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The Orville: Identity, Part II (2019)
Season 2, Episode 9
WOW, I mean WOW!!
1 March 2019
Let's be clear here - I usually skip all the parts with battles of some kind in Star Trek. I find them annoying, long, not in line with my expectations towards peaceful coexistence in the future universe.

But this conclusion to part one was something new and totally lured me into watching every single second. You're there for action, for special effects, for dialogues. For music and great story. And for Seth & his crew to manage to put humour into that. I mean WOW, really incredible episode!

Enjoy it!
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Madam Secretary: Strategic Ambiguity (2019)
Season 5, Episode 12
Good suspense back on track
14 January 2019
Only a week after I kind of accepted more family theme in Madam Secretary the series is back on track with good and fast-pace story, snap dialogues and wit humour.

Good to see Jay fully grown into Elisabeth's chief of staff chair, maturing Blake faced with real professional life problems and Daisy & Matt quarreling like in good old times. Henry in aircraft pilot uniform is just a cherry on a cake.

Is it time to officially start having a dream of Nadine deciding to support her former boss in a fight for a big chair?
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Madam Secretary: Family Separation: Part 2 (2019)
Season 5, Episode 11
Prep for season 6
10 January 2019
Well let's be honest - that wasn't the wittiest episode in the series. But I think we all kind of agreed on the fact Madam Secretary had moved from political drama more into the territory of family show. And in this area the episode was just perfectly sweet with handsome Henry, beautiful Elisabeth and smiley kids (who in my opinion behaved a little bit to young for their age; but hey, the episode had to be sweet so adult kids are forgiven to behave like teenagers).

Plus we're almost at the end of the series so it's high time to set Elisabeth agenda for her presidential run in series 6. And it will be the mix of modern social care for middle/lower classes and liberal believe in democracy and its rights.

Those opposing last few episodes and screaming about liberal propaganda I say, calm down. Elisabeth has always been a bit lefty. And I'm not only talking about her support for LGBT. Maybe a few years ago you haven't seen it as it is always much easier to notice things in perspective. And right now you have a huge, tremendously orange sun highlighting the show and its agenda.
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The Orville: Primal Urges (2019)
Season 2, Episode 2
Episode that doesn't afraid to tackle real problems
8 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Start Trek The Original Series had its kiss shared between white man and black woman on national TV, The Next Generation - fight for human rights, dignity, questions re existence of soul. Next series tackled tolerance for homosexuality, responsibility for every single being.

So far the Orville episode I loved the most was the one with social media ruling the society. But since I watch Primal Urges dealing with a lack of respect towards relationship and porn addiction I know Orville is a right successor of Star Trek series.

Wonder if similar people to those giving 1/10 for this episode voted to put down The Original Series after Kirk and Uhura kiss.
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The Orville: Majority Rule (2017)
Season 1, Episode 7
Best episode so far!
28 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Let's be honest - it's a great series: coming back to true Star Trek and not afraid to tackle all serious problems we face in today world.

But this episode, with John facing social-media democracy isn't just 10-point one. It's the best so far.

And I was terrified by the fact that during the entire episode I wanted to press red-down triangle on him as well. Really incredible good writing and directing.
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Midsomer Murders: Crime and Punishment (2017)
Season 19, Episode 2
Old motive, old ending
11 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Possibly one of the weakest Midsomers I've ever watched but I believe this is what you get from the combination of surprisingly low chemistry between actors, repetition of the motive (used previously in 'Vintage Murder') and repetition of the ending (used previously in 'Dark Secrets').

What works well - as in every episode - are landscapes and English country side, coloured this time by good dialogues between DCI Barnaby and his adorable wife and even better story between still newly arrived DS Winter and Kam. They certainly have some past together and hope it will be revealed very slowly.

On a separate note, it was nice to see Clive Swift (Hyacinth's husband from unforgettable Keeping Up Appearances) and I wished they gave him a little bit more demanding role.
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