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CSI: Vegas: Dead Memories (2023)
Season 2, Episode 19
This gets worse every week!
25 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sure no one at CSI Vegas ever reads reviews. If so, we'd see a better plot--and better acting. This episode was a plate filled with horrible writing, acting, and directing. Let's just give it a burial and call off season 3.

Eric/Greg returning has been a waste of effort. Greg was always a bright light--but seems he's wearing a blanket over his personality. Just as the show did with Wm Petersen and Jorja Fox--cut scenes, threw a blanket over their chemistry.

Back to this episode: Allie needs promoted to a higher level of incompetence. "I think I know what happened" comment must be trademarked for her script.

I'm not sure what's happening with Max but she needs to move on or see a counselor (if you watched the original, you know some bad stuff happened to the CSIs--think Nick Stokes). Why doesn't Max do what she needs to do? (Anyone knows what's wrong with her walk--she looks pained every time she walks; does she need a hip replacement?

Where are the good writers? Where are the trained actors?

If you want to see almost perfection, watch season 2 of the original CSI--it is absolutely amazing how good that season continues to be.
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CSI: Vegas: Koala (2022)
Season 2, Episode 4
What is happening??
23 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Long time CSI fan!

This episode was the most convoluted episode in the history of CSI. I have no idea who/what the triplets were supposed to murder--or why! I have no idea what the little koalas meant for the CSI to be finding. Catherine's storyline with her daughter was just bizarre. Season 1 had the daughter, Lindsey, in Dublin with a new baby but now she's back in Vegas not being a CSI but being a ???

This one was a waste of time and effort!

While I'm on it--the new cast is pretty awful. No on screen chemistry between any of them. And I really wanted to like this reboot. All the bright lights in the lab, the diversity of the CSI team--but it falls flat.
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CSI: Vegas (2021–2024)
Petersen and Fox need more screen time!
16 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched CSI since its beginning and looked forward to this 10 episode reboot because of Grissom, Sara and Brass. Disappointed. Brass for 2 episodes for a few minutes. Grissom and Sara get 8 minutes per episode to solve a crime that could set 1000s free.

Meanwhile, we get 3 or 4 young bland investigators--with 2 attempting to have an at-work romance--which falls flat every time--and their boss who I could learn to like but sounds like she is reading lines.

Which brings up the British girl--I can not understand a word Mandeep Dhillon says-who thought she was a good idea for this show?

Then CBS cut a scene it previewed that was giving up a little romance between Grissom and Sara! Fox, Petersen's wife, and his business partner got in on the fan uproar about the cut. Who thought that was a good idea?

While I was excited about 10 episodes, I'm thinking this could have been so much better as a 2-night special and let it go.

If you've read this far--I hope Petersen and Fox got a good paycheck for this!
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3022 (2019)
Read a book instead--or watch reruns of West Wing
20 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had potential--but it is a bad movie. First--the lighting is horrible, like they live in a cave! Second--smoking! Give me a break! Third-- people on a 10 year space mission sit around and twiddle their fingers, not a Monopoly game in site!! Four--the romance between the couple is pretty much not there. Again--it had potential but it never got to the screen. Should have had decent acting--they tried but it's a miss. People die (some quickly) but it never makes sense as to why some of them die--so many plot holes! I hope the actors got paid up front cause this movie needs to be erased from film! And the title is NOT the year.
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Cello and Goodbye--I hope so!
6 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Another long boring episode of Ray Langston centered angst as he chases after Nate Haskell, taking Catherine with him to LA, where Nate has kidnapped Ray's ex-wife.

Nick and Sara arrive to help and a cute blonde SID (that's Scientific Investigation Division in LA) provides assistance. Catherine thinks she looks familiar--and wa-la--we learn she is Conrad Ecklie's daughter.

Ray "goes rogue" and disappears from his cop escort and hunts for Nate on his own. He calls Doc Robbins who clues Nick into Ray's plans. Sara, Catherine, and Brody (Conrad's daughter) sift around in blood--of course Brody is smarter than Catherine or Sara and its Brody who figures out the flies are putting blood on the wall. Sara has forgotten more than this kid has learned, but that's another story!!)

Ray manages to buy a gun, the LA cops do not like his disappearance act, but Ray manages to hunt down Nate and the current girlfriend. As if by magic, Nick arrives and figures out where Ray is staying. Nick and Ray chase Nate around and around (maybe the title should be "Here we go again").

Greg uses his history knowledge (and internet skills--is this guy a librarian?) to find a clue to Nate Haskell's background.

By now, everyone is chasing everyone else, Nate's girlfriend ends up dead and now the LA cops are after Ray for this killing! OH NO!! Again, Ray is one step ahead of everyone else but Nate, and he heads back to Vegas and the farm from last week where he finds Nate Haskell! AND it's a fight between the two as amazin' Ray fights for the life of his ex-wife!

This story is so old, confusing, has no logic, that it is a crime to call it CSI! I'm not interested in Ray's angst nor his love for his ex-wife who has moved on, and any case of an escaped serial killer crossing state lines would be all FBI--not CSI from Vegas--that just doesn't happen! Here's hoping Langston makes a permanent exit along with Haskell!
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CSI can do better than Nate Haskell
28 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
As a long time CSI fan, I can hope this is the beginning of the end of Nate Haskell, and for Ray Langston. Nick's "mooing" at the black and white cow was the only humor of the night, and the best part of this episode. Nick and Greg find a barn filled with body parts (and Farmer Thorpe is vaguely familiar--oh, he was Grissom's old mentor, Dr. Gerard in 2002!!) Sophia returns for all of 3 minutes to tell Ray she's calling in the feds to look for Nate Haskell.

Langston is hurling himself around with his own agenda, telling Chief Detective Sophia (or whatever her new title is) what to do and why she can't call in the feds to look for this horrendous serial killer who escaped eight weeks ago!! Would an escaped serial killer really be walking around, getting plastic surgery, and the feds NOT be after him? Meanwhile, Nate has managed to extract 2 million dollars from the father of one of his 'brides'--what makes a groupie a 'bride'? (Now, we all know banks will not give out 2 million $ to anyone without calling in the feds, but Nate gets his millions!) We see cut up male and female part--a bit overdone, imo--and the group figures out who is who and with his amazing powers, CSI newbie Ray Langston figures out Nate is really sending a message to him and Nate is no longer anywhere near Vegas BUT he's somewhere else where he can "blend in"---OH, as with a magic wand, Dr. Ray decides Nate Haskell has to be in California--Los Angeles, of all places!! Next shot is a pretty woman playing a cello with a small audience and we see Nate and one of his women in the audience. And the cello playing beauty is none other than Langston's former wife!! Another close up of Nate Haskell and them "To Be Continued"...

I am beginning to think someone at CSI is out to close this once fine series down! This episode came across as cut-out and paste-together scenes--no flow, no smooth teamwork as seen for many years, just jumping around from one set to another.
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CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Shock Waves (2010)
Season 11, Episode 1
A low point for new season episode
23 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Bombs going off at a cemetery, Nick takes the blast while shouting a warning to others. This comes after we get a replay of Langston getting stabbed by Haskell, who then was beaten by police so both go to the ER. Langston loses a kidney, but quickly recovers.

Everyone is searching for a bomber; a new bomb tech girl shows up and she has a soft accented voice (hard to understand her). Langston, still in the hospital, is able to direct the search using his computer! (Is this for real--I have to ask myself "is this CSI?")

There is a sweet little scene between Nick and Catherine where she admits she has talked the police psychologist (after Warrick died) and perhaps Nick should do the same. After all, he was in the restaurant (last season) when the young cop was killed and is recovering from being shot, as well as the bomb blast.

Sara shows up for a few minutes when the police go to a meeting of anti-government folks--where we see a young boy (Justin Beiber). The crowd goes wild when the police bomb squad arrives, Sara throws a punch.

Greg and Catherine end up on a "trash" run, dead homeless guy. Vartann and Greg stumble upon another bomb, which goes off, but they are not hurt. Ends as Catherine says: this is not over. Closes on the kid sitting in jail.

This is a very odd episode for opening the season. All of the regular cast looked bored to tears (no lab rats) so maybe it is time to close this series. Or rename it The Ray Langston Hour as he seems to know everything.
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Hawaii Five-0 (2010–2020)
Hawaii 5-0 or Magum PI??
21 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I thought I was watching NCIS:LA on a new night, but then realized it was the old name (Hawaii 5-0) with a bunch of new characters. And they all look alike--ruffled hair, white teeth, tan bodies, oh, and an Asian guy and a skinny girl doing kick boxing.

Then I tried to figure out the time line: Is the young Steve the son of the old Steve? Young Steve did find the right car in the garage! And now the new, young Steve is working with people who have the same name as the people who worked with his dad? Except one is a girl now. And the young Steve never learned to button his shirt--well, I guess he did while in the Navy.

The first episode jumped around so much that I lost interest before the end came--and the bad guy disappeared so I'd guess we see him again. Not sure the shoot-outs, fist fights, gun battles, and cute gags are enough to get me to return for scenery of Hawaii to show up. Please--Someone needs to feed that skinny girl a biscuit! While it is nice to see beautiful Hawaii anytime, too many of the sets looked like California--or fake! I think a good police/crime drama set in Hawaii would be a great show, but this is a poor remake not of Hawaii 5-0 but of Magum PI.
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CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Unshockable (2010)
Season 10, Episode 14
Country music, CIA, and CSI all on CBS
5 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Rascal Flatts fans probably love this episode and seeing the guys perform, one gets hurt, flirts with Catherine and can't remember being a country music singer. Very light, funny story, and all is well in the end when who you suspect as the bad guy is the bad guy. The obsessive fan is truly comic relief. We learn Nick doesn't have to like country music just because he is from Texas, and Doc Robbins knows his guitars. Second "B" story, Langston and Sara work the death of a retired CIA big shot who is found in Lake Mead, canoe missing. We hear a comment about Grissom and Sara's honeymoon and a canoe. Of course the CIA comes in, as do the bad guy Germans, the story takes more directions than a squid and then they find Sarin, and Langston knows all the answers before anyone else, meets with the CIA guy who seems to know Langston's dad in the past. While this episode wasn't a complete wash,it doesn't hold up to writing from past seasons. Too much of Langston and his vast knowledge of everything. Rascal Flatts was enjoyable,Jorja Fox is lovely, but the CIA-German-son connection was a real stretch. The CIA guy offers Langston a job, let's hope he takes it.
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High School drag racers and then some
4 February 2010
SPOILER!! SPOILER!! This is an episode that seemed to borrow characters and scenes from previous episodes--a dead teenager with a fast little restored car (except it had an electric motor!)and his missing cheerleader girlfriend, her friend, lots of others who were boarder-line bad guys. And what's a crime isn't really a crime, but a sad tragedy for one and then the missing becomes the murder with all kinds of "what-ifs" flashed around.

The car race sponsored by law enforcement was an interesting scene and lots of cars--restored, kit cars--even an interesting high school automotive shop.

We've seen the girl hit and thrown - Fallen Idols; gathering of souped up cars - Revenge is Best Served Cold, Chop Shop & Anatomy of a Lye; Catherine and Nick racing - Revenge is Best Served Cold. The girl in the tree brought back memories of Scoobie Doobie Do. So the writers are rewriting previous stories with a different cover.

It was great to see Nick and Sara together and LESS of Langston (which actually makes this episode a great one!!) But Greg needs his humor back. On a scale of 1 to 10--this one rates a 5 for original store, but a 7+ for Nick and Sara.
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CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: All In (2009)
Season 9, Episode 24
Old Chips are just old Chips
25 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The potential for this episode was great, but every minute following the first five was just depressing. Old chips have no value unless you collect them for some reason. The state of Nevada has no interest in paying out old chips, so there's the ultimate answer to what should not have been a question. This could have been played a dozen ways and been better. By the end--I didn't care. Actually, I was sort of encouraging the bad guy! Maybe this is the end of Ray Langston--could we hope for his departure? I'm willing to send the producers $1 just to get him off screen!!! The best moment was hearing Nancy Sinatra sing! We did get more than 30 seconds of Greg (for the first time this season), did Greg follow Grissom to Costa Rica? And what was up with the 5 seconds of Nick--off to a bug convention! Then it became, AGAIN, the Ray Langston Hour, of how this new, level 1 CSI gets to answer all the questions, knows the answers before the question is even asked, and everyone else disappears. What has this great television series become? Fishburne had great potential, but for me, that's been lost by overkill on screen, and his known-it-all character. Please bring back the original characters--I'd settle for Nick, Greg, Catherine and Brass! Just let Ray and Riley (who appears with as much charisma as a wall!!) disappear over the summer!!
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The team is working again, better than the 200th!
10 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Everyone got a little action this week. Nick and Riley get the skydiver, Ray (level 1) is out on his own investigating a dead guy in the desert, and Catherine and Greg get two rich dead guys by a pool. We learn the skydiver and the rich guys are connected. Ray tells an old fable about a religious man dying from an object falling from the sky and solves his case. The skydiver and dead guys by the pool are a little more complicated. Editing and visual mistakes abound in this one--why is the grave shift working days? Why is Ray working alone? Why is Hodges in the morgue working a dead body? And put on your "closed captions" cause you will never understand the accents of a couple of these guys. Brass is letting off his zingers as usual. After 30 minutes, we finally get Catherine and Greg--both seem to have disappeared this season. With this one, maybe there is hope on the horizon that CSI will get back to it's old self. Whoever thought this show needed a big "star" to be good needs to be fired.
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CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Mascara (2009)
Season 9, Episode 18
What has happened to CSI?
3 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This was a stupid episode--now I know why Petersen left! The story bounced around--a voodoo scene was just plain laughable and played no role in the story of a graduate student found murdered, maybe by Mexican wrestlers or maybe by a Voodoo 'god' or maybe by a serial killer announcer. The actors--I hope they are actual fighters and not actors playing fighters! Catherine and Greg have all but disappeared. Even Brass looked in pain as he went thru the motions of playing beside Fishburne's Langston. As a matter of fact, why don't we just rename CSI "The Ray Langston, CSI, Show"---this episode was nearly as bad as the "Two and a Half" one last year! The famous director, Friedkin, needs to stay retired, go back to living off the 2 or 3 big movies he made 30 years ago!! I hope someone decides to hide this episode and never show it as a rerun.
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Sordid Lives (2000)
How did I miss this movie?
23 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is an excellent, entertaining, laugh out loud movie! Every character is so well played in an over-the-top role. It is difficult to say which character is best--Bonnie Bedalia is so wonderful; she is often overlooked, but in this movie, she is certainly the star. Delta Burke--the woman is a world class comedy act, and when she has a gun in her hand--well, she becomes the show! Brother Boy is absolutely priceless (can't think of the actor's name). If you have a family, you know at least some of these characters (or you are lying about your family!!) If you've ever had an "uncomfortable" funeral, you know the scene in the church. I laughed as hard as I've ever laughed about anything. And when Bonnie Bedalia tells about going to see her son in a play in Los Angeles, tears were rolling out of my eyes. The ending is priceless! If you are southern, if you have a few weird family members, if you love to laugh--watch Sorbid Lives.
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CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: One to Go (2009)
Season 9, Episode 10
Bookends--beginning and ending
16 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A good introduction of Dr. Langston as we lose Gil Grissom, the brain of this excellent series. This episode is a complicated story, following the first part of it and bringing to close murders that happened earlier in the season as well as a serial killer from a decade ago. The real heart of the story is Grissom's leaving. Every main character gets to have a personal conversation with Gil--or as personal as Grissom ever lets anyone get. Even snarly Hodges comes across as sad to see Grissom leave. The conversation between Grissom and Nick speaks volumes to the relationship between the two. Grissom has been depressed and lonely all season, especially after the departure of his one and only woman, Sara. We have not seen Grissom dwell on the absence of Warrick, but that death probably plays a big role in Grissom's decision, but ultimately, its Sara he leaves for. In the beginning of CSI, we saw Grissom (2nd episode) taking photos of flying dummies as Sara walks up behind him, he says her name before he turns around. The ending of this episode is the matching bookend to that first episode. The alpha and omega, the beginning and ending--perfectly written for these two lovers, who made geek-love a possibility! There are no words spoken between the two--no need for words as the camera pans around the couple and fades into the lush green jungle. This ending really illustrates the writing capabilities of Carol Mendelsohn--she did good! Here's hoping the best for Billy Petersen and Jorja Fox--I hope to see them again.
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Change your world, watch this movie
27 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I am a Beatles fan from their first song (gives my age away). Watching this movie is going back in time to hear the songs and watch a story unfold that parallels what was happening in our world at the time. It truly took my breath away. Watching it with 3 teenagers, my sister and I were glued to the screen, almost unable to breathe, until the last note. The actors are a wonderful group of innocents on a trip that changes their lives (and hopefully how they will live their lives). Too many people have forgotten these years. Watch this movie--you will find yourself watching it again, talking about it the next day, and singing the songs you knew as a teenager! Don't expect "Sound of Music" or "Mama Mia", this one stands on its own as a great musical.
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Hard Promises (1991)
We know this guy
9 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I recently re-watched this movie and found the story tends to grow on you with a second viewing. Sissy is always good. William Petersen is such a charmer; even when playing a cad. How many of us have known Joey, unable to move beyond his short-term fame in high school (or college), still wanting the sound and thrill of teenage girls around him. One day, he looks around and realizes his own child is on the threshold of being a teenager and his faithful, sweetheart from high school has grown into an adult and is leaving him behind. That's the story set in a beautiful place with typical neighbors and friends. Watch it for the ending and decide where you fit into this story!
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Good family movie
18 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Unlike some comments, mine is positive. This movie wraps around the dinner table with a group of friends, some you like, some you don't. A few are related--mother, daughter, son. Their stories are not one smooth, happy with everyone and everything, type of life--much like real life. Some story lines do not evolve, they just happen. But like true families and good friends, they stick together. The wanna-be parents who are buying a baby are such a--holes! You are happy for the ending. Poor Delmar is stuck between a rock and a boulder taking care of herself, her mom, her son, and trying to keep all their lives together. This does not end with a sunset walk or house in the 'burbs and all are living in a dream world, but is a very real life portrayal of people living day to day, month to month. Overall, this is a good story and a great movie!!
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Centennial (1978–1979)
Now on DVD!! Best mini-series ever made
8 August 2008
I will join the list of saying this is the best mini-series every put on film and, today, any part of it would make an excellent movie! To say every actor plays his/her role to perfection is probably too much, but it comes close. The picture of the American west is absolutely beautiful, so very realistic, so much detail. Robert Conrad and Richard Chamberlain are the ancestors we all wish to have. This book should be required reading for every high school kid in the USA (well, Michener wrote several that should be required reading!!) Gregory Harrison and Stephanie Zimbalist are beyond description in their roles as a young couple going west. While some find fault with the environmental ending, it is very true to what is happening in the west today--remember when this was written and filmed. Also, if you are fast, you can see a very young George Clooney in St Louis! Buy the DVD! This movie will never be made again. Watch it with your kids!
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Mamma Mia! (2008)
Mama Mia is out-n-out delightful!
27 July 2008
Meryl can act! And has a wonderful role in this movie as a "real" life woman with messy hair and a few wrinkles and a daughter ready to marry. A true writer took songs from ABBA (Sweden)puts together a tale set in Greece with these English speaking actors and makes it a delight to go along with the story! Go see the movie because Meryl should get another Oscar for this one. Pierce Bronson can't sing and that is okay--it just makes it that much more delightful (like my dad singing around the house). If there is a 50-something female in your life (or older), take her to see this movie! And remain for the credits!! To see the men in the last musical number is about the funniest part of the movie.
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The Closer (2005–2012)
Watching with a cringe
23 July 2008
I have watched every episode of this show. It is a well-written crime show with a little comedy thrown in. However, after all this time, I feel I must complain about this woman's "southern" accent!! Living in the deep south, I can assure every watcher that we do NOT speak like she does. I'm not sure who does!! Certainly no one from Atlanta--which is the true melting pot of the English language. Not sure who her accent coach is, but I'm willing to bet the farm that person has not lived within 500 miles of Atlanta in years. I am almost to the point of watching the show in closed-caption so I will not have to hear how Kyra pronounces certain words! I can not figure out why the show and Kyra/Brenda continue to be nominated for Emmy awards. Maybe because it comes on in the summer when everything else is a rerun? It is good, but certainly not terrific. Some times I think I am watching a modern day version of Simon and Simon! (And one of those guys is from the south!!) A true southern accent can be heard when 'Bobby' speaks on CSI (he's the one who is the gun guy).
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Memento (2000)
Memento in top 30 movies
4 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
After finding this movie in IMDb top 30, I had to watch it and watch it and buy it! And watch it again--one of the few movies that multiple generations can watch and everyone talks about when its over. This is a magnificent movie! The story is like a big city covered with so many streets curving around that all end up at the city-center. Poor Lenny tries to solve the mystery/murder surrounding his life until it completely takes over his waking moments, post-it-notes everywhere, tattoos everywhere, and never knowing who's a friend and who is a foe. This is a thinking person's movie--if you do not want to think, watch something else. If Oscars were given out in retrospect, Memento would get one now!
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Grissom's two women
4 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode Lady Heather (we know from past episodes) is found wounded in an old western tourist-town and refuses to name her attacker. Sara finally gets to meet Lady H in the hospital. Even tho lots of viewer comments have been made that Sara is "upset" about Grissom/Lady Heather relationship, I see her as being very curious. Catherine has yacked on and on about the chemistry between Gil Grissom and Heather and it makes Sara uncomfortable, but not angry. The scene in the hospital shows Sara as being very kind and polite then Grissom walks in and he's the one who has the "Oh, S**t" look on his face. He gets to work on the case, even spending the night at Heather's house where he is found by Brass and Catherine. There is a curious twist to the outcome and we get to see Joe Penny as a bad guy. Grissom helps Heather see her granddaughter and all ends well. (Off-camera--Except he still has to go home to Sara! And maybe this is the last we will ever see of Lady Heather as she gets to play with her granddaughter.)
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Lovejoy (1986–1994)
Revisiting Lovejoy
3 July 2008
I watched this as a television series on A&E, remembered it as good, and just purchased the dvds. Well, it is so much better and truly timeless--I've watched it with friends who never saw it on television and they are all instant fans. Lovejoy and his antiques are as refreshing delightful today as they were in the 1990s. His friends are just as lovable (maybe more so!) and wacky as ever. Set in England, the cars and clothes are not out of place or out of style. The stories--every one of them--gives pleasure, not a poorly written line in any, and many many laughs. Perfect multi-generation viewing, nothing is "R" rated! And you just might learn a little history along the way!! Seeing Ian McShane as Lovejoy lets you appreciate his acting talents in Deadwood! If A&E wants a hit series, just put this show on to compete with some of the awful stuff on the networks now.
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Who says goodbye?
19 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
First, I have always enjoyed Sara's character better than all the others on this series. Sara is far and above the best "real world" character in this series. And for the last 5 minutes of this episode, Jorja Fox deserves an Emmy! That said for all the hype, this episode was a let-down. Blame it on the writers knowing a strike was coming and they needed to get this one done. To take Sara's character and turn her on her head is almost going beyond unbelievable. She's kidnapped, nearly drowns under a car, wanders in the desert, finds her lover has spilled the beans, goes back to work while she's injured, gets a proposal, moves to another shift. No one notices that the woman needs a few days off for post-traumatic stress? Then she's given a murder involving an unresolved case from her past to deal with on her own? And we as viewers watch her fall apart when no one else does? She has enough reasons to go, just don't think this was written on the level of most episodes of this series. Hopefully, she will return (maybe she got a sabbatical like Grissom did last year) after dealing with ghosts and be stronger for it.
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