
4 Reviews
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Lucy (I) (2014)
Fantastic Sci-Fi Pic...Smarter Than What Some Folks Think (Spoilers)
8 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Forget about those reviewers poo-pooing the implausibilities and dialogue...this film is a lot more profound that some people realize. The first 2/3 of the movie is a fun, violent and trippy revenge action flick, with Lucy using her various superpowers to get back at the bad guys. Who needs a gun when you can send a guy flying away with the wave of your hand? This fulfills the fantasy of every average person who wanted to possess amazing superpowers, and I think it really does it in the most entertaining way possible. The latter half of the movie really gets down to addressing the metaphysical aspects of Lucy's journey. See the last third of the movie, and really try to "read between the lines" of what is going on on screen. Lucy's trip through the universe was scary and beautiful all at once...almost equaling the ending to "2001 A Space Odyessey". And the time traveling sequence was absolutely spectacular! May I suggest Luc Besson make an all-out time travel sci-fi movie as his next project? It would blow everyone away! Loved this movie!!
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Doctor Who: Forest of the Dead (2008)
Season 4, Episode 9
Possibly The Best Doctor Who Episode Of All Time?
27 June 2008
I've been a DW fan since the beginning (here in the U.S. this show really blew up big in the 70's with the Tom Baker years. I've always relished in the genius of the writers of this series (where DO they get these ideas from????) and the action and humor of the show. But I don't recall such a brilliant and touching episode as this one in recent memory! It feels almost like a great feature film with the smart and poetic narration by Ms. Kingston. And without spoiling, the subplot between River Song and the Doctor is fascinating to say the least. The ending is as touching and beautiful as anything Steven Spielberg could dream up (remember the end of "E.T."? It is that powerful!). If this episode doesn't win a pile of awards, then something is wrong with the world! Absolute brilliance.
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OK, I'll Admit It...This One Made Me Cry...
12 August 2006
Conspiracy theories aside, this movie is a reminder that Oliver Stone is one of the best film directors around today. "World Trade Center" is not about George Bush, the terrorists, who was involved, etc. etc. This movie is primal, emotional we as the human race must remember how essential it is to love one another, and remember what is truly important in the face of death. Personally, I would have preferred focusing on more than just the two main characters, but all in all, still a very satisfying cinematic experience. I defy anyone who sees this movie not to get choked up, or as some folks in the audience I was with, outright start crying during several moments. This film will stay with you for a very, very long time.
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Lightyears ahead of the original---superior and groundbreaking television!
17 January 2005
Nothing against the creator of this show, Glen A. Larson, but the original looks like a rehearsal compared to this awesome remake. Everything about this show---the color schemes used in the direction, the subtle drum beats used in the battle sequences, the beautiful Bernard Herrman -- like melodies used in the music score works like a cinematic event. In the premiere episode, the sequence of the Cylon attack on the civilian ships who couldn't make the jump to light speed (the one with the little girl sitting alone) was underscored with chimes and soft drums for music. This scene absolutely sent chills down my spine...even better than the crashing musical scores used in "Star Wars" battle sequences!! What a fantastic show...I give it 11 stars out of 10!
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