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Who wants to poison Natasha Leggero??
29 April 2022
I love this show. Natasha and the host chef have good banter. I really like shows where you find the lying person, and I love gimmicky cooking shows, so this is amazing. The setup is six chefs that are a mixture of arrogant, incompetent, attitudinal, stubborn or lazy. One of them is the rat and are secretly sabotaging each dish. The rat is usually never who you think it is.
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Severance (2022– )
Remember when Lost was good?
11 April 2022
I can't say much and if you want to enjoy the show, don't research beforehand. Twists and turns, weird mundane things being keys to the mystery. It's just such a great show.
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Metal Lords (2022)
This was a comedy?
9 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Um, I don't know how to feel about this movie. I've been a metal head since the late 80's and it was cool to see representation, but it also feels like they were furthering certain stereotypes and gatekeeper practices: Take off your glasses and you're now cool/hot but still can somehow see; girls aren't metal until they are; metal is linked to drugs and poor mental health... I'm somehow pleasantly surprised, but also kinda low key offended? I don't know. It's all over the place. And real slow to get to wherever it is they were going with this.
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The Bubble (2022)
There's a good 90 minute movie in there somewhere
6 April 2022
Way too long, too many jokes that don't land, and gets waaaay too crazy for what it is. If they whittled it down and cut out the stupid, it might be a better movie.
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The Great (2020–2023)
Scratch your GoT itch
28 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm six episodes in and I feel like I watched a season of Game of Thrones when it was good. I'm not trying to directly compare the two, but this definitely has all the good things that Game of Thrones had, minus the sword and sorcery. It also has the dark comedic timing Miracle Workers has, but can go darker because Hulu.

Trigger warning if you are an animal lover. There are many animal deaths. Thankfully all of them are CGI or somewhat off screen.

I know some of the people on here don't like a strong female character and a satirical look at the bro culture, but this is brilliant.
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The Vow (2020–2022)
Boring AF
8 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Over four hours of episodes, I believe that there is a good 90 minute documentary in here somewhere if you scrape away all the artistic crap and get your pacing better. The first episode was almost over before they said anything negative about it. If you hadn't heard about this before hand you'd be wondering where to sign up.
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Night Teeth (2021)
Collateral + Deacon Frost arc in Blade
25 October 2021
It's definitely in "so good it's bad" territory. I can't decide whether it's funnier or dumber. "Let's put some work in" guy was just way too out there and the overhead shot of the car backing into a turn was so fake looking! You really had to computer generate a car turning around?? And also, did you know it takes place in LA? You will. They're gonna shove that down your throat.

I know "write what you know" is a thing and all these LA writers are just doing that, but THERE ARE OTHER PLACES IN THE WORLD.
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Colossal (2016)
Well that escalated quickly
1 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Jason Sudeikis's turn out of nowhere is very out of nowhere. I was too distracted by that to keep watching the rest.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Slow and boring
28 September 2021
This is not the horror ghost stories we've seen so far. This is slow drama and uncomfortable animal death scenes. If you love cats and/or dogs, you might not like this.
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VHYes (2019)
This should have been hilarious
21 September 2021
This should have been hilarious. With all the people in this that are hilarious on their own, I have no idea why this is the outcome when you combine them.
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ADHD Nightmare
20 September 2021
I really hate it when movies have several conversations going on at once. Close caption skips around so you can't understand what's going on if you have any type of attention deficit disorder.
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As a fan of "Dating Naked" and NAA, this sucks
13 September 2021
TL;DR As a fan of trash tv, this sucks

I LOVE LOVE LOVE trashy shows. Not mainstream Bachelor BS, I'm talking Dating Naked, Netflix trash, TLC trash, etc. Dating Naked was dripping with delicious trashiness and all the other clones of it were hilarious too. I love NAA because of the drama and struggle. But you cannot combine them in any good way.

This has no survival aspect to it at all. They literally smear their food on each other when they go on a date for fun. Everything is built for them and they are in the middle of all the resources. They are one step below camping. Only one contestant was actually on the original show, and everyone gets a survival picture book.

But since they are ACTING like it is a survival show, it's hard to see it as a dating show. In the first season of NAA, one or two people talked about maybe finding a love connection. After that season, everyone realized that no one wants to date after three weeks without a shower and it was never really mentioned again. We've already known this wouldn't work.

So what do we do? Force it all together and have a show that is crappy at being both a survival show and dating show.

This isn't trash, this is garbage.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
If you love MK, take a look!
23 April 2021
Everyone showed their ACTUAL POWERS FROM THE GAME! Finishers, and all.

I see people complaining about acting, I thought they were fine. Besides, did you come to see a family drama or did you come to see Mortal Kombat staples of violence? You get both by the way.

A lot of the things you just kinda don't think about because of reality are actually explained in the story and it makes sense, at least as much as it would in the MK universe. There's a sense of progression and danger, not just "magic people kill each other over and over". They even a little meta humor about some of the game exploits and Easter eggs.

Is it a perfect movie? No. Is it a damn good representation of the game series? Hell yea it is.
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Temptation Island (2019– )
Trashy trash and I love it!
15 April 2021
If you love watching train wrecks mingling with dumpster fires, this show is for you. There are no redeeming qualities, no merit, no greater message... just the guilty pleasure of seeing ruined souls collide with alcohol and sex in a tornado of schadenfreude!! God I can't wait for the next episode!
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Flower (I) (2017)
Not for everyone
1 April 2021
This movie is very complicated. It's hard to watch, but I think in a good way. I'm still thinking about it after a day. The only way you'll understand what I mean is if you watch it. Not for squeamish people that are all about family values. This is not a feel good movie. I love it.
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B Positive (2020–2022)
13 November 2020
It's not afraid to laugh and keep a positive attitude about death and it's amazing.
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Too Hot to Handle (2020– )
Delicious trainwreck
18 April 2020
Don't get me wrong, this show is trash! But it's the kind of trash you want to keep watching. Everyone is a horrible person, it's fun to watch them be all catty and screw each other over with the shared money prize that shrinks with every time they touch. You just want bad stuff to happen to all of them and I can't get enough of it!
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Shark Week: Shark Trip: Eat. Prey. Chum. (2019)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Interesting, but fake-ish
29 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
All the crap about him tricking them into doing this had to be all fake. No celebrity can just decide to go shark hunting on a moments notice without insurance and waivers and all sorts of legal red tape. So, knowing that, that made the "danger" less real.
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Awesome idea
16 October 2018
I know some of the questions are easy, but it's pretty entertaining and it's a nice idea to pay off student debt instead of just winning money.
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Da Vinci's Demons (2013–2015)
It's fantasy!!
5 May 2013
This show is pure historical fiction, and it's awesome. It's witty, gritty, and production design is outstanding.

The creators of the show have never said this is historically accurate in any way, so all the people talking about how historically inaccurate it is should go watch the History Channel documentaries, or something.

The people offended that Da Vinci's name is used in vain? Suck it up, welcome to 21st century entertainment. Would you have even cared to watch a show named Dominici's Demons?

I'll be waiting for the next episode whilst you research hairstyles and how tobacco was ten years too early in a scene where it made no difference at all.
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Star Wars: The Old Republic (2011 Video Game)
Awesome game and getting better!
25 April 2012
This should game should not be compared to WoW. WoW has been out for YEARS, and this has been out for MONTHS. Was WoW totally awesome and bug free a few months after release? (no)

Anyway, there are eight different classes, all with different core story lines. Then there's quest lines that everyone shares. Personally I play all eight classes at once, I just play what strikes my fancy that day.

Each class graduates to an advance class at level 10, usually a choice between outright DPS, or Heal/Tank class. Each class on the Imperial side has a similar class on the Republic side, but they are different enough to not feel like carbon copies.

Bounty Hunter/Trooper- Heavy duty ranged DPS, tank or healer Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight- heavy Duty melee DPS or tank Sith Inquistor/Jedi Consular- ranged DPS, tank or healer Imperial Agent/Smuggler- ranged DPS, rogue type DPS, or heals

There is also a dark side/light side system that has nothing to do with your faction. You can have a Sith Warrior following the light side or a Dark side Jedi knight if you so choose. It's all about how you handle decisions. Let the poor hungry kids keep what they stole from the rich guy or punish them? Kill people for information, or talk them into helping you? Help someone because it's right, or because you make them pay you? Thinkgs like that.

All classes get different companions that serve different roles (healer, tank, ranged/melee, etc...) and companions you aren't using at the time can go do missions for you that get you supplies, money, etc.

There are tons of crafting opportunities. Make your own armor, weapons, modifiers for gear, med packs, equipment, speeders, ship parts etc.

Speaking of ships, you get one after you finish your first part of the storyline (around 12-16 depending on if you work on other quests as well). You travel with it, do space missions that are rails based attacks and it is also your personal "inn" to get rested XP.

A legacy system is used by all your characters on each server. No matter what faction, each character gains points to unlock handy things that benefit all characters (vender droids and mailboxes in your ship, buffs, etc.

They are always actively trying to make it better and it has come a long way in a short time. They are very open to suggestions, and even encourage them in a forum that they answer on a regular basis. They have big plans for the future.

There's a free trial out there, get it and make your own decision.
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Not or everybody...
21 May 2009
I have read many reviews of this title and concluded that you will either love most of the skits or hate them all.

If you are not thick-skinned, not dirty-minded and are offended easily, do not watch this title. It IS very vulgar, but personally I can see through it to appreciate the sense of humor.

The skits range from multiple "Sex with ________" skits to a sheep REALLY enjoying being sheered (shorn) {watch it and you'll see what that's about} Do not let the kids watch this.

If I haven't scared you off, I also recommend watching it in 20 minute increments. All of the skits have the feel of Family Guy when they do the "That's like that one time where ____________ did _____________" flashback things. Watching that for an hour got a little tedious.

So, if you're still interested after watching this, enjoy.
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Avalon (2001)
Point of view from someone not familiar with this genre
11 November 2004
I see comments on this movie from people that know the various people that worked on it and their stuff. I have not heard of anybody working on this movie and therefore not familiar with their work, so, here's MY take on it:

It was actually pretty OK. There were some scenes that dragged. The scene on the bus (I think?) was pretty long to be just staring at people and Ash's friend eating seemed to go on forever, which it DID NOT need to be shown at all, I felt sick after seeing that. But, the action made up for it and the story was pretty good. The special effects were actually pretty good, too. I took this to be a low budget movie, but, the effects were very agreeable.

The end, though... jeez. I won't spoil it for you, but the end was... not what I expected, I'll just say that.

I think this is a good rent for anybody that likes movies about video games, or Matrix-y type stuff, or just seeing a hot Polish chick in leather and tight white tank-tops with no bra kicking butt. A little something for everyone.
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Sheena (1984)
You have to know what you're watching...
11 November 2004
It's not that bad if you realize that it is just a T&A vehicle. If you disagree, then explain to me the gratuitous bathing scenes. You have to assume she bathes in that waterhole, it doesn't need to be shown so many times... unless you are trying to show a hot blonde nekked to sell tickets.

Anyway, it's full of plot holes, but, most movies from that era are, just enjoy it for what it is. It's Donna's mom from That 70's Show showing herself a bit in a Tarzan rip-off. But, it could be worse. Frankly, I like it better than some of the Tarzan movies from that era.

And it's definitely a reason to pick your babysitters more carefully if you think about it. Prophecy or not, Sheena's parents died because Sheena's (Janet at the time) babysitter wasn't watching her very closely. Then the "echoes that kill" started to make sense. Just watch it and you'll see what I mean.
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Metallica: 2 of One (1989 Video)
History in the Making!
21 September 2004
Metallica's First Video! After they said they never would! And it's great! Lars tells you the backstory using humor and trivia. They actually came up with the concept on their own and THEN found out about the book and the movie "Johnny Got His Gun"! The rest is Metal history!

After that, you get to see 2 versions of the video. The first is the edited version with footage and little over 2 minutes of the song cut out. They did this so it would get played on the radio and MTV. Later, they carved a name for themselves in the mainstream and you usually hear the full version.

Then, the full blown, footage filled, disturbing, scary, and AWESOME real version.

The band footage is in an eerie, grainy black and white while the movie is in color. If you haven't seen the movie, you will be able to sleep at night, so, be happy. It is WEIRD. It jumps around, it is depressing and surreal, and there is a love scene between the main character and the nurse. "That's not weird!" you might say if you have never heard the song, but if you have, then you know a landmine has taken the main character's sight, speech, hearing, arms, or legs. They leave the love scene out of the video though, so, good....

Anyhoo, this is hard to find as of late, and my only copy is gone when my buddy borrowed it and moved, but I watched it so much that it probably has very limited life left, so, the joke's on him. Pick it up if you can. If you're a Metallica fan, it's a great thing to have,if you're not, it's a great thing to sell to a Metallica fan (or give if you're feeling generous).
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