13 Reviews
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Good Effort
16 November 2019
The acting at times could be better. I can imagine the director rolling his eyes a few times. But overall I enjoyed it. The blood appeared real and well done. The scenes were well done and yes they lacked that certain Hollywood polish we may have grown accustomed to.

I am a role-player and I especially enjoy Vampire The Masquerade. This does not show vampires being incredibly sparkly or exceptionally sexual. It is more real and more raw than I have ever seen. Believe you me I have seen many a vampire film and this one will be in my collection.
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He Never Died (2015)
There is nothing better or more entertaining.
18 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I adore this film so much. No matter how many times I watch this it is still entertaining. Henry Rollins is absolutely the most amazing actor, He plays the part perfectly and believable. The character he creates I can completely believe is Caine.
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Brilliant and a Must Watch.
20 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First of all it is a movie so I know that what is transpiring is not real. Let me just say that clearly. It is a well done piece of art. The acting was absolutely spot on and let me tell you hold on tight. Because this one hits you hard and hits you fast and the times when it calms down you almost believe it. You almost believe that everything is okay and it is just one sister who is traumatized from the initial encounter. But you would be dead wrong.

It made me gasp a few times and I am a seasoned horror fanatic. I have watched so many at this point that I consider myself a connoisseur. I am a pacifist in real life interestingly enough but I enjoy the atmosphere of horror. I love the artistry and the talent that goes into it's creation. This is one of those movies that you wait your whole life to watch. It is just so good.
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Wildling (2018)
Stunning and Beautiful
20 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was more than I imagined it would be. I began hopeful and as it progressed the acting was right the story was right and the plot was completely believable. Considering the things that humans are capable of when it comes to things they don't understand, this movie delivered. I was left stunned and speechless at the end. It made me glad to see Daddy die at the end. They hunted a beautiful things they just were afraid of.

In the end this movie displayed the rainbow of emotions that you can evoke in a human being. It shows compassion, terror, fear, love, venom, maternal love, covetousness, learning, acceptance, loss it was everything. I will watch this again and I will buy it.

Not every movie is going to be what you want it to be. But this one was exactly what I needed to see. Thank you for anyone who really took the time to analyse this and watch it.
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Completely predictable and utterly stupid.
18 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched hundreds of horror movies and I can tell you that this film is very predictable. When I finished watching this I felt as if it could have been much better than it actually was. The actors were fine if nothing else, annoying characters. I could not wait for donkey to die and when he did I predicted the penis being removed by the giant blade wielded by "charlie". Every single death was lovely and Gory.

I do love the nod to Kane Hodders other character "Jason" from Of Friday The Thirteenth series. Is that you Jason..yup I approve of that. I even approve the seeming nod to House Of A Thousand Corpses. Giant knife wielding maniac son of "Otis" from The Devil's Rejects jumping on a car and shattering it while someone helpless can seem to only scream.

The female characters were so freaking typical. Let us perpetuate the dumb blonde archetype by pandering to audiences. Tara Reid's performance was just fine. It was the constant barrage of the obvious oh this is stupid, oh I have a bad feeling, oh you are an asshole this is so stupid etc etc ad nauseum.

My advice....try again because this was not my favorite film. Personally I have an urge to go back and watch Jason vs Freddy.
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It is awful that 1 Is unfortunately the lowest number.
27 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I forgot I had this movie for a few weeks. But when I found it I set up an evening with my partner and myself to watch. I was going to add watch and enjoy but that is a lie. This movie I actually wondered am I watching a Transformers movie? It took an hour and a half before anything really happened.

What is with the music choices? My partner finally got sick of the weepy sickening dialogue and decided to find a playlist of *Most Brutal Drops* Dubstep mix. We found a good one and muted the actual movie rewound it a bit to get to where the dinosaurs appear. Then we hit play together and finally this movie was enjoyable. Hard hitting dubstep beats match up well with a dinosaur robot with Optimus Prime on top.. you know? Rather than oh I love you.. be brave.. survive and you will get laid twaddle.

I am so sick of this kind of movie. It is boring unless we make it less boring ourselves. Right that is fair pay for a movie and it absolutely blows you.. not out of the water. No it just blows you back into your seat crushing you with its mediocrity.
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This Was My Childhood
17 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was terrifying for me. It was almost as if they somehow resurrected my mother and my childhood memories. Everything that Ann says right down to the behaving as if she were innocent are right on point. The words that she uses she is so convincing as this part its amazing.

The only difference between this movie and my life is that my mother is still alive and we still do not speak. The trauma that can grow over time can lead to erratic behavior such as what you see with Ann. She is meddlesome, nosy, judgmental and creepy. She tries to pretend she is completely innocent and not at fault for anything.

This movie is not a disappointment as I watch plenty of horror and thrillers as it is. But this one had a special touch as it was a bit like Deja Vu for me. I do highly recommend this movie.
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Black Mirror: Fifteen Million Merits (2011)
Season 1, Episode 2
The Best Played Role I have Ever seen
2 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I watch many movies from many different genres,so when I saw this I was intrigued. So I began this episode and watched as a future which does not seem that far fetched loomed onto the screen. We see a future where if you do not watch the screen then you are inundated with this screeching siren of a noise. Then your eyes open and it stops while you are in a tiny prison riding a bicycle for power while sitting next to people that you would never ordinarily socialize with. Yet this is what you see and a screen so your avatar can buy accoutrements to make it look more unique. Yet you physically remain on a bicycle watching television until seemingly your eyes would bleed.

Then you watch as this relationship develops and in it's simplicity and fragile nature it is beautiful actually. In a world where there seemed to be little lingering spirituality or soul there came a voice and he heard it and fell in love. Possibly for the first time. He saw another being and loved and suddenly. So to inspire others and to get her out of prison he was willing to allow himself to remain in his prison to give her wings to fly.

Then well you can watch what they do to her a little later however he gains a determination and a care for nothing anymore and goes on that stage raw and spectacularly displays the rage for the whole population of the slaves on bicycles.

Within those few minutes i witnessed more talent coming from Daniel Kaluuya than I have in a very long time from Hollywood. His heart was right there screaming those lines as if it were the last thing ever performed. I was absolutely stunned watching him act.

This show is worth every second. Go watch it now and ask yourself what are you doing to possibly contribute to a world such as this? What could you change to help avoid or at least not contribute to this and do it.
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The Possession (I) (2012)
A Waste Of Time
22 February 2013
Perhaps I have seen far too many horror films in my life. Perhaps too many films in general but this one was a disappointment. I tried to like it but in the end i anticipated things that would happen. I was right almost every time. Towards the end I anticipated the last scene and was correct.

The acting was well formed and not too bad overall. You can believe that each character is who they are trying to be. So in that it was not obscenely horrible.

If you do not have as much movie perspective as i do to have developed such a jaded disposition, you may just enjoy this. But for me personally I prefer a movie that will shock me and occasionally surprise me. This movie fell short of that by a mile or more.
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I Thought Perhaps This was a Joke
22 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I have faithfully watched all of the movies in this series. Up until this movie I had been pretty happy with everything involved. The characters were done well. Very well in fact and the creation of the creatures was also equally well done. The stories made sense and I could quite easily put myself into the movies and be content.

Then I watched this. I hesitate to call it a movie as it honestly does little justice to the word and implication *movie*. I sat in shock through the first twenty minutes looking at my husband and asking him. *Is this a joke?* he just looked back and shook his head. But I decided to watch the whole movie to be sure.

Here you have a two distinct cultures of secretive beings. Yet we are to believe that human beings could so easily infiltrate their defenses, safe houses, hideouts etc? We are to believe that they are outsmarted by humans? Seriously? I did not buy this at all.

This was such a pile of trash that I like to believe that underworld ended at the third film.That is where I will chose to believe that it ended and try to erase this from my mind.

The storyline of this movie is complete and utter crap. The people that produced it should issues an apology to everyone. They should also issue a refund of the tickets. Perhaps other people hold to different standards but this was not worth the watch in any way at all.

To think they spent $70,000,000 ,making this ?? What a complete waste of money. Please do not make another one.
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The Shrine (2010)
Loved This Film!!
9 October 2012
This one caught me by surprise and I am so happy that it did. So many movies are predictable and I can figure out the plot almost immediately. So for me this was a refreshing change. You sit mesmerized and just let it wash over you. That is what I recommend. Give it a chance and try to understand that not understanding the dialogue is the point. You do not have to understand the words. The intentions are clear as day and very plain to see Just watch and let your emotions carry you through to the end. The scenery is very well done and completely believable. It is not just a horror film but something more. Which is fantastic considering how many bad horror films there are out there. This movie had a bit of a Hitchcock theme to it in that you do not see everything. But you can feel it using your imagination. That is something that has been lost in films over the years. Lost among a sea of teenage grouping of bad actors pretending to be scared and then..suddenly a gem like this will come to light and you can feel hope again.

I have hope again in movies thanks to this masterpiece. This movie is untouchable. There is nothing out there like it and that is a promise. Go watch this please.
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Once Upon a Time (2011–2018)
A Fantastic Soap Opera
9 October 2012
It is well done I admit but maybe I am not the one for a soap opera. Not sure here to be honest. It is predictable. I have guessed most of what is going on so far. I expect things to go wrong and they often do almost exactly as I imagined. SO for this it is boring.. along with the typical smug look on a certain someones face. Not surprising at all.

Prince Charming has not impressed me thus far and I am waiting for him to give me hope. I watch mainly for Mr Gold. I love that character. I love the history that you get in each story. So for these things I keep watching.

But we will see if it gets any better..so far ..i'm halfway interested.
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The Others (2001)
I Abhored This
9 October 2012
This was a horrible movie. It was boring and uneventful. The movie idea itself was laughable..I normally enjoy Nicole Kidman and her roles she is very talented. But this movie was a nightmare.

I was bored from beginning to end. I knew what was happening before anyone else did. So for me it was a wasted time in the theater. I was waiting for it to end as I already knew what was going on. I like a movie that surprises me. This one just did not do that for me.

Really honestly glad when it ended. I would not recommend this film. There are plenty of movies out there that are wonderfully done. This sadly is not one of them.
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