
6 Reviews
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A curse on both your houses!
17 June 2005
Wow, this was an awesome movie! and no I did not just see it, i saw it again. If I can only have swords like these boys do.

From beginning to end this movie grips you and breathes new modern (and socially understandable) language into this film. Sure the words are the same, but there is so much of a difference from reading the book and watching this movie. In the book, it is dull and just seems to overflow with so much crud that is going on. I wish I was back in time watching these plays. The movie puts it all into perspective. Because the book is not descriptive 100 per cent, it is all language. Yeah yeah use my imagination to envision it, but I rather experience another's vision. Their vision might be totally something I would not expect, and it was. This movie was beautiful in images as it was in words. Hell it was all the director had to do because he had all the words already beautifully crafted for him. The interaction between characters was wonderfully displayed. The movie literally jumped out and grabbed my attention. come one gun wielding wild men from opposing sides screaming at each other death threats. How is this not entertaining. Hell how many American's watched the war in Iraq on CNN. This interests us. Whoever casted Mercutio was bloody brilliant. The whole before the ball scene, and the body language was just amazing. His death was something that always makes me love. Not because he died, but because of how it all played out. It was just sheer raw emotion.

The story itself I just pity. Not because it sucks, but the subject matter. Makes me think about love and if it is even worth it. When you see a timeless movie that does not end your way you think about what you would have done. I myself would not change anything, but I am just sad that an honest and true love died. Does it exist in this world? Who knows.. All I know is, I wanted to be Romeo just to be with Juliet! I will safely say this is the best transition from book to big screen I have ever seen..although Sin City was amazing. I wish this movie was easily available when I was in High school studying this play.

Amazing Movie...
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Cursed (2005)
Bad Movie, but meh, I liked it
17 June 2005
Despite the easy to guess story line, and odd moments of bad acting.. I enjoyed watching this movie. It was more for entertainment value. The concept of the movie was really good, and I really enjoyed some of the effects. I really hate werewolf movies where the werewolf changes off camera. One thing I did not like was the fact the wolf costume really didn't look good. Wes Craven could of taken a lesson from Van Helsing or Underworld. lol, the middle finger scene was one of the best scenes. I also think the Gypsy could have gotten 1. more background 2. more story. Like come on I think she was important to the story. Although the younger son scene at the gym was wicked :) white boys can jump.

all in all, I enjoyed it for entertainment. lol, scare factor? what scare factor!
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The Woodsman (2004)
Second Chances, we all deserve them
7 June 2005
Not everyone lives a life that is perfect. Not everyone has a closet empty of skeletons.

Second chances should be allowed to those who really want them.

I have to admit I have been delaying myself in watching this movie (moreso to laziness than to the subject matter.) But I finally saw it, and well I enjoyed it. The acting was solid and it developed a strong connection to keep me watching. The subject matter is controversial, and the characters are believable. We live in a society where we shun those who have committed "evil" forever. (on a side note this makes me think of Karla Holmoka, and i really wanna see that new movie.) It is interesting to see a movie where it explores someone seeking a second chance at life. But it has so many different sub plots, that I just enjoyed the many complexities of it all.

There are so many complex relationships and bonding of people that I just continued to watch. My mother asked me what I was watching and I could not even tell her what the movie was because I know how passionate she is about the subject matter.

The movie itself was shot perfecting, the camera angles were enchanting. The "stalking" angles made me feel I was staring through his eyes.

I must admit I was disturbed some scenes, but during those scenes I came to understand the character better.

"When will I be normal." Is the only question that is asked from the moment the movie begins to the moment it ends.

This movie also brings to attention how common this could actually be, and how much of a real need for people to do something about this. I really do not want to give any information away, because I hate spoiling a movie.

This movie though is definitely a movie worth watching.
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Take it for it is: Comedy
7 June 2005
It annoys me how people look at this movie and say: well it is no where near how good the original was.

Two Things:

1. It is a comedy (110%) 2. It is an Adam Sandler

Those two factors alone means slapstick. Hell it has Chris Rock in it, this is not a drama. This is the type of movie that you go after seeing something like Crash to ease you back down and shake away that depressive mindset.

Guess what, it was good. The movie contained many times where I did laugh, and hell I even loved seeing Rob Schneider with that classic "You can do it line".

Of course you can't go wrong about making a movie about football in America.

Great moves: Bringing back Burt for this. That opening scene. The variety of personalities for prison guards. The cameos.

Bad Moves: An extra 15 minutes more into character development would be worth it. The death to me was pointless to the advancement of the story

I enjoyed watching this movie as a comedy, if i was going to watch this as a drama i would hate it.

The messages is simple in this movie: Stand up for what you believe in and do not let the world drag you down.

I clap my hands to this movie. I enjoy it, and it was worth watching.
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Crash (I) (2004)
7 June 2005
Wow, what else can be said. This movie is sheer power not only in language but visuals. Picture life and the world we live in, most people live their lives through their own lives. Thinking their story is the movie being played out. But in fact this movies breaks down that barrier and shoots the the story from so many angles and fills in the wholes with imagery. In a perfect world I am sure we would not look at each other with different views and opinions, but we do not live in a perfect world.

The cuts of racism run deep in our culture and our lives that we automatically assume. The movie was a movie where people are shown the lives of so many people and their views and practically overnight it is radically changed.

"You think you know who you are. You have no idea." This is the perfect tagline in the movie, and the perfect phrase coming from Matt Dillon.

When we are first introduced to these people we can only see first impressions. But, who they think they are is not truly who they are. This movie speaks wonderful messages and it was shot beautifully.

Paul Haggis did a wonderful job. The cast was also wonderful, and believable in being real people. I say this because people like Don Cheadle take the role and give it to the audience in a way that they would understand it. They would accept and see the social implications it brings within their own life.

The transitions in the movie from beginning to the end gave the movie itself a real credible front. The art of storytelling went beyond telling a story but delved deep into the audiences soul prodding forth some sort of emotional understand of the deep message.

Evil is not always evil, and good and not always good. sometimes it is hard to tell which is which. Or even prove that either really exist.

I hope everyone takes the time to watch this movie but take it for what it truly is. Not entertainment, but a factual and honest take of modern day attitudes and ignorance about racism and stereotypes.
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Thunderbirds (2004)
I want the time lost back from watching this movie
24 July 2004
Let us be honest here, some things are an embarrassment to certain countries, Britain for example, let us list there errors. Prince Charles, Tony Blair, Those "comedic British humour" TV shows that play on Canadian television during the early morning, and thunderbirds. Who remembers the old school show, I do, and unfortunately I hated it. So when I first saw the preview for this movie, my first words were ahhh crap.

But to the network movie idiots, Thunderbirds are a go! Unfortunately I found more enjoyment putting hot pokers into my eye than watching this movie; I was so uninterested with the poor plot lines, unbelievable story, blah blah what? Oh sorry I can not even handle the concentration to write this, literally I stopped the movie a few times and went and did something else for a bit before braving it some more. This movie I can not even express how awful it is, I rather be sit on my Rosy O'Donnell and suffocated by her protruding gases then watch this movie again.

The only good thing about this movie was Sophia Myles, who is one hot girl :)

All in all I give this 3 out of 10 stars on my own little scale only because Sophia Myles is hot. yeah yeah, this is not even worth renting,

Better than: Going to the annual family get together, worse than: any other movie in theaters now for the past 6 years, wait for: The Village
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