
35 Reviews
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Close to Me (2021)
moody and atmospheric (yes it is!)
17 April 2023
Not for action junkies!! It's all about the inner lives of people, their suffering, their grief and guilt. Their vulnerability. Especially the inner life of a mature woman just coming into her majestic power and beauty. I enjoyed it very much. The cinematography is splendid, especially the glorious scenes on the beaches of southern England. It's very sad and beautiful. I thought Connie Nielsen and Christopher Eccleston made a credible, though fractured, married couple. Eccleston was anything but weak, although his character was weak. Of course the editing could have been much snappier, but I wasn't bored unlike some, since the themes and images gave me plenty to reflect on. And Nick Blood as the outrageous son-in-law was a real blast! What an actor!
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Vera: As the Crow Flies (2022)
Season 11, Episode 4
One of the best ones.
3 February 2023
I adore Vera, it's far and away the best crime show on TV. However I haven't given this one ten out of ten because something in it doesn't quite gel - I'm not sure if the shoot was rushed, if the screenwriter got sick, or what, but there's a slight unaccustomed awkwardness to the later scenes. The opening scenes though, are magnificent, just the woman running and walking in the rain, her face riven by anguish, soaking wet, and the splendid cinematography which is a hallmark of this series. The North Sea breaking violently on the cliffs is so evocative! Marvellous editing too. And by the way, Paul Kaye as Malcolm the pathologist is priceless! The twin themes of brushing unpleasant things under the carpet, and the hidden family conflict, are important ones, yet somehow the fractured family in this episode doesn't seem convincing. Perhaps it's because we never see them all gathered in one place, or because some details are missing from the script. Normally I love the spareness of Vera scripts, but still it's possible to leave out too much. There's definitely some unevenness in the quality of the acting in this episode: at the positive end of the scale, Nabil Elouahabi was outstanding as the father of the little boy; while Craig Parkinson as the husband of the victim was very effective too. On the lower end, Grace Hogg-Robinson as the younger of the two daughters didn't convince me. Poor old Aidan (played by Kenny Doughty) had almost nothing to do except follow Vera around, and looked well pissed off.
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Father Brown: The Standing Stones (2015)
Season 3, Episode 12
Not up to the usual standard, but interesting.
31 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The theme of an epidemic of polio is the most interesting aspect of this very odd episode. Perhaps the producers should have explored this further instead of the melodrama they actually chose to produce.

Sadly Pagans are portrayed here yet again as murdering lunatics, in contrast with the saintly Christians. As we well know, a great many Christians (although of course a minority) have done terrible things, including child abuse. Both sides are just fallible humans, after all. Strangely, Father Brown turns out to be remarkably forgiving of the Pagans in this episode. Most unlikely also is that the police would allow some of the perps to walk free and return calmly to their lives. As I said, an odd one.
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McDonald & Dodds: Clouds Across the Moon (2022)
Season 3, Episode 3
21 December 2022
This was terrific, very entertaining, with the usual eye-popping architecture, some very good songs, and the camaraderie of McDonald and Dodds and the team. It's not for children though, as it features a terrible death by fire, the only really grim moment in the episode. In my opinion, M&D is basically a comedy, with some drama thrown in. And it's not really a police-procedural, since the forensic details are not explored minutely. Neither is it remotely intended to show what real policing is like, yet some reviewers complain that it isn't realistic enough! They don't seem to grasp the nature of entertainment: you have to relax, let go of your normal ability to judge, and enjoy the show. By the way, Danyal Ismail as DC Malik is serious eye-candy! I'm totally hooked on this series and I can't wait for the next season.
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Knives Out (2019)
I enjoyed it!
18 December 2022
I've read an awful lot of Agatha Christie, and I feel this story is actually quite different. Her primary concerns were criminal psychology, modernity, and the role of women in society. This film focused on the power of truthfulness and kindness, contrasted with ruthless greed and selfishness. In that sense it wasn't really a "murder mystery" at all. For me the key to it was the trust and fondness between the old man and his nurse, the scene in the room at the top of the house where they play GO, convivial, relaxed and comfortable in their friendship, where both could be their true selves. This is a relationship of mutual respect, without a hint of exploitation. Christopher Plummer was as always extremely good. Chris Evans projected a seductive charm in spite of his poisonous character. Ana De Armas carried off the difficult role of the rather saintly Marta.
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30 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen the entire first season and read quite a few reviews. I think Doctor Foster's amazing - one of the most honest examinations of a broken marriage that I've seen. Some complain that Gemma's behaviour is extreme or erratic, but then maybe they've been happily married for forty years and have zero experience of betrayal. Like many other people, I've been in that situation, and I know just how crazy it can make you feel, when you instinctively know that something is very wrong, but your spouse keeps insisting that nothing is wrong.

Gemma's whole world has been destroyed by the one person she was entitled to trust absolutely, and not only is she possessed by insane rage and hurt, but she's fighting like a she-wolf to save what she can salvage, especially her son and her home. Of course the drama is exaggerated for the screen, but still it manages to capture those excruciating emotions. The soundtrack, editing and cinematography are utterly brilliant, showing us the strange ways that the brain responds to extreme shock and pain. And of course Suranne Jones is astounding, a towering talent of incredible diversity, courage, honesty and sure-footedness. Bertie Carvel as the husband is almost too good, inspiring a profound loathing and revulsion as a character so utterly selfish, but also pathetic, since his vainglorious schemes come to nothing, or not much. Tom Taylor as the son is deeply touching, helpless, bitterly wounded, and enraged. This is what the arts are for: to reveal something about human experience. Doctor Foster (season 1) does this in spades.
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Murder in Provence (2022– )
I really enjoyed this.
19 August 2022
I've seen the first 3 episodes, so I'm not bagging the first ep and dumping on the whole show, like some. It takes time for a series to develop, and in the meantime we have the splendid architecture and countryside of Provence to enjoy. If it's not your cup of tea, that's fine, but don't spoil it for others. MiP is light, entertaining, with a blend of comedy and drama. I enjoyed the sight of people enjoying themselves, drinking wine, eating, living. It's called entertainment, people.
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McDonald & Dodds (2020– )
Absolutely love this show!
16 August 2022
McDonald & Dodds didn't arrive in Australia until 2022, sigh... Anyway I'm so glad it eventually did! Jason Watkins is a revelation in this: he gives Dodds so much depth and pathos.

I've seen the entire first season, so I'm not basing my opinion on the first episode alone. I think this is important because the characters and their relationships develop over the season. McDonald develops respect and affection for Dodds, and the latter is shown to be a sharply intelligent, thoughtful, mature and sensitive man. Those who hated McD initially may find they enjoy later episodes a lot more, as the pair become a well-balanced and effective team.

Can't wait for the next series.
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Very loveable, a bit like McDonald & Dodds.
16 August 2022
Ignore the whinging of the few, if you love British cop shows you'll enjoy this delightful series. I'm so, so glad that a second series is said to be in the pipeline! As another reviewer said, there's not really much gore, which is a big relief to me: I'm really fed up with the gratuitous dwelling on horror in some series. The cops don't moralise either, also refreshing. The only irritant for me is DI Max Arnold's nasty ex, Astrid. Does she really have to be so hateful??

Complaints that this show isn't realistic are absurd: if you want to drown yourself in grim, depressing reality, there's plenty of true crime about. Believe me, I've watched it. We don't watch these programs to learn about reality, but for mature, intelligent entertainment and escapism. No shame in that.
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Queens of Mystery (2019– )
Hmmm... a bit too twee for me.
19 April 2022
This may grow on me, possibly, although I'd prefer some Tom Barnaby-era MM... but just let me say that the writers' festival first episode is several billion light-years away from the reality of most writers' lives. Obviously it's intentionally over-the-top in style, but even so... It's nice to see some old fave actors from Midsomer and Father Brown (gosh, I hope they keep making new episodes!) and the young woman playing Matilda is welcome.
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Poirot: Death in the Clouds (1992)
Season 4, Episode 2
Read the book, it's much better.
18 April 2022
This TV film looks fabulous of course, with splendid settings and costumes. But oh, the script! It reduces a typically complex Agatha Christie novel to utter banality. The joy of Christie's Poirot is to follow the workings of his mind as it holds up the case like a crystal and examines each facet in turn. There is none of this in the film: Poirot just happens to bump into the key characters while wandering aimlessly around Paris, apparently stalking Jane Grey. It's just silly.
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Vera: Tyger Tyger (2022)
Season 11, Episode 3
Huge Vera fan, but...
14 February 2022
Again we have problems with the script and the pacing. Another reviewer pointed out obvious inaccuracies with the handguns. I agree with that and will add that it seems ridiculous that Malcolm, the pathologist, also checks for fingerprints! Surely they can afford to have one or two crime scene techs?? We expect this sort of rubbish from American crime shows, but not from Vera. Also this episode had a weird divergence from the usual point of view being strictly that of police. This one had flashbacks from various different viewpoints - very confusing and offputting. Can we blame this on Covid?
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Vera: Recovery (2021)
Season 11, Episode 2
Brilliant acting.
13 February 2022
My review is late because for some reason the Australian Broadcasting Corporation can't seem to obtain episodes of top British shows when they're released, but months or years later. Rant over!

There are some extremely wonderful things about this episode, but it's also flawed: unfortunately the script seemed a bit rushed, so that odd things happened that shouldn't have, such as Vera questioning a suspect in a carpark in the rain, when they've just left a nice warm building! Presumably if the script had been worked on a bit more the running time could have been cut, since the pace drags and the drama really sags in the middle. However the ideas in the script were great, reflecting the desperation of ordinary people in Britain with a brutally uncaring government. As usual the visuals were awe-inspiring and atmospheric, especially the harshly beautiful national park. The early scenes with the odd-bod park ranger verged on comedy, which I enjoyed. Other reviewers have mentioned the terrific actors, so just watch and enjoy.
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Endeavour: Terminus (2021)
Season 8, Episode 3
25 January 2022
I'm really quite angry about this dreadful final episode of what was an extraordinarily good series. They threw away everything , most importantly respect for the GENRE, and for the audience. What the hell did they think they were doing? They're not paid to entertain themselves by churning out a cliched send-up of a horror movie! Shame on whoever is responsible.
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The Five (2016)
Oh God, the soundtrack! :(
29 June 2021
O-T Fagbenle as Danny and Tom Cullen as Mark were superb, and there were lots of other fantastic actors. But the horrendous soundtrack is nearly enough to stop me watching the entire series, and the producers must be held accountable for the terrible choices of extremely loud sound effects and bad music drowning out the dialogue. As seems to be obligatory these days, the story is told largely through odd snatches of dialogue and confusing, grainy images, so the overbearing soundtrack really detracts from my ability to follow the plot. The brilliant actors deserved a lot better.
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Finding Alice (2021)
I love Keeley Hawes but...
3 May 2021
This is the kind of British television that turns me into a rabid Marxist, which I'm not at all in normal life! In "Finding Alice" we are supposed to care about characters who have disappeared up their own fundaments, so complete is their self-obsession. Well, I didn't. Yes, a ton of talent went into this program, but it was completely wasted. I live in a world where women work hard all their lives and end up with NO house, not a vast, pretentious, mausoleum where a wealthy fool can nurse her self-pity. In my world, women live in cars or on the streets, get ignored and mocked when they complain of discrimination, rape, sexual harassment, etc etc etc. I find this kind of bourgeois pap nauseating and insulting.
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The Dig (2021)
A flawed work but worth seeing, especially for Ralph Fiennes.
2 May 2021
What a shame this film had no idea where it was going. The first half is excellent, as others have said, but it completely loses it way from the middle on. Ralph Fiennes gives a master class in acting, and the overall production is exquisite: costumes, sets, cinematography, are all very fine. However the producers clearly lack respect for history, since they cast Carey Mulligan as Edith Pretty, a woman she in no way resembles, neither can she distract us sufficiently from this fact. Further, they have so many irrelevant bits and pieces thrown in, while almost totally ignoring the actual treasures that Basil Brown and the team found. I found a lot of their choices really peculiar. It would have been better to make a top-notch documentary.
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Identity (2010)
A waste of Keeley Hawes.
13 February 2021
I couldn't get over the fact that Keeley Hawes' character, supposedly a top cop with her own department, is wearing truckloads of makeup and is quite unbelievable. I don't blame Keeley. What's disappointing is that British TV is perfectly capable of creating credible female bosses with gravitas. This production team obviously isn't.
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Deep Water (2019– )
Mills and Boon for the 21st century
10 February 2021
Not my cup of tea, but if you're into romance novels, this may be perfect for you. I like a little realism with my melodrama. There's absolutely none in Deep Water, which is about as deep a teacup.
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Away (2020)
Terrible soundtrack into the bargain.
9 February 2021
I agree with all the other terrible reviews - this series should never have been shot, it's an insult to our intelligence. No amount of good sets, SFX and actors can make up for a dreadful script and a complete lack of integrity on the part of the producers. And as for the music...! Jesus wept, it's wallowing in saccharine, absolutely nauseating. We dedicated scifi fans will not forget or forgive!
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Vera: The Ghost Position (2012)
Season 2, Episode 1
Very confusing but powerful episode.
13 September 2020
It took several viewings, some research and a lot of pondering, but I finally understood the plot! If anyone is still in doubt as to who did what, go to the video at 1:20:48 and you'll see what you need to see. And by the way, teenagers can absolutely put their parents through the wringer!
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Vera: Dark Road (2016)
Season 6, Episode 1
A blockbuster episode.
9 September 2020
This TV episode is far better than most movies. The cinematography is lyrically beautiful, perfectly complemented by the music and powerful performances by all concerned, with an outstandingly well-written script. Very moving, in fact for some viewers this may be deeply disturbing.
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Vera: Death of a Family Man (2014)
Season 4, Episode 4
Classic Vera
8 September 2020
Very good episode, mysterious, well-acted and well-written, though as usual it's hard to understand some bits of dialogue in thick local dialect. Vera doesn't tear strips off her colleagues in this one - something must be wrong! LOL. I thought Billy Howle, who played the son, also called Billy, was outstanding, revealing the deep anguish of this troubled young man.
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Absolutely first class! Not to everyone's taste, but a rollicking good time.
28 June 2020
I can't believe it's four years since Ronnie Chieng blew our minds with this. We laughed ourselves silly and fell in love with this brilliant comedian. I also can't believe that Australia has utterly failed to follow up on this early success! I know Ronnie's doing great in New York, but Australia is where he made his mark, and it's high time the ABC put him back on our TV screens.
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Inspector Lewis: Falling Darkness (2010)
Season 4, Episode 4
The weakest episode
13 May 2020
Ludicrous plot, I'm amazed the actors managed to keep a straight face. The whole thing was a mess.
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