
49 Reviews
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Wipeout (2008–2014)
I forgot how much I loved this show
19 September 2023
Just found this on Netflix and decided to check it out. I forgot how funny this is. It's like a game show version of America's Funniest Home Videos. Obviously it isn't showcasing the best and the brightest this country has to offer, but that's kind of what makes it fun. Unlike say, one of the exploitative talk shows like Jerry Springer, this is more light hearted, like the aforementioned AFV. It's also akin to MXC, which I loved as well, so that may be why I enjoy this so much. Originally, I thought shows like this were kind of mean spirited, but after thinking about it I realized that the contestants are in on it. They know what they signed up for. And the humor from the John's is not overtly offensive. It's more playful than mean.

I hope at some point they bring this show back. It's time for a reboot.
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Smile (V) (2022)
When I read or write a movie script...
12 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I ask myself if I removed character X, would it affect the story? Would it change the outcome in any way? Would it help tighten the story if I did? Well, in this case, there are several character X's. First, the fiancee. Pointless. He added nothing of value. The Sister. Again, pointless. She was there only to add drama and dump some exposition on us. The Sister's husband and son? Again, pointless. It seemed like they were setting something up with the nephew for it only to go nowhere.

If they had removed those characters, they could have focused more on the main story. Maybe fill in some of the gaps? Some backstory, some more scenes with the mother, more with her therapist.

And removing those characters would also have brought the running time down to about 1:37, which is where it should have been, in my opinion.

I don't mind jumpscares, but the setup has to be done right. Some in here were, some weren't. I also am not a fan of a tense scene, in this case when the therapist visits her but isn't really the therapist, and she grabs her, has her up against the wall and then just cuts to her in her car. What? Any tension, any fright that just built up was completely taken away. Also, it makes no sense.

Now, I know it sounds like I'm bagging on the film, and I guess I am, but I did enjoy a good amount of it. Unlike a lot of people, I didn't mind the ending. I saw it coming a mile away, but I didn't mind it. It's a horror film. You want a happy ending, find an Asian massage parlor.

I have seen a trend lately with "horror" films where when they are written and directed by the same person, they are usually underwhelming. I'm not saying bad, just like, they need someone else (like a writer), to bounce ideas off or something. Even "revered" movies like Hereditary or The Witch, which I personally think both of them are WAY overrated, could have benefited from another person (or people) to question certain choices.

And PS...this is NOT the worst movie you have ever seen, nor is it the best. It's far from a 1 and not close to a 10. People really need to lay off the hyperbole. It's basically rendering IMBD as useless as politicians.
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Tenet (2020)
It's a palindrome...
7 September 2023
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Not just the title, but the movie itself.

So, I disliked Tenet upon first watch. I mean, it looked good and was very well acted, but also enjoyed the smell of its own farts. It was way yyyy to up its own ass...or so I thought.

Tenet is a 90 minute movie.

What? How can that be? It's 2 and a half hours.

Yes, it is. But the content is only 90 minutes. 90 minutes I didn't appreciate until I watched it again.

This might very well be the first palindrome movie ever made. It chugs along, reaches a kid section, and then shows the same exact thing, except backwards. And boom goes the dynamite.

Ok, YES, it's confusing, and YES, you might need to watch a few times before understanding, and's seems completely unnecessary. One you do figure it all out, it's quite cool, even if it's not executed amazingly. Some will argue that a well-made well thought out movie, shouldn't have to be watched twice. That you should GET it right away. Others, would argue that movies like this require multiple viewings. I myself am somewhere in the middle.

I enjoy movies like, The Skeleton Key or The Sixth Sense, where the ending is obvious once you get there but you feel stupid for not realizing it. But, then you go back and watch them (especially Skeleton Key), and you realize they were telegraphing "the twist" the whole time.

Or, another kind of example....the first 2 sequels to Pirates of the Carribean...Dead Man's Chest and At World's End...when you watch them separately, the story lines almost seem disparate, but when you watch them back to back (if you have the 197 hours to spare), you realize it's one cohesive script with a major long con. Unfortunately, most people missed it because they didn't spend the 5 plus hours to watch the sequels back-to-back.

Tenet suffers from that, but all in one movie. I do think Nolan (like Tatantino) is overrated at this point, BUT, I admit I was wrong about the ambitious idea behind the's really cool...I think the execution needed to thought out a little more and the rules that govern both past/ future and present.

And again, massive props for making a movie that's a palindrome.
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Superman & Lois: In Cold Blood (2023)
Season 3, Episode 3
Enjoying this season so far...
19 August 2023
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And I enjoyed this episode. I like that they are showing the people as human and dealing with real world situations. Lois and the cancer thing is pretty powerful and done well. I know when my mother had breast cancer she got very sick from the Chemo. It's literally poison in your body. This episode hit home for me and I thought they did it well. The only thing I didn't like is the whole Lana slapping Sarah thing. Not because she slapped her, Sarah totally deserved to be slapped as she was being a selfish little Witch, but how Lana acted like she was a monster afterwards. She slapped her. She didn't hit her or beat her. Sometimes kids need to be reminded that they are the kids and the parents are the parents. That was the one thing I didn't like, but so far I'm digging this season. Can't wait to see where it goes.
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The worst thing about the internet is...
14 August 2023
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It has given everyone a platform to state their opinion. Unfortunately, not everyone is smart enough or informed enough to have one (myself included on certain topics), but the most egregious tragedy is the full on hyperbole that seems to plague most peoples' opinions these days.

This movie was FAR from a 1. Those who are giving it a 1 or 2 have CLEARLY never seen another movie in their life, which is doubtful given people's proclivity to rate almost EVERY movie with a 1.

This was a very well made movie and it was very well acted. Was it a super scary movie? No. But if I'm being honest, none of the Insidious movies are, barring a few jump scares.

And that's another issue I have. Why to people take exception to jump scares and call them "cheap" and "lazy". I can't think of one movie that actually scared me that wasn't a jump scare. A well placed jump scare can be amazing and super effective.

And I hope Ty Simpkins gets a lot more roles now that he is grown up. He is a damn good actor. First thing I saw him in was Iron Man 3 and I thought "Damn, this kid's going toe-to-toe with RDJ". I hope great things for him.

My only real complaint with this movie, as it is in a lot of movies, is that it didn't seem to know how to end on the right note and it felt rushed. I wish they trimmed some of the fat, ie, Nick the Dick and the ghost at the first house, and concentrated more on the main story. Other than that, I thought it was very solid.

And I know it's a horror movie, but I actually laughed out loud at the lines "On Sundays I like to wear a monocle and order take out with a British accent" and "Think those sheets are cripsy?... They'd probably snap like a taco shell".
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Missed the mark...
31 July 2023
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I love comedy, I love sci-fi, I love drama, I love action. This had all of those elements. It also had a great cast and a really good premise. However, the execution was not stellar. It looked good, even if the graininess got a little annoying, but the sound was awful. And the script. There's a good message in there, but it kind of falls flat. So, Fontaine's little brother was killed by the police. That took me out of it, espeically once you get to the reveal at the end, because the excuse given would Hage worked SO much better if they had the brother killed in a drive by. It would have gotten more of a message across AND made sense for the story.

I also feel that the movie felt slightly disjointed right after the first scene with Kifer. It jumped to another scene and it felt like there was a chunk of the movie missing. And one thing I always ask myself when writing or watching a movie is "would removing this character change the movie at all?" Well, the answer is NO, it wouldn't. It just felt like they wanted a "white" bad guy. He was basically just there to say the control words used in the finale.

I also feel like it was 20 minutes too long. Too many non-essential elements. Or, I would like to have seen those cut and more story brought in.

And for me, the biggest sin is the introduction of the characters. None of them were likeable. Don't get me wrong, you can have unlikable characters, but there has to be some kind of immediate connection with them, good or bad. I didn't really care about any of them until about 30 plus minutes into the movie. If you're going have bad/ obnoxious/ annoying characters, make them stand out. Lots of movies have likeable villains and unlikable heroes that you still care about.

And the more I watched this, the more it felt like just taking Get Out and Us, and making them one movie.

Just my 2 cents.
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I loved this movie as a kid...
1 June 2023
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But upon re-watching it as an adult, it's actually not that great. A lot of that has to do with the same issues I had with the first movie; the story, the editing, the acting, and the music being way too loud.

Everyone complains about new movies and their lack of story, but this movie is all over the place. And then people complain movies like Fast & Furious ignore physics. Uh, the mine cart scene in this movie? And the more I re-watch these movies, Indiana Jones comes across like a total A-Hole and a little rapey. I know it's an 80's movies set in the 30's, so the rapey vibe I guess was apropos for the time, but he's just too smarmy I guess.

And some of the plot devices in this movie are just ridiculous. Drinking blood puts you under some evil spell but getting brushed with fire snaps you out of it? What? And when they lower the first guy into the fire pit, he catches fire (as he should) like 15 feet before he hits the lava. When they lower Willie in, she is like 5 feet from the lava and nothing happens. It's little things like that can ruin a movie.

Then the mine cart scene. It was fun when I was a kid, but it was eye-rolling now, especially when they go to brake. They weren't even going that fast and his foot was pushing down on metal. And then the water comes rushing at them, sending bit posts through solid rock. What? If a tunnel is bored through solid rock, water would not have that effect on it.

It's sad that I used to love these movies and just can't see them in the same way because in reality, they aren't very good movies.
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Proof that people care more about nostolgia....
1 June 2023
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Then they do about an actual good movie. This movie is not good, at least not anymore. I saw this, and the subsequent sequels, in the movie theatre as a kid. I quite enjoyed it. Action, adventure, super-natural elements. It had it all...that is until I watched it again as an adult. It still has action, adventure, and super-natural elements, but what it doesn't have is a good script, good acting, good editing, and good flow. My God, the way this movie jumps around is insane. Characters like Sallah had no introduction. None of the characters had an "arc", which is fine by me as I don't think it's a necessity, but they had no depth, which is hard to get past. People complain about movies like John Wick being unbelievable because he gets beat-up, shot, etc., but the same thing happens to Indy. Over and over.

I know some people find the introduction of Marion and her line "I was a child" a little "rapey", but it was a movie made in 1981 set in 1939. Back then, it wasn't that rapey. That's not what bothered me. What was is that she makes a huge fuss about how it's her bar and she worked hard to make it, etc., and when it burns down she's just like, whatever. I'm your shadow now.

And then when Indy thinks she's dead when the truck just rolls over and explodes (uh, what?), it cuts to Indy drinking with the monkey. The evil monkey that turned her in. Again, what?

And then Indy and Sallah just walk all around the Nazi dig site and no one questions them? Even when they find the right place and a crew goes up there and digs, in plain sight, and no one questions them? And then the temple with the snakes. This is supposed to be a temple sealed for like 2000 years, yet somehow all these snakes are surviving? And coming out of a wall? What?

Ok, then they get on a boat and a Nazi submarine finds them. Indy hides in a pipe. Then cut to him climbing onto the sub. The sub submerges and travels by map to some Nazi island only to show Indy already out of the water up high? What? Did the sub not go under water? Seems unlikely. Just too convenient.

And then the ending is just awful. I thought it was cool as a kid, faces melting, yay, but it just kind of negates Indy's journey. He didn't do anything to win other than close his eyes. What a cop out. Also, how did he know "not to look"? Again, convince.

I am 47 and looking at this movie again through the lenses and mind of a 47 y/o there were parts that were still enjoyable, but the overall whole of the movie does not stand the test of time.

And the irony is I see peole complaining about current movies that suffer from the same issues this movie does, giving them a 1 star rating, yet still give this movie a 10.

Like I said, nostolgia holds more importance than an actual good film.
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As a 47 y/o white male...
28 May 2023
I found this show delightful. I did grow up with lots of Asian and Indian friends so it felt kind of familiar to me. It was well written and well acted and the humor fit very well. I'm pretty sure a lot of people will not like this as American's (as a generality) do not enjoy reading subtitles. And of course you will have those that down-vote this just because of the ethnic make-up of the cast. Well, Eff those people. They are full of vitriol regarding anyone and anything that don't look like them.

I actually found this to be one of the more believable shows about how high school students actually act. And I have to say the lead actor, Ben Wang, is amazing. He kind of has like an Asian Micahel Cera thing going on and it works really well for him.

I'm really hoping for another season.
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The Muppets (2011)
The negative reviews prove...
11 May 2023
How stupid and or cynical some people are. I grew up watching the original show and the movies and they were good for that time. What worked in the 70's/80's wouldn't work today, so those saying that this isn't like the orignal: you're right, it's not, nor should it be. This movie was perfect for 2011. I know humor is subjective, but to say you didn't laugh once means the jokes went right over your head or you truly have no soul. I thought it was a brilliant way to bring the Muppets back and introduce them to a new generation. It maintained the vibe of the original show without copying and pasting (which is apparently what some people wanted) and was its own thing. I especially how the human actors spoofed the sitcom acting from some shows of the 50's and 60's. And the sight gags were bang on. I am a huge fan of James Bobin and his brand of humor (Flight of the Conchords is one of my favorite shows of all time), and it could be a "you get it or you don't" situation for some. I get it and I love it and I thought this movie was lovely.
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Ghosted (I) (2023)
It was perfectly fine
9 May 2023
People REALLY need to get over themselves and remember how to just enjoy a movie. This was an enjoyable action comedy that ticked all the boxes with a few new additions to the genre. Not every movie has to be some dark, brooding, angsty film. Not every movie is made to be an Oscar contender nor should they be. Don't people remember fun? You know, fun? The activity you used to have before you became a cynical, jaded shell of the person you used to be? I read some many reviews where I say to myself "My god this person seems awful and am so glad they aren't in my life." I mean that for real. So many nasty little Hobbitsis out there.
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You can always tell who...
23 April 2023
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The pretentious film students are. I had a dual major of English and Film, the latter becoming my primary focus, especially screenwriting. In the litany of screenwriting classes I had taken, they all reinforced the same ideal; their has to be a character arc. They have to change somehow from how it started to how it ends. While I don't totally disagree, I do call shenanigans on that.

I have read multiple reviews about Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantamania complaining Scott Lang had no arc, that he was the same person at the end as he was at the beginning. OK. And? I think the same could be true about alot of sequels in the MCU. Once they are established in the first movie, how much do they really need to change?

In fact, some of the most well reviewed and beloved movies that have no character arc.

Wolf of Wall Street The Social Network Ferris Bueller's Day Off John Wick The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly Forrest Gump The Big Lebowski

That's just to name a few.

People really need to get over themselves (and their fancy book learning), and realize good, even great films, can be made without a character changing or having an "arc".

Now, all that out of the way, my only REAL issue with this movie was the serious retconning. I find it hard to beleive Janet never would have mentioned that there was a whole world/s on the subatomic level, and that she knew of Kang and his plans. Also, how in Ant-Man and the Wasp, Hank goes almost insane in the quantum realm, but Janet saves him. Why wasn't that happening this time? Where was that quantum realm?

Although, in Ant-Man and the Wasp, when Janet and Hank are exiting the quantum realm, if you pause it right, you can see what looks like a domed city, so clearly there was some setup for this film.

My only other issue was Scott find of felt like a secondary character in his own film. I also think it would have played better if Janet didn't know Kang. Like if Kang came to power after she left, so the stakes would have been higher as they would have had to figure out how to stop him. I think that would have played better keeping the focus on the main crew and less about citizens etc.

I still very much enjoyed the movie. It had heart, humor, action, tripped out visuals (have an edible or two before for a enjoyment enhancer). My favorite is still Ant-Man and the Wasp, but this was still fun.

I know they are trying to set up Kang as the next big bad, but I think it would have been better if they escaped, leaving Kang alive, and then other movies being about how he got out of the quantum realm. His demise felt, meh, but he was a great villain. I'm looking forward to see how they use him in Loki Season 2 and beyond.
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Very enjoyable.
19 March 2023
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Yes, it's contrived. Yes, it's obviously not really a "Grudge" match. And yes, it's super enjoyable. Put aside the forced "Grudge" aspect and you have another fun cooking competition show akin to Tournment of Champions. Seeing as how it's Guy Feiri produced, I wouldn't be surprised if they filmed this while/ after filming TOC IV. I love to nerd out on these kind of shows because they are just fun. Its amazing how some people can't see past the obviously fabricated premise and just enjoy it for what it is. And it's pretty much the usual GGG and TOC cast of characters, which to me is just awesome.
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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
Almost perfect.
15 March 2023
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I played the games and I LOVE them. That said, games are a different medium than TV or movies. The issue lies with the fact that if they followed the game to the letter people would complain that all they did was take the game and make it a TV show so what's the point? But when they do decide to change something, like they did in this episode, people lose their minds. Sigh. THIS is why it's so hard to adapt something that people love because it's lose lose for the creators.

All that said, this was a beautiful episode. It shows how anyone can find love in even the most dire of circumstances but also how love finds you when you didn't even know you were looking for it. I think that's what happened with Bill. When he met met Frank, something sparked, something he didn't even know he had in himself. And my god, Nick Offerman did an amazing job. So did the guy who played Frank. They were pitch perfect. I could not care less that it was about two guys (its 2023, people REALLY need to get over themselves and accept the fact gay people make up about about 10% of the population, and thats just the people who are out), it was still a beautiful and moving story.

My only real gripe with this episode is the opening. The super reads: 10 miles outside of Boston, when CLEARLY the topography, geology, flora, etc. Is the Pacific Northwest/ Western Canada. I REALLY hate that they think we won't notice something like that. And also, 10 miles out, there would be suburban neighborhoods everywhere and there wasn't one house to be seen. What's that about? Its little details like that that keep a show like this from being perfect.
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The Stand (2020–2021)
If it was told in a linear fashion....
1 March 2023
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People would STILL complain about this because they NEED something to complain about. They would just accuse it of being an exact remake of the original, or they added nothing new to to it, or blah, blah, blah. I read a comment on this thread that stated IMBD is no longer a place to get a good idea if a movie is good or bad because almost EVERY review is a hyperbolic 1 or 10. I mean honestly, grow up people. Stopping relying on nostoliga to make yourself think you're happy.

I know it's natural to compare the New against the Old, but one doesn't mean it's better than the other. Hell, how many remakes of songs do people find better than the original? Way more than movies I guessing.

This show is perfectly fine if you pay attention, you know when it's past, present, or future. I know most people who complain they are confused are probably on their phone at the same time only half paying attention. Shocker.
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Sinister (I) (2012)
Not a 10 and sure as heck not a 1
27 February 2023
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Once again the hyperbole people are out in force. There's no way this was a 10 with that ending. But there is also zero percent chance this is a 1, as everything leading up to the ending was done quite well. I really am over hyperbolic reviews at this point, and that seems to be all that exist anymore...anywhere...about anything....sigh.

So, that said, I think this film had a very solid buildup, had some great tension, and a few good reveals, not to mention scares, but then sadly it all goes to pot in the 3rd act. I kind of figured where it was going, but I mean, come on. The box he set on fire in the new house was now somehow in the attic of their old house. And not only that, he decides to splice film together because he finds an envelope that says "extended cuts" or something like that. That is a "hell no!" Moment and you bail.

I get it can be hard to weave a sweater with all the narrative threads, but I feel like they just went off the rails (not in a good way) with the ending here. Good endings are hard, I get that, but I expected more.
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Action Point (2018)
Funny...but even funnier if you have been to Action Park.
26 February 2023
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Growing up in North Jersey in the 70's/80's, it was almost a right of passage to have a scar from Action Park. The place was intense. I have several scars on my knuckles from the Alpine Slide and a scar on my leg from the Cannonball water slide. They had battle tanks, speed boats, and grand prix go carts that went insanely fast. I was a little too young to enjoy all of the shenanigans, but I remember my brothers and sisters getting lit and going on the rides. The 80s were awesome. Lol. Although, my parents NEVER would have let us go if they knew what was really going on there. But that just made it more fun.

So, as far as this movie goes, it's stupid and fun (were you really expecting anything else?), but I beleive it's more fun for those of us who have visited (and survived) the REAL Action Park.
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Child's Play (1988)
People live too fondly in nostoliga...
23 February 2023
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I loved this movie when I was a kid. I was 11 when it came out so what wasn't to like? I probably watched I a few more times through the 80s and 90s but haven't watched it since. I have watched (and enjoyed) all the iterations of Chucky that there have been, some good, some not so good, but I recently went back and watched the original and I gotta say, man, it did not hold up well.

The acting and all that is fine and the "action" and editing are all indicative of 80s films, but holy crap the script is awful. It felt like huge chunks of it were missing. And then were things that just didn't make sense. Like, the "hospital" Andy was at didn't seem to have any windows, as Chucky came right in and grabbed the keys. Or when Chucky was riding the elevator up and then came down the chimney? Also, they live in this sick ass corner apartment in downtown Chicago, Andy's got all these expensive toys yet the mother claims she can't afford a doll? And then after they burn Chucky and the Detective is awake and Chucky comes back, the Detective basically disappears for that whole scene. And why the hell would she keep her face pressed against the door when Chucky is stabbing a knife through it? There are a lot more but not point listing them all as no one actually cares because they just want to remember the Child's Play that holds a nostolic place in their hearts, even if it really is a kind of bad movie.
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Chucky (I) (2021– )
I'm 46 and loved the this too, but...
19 February 2023
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Being from NJ, I can't stand it when they say this takes place in "Hackensack" but the establishing shots show rolling hills and tons of greenery. That's pretty much the opposite of Hackensack.

Yeah, much to the surprise of most people, NJ is a beautiful state that has tons of Forests, Small mountains , horse farms, tons of other farms, etc. The majority of the state is NOT the intro to the Sorpranos.

Ok, all that aside, none of the characters act like, sound like they are from NJ, let alone Hackensack. I will never understand why they set a show someplace and then totally disregard anything about how the people actually are.

The show, however, is enjoyable. The other thing I love is that they nhave gay characters who are just normal teenagers and not overtly flamboyant. SPOLIER...that's how most gay people are. People you would never know unless they told you. But hey, you beleive what you want.

This is fun nostoliga continuing the Chucky saga. It's not perfect but it's fun. What else do you buttholes want?
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Brother vs. Brother (2013– )
One of the most fun shows
8 February 2023
It's just good fun. Everyone is so negative these days and seem to have forgotten how to judt enjoy the small pleasures in life. For me, this is one of them. It's fun to see the brothers go head-to-head and see the issues they encounter and how they end up pulling it off. It's pure mindless enjoyment. And I don't apologize for loving thar because I'd rather be relaxed and happy instead of tense and angry like everyone is on the internet these days.

Although, before I owned real estate, I had ZERO interest in anything on HGTV and just chalked it up as stupid reality TV. Once I bought my house I admit I started to watch it out of sheer curiosity and now I'm addicted to it. I think the only channels I ever watched (when we had cable) was HGTV and Food Network. That's why I LOVE the Discovery Plus app. So, I can see people not liking this or ther shows if they don't a house or something they can fix up and decorate they way they want. I know I've gotten lots of good ideas from shows like this, so all I can say is keep up the good work.
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MY Superbowl
7 February 2023
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I LOVE this show. It may be nerdy, but this is what I look forward to every year now, not the Superbowl. This is the culinary equivalent of said spectacle and I couldn't be happier.

I dont care how you feel about Guy (I personally really like him), there is no arguing that he is using his fame to take his friends to the top, and thar is just such a cool thing to do. Take Darnell Ferguson; he started as a contestant on GGG and now several years later, he has his own shows on Discovery Plus.

It's just so much fun to see some of the best chefs in the country strut there stuff and have a friendly competition to see who's the best. What's not to love about that?

And to the moron who voted this a 1 because of commercials? You are the reason why this country is flailing. I suppose everyone is entitled to their own opinion but not everyone is smart enough or informed enough to know what they are talking about. Sadly, the internet has given them a voice. Sigh.

Anyhow, this show is so much fun and if you want to just check out for awhile and enjoy some yummy mindless fun, this is the show to do it.

PS... I LOVE Antonia Lafaso.
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Robin Hood (2018)
Did the haters not watch the trailer?
31 January 2023
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Why would you bother to go see a movie if you know you are going to dislike it? You can tell from the trailer it's going to be an over-the-top action movie with a Michael Bay sensibility. I got exactly what I expected and I enjoyed it. If you are stupid enough to watch the trailer and expect high art, then you're the goose.

I agree with some reviews that assert people just need to find something to complain about l, ALWAYS! It must be awesome to have a life so amazing that your biggest complaint is that a Robin Hood remake didn't meet your expectations. I bet you're the type to complain that your bottled water felt too cold because you wee chewing mint gum. Sigh. First world problems.

The major problem with the internet (and sites like IMBD), is that it has allowed everyone to have an opinion. This is problematic because not everyone is smart enough or informed enough to have an opinion. Yes, even dumb people have opinions, but before the internet we weren't as readily subjected to them like we are now. Sadly, mass stupitiy brings us all down.
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Severance (2022– )
I mean, it's good, but...
27 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Weird for the sake or weird either works or it doesn't. For me, it worked really well in LEGION, but it only kind works for me here. Yeah, the idea is kinda sorta original, but not really...It feels like ideas and scenes from a bunch of other shows and movies, and it works here, but it's not the "most original show of all time" as I have seen people gushing.

Also, slow doesn't mean good. Slow can be good for certain reactions, moods, tones, etc, but when it's all kind of slow and then raises more questions than it answers, you get into a LOST situation where by the time they try to tie it with with a bow there's too many arcs and questions to answer. I hope that doesn't happen here.

And honestly, I found some of the twists quite predictable. Maybe it's because I'm a writer and that's the way my brain works, so it's fun to be vindicated when you guess the twist, but also kind of takes the fun out of it.

If you were to take out the filler and the gratuitous shots of people walking down the hall, this could have been a tight 6 episodes...or could have answered more questions in the season.

I will watch season 2 for sure because they did leave it on one f&ck of a cliffhanger.
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
You take the good, you take bad, you take them both and there you have,,,
16 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Don't Worry Darling. Like many have stated, it looks good, sounds good, etc, but the movie itself is all over the place and the script and direction are lacking. I couldn't agree more.

There were some very good scenes in this movie and then others felt totally unnecessary. Another gripe I have is some scenes felt too short and some were way too long. Also, too many jumps with no connecting thread. That is a pet peeve of mine.

And the "twist". I think it would have worked MUCH better if it had left it until the very end. With so many unanswered questions in the movie, I think it would have been better to have ONE unanswered question. So, basically she should have gotten out, woken up, and seen the body of Jack dead next to her and the police showing up for his murder and then show Frank in the real world watching her get arrested, or something like that.

The impact of the twist, to me, was lessened by the way the day it. It didn't feel surprising or anything. It was just like, OK, now we're in modern times. Once you see that, it's pretty easy to figure the rest out....and there was still 30 minutes left and after that point I was like, meh, I guess we'll see where it goes.

And it went exactly where expected. The Matrix, Truman Show, The Village, The Stepford Wives, whatever....all kind of have the same vibe. And it's not bad, it's just you can kind of see it coming.

And the set-up for said twist felt gratuitous at times, like weird for the sake of weird, and way too many. Some didn't even make sense. Like the airplane, the eggs, the wall smooshing her against the glass, then all the dancing women, and then all of them dancing. Most of it felt pointless. A few would have been fine, but it got redundant, as did several of the scenes.

Like I said, it had some very parts and some not so good parts. Unfortunately that bad outweighed the good.

PS... Harry Styles did very well. He had some very emotional scenes to pull off and did most of them darn well. Was he the best? No, but he wasn't as bad as some people have said.
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Lucifer: Bloody Celestial Karaoke Jam (2021)
Season 5, Episode 10
I LOVE a dance number....
23 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Randomly worked into a show, my favorite still being in Legion, but this episode was a lot of fun. It also made sense in the narrative. Instead of using dialogue, the characters used song lyrics to express the emotions that are feeling or have issues expressing. You can tell the songs were chosen with purpose, especially the opening Wicked Game. And what an awesome cover of it.

It's disheartening to see how many cynical people there are that found this "cringe". That being said, I am sure a good amount of teenagers watch this show and honestly, if I was 17, I probably would have found this cringe as well. But at 46 and a musician who has grown to appreciate all genres of music, I love how clever this is. Plus a Debbie Gibson cameo?? Yes please.
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