
2 Reviews
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Minions Holiday Special (2020 TV Special)
NOT a holiday special
28 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was billed as a holiday special, and we were excited to watch with our kids. Instead, it was a one holiday short followed by three random non-holiday shorts. The shorts themselves were fine, but it was a pretty disappointing "holiday special."
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Lost: Two for the Road (2006)
Season 2, Episode 20
Ana Lucia Is Dead!
29 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is the best episode in the history of LOST, as the useless, horrid Ana Lucia's miserable excuse for a life finally comes to an end. Way to go, Michael!

Nobody liked her. Nobody will miss her. She is a horrible, horrible actress, and nearly single-handedly ruined this show for me. The first season, without Michelle Rodriguez, was incredible. The show started to go downhill when she showed up. But now, Michael has saved the show forever by eliminating by far its worst character. Season 3, without Ana Lucia, continued to amaze.

One thousand hails for Michael for this great accomplishment!
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