 2018
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Spielberg give us a very good movie, full of geeky references - video games, comics, movies (fans of horror movies too will be thrilled) - and more than that, a very good sci-fi movies.

All the geeky stuff shown in the trailers are far to be the most important part of this movie. The overall universe is interesting (real world too, not only the Oasis).

Being fan of the book, I'm not happy with all the changes made (the first trial to get the first key is now a deadly race, and some characters killed in the books survive in the movie). BUT there is some nice ideas too (The second trial, genius). And of course they scraped some geeky japanese references that 90% of people won't have understand, but fortunately they kept some of the most famous ones, which brings us an awsome fight!

Good job Spielberg, 71years old but still making very good movies for the young audience, way better than most of the blockbusters we see nowadays.
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Bad sequel, but just enough entertaining and with some good ideas
22 March 2018
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The people behind this didn't take any risks and give us just a movie where you need to let your brain at home. So don't expect a deep story and deep characters, but big fights with big robots and (very) big monsters.

But there is still some nice ideas, For exemple, how Kaiju "evolved" in this sequel, and how the the Precursors managed to "come back".

So, overall it's entertaining, but I hate those kind of blockbusters that thinks people are too stupid to enjoy a big budget movie if the plot is too clever, or the characters too different of what they are used too. Because in 5 years they got all the time needed to make an awsome sequel instead of a movie fast forgotten once seen.

I really hope the third movie will have more work behind it (please come back Guillermo del Toro). Because yes, the ending leads to a new sequel. But not if it doesn't bring enough cash I guess.
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Tie chao ren (1975)
Typical so bad it's good movie
6 October 2017
Everything is bad/stupid in this movie, which make it kind of funny to watch. One of the funniest thing : The bad guy. His Super Saiyan hair. Changing color depending on his humor. Genius. The acting is very bad, the story is written by a child and the special effects are far to be as well done than the one in similar Japanese movie or TV-shows of that time (Ultraman, Godzilla and co).

So, watch it expecting to laugh, don't take this seriously at all. Then you'll have fun :-)

I discover it with the German DVD. Which means i watched an Chinese movie, dubbed in German and subtitled in English, my mother tongue is french. That added A LOT to the fun experience.
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Nice forgotten Disney movie
30 July 2017
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I knew the remake of this Disney movie, more of my generation, and I discovered only recently it was a remake, and I wanted to see the original. Now it's done!

So, the story is mostly the same, very casual, but it's very interesting to follow! The landscape is beautiful and the crew did an awesome job with the animals ! I'm still wondering how they managed the Lynx vs. cat sequence. You don't see that anymore nowadays! The only (little) negative point is that there's no "bad" humans. Everyone is nice and helpful. I know it's a Disney movie, but I think it was kinda weird.
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Not the best "so bad it's good" movie.
12 October 2016
"Virus" ("aka Hell of the living dead" or "Zombie Creeping Flesh") is a fun rip-off of "Dawn of the Dead", with also some typical stuff we can find in Italian cannibals movies, but without the cannibalism (there is a tribe in the jungle composed mostly from stock shots of "The Real Cannibal Holocaust" - aka "Nuova Guinea, l'isola dei cannibali" - and stock shots of animals from documentaries too).

The director is Bruno Mattei so it's not really a big surprise, he used a lot stock shots and work done by others in his movies (for example his "Zombi: La creazione" AND "Shocking Dark" are copies of James Cameron's "Aliens"). I kinda like his movies, because most of them are really fun to watch (the "so bad it's good" kind). But for this one, I think it's just an OK movie. Funny in many scenes, but also boring in many others.

There is a nice variety of zombies, some looks like the blue ones from "Dawn of the Dead", others have a more "gory" look, as in "Zombi 2" of Lucio Fulci. The characters from the Swat are fun, lot of crazy men in the team with totally irrational reactions! Unfortunately, the movie is too long, should have been cut by at least 20 minutes.
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Agon (1968– )
A nice little Kaiju TV show
13 September 2016
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A Godzilla like monster emerges in Japan, after a truck full of uranium felt in the ocean because of a violent typhoon.

I really enjoyed the first two episodes, the Kaiju appears fast on screen and there isn't any dead time. The only problem, for the whole 4 episodes, is Goro, the journalist. He's kinda annoying, always saying to everyone that he never let go a case, and that's why he's called a "suppon" (that what the subtitles says in the DVD you can find on Amazon, not sure of what that means)).

The two last episodes are less entertaining, as two bandits brothers are added to the story. The main story take then a different path, focusing on them searching a briefcase full of narcotics underwater and holding hostage a kid. I won't spoil everything, but let's just say the show ends weirdly. The fact that the monster hold a boat in his mouth the whole last episode for no particular reason, and the way he is beaten are kinda strange.

Anyway, overall this "Giant phantom Monster Agon" is nice/okay and if you're fan of Kaiju Eiga, I think you'll enjoy this little TV show.
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Not the best Lego Star Wars TV show, but still a nice one.
2 February 2016
Not as funny as the others Lego Star Wars TV movies, a more classical humour than what Lego movies/video-games used to contain, but it is still entertaining.

It's mostly a show dedicated to kids, but lot of private jokes are made for the adults Star Wars fans (explanation of why Chewie didn't get a medal at the end of episode IV, jokes about the quality of the prequel...).

And it's a good idea to watch this "Droid Tales" before discovering the new episode VII because it's basically a big summary of episodes I to VI (and even a part of "The Clone Wars" and "Star Wars Rebels"). But that's kinda a problem too, because it's TOO similar to what you saw in the movies. They didn't try to make new crazy stuff with the stories (just the minimum).
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Maybe a movie OK for little kids....
2 February 2016
But definitely not a movie for an adult.

The story is very childish, and the young actors/characters are annoying. There are one or two "so bad it's good" parts, but mostly this "Indian Harry Potter" isn't very entertaining. The FX are really bad, they look like they come from a very low budget 3D animated movie and they don't fit at all in a live movie with real actors.

But the worst part is the 3D, that doesn't work at all with the casuals red and cyan cardboard glasses (not furnished anyway with the DVD). When launching the DVD, before the menu, you have messages explaining how to set your TV colors to make it work. I tried anything and it's still not working so I watched the movie without any glasses (still better than with them on your nose). And no option available to watch the movie in 2D...

So maybe it is OK for a young audience (if you manage to make the 3D work), but I won't recommend you to buy it for that kind of people anyway... There are plenty of better kids movies around here.
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One of the worst Amityville (and found-footage) movie
20 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
If you want to see how not to make a good horror movie, watch this Amityville Haunting. If not, run away from it!

The first bad thing is the found-footage option. OK it's easier to film that way when you don't have a lot of money to put in your movie, but here it's badly used.For example the kid explaining to the camera what he just filmed at the end of every sequences is annoying and useless, same thing for the screen turning suddenly black for some seconds during all the movie.

Then the movie is full of "clichés" : The teenage girl is ALWAYS on her phone and ALWAYS in bad mood, the youngest sister of course have an "imaginary" friend that turns out to be a ghost, the parents don't believing anything supernatural happens when they know the past of the house and people are dying around them or closed doors open by themselves...

And of course, the acting is bad. Most of the cast don't have a big experience so don't expect too much from them.

Finally.... not a lot of stuff happens. Except some fast apparitions or off-screen deaths. You have to wait the very end to see something A LITTLE more interesting.

So let this movie be a forgotten footage and don't try to find it. Really, it doesn't worth to waste your time on that.
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Ganjasaurus Rex (1987 Video)
A very bad trip
1 January 2016
The plot : "When the federal government tries to eradicate the local marijuana crop, they encounter an unexpected problem - GANJASAURUS REX - a prehistoric 400-foot-tall monster who awakens with a healthy appetite for a particular strain of marijuana - cannabis sequoia!"

With a plot like that I was expecting a "so bad it's good movie", but not at all! It was just a really really bad one. The acting is terrible, same thing for the jokes, and it was THE most boring dinosaur movie I've ever seen so far (and I've seen a lot of them). The dinosaur addicted to marijuana must appears maximum 5 minutes on screen, and that's sad because those scenes are the only "so bad it's good" parts of this movie.

Maybe I wasn't in the good state of mind to enjoy it because people are maybe supposed to be stoned to enjoy this thing...
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The Avengers (2012)
Casual blockbuster
1 September 2015
I'm not really into superheroes movies (however I really enjoyed Batman trilogy of Nolan), nor into comics. But people around me were talking so much about how cool "The Avengers" was that I decided to buy the Blu ray 3D and give it a try. And...

It was a big disappointment !

OK it's entertaining, it's a blockbuster with a lot of budget and special effect and action, but the story is casual and predictable, same thing for the characters ! I really don't get how people could have been so excited for something like that...

The worst part ? If a movie so casual has that much success, the directors of the sequels won't make any effort to make a better work on the story... The second Avengers movie did confirms that, it was even worse (but apparently a lot of cuts where made because it was too long otherwise, maybe the DVD/BR version will be a little better).

Of course not all the Marvel movies are like that fortunately ! I'm open minded and I love cinema so I did try some other stuff the Marvel studios made, so I can highly recommend "Guardians of the Galaxy" (I loved it) and the "Ant Man" that was nice too. The other Marvel movies ? Well, let just say that if you don't watch them you don't miss a lot...
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A "fun to watch" movie
26 August 2015
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Not a very popular nor an excellent Kaijû Eiga (the story is too classic and cliché, maybe it's a satire so it's maybe on purpose but not sure), but still entertaining and funny !

Entertaining because you see a lot the men in rubber suits destroying plastic stuff as buildings and tanks for example, and the humans part are not really boring.

Funny because how cheap the special effects are (they didn't have as much money as Toho studios I guess), the way the monsters look (did Godzilla had babies with Rodan ? According to the french title of the movie it's not impossible) and how the woman photographer is considered by her colleague : He tells her something like "be a normal woman and stay at the kitchen and go change baby diapers" (and that's exactly what she's going to do at the end of the movie by the way, feminists should definitely not watch this movie to avoid a heart attack).

The end with the baby Gappa learning how to fly is ridiculously fun too, it reminds me of Minilla learning how to spit fire in one of the "Godzilla" movies...

If you like Kaijû movies and having a good laugh give it a try !
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