
5 Reviews
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Haunt (I) (2019)
Unpredictable, intense and entertaining
6 November 2019
My friends and I have seen dozens of horror movies together, and when we start throwing guesses as to what will happen next and >90% of them end up being wrong, you know it's a damn good horror movie. Very few jumpscares and cliches, moderate gore, multiple twists that make you feel safe before making a U-turn back into action and a lot of suspense... Overall a really well done movie and definitely one of the best recent horror/thrillers
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The Boys (2019– )
A humorous and realistic take on superheroes
10 August 2019
Perfectly paints a picture of what superheroes would be like in real life and I cannot praise it enough for that. There's nothing wrong with the CGI-heavy movies in which superheroes are single handedly saving the world but this is a real nice breath of fresh air and a truly unique take on the genre. The acting is great, the characters are likeable, the humor is also really well done and will give you some proper laughs without distracting you away from the plot. The only bad thing I can say about this show is that the first season is too short at only 8 episodes and with an inconclusive ending... Feels like there should have been a few more episodes in the season after that, but nevertheless I'm excited and impatiently waiting for the second season. If you're reading this and haven't seen it yet then I strongly recommend that you do even if you're not a fan of the sci-fi/superhero genre. 10/10
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The Order (2019–2020)
Great but could've been better
30 June 2019
The acting is great, the characters are unique and quite likeable and the story is compelling - it creates a huge sense of mystery at the start and you're watching it all slowly unravel. Overall a great watch but it did leave some things to be desired: The CGI has been skimped on quite a bit, especially in werewolves which were almost never shown to the fullest and honestly it annoyed me quite a bit, I would've given it a higher grade if it only showed the werewolves and the fighting scenes better instead of covering them up with something in order to cut costs on the CGI. Not like there were many, but they still could've been done a lot better. And the second downside is that the storytelling is a bit too fast. A lot more happens in those 10 episodes than some other series do in multiple seasons. It's not necessarily a bad thing as it has been executed well so it doesn't feel rushed but I really think that the show would've been a lot better if they explored its world more thoroughly as it's quite interesting.

With all that said, It's still an amazing show that you'll probably binge watch like I did. Do not let the downsides that I described turn you away from the series, I had to get that out but you'll probably still love it if you're a fan of fantasy and mysteries.
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Bumblebee (I) (2018)
Fake reviews, ridiculous and cringe movie that's not worth of a Transformers title
21 June 2019
I have to agree that Bay's Transformers were just milking the franchise but honestly I didn't mind that all that much, I could still enjoy the mindless action, over the top CGI and most importantly they were at least somewhat believable. This movie has none of it, and does everything else even worse - the acting is cringe and makes the movie feel like a middle school play and everyone's reaction to the giant alien robots is painfully unrealistic (nobody is afraid of them, are you serious?). At the very start of the movie you're greeted with a scene where the robots turn into cars and planes on Cybertron and make the traffic jam jokes without any prior contact with Earth... My immersion was ruined and I was left shaking my head in disbelief 5 minutes in, and even then it was still the best (and by that I mean the only half decent) scene in the movie. It kept getting worse due to the ridiculous acting and horrible humor attempts and I ended up calling it quits after 40 minutes of watching Bumblebee behave like a scared kitten and cringing from the awful dialogue... I've seen some bad movies but this is the first time I couldn't sit through the whole thing... The only logical explanation to the high ratings would be that I've somehow seen a wrong movie because this supposed blockbuster felt like a parody of Transformers that was written by a Fortnite-playing preteen. I'll never be able to wrap my head around why is this movie getting so much praise, it's an insult even to the Last Knight... And just because there's no Michael Bay doesn't mean that it's a good movie. Period.
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Slow, bland and boring
21 June 2019
Little to no character development, the visuals are okay at best, the fighting scenes that are few and far in between are generic to the point of being borderline cringe. Not sure if the movie has huge plot holes or If I slept through some scenes because of how boring it was as half of the time I had no idea what was going on, how did he know where to go etc... How in the world does this movie have an 8/10 rating?
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