
61 Reviews
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Hostel (2005)
Witness the sick minds of the rich society
20 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I remember watching Hostel as a kid, and now I'm rewatching some movies that I haven't in awhile. Even though I remember Hostel, it looked like it wasn't that much.

It was an interesting movie, specially before all the torture p*rn era from Saw. But to me, this movie was like the first Purge movie in 2013. Fantastic concept, but the execution let a little but to be desired.

I think the movie could have been more focused in the torture concept, since there was too many scenes that is just partying and talking with locals. It could have a good build up, but when it came to the actual torture scenes, it didn't delve too much on it. It was rather quick, and the last scenes were escaping out of the building, fleeing the cops get to the train station and in the end we even spend some time punishing one of the sick psycopaths by kidnapping his daughter.

It was a decent movie, where we witness the sick minds of the rich society, but in the end it was a bit underwhelming, since it could have gone further.
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A Quiet Place (2018)
This is those movies that will rip your heart out
19 May 2021
Why did I wait to much to see this movie is beyond me, but I'm glad I finally watch it!

I wasn't expecting to love this so much, and even though we have so much movies about a "post-world" situation (virus outbreak, natural disasters, etc), this one was something special.

I was so invested in this family, I feared for them, the tense scenes were so well executed I couldn't breathe, sometimes even I was in silence. The creature was really interesting, good design and it brought something new, considering we already have so many series and movies with similar creatures in context.

The character development was beautiful to watch unfold, right of the bat we're told nothing is off limits and we better get used to witness some have scenes (more in the psychologic context, since it's the catalyst for the development of the characters).

The cast was phenomenal, I'm amazed by the talent in front of the camera. And I can't forget the writing and the talent behind the cameras. The environment was so well shot, always wondering when would the next slip up attract the creatures.

I don't want to leave spoilers, and I won't, but let me tell you that some scenes are just breathtaking in every way. I mean, I even ended up in tears, so yeah, this is those movies that will rip your heart out.
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It was a great step up from the previous film
18 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'll say it. I wasn't expecting to like this one, but it was a great improvement from the last film.

I believe that it was mainly because it was written by Joss Whedon, whose work I've been a fan of, so that might have helped.

That said, it still wasn't, to me, at the level of the first two movies. But that doesn't make it a bad film.

Alien: Resurrection managed to capture the atmosphere of the first two movies very well, something that was missing in the previous outing. Some scenes were really perfect in that sense.

Finally, the effects were better. At the level of the first two movies. The Xenomorphs got the justice they deserved after the mess of the third movie. And we get to see the Queen once again, which is always a pleasure.

The only aspects I mainly didn't like were how they cloned Ripley. I think it's a plot difficult to execute and ripped the emotion of Ripley's death in the previous movie (even though it had little to no emotion to me). But it stopped bothering me after the amazing performance of Sigourney Weaver. Seeing her in such a OP version was really amazing to witness. Never thought I would like it so much.

The other aspect was the appearance of the last creature. The son of the Queen, if I can call it that. I understand that they were trying a new look, since it was born in a different way, because Ripley's DNA allowed the Queen to develop an uterus and give birth as female humans. But the creature appearance wasn't executed well enough for me, it broke the movie a little.

That said, Alien Resurrection was a pleasant surprise in comparison with the third one. It was a good step up from the previous film and it managed to breathe a new life in Sigourney Weaver's performance.
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Alien³ (1992)
I watched the Assembly Cut and regretted every minute of it!
17 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was an unnecessary sequel! You can say that about Aliens, but James Cameron actually managed to explore the story and bring new elements without messing the original idea. He add more depth, this one just tarnished the brand, and I didn't get to Resurrection yet.

What I did like:
  • The concept of the prison setting was interesting to me, until I saw the terrible execution.

  • Sigourney Weaver performance was phenomenal once again. Even with a terrible script and stupid dialogue, she gave her all. And even if that couldn't save the film, it made it tolerable.

What I didn't like:
  • The first minutes! How was that alien egg in the ship. Doesn't have the Queen to lay the eggs. So she should have been in that area, right? And only one egg. What an excuse to crash a ship in the prison world and infect it at the same time.

  • How did this movie had the audacity of killing 2 major characters from the previous movie so unceremoniously? And he only did that for the shock value, because it didn't add anything to the story.

  • I hated the execution of the male prison world concept! I hated how Ripley was seen as the problem for the prisoners that didn't seen a woman in how many years. So much so, that they actually tried to rape Ripley...So many unnecessary content. It leads nowhere.

  • And just like the prison concept turned into a cartoon show, so did many of the characters there. The lack of creativity in crafting this characters really helped sink this concept to the ground. Only about 3 characters got a bit of development, one was the romantic partner they tried to set Ripley up (i'll get to that atrocity later), and the other two because they survived till the third act. The rest was the stereotype and cliché characters we all know in these scenarios.

  • They tried to make Ripley fall in love with someone in this movie. Could have worked? Maybe, but it was so undeniable forced, it looked like it belong to another movie. And don't tell me that James Cameron also made Ripley and Corporal Hicks have chemistry because the execution was completely different. In Aliens their link didn't have to be romantic, the set up was fluid and leveled with the environment they were in. Here, she just knows this character, and some scenes later she asked if he's attracted to her and later they are in the same bed. This isn't the Ripley we all know and admire, it's so out of character.

  • Why in this movie, they delayed so much the Xenomorph plot point. In the other movies she was straight forward about the threat they were facing. In this one, she just keeps it to herself until it's convenient for the plot that she speaks about it. She had her suspicions, she could have explained it.

  • And when they finally have the Xenomorph trapped, what can we do to get the plot going? Have the crazy prisoner open the giant door and admire the Xenomorph, while he gets killed by it. Great chain reaction that will undoubtedly get the plot moving.

  • About Ripley's death! So undeserving in this movie! I didn't like that she had to sacrifice herself for humanity. But if she had to, I would have preferred to watch it in another movie. Preferably by the hand of Ridley Scott or James Cameron. David Fincher didn't respected this character at all and even had the audacity to kill her in his atrocious movie.

  • And let's not talk about the effects. Really, why did the studio let this be made. I know why, money, but did it had to be this horrible. It's like a computer game, if not worse.

I watched the Assembly Cut, and regretted every minute of it. Almost 2 hours and a half of nothing great. Just skip this cut. I didn't watched the theatrical cut, but I can assure you that this cut adds nothing to the story. The characters are still horrible, the plot is still insane and lubricous and so on so on.
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Aliens (1986)
Only James Cameron could do Aliens and make history, just as Ridley Scott!
16 May 2021
If only all sequels were like this! Really, only James Cameron could make movie history after Ridley Scott!

Phenomenal in every way of the word! Admired as a kid and still amazes me in 2021. I loved rewatching this masterpiece of a sequel.

It's everything anyone can expect from James Cameron and so much more. It's a good example for filmmaking and in 2021 it still is a masterpiece!

Amazing how in 2021 we still see so many mediocre films, sequels, reboots, and remakes only for more money, like screw the material. It's not like no one wants more money, but make it meaningful, not just a cashgrab and specially don't tarnish the brand only for a couples of bucks. That's just unfair and ungrateful of Hollywood (but something we already expect from it, unfortunately).

Once again, this is a movie that will always be a pleasure to watch again and again!
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Alien (1979)
Still an undeniable masterpiece
16 May 2021
It's always so good to revisit this movie! I've been doing a marathon of movies I've watched as a kid and I was eager to get to this one.

In 2021, Alien still shows what makes it a masterpiece in every way. The characters, the storyline, the cinematography, the effects, I mean, everything.

It still holds strong after so many years, specially when we get more mediocre movies year after year.

Alien made history, and I'll always be grateful that I've witnessed as a kid and get to relive the moment again!
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
An over the top satire, but delivered what promised
11 May 2021
Satires aren't easily translated well into movies, since you can exaggerate in the message you want to tell or just miss the mark all together.

To me, The Hunt actually managed to deliver a good and entertaining satire. You can actually understand the stand the movie is making, specially by not taking itself too serious, which is always a good starting point for a satire.

The cast was amazing, as the acting was one of the best aspects of the movie. I loved Betty Gilpin as our protagonist and Hilary Swank as the opposite. The only scene they share together is actually very well made and it served perfectly the satire they are aiming for by shooting for both sides.

It's a over the top satire, but to it worked really well in this scenario.
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Freaky (2020)
9 May 2021
I loved this movie so much! It shows that you can still play with old tropes in a innovative and entertaining way.

Loved the cast and the characters had good development throughout the movie, which to me is always a good trait to have in slasher movies. You have the perfect characters to kill and the perfect characters to root for.

In the end, it's a movie that blend the comedy and the slasher elements very well. Very pleased with this movie!
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As a non believer in the Snyder Cut...I loved it
8 May 2021
I'm truly impressed with Zack Snyder's Cut! I wasn't expecting this movie, specially when I was left underwhelmed with his Dawn Of Justice's Cut.

I never believe there was a Snyder Cut and neither was expecting this day, but I can guarantee you, this is a complete different movie. The story and plot devices aren't even the same, if that's possible.

So many new scenes, important and meaningful scenes that don't feel rushed or out of context, as it happened with Whedon's version.

I'm still amazed with Zack Snyder work on this project, and let me tell you, it's really a shame that Warner Brothers don't consider canon. The future possibilities that WB could work from here are immense.

Can't wait to see what the future holds for Zack Snyder!
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Hush (I) (2016)
Why did I waited so much to watch this movie!
7 May 2021
Why did I waited so much to watch this movie! It surpass all my expectations.

Hush was suspenseful, heart wrenching and delivered a protagonist whose courage, strength and survival instinct are admirable, not to mention the obvious obstacles she had to overcome that are the centre of this movie, and let us think if we would be as successful.

It's a movie, but it was the reality of so many people. And in the end it let's us thinking about this terrifying moment.

I'm so happy that I finally watched this movie! Absolutely amazing!
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Wrong Turn (2021)
It wasn't what I expected, but it's still a good movie nonetheless
25 April 2021
I get why people are writing low reviews. Everyone was expecting a cannibal slasher like the previous films. And even though I was one of those people, I still enjoyed this movie.

I mean, it doesn't even need a franchise to stand on, since it's a really good stand alone movie.

And I got to give credit for trying to innovate the franchise, since it's been the same after the 3rd movie came out. The next trilogy was a mess (dumb, fun mess), but still a mess. Don't even let me talk about the fifth and sixth movie.

So, if you're intrigued enough to see it, do it. Judge it for yourself.
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Santa Clarita Diet (2017–2019)
Everything for the family
4 December 2020
Wow, what a gem I just found! Lately I've been more into comedies and light hearted shows, and weirdly enough Santa Clarita Diet is one of the best shows that I've came across with. This show manages the comedy and the gore so well. They took something that we all know so well - the zombie genre - and made it into something new and unexpected (just like iZombie did). I appreciate the light of this show so much, without being too serious about the zombie aspect, I mean we already have The Walking Dead and similar shows to do that. And yet, among the comedy and the gore, they still manage to send a beautiful message through it. Family, it's not perfect, but we won't know how much it means to us until we lose it. I just started the second season and I'm beyond thrilled about what's coming, and it's such a shame Netflix canceled it last year. What a please it is to watch Drew Barrymore and Timothy Olyphant interact in a magnetic, beautiful and comedic way.
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13 Reasons Why: Let the Dead Bury the Dead (2019)
Season 3, Episode 13
Who killed Bryce Walker?! Murder mystery?! Count me in...
25 August 2019
I wasn't really looking for this season, since I wasn't a big fan of the second one. I liked the concept of the trial, but I thought it could have been better executed.

Well, this all changed after the trailer dropped. Who killed Bryce Walker?! Murder mystery?! Count me in... To me this season was far superior to the last one. More darker, more challenging and once again made sure we were watching and talking about real people, real human beings. It was a slow burn, and yes, most secrets and storytelling could have been handled in one episode or two, but okay, nothing is perfect. It was irritating in some ways, specially when things were just getting worst and worst and even then some secrets were kept just for the sake of the episode, but oh well, I managed.

Overall, I think this season made the tough job of justifying its existence, which would be really hard since it never needed a second season in the first place. I totally understand why the producers wanted, but it wasn't a necessary a second season, let alone a third, but I didn't let it take the enthusiasm of watching it. That said, I'm happy they're ending this series after S4, even though they could've ended with S3, but let's see where they lead us next. Since it's their last outing, the producers can get crazier and just let it all burn...
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All Hail The King
16 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to be honest, I love this movie, truly, but it's not flawless. On this chapter we got what we wanted, the true fight between alphas and the conquest of the true power over everything. And even though some people complaint about the human factor of this movie, I actually enjoyed it...until some degree.

In these type of movies, either we get full monster fight or full human war with some glimpses of the monster. This movie is one of few that manages to balance these distinct perspectives. Which side should we be on, that one that protects these monsters, the one that wants to kill them, the one that wants to weaponize them?! It's really interesting to me, and such an appeal and well balanced as we get to observe these monsters.

That said, I can't say it's totally original. This human vs monsters has been done before, so it really needed to bring some fresh topics to distinguish from other movies, the plot revolving the mother was totally cliché, the "I want to save the planet, so I'll join the the villain side, but the villain turned out to be using me and fooled me the whole time" has been done so many times and it didn't bring a new perspective or a fresh take on the plot, specially with her sacrifice in the end...cliché from start to the end.

Overall I was satisfied with this chapter, and can't wait to see what's to come
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Shazam! (2019)
The cast gave it all and it showed!
5 August 2019
Yes! I was really rooting for this movie! DCEU remains a struggle, but with movies like Wonder Woman and Shazam (still haven't watched Aquaman, so no opinions on that one, yet) makes me believe they are getting their vision straight.

To me what stands out is the acting, the technique between Zachary Levi, Mark Strong and Asher Angel is phenomenal and so well drafted. The classic Mark Strong gives such a compelling performance I couldn't take my eyes of the screen whenever he was present. Mark's really did great with his character, the calm and yet menacing presence was incredible and perfect, and the way it balances with the childish acting performance of Zachary Levi was so well done. Both actors really connected to the core of their characters and it shows whenever they're on a scene together.

Asher Angel was an incredible young talent, and such a delight to watch, just as much as his companions, I mean Jack Grazer stole the show with his relatable and remarkable performance. The foster family was such a good dynamic to the movie, so glad they went full on character development with Asher's character and everyone involved. I really was afraid the foster family plot would only serve as an entrance to Shazam and a final crisis to end the movie, glad they fully developed that plot and managed to put a magnificent twist on it.

It's not every movie that manage to present such an interesting and well chosen cast, but Shazam killed in that department. Presenting us a well diverse cast with characters that really matter and help the plot unfold in a natural way, was really the best thing that came out of this movie!
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Better Watch Out (II) (2016)
More like this ones in the future, please
4 August 2019
Why haven't I watched this one sooner?! And so glad I didn't watch the trailer, so the twist just killed me instantly.

What you think is an ordinary home invasion movie turns out a sick game of who'll play the smartest move. Wickedly infuriating, it will get on your nerves, literally. This is psychopath level movie manage to bring something new to genre, and even unpredictable at some point.

Really glad to find some good movies that manage to stand out among the trashy ones the are commonly in this genre. More like this ones in the future, please
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Lucifer: Who's da New King of Hell? (2019)
Season 4, Episode 10
Season 4 was an epic storytelling
11 May 2019
This is the real proof, the reminder of the potencial this show had and FOX didn't even realized. I'm here since the very beginning and couldn't be more proud, more happy and more fulfilled that Netflix picked this up. This season just knocked the last two seasons. Season 1 amazing start, Season 2 good, but not as good as the first one, it started to lose it's charme, Season 3 just all over the place and it forgot the supernatural side of it, like almost until the finale. Season 4 was an epic storytelling. It was all connected, all the elements of good writing, you could see that they studied everything in order to give us the full potential and epicness Lucifer could achieve. And for that, I thank you Netflix, writers, producers, the actors and all people that is involved in this season. Thank you so much for giving this masterpiece.
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The most epic finale I ever witnessed!
26 April 2019
This isn't just hype! This movie proved everything is possible. The Russo's Brothers did an astonishing work closing this 10 year saga, and it couldn't be more perfect than this. They and Marvel knew they couldn't screw this up, and Oh My... This is everything a fan of this saga can hope for and so much more. I still have no words that can describe this movie more than incredible, astonishing, incredible, perfect. This is the finale we needed and they sure delivered. It comes full circle, and that's what makes it even more touching and so real in so many ways, it's a superhero movie, yet the way it's so grounded is unbelievable. A closure that not every movie/writer/producer can pull of.
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Marlene killed everything with this pilot!
23 March 2019
I love PLL as my undeniable love life, specially because it was the first show that got me into this TV Shows World, but I have to admit it. Marlene killed everything with this pilot. I loved the pilot episode from PLL, it got everything I loved, mystery, drama, secrets and characters impossible not to love, but The Perfectionists pilot episode just blown me away. It has everything it needs to success, intriguing characters, secrets, drama, death and so much story to tell. Marlene found a way to, in 2019, tell a story that many may think it's old and cliché and turned in something new, and that's when you know a writer/director is talented. To me, as in 2019, there's no stories that haven't been told already, leaving the writers and directors to be able to change what we think we know, twisting clichés, creating characters that are way more than they appear and specially bringing new points of view. Without a doubt, The Perfectionists will be that show, bringing new perspectives to light, showings us that we may know all the stories, but we don't know every perspectives about it
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My newest obsession...and I'm ready for it!
23 March 2019
I so wasn't ready for this! As the time PLL ended and they started talking about a spinoff I wasn't that enthusiastic as the show just ended and I thought it should rest for a time. Two years later I couldn't be more ready for it. The promos were phenomenal and my enthusiasm only got bigger and my expectations were above the roof but I promise you, Marlene King just killed everything with the pilot. Marlene did what I though she couldn't, but she got the best traits from our original show and used in a unique way bringing to The Perfectionists it's own essence. Sasha and Janel were killers, totally lead characters material and they just proved they can carry out a show. As for the new liars, bring it on! So mysterious and compelling, I want to know more and more about them. Even and specially Nolan Hotchkiss, he totally isn't what he tries to show My newest obsession...and I'm ready for it!
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Halloween (I) (2018)
The sequel we deserved for a very long time
10 January 2019
I loved it! I loved with my entire heart! I still can't believe I was watching a new Halloween movie, the nostalgia was everything. This is the sequel we deserve. After the original Halloween I only like two more movies, Halloween II and H20. But this one wasn't kidding. I loved the brutality, the deaths, the atmosphere, the soundtrack was on point. My heart wasn't handling it. This is the strong comeback every movie want's to achieve, but it's not meant for everyone. So proud of this movie!
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Titans (I) (2018–2023)
Addicted as hell
8 November 2018
I can't believe in this show. I remember people mocking every news prior to the release of the tv show, as a good amount of people didn't believe in this show. Oh boy, as someone who never watched the cartoons neither read the comics, I didn't know what to expect, so I was divided between the trailers and info about the show and the bad word of mouth people were spreading. But how wrong they were... The aesthetic is phenomenal, the plot really detailed and thought out, the pace is actually really well written, even when we go from an action scene to a slower scene. Two episodes in and I'm already invested in the characters, specially Starfire, who received the most criticism, but the mysterious surrounding this character is addictive, I just want to see more and know more. Dick Grayson is a wonder, such a good characters that I love. Rachel is just amazingly well written, so far she doesn't fall in the typical and cliche haunted characters, her actions are really plausible and fit the characteristics of the character. Right now, I just can't stop watching. DC has a winner.
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Elite: Bienvenidos (2018)
Season 1, Episode 1
It will be a twisted and dangerous ride
5 October 2018
I'm a sucker for this type of shows. Can't help myself. As soon as I watched the trailer I knew I was gonna love this show. For a pilot episode I truly think it paved the way for the story unfold in the next episodes. We have a good introduction of the characters and it already allowed us to get a generic picture of everyone. I'm waiting to see how the characters are gonna change their behavior with the new 3 characters, who I already love. We have stereotypes, but I'm pretty sure that just a facade until they unravel their true nature. I'm really hopping this show delivers a new twist and brings something new to the genre that's already a bit slow and predictable. But judging for the final moments of the pilot, I already bet it will be a twisted and dangerous ride. Btw, love the How To Get Away With Murder vibes, I love it.
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I loved it more than I want to admit
26 December 2017
I'm going to be honest, at first I really didn't consider watching this, specially because I watched the first one and I feel in love instantly. I mean, these days sequels to a 20 years old movies or reboots aren't that great, and I'm not that stingy with reboots, because I just want to watch a movie and not compare to the original one, I like watching it as a standalone. But with these one, I was so worried, but oh man, I love to be wrong in these situations. It was brilliant, I was not feeling the modern version of Jumanji, but that was cleared in the beginning and it didn't bothered me that much, actually. The characters were amazing to watch, mostly because I easily related to them if I was in that situation with my friends. The plot was good enough, nothing new and unique, but it was well planned and cohesive, and that's one of the most important aspects of a plot. The game theme was so well written in this movie, and once again super cohesive and it follows it's rules, which demonstrates excellent writing and not just "for a moment in particular alteration". The cast was phenomenal, even though I liked The Roch way more before, it was still pleasant to watch him in a different role, actually more funny and interesting than I want to admit, and the rest of the cast I was already in love, specially Jack Black, who killed this performance alongside Kevin Hart and Karen Gillian (who I never watch before, but I'm already in love). This is a perfect family adventurous movie, you don't have to watch the first one, but there are easter eggs in this sequel that are so special to those who enjoyed the first one, like me. Give it a go, I can't promise you'll love it, but to me it's good entertainment
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Tom Holland was born to wear the title Spider-Man!
6 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, I did not expect to be so amazed by this! This is the 3rd take on the character in less then 20 years and the trailers did not convince me, but since I love Tom Holland's work and finally Spider-Man would be in the MCU, it was logical that I had to watch the movie.

Surprised, positively surprised, amazed, there is nothing I don't like in this movie, the simplicity of it it's unbelievable, it's so grounded, even though the core of the film is sci-fi and all, it's impossible to believe in what you just watched. The characters are interesting, even the annoying Flash...maybe...moving on, Tom Holland was born to wear the title Spider-Man, even tough I liked Tobie Maguire's take on the characters and Andrew's Garfield as well, in just one movie Tom Holland have already stand out in an amazing way, since Civil War, actually, but I waited for his own movie to get an actual and reliable source to spoke my opinion.

I hope Marvel build an awesome Spider-Man Universe, because they already started very well, they got so many material, and the right people to get that done, so I can only wish the best and wait for the second installment to amaze me as well, hopefully even more, and I know it will.
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