
3 Reviews
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Blancanieves (2012)
The elixir of life.Take a sip :)
7 March 2013
Pablo Berger has done a fantastic job of bringing a bygone era to our doorstep.The lighting, photography and script is easily one of the best I have seen this decade.

The film soars like a phoenix into a clear blue sky, out of the filth of mediocrity. Excellent acting skills by all the actors; the director somehow managed to keep the movie flowing effortlessly from one scene to the next. I was sick and tired of watching Hollywood and British movies with its crappy dialogues, horrible acting and mediocre script.

Its a relief to see a movie devoid of talk and watch the actors coping with facial and body expression to the best of their abilities, breathing life to the movie.

Make sure you don't miss this movie; its sure to light up even the darkest days of your life.
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ACTION !!! Caveh Zahedi : Son in Hand, Foot in Mouth and Tail between his legs !!!
7 March 2013
How does an Iranian with an American citizenship convince his countrymen that he is no longer from the middle east but a true American? Well... the way Caveh Zahedi does that is by getting stoned, his tail tucked securely between his legs and using his three year old son as cover to film the stupidest script resulting from his piped dreams.All he managed to do was to put some innocent people's lives in jeopardy after safely scampering away safely back to the USA.To even call this moron an independent filmmaker is beyond sanity."When an American filmmaker is commissioned to make a film for a Middle East Biennial on the theme of 'art as a subversive act,' his film is banned for blasphemy, he is asked to destroy every copy, and he is threatened with arrest" penned by Caveh Zahedi himself, is nothing but a figment of his doped-out, paranoid imagination.Don't waste a second of your life on this one, easily the worst "documentary" of the century.
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If you've just had a Lobotomy, Watch this movie !!!
10 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
If you had a lot of money, lots of spare time, and an IQ of 10, what would you do? Easy : club up with like minded people and make a movie, glorifying yourself and your dumb pals.The Result : The Expendables and if that wasn't enough to satisfy the ego-maniac...The Expendables 2!!! The plot reminds one of a spoilt, rich brat wondering which of his toys he needs to play with (and destroy) the end of the movie, Michael Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone has successfully demolished all his toys and got himself a new one. Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger is back again with his "I'm back (again)" dialogue thats become so overused its a shame that he still thinks its up to some good.They even got Chuck Norris to do a really dumb appearance.Thank god for the actors who stayed away from this movie.

Easily the most mediocre acting, dialogues and script of this century.The special effects are good.A lot of money that could have fed a lot of poor people gone up in flames.

If you are a die hard Stallone,Schwarzenegger,Bruce Willis fan and want to watch the movie, my advise is get a Lobotomy; makes it a whole lot easier on you-Hollywood has reached a new level of mediocrity.
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