
16 Reviews
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The Blue Rose (2013)
An engaging comedy drama
21 July 2021
Reluctant to watch in the beginning thinking it was a girlie show, but very quickly got caught up in what turned out to be a highly entertaining comedy drama.

The main characters were excellent while the primary plot held my attention like any good whodunnit. I was kept guessing right up to the final episode.

I enjoyed how new sub-plots were introduced and resolved.

My only disappointment is that there's just one season with these really fun actors working together.
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The Order (2019–2020)
Fun and Easy to Watch
24 June 2020
Plenty of twists and turns. Relatable characters. Spooky in parts. Good to watch when your stuck inside.
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Eternal Law (2012)
A Pleasant Stretch of the Imagination
19 August 2019
I approached this series with few expectations and was pleasantly surprised to discover a genuine golden nugget. Why on earth only one series was ever purchased is beyond me. Eternal Law had all the ingredients for a best TV series award. The writing was superb. Sharp. Witty. The acting was faultless. Utterly convincing. Yet here we are in 2019 without a second series on the horizon. More the pity.
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Private Eyes (2016–2021)
Solving Crime While Keeping Your Humour
29 June 2018
There are not enough light-hearted detective shows these days, most are grisly, depressing humorless stories that omit the reality of a very present dark humour acquired by real detectives. Maintaining your humour while being a detective is a survival technique employed the world over, because meeting the nasty side of life can be pretty depressing if you don't throw humour at it. This show keeps things light which is refreshing and all the characters reflect humour in a natural manner. Keeping the story lines interesting has been achieved but making them intriguing with more guesswork required by the viewer needs work. An entertaining show with likable characters makes this show worth watching.Story development has the potential to make this an even better show if it generates more complex plots. Cast talent is as good as it gets.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Winning Update
22 April 2018
The necessary changes to the original 1960's series appear to have been painstakingly thought out. The story line has always been a good one and did not need alteration. The writing is sharp, witty and thoroughly believable. However, sci-fi shows always need more from its actors than shows that do not require any of us to stretch our imaginations. Fortunately, all actors come across as believing in their roles and that's what is reflected on the TV screen. No one should be disappointed with this latest version of Lost in Space.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
Immensely enjoyable Sci-Fi series
24 November 2017
I approached watching 'The Orville' with some trepidation as many previous humorous Sci-Fi shows were spoiled by over-the-top pranks and stupidity that would have made Spock cringe with- 'illogical'. In addition, the CGi would have been fairly basic while detailing was barely credible to a keen audience. Enter 'The Orville' to change all previous misconceptions about what a comedy sci-fi should be.

The script is definitely what makes this show work wonders, while the cast supports it by being totally convincing. As individuals, the cast also provides the audience with characters, often not human, that they find themselves wanting to know more about.

I suspect that because 'The Orville' does take itself seriously and the story lines reflect this by being genuinely interesting as well as at times, exciting, the show is able to win over its audience.

I am certain that The Orville has a great future ahead and hope to watch many more adventures.
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The Defenders (2017)
Not disappointed at all
20 August 2017
After reading several reviews I think that I must be the only one who enjoyed the Defenders. Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter)is good in her dysfunctional way at bringing the group together, and her smart mouth kept me smiling. Iron Fist (Finn Jones) is a credible Iron Fist. I know many disagree but it's how I feel. Daredevil (Charlie Cox) is a very convincing superhero. Luke Cage (Mike Colter) a big guy who gets into his role as though he was born to it. The writing is sharp enough because what it had to achieve is fairly difficult i.e. bringing together four very separate individuals to fight as a single unit. Why this show is receiving a big 'yes' from me is because it is entertaining and easy to relate.
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Travelers (2016–2018)
The 'MUST WATCH' Sci-fi show of 2016
26 December 2016
Thinking outside the box would be a fair assessment of Brad Wright's latest written venture. It's brilliant, has innumerable possibilities and may even, if you believe that we are all hosting indestructible energy (possibly souls). I recently watched a science documentary hosted by Professor Brian Cox who believes all of us host such an energy. This show seems to explore that possibility and with time a primary feature it can challenge your own ideas about the universe. With such an original idea going for it, I hope that Travelers is here to stay for a long time. Of course it would be remiss of me not to highlight the very good performances by a group of actors unfamiliar to UK audiences. However, if anything their unfamiliar faces make the show even better because none can be identified as type cast as is sometimes be the case. Also, direction is excellent with every ounce of tension being squeezed out of each scene, keeping the audience watching and wanting more. Calling it good doesn't do it justice.
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Visitors of the Night (1995 TV Movie)
Alien Abduction (1995 Expectations)
24 December 2016
90's sci fi TV movies always make me apprehensive of exposure to formulaic story lines. However, Visitors of the Night contains sufficient originality and intrigue even by 2016 standards, to have kept me watching through to the end. This was partly because the characters were easy to relate while the acting kept things interesting by making the most of the writing. One good thing about the writing is that it never loses its way or goes off on a different tangent to attempt to capture more interest.By focusing on the primary story line the writer manages to generate a very focused plot.

Provided you are not expecting to be kept riveted to your seat, and simply want something easy that will not challenge you, Visitors of the Night is better than many rival TV movies and worth watching.
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Scorpion (2014–2018)
17 December 2015
For anyone who simply wants to be entertained by what they would like to think is possible from very clever people and advanced technology, then this show is right for you. It never takes itself seriously and neither should its audience, keep that perspective in mind and you will enjoy the series. The acting is top drawer and the fun is intended to maintain the spirit of what is essentially a non-technical perspective of advances in human development alongside technology. I enjoy it because I see it for what it is rather than what I would like to think it should be.To be fair to the writers who I think have done a good job of bringing these characters together in a fairly seamless way, they are writing about possibilities and how humankind can go about creating them. It's not new but a rag tag team of boffins working out of a dilapidated warehouse makes it somehow more easily to relate.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
The Pilot was Memorable
17 December 2015
If you enjoy sci fi but need it to intrigue as well as challenge the limits of your imagination, then The Expanse is just what you've been waiting for. The show comes across as very expensive because everything and I mean everything appears so real. The Expanse demonstrates just how far sci fi has come since say Star Trek Generations. Additionally, as well as significantly is the fact that there is a darkness to the story line designed to capture the audience's interest, and it works very, very well. This show will not disappoint any true sci fi disciple provided the writer can maintain what they created for the pilot show. Currently on the pilot is available so I really hope that the writers have it in them to do what needs to be done, because this show could become a real award winner.
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The Last Ship (2014–2018)
Excellent Entertainment
30 August 2015
Very entertaining even if the concept is not new. A modern day warship with a crew of around 200 to deal with the end-of-humanity. The writing is very, very good, the acting even better. As entertainment is ranks a high nine out of ten in my book because it generates interest and that all too elusive "must-see-the-next-one"! The complex issues between the primary characters are very well developed within the plot and portrayed to good effect by the actors, making it impossible not to hope that as many characters as possible survive. The ship's captain is very robustly portrayed as a stalwart, dedicated individual who abides by the rules yet still has a code of ethics and values that viewers can easily relate.

A very convincing effort that will hopefully endure at least another two seasons.
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Killjoys (2015–2019)
Good from the Outset
30 August 2015
I found the writing slick from the outset with the characters easily distinguishable and easy to relate. The twists and turns of the series are unexpected and allow the future direction of Killjoys plenty of flexibility. The acting has always been spot-on so that sharing the experiences of the main characters is no ordeal. Being sympathetic towards the primary characters is a very basic first- step for any show to attract fans and Killjoys does not have to work too hard to achieve this thanks to the entertaining storyline and acting. There's no practical reason for Killjoys not to be bought for a second and third season given how this show is currently presenting itself.
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Dark Matter (2015–2017)
Dark Matter is evolving
30 August 2015
Initially I thought that the writing wasn't slick enough and the characters were a little dysfunctional with some of the cast acting performances a little wooden and unconvincing. By episode three I had begun to enjoy the concept as the characters began to take form with a leap forward in acting performances. Now I'm hooked, the writing has improved, the characters evolved and I want to see more. All the actors now finally appear absorbed in the show and for that reason are very convincing. There is a hint of Firefly in the Dark Matter concept, but that's no bad thing, especially if you are a Firefly fan like me.

The potential for the show to develop further is clearly obvious and done right it could become as popular as Firefly. I hope a season two meets whatever criteria is necessary for production because its worth keeping on air.
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Banshee (2013–2016)
Well worth watching
1 August 2013
I must admit that I was a little uncertain whether Banshee would prove able to keep my interest, so it was an enjoyable surprise to discover that the many twists and turns in a sometimes outrageously explicit plot kept me gripped with every episode. The main characters are either intriguing because they are able to retain a level of depth that maintains a viewers' interest with questions or simply because the viewer wants to know whether they're good or baddies. Performances are very good, especially the primary actors most of whom I have never watched previously. If season 2 can maintain this edgy type of writing style it will be extremely likely to win an award, cannot wait for season 2.
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Continuum (I) (2012–2015)
Continuum - A Great Idea That Works
7 September 2012
Continuum is very well acted thanks to a host of established actors from other series. The leading lady Rachel Nichols is thoroughly convincing in character and has the on-screen ability to keep viewers wondering and watching what she is going to do next. The overall plot has lots of room for development which is significant if the series is to continue. Best of all viewers will want to watch episode after episode because the storyline is that good. Special Effects are very good too as should be expected today but the show obviously has been awarded a fair sized investment because there is a sophisticated gloss to the entire production other shows don't have. The first series is very good and I am currently looking forward to the second. If the second is as good as the first this could develop into a long-term show. I sincerely hope so.
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