
4 Reviews
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I think I cried at least three times!
20 October 2023
My friends Sheri and Gary asked if I'd like to watch their movie and I wholeheartedly agreed. I had no idea that it was going to affect me emotionally. At its heart, it is a moving love story. There were at least three scenes during which I became emotional. I won't spoil any plot details, but the central relationship was sweet and touching. I saw my friend Gary fairly early on, but I kept waiting for Sheri to show up. When she did, boy did she not disappoint. Well worth the wait! Being a music lover as well, I found there to be plenty to appreciate about this movie. And I laughed a lot too. I'm definitely going to show this to my wife.
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The creepiness factor is back with Freddy
28 April 2014
When I was in the 4th grade, A Nightmare on Elm Street part 2 was released. My best friend at the time told me it was stupid so I didn't go see it. It wasn't until the fourth installment came out that I finally went to see a Freddy movie. Boy was my friend wrong! Why had I listened to him? I fell in love with it and immediately went out and rented the first three on VHS. Over the years, I watched as each new installment came out with a roller coaster ride of varying results. Then the franchise went away.

I stumbled upon these fan-made movies by Blinky Productions and immediately my heart leaped! Freddy is back in a major way. Roberto Lombardi is the perfect Freddy Krueger portrayal. If it wasn't going to be Mr. Englund, it could only be Roberto. He has that creepiness factor that I missed when that remake was put out. The way he stands, walks, talks, tilts his head...everything drips evil. That is the way Freddy should be! I can't wait to see if Chris R. Notarile will make a full- length prequel to the series, but if he does, it will completely revitalize the series.
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An intriguing beginning to the chronicles
28 April 2014
This pilot sets up some intriguing premises. There is much mystery as to the existence of Retcon. I would like to know more about its history, the reason for its being created and what exactly is done there. The characters each have powers that we get only a glimpse of. I'd like to see them in action in future episodes to see what they're fully capable of. The situation is left unresolved, leaving the viewer looking forward to further episodes. Very well done with good special effects and music. I am a huge fan of many of Blinky Productions' movies. Even with a limited budget, they are never short of creativity and talent. I always feel as if I've experienced a work of the heart as well as the mind.
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Dry Spell (2013)
A hilarious movie with genuine heart
6 February 2014
My friend, Travis Legge made this charming movie, 'Dry Spell'. It is quite witty with clever banter and funny dialog. It does, however have a serious story to it which is rare these days. It has an emotional depth to it that I found to be refreshing. The characters may say funny things, but at the heart of it, this is a story of emotional growth and character development not found in most independently made films.

I was pleasantly surprised to see some familiar faces in here. My friend Jared Degado was in a funny bit as an anonymous man. A friend of mine named, Heather Dorff showed up in a scene that had me literally laughing out loud. I'm still laughing just thinking about it! 'Dry Spell' is hilarious, but don't let that fool you. There is a real story there. A good one at that.
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