4 Reviews
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Transcendence (I) (2014)
A little disappointed
26 September 2014
First off I didn't have any real problems with this film but for me there wasn't really anything to rave about either. I really wanted to love it and kept willing it to cross over the threshold from ordinary to extraordinary but by the time the end credits rolled I felt....'so what'? Its such a shame when a film has an interesting premise and a strong cast to boot but in this case even the talents of Johnny Depp, Paul Bettany, Morgan Freeman and Cillian Murphy could not save this film the mediocrity.

There were a couple of plot points that made no sense at all and I felt the ending was an anti-climax.

Probably not one I would watch twice
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Texas BoreSaw
11 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Right, I'm not against remakes / prequels / sequels if there is a decent script, good actors, good score and good cinematography, after all John Carpenters "The Thing" was a remake and look at the classic that turned out to be.

So I settled down with TC3D and a big bag of liquorice allsorts not knowing a thing about this movie and thought "keep an open mind"

The first few minutes lulled me into a false sense of security, Oooh a sequel set directly after the events of the original I thought this could have legs, and then, my god how wrong I was!!! Where do I even start?

  • When did the Sawyers extended family turn up in the original? before I knew it there were psycho hillbillies everywhere blasting away for all they were worth

  • Were there any actors in this film?

  • some of the Characters must have secretly invented time travel, they looked the same age even though the original happened almost 40 years ago......and there no way Alexandra Daddarios character was 40+

  • Heather was Leatherface's Cousin FFS!

  • Heather, having seen all her friends slaughtered by her psychotic, chainsaw wielding cuz, teams up with him at the end and spends the rest of her life caring for him....

  • Also how stupid do you have to be to trust a hitchhiker, you met a couple of hours ago, leaving them alone in your newly acquired mansion filled with silverware and valuables

I cant even put into words how awful this film is.....I did give it 2 marks as there is two bits of gore I enjoyed, but there was no tension, no plot, no character development, a cameraman who was obsessed with female butts and no point. Watching this film was a chore another classic example of a dried up, unimaginative film industry treating its audience with contempt......avoid at all costs
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Crowsnest (2012)
Not what I expected
28 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Shock! horror!! a found footage film (FFF)that doesn't have a supernatural twist. Okay I am a fan of found footage films and have been since the cannibal movies of the early 80's. I loved the Blair Witch Project, a film that split the film community, a masterpiece to some a steaming pile of dung to others!! So I'm biased, however this is a different movie all together to the majority of FFF's out there (Paranormal Activity, Tunnel Movie, Apartment 143, Atrocious, Grave Encounters etc). This is more your 'road trippers come across demented hillbillies' type movie that just happens to be shot in the FFF style.

Enjoyable romp, by no means a classic but a least a little refreshing
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The Squad (2011)
Impressive, brooding South American military / horror yarn
21 June 2013
I caught this first time around on Netflix about a year ago and absolutely loved it. So much in fact I bought the film on DVD a couple of months ago (not sure if it has had a blu-ray release). I really can't recommend this film enough it is well written, well shot, well acted and has a brooding, claustrophobic quality about it that stands it head and shoulders above the large percentage of dross that currently boasts to be "the scariest film you will see this year, blah blah"

I must also mention the score which adds impressively to the ominous atmosphere of this film overall. Impressive!
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