
53 Reviews
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The Valley: Welcome to the Valley (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
4 April 2024
Not only are you going to bring back the throw offs from Vanderpump Rules, but your going to give them their own show?!?! GMAB! The losers you kicked off! LOL!! So comical. Now we have these other loser couples involved. Tell low do you have to sink to sign up for this show?!?! Apparently pretty low!! And desperate!! These people are all on the same show and either actually are friends or pretending to be with Jax and Kristen. That's really despicable! This is our world these days? This is what is supposed to represent the millennial generation? SMH!!! Everyone should be ashamed!!!
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6 March 2024
No words can describe the emotions that were rendered watching this episode!! From high to low, from guilty to not, from disbelief to indifference, from disgust to sympathy! By the end I was tearful and exhausted! I don't think I have watched anything in my 52 years as emotional as this episode in any series or movie. Absolutely the best acting I have ever seen! Hands down! I didn't watch this show in the 80s, but I sure am glad I have fallen into it now! I have watched a lot of cop shows over the last 4 decades and can honestly say this is one of the best! All of the characters are genuine and I care about them. Watch it if you haven't!
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A Quiet Place (2018)
13 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I can't even begin to describe the holes in this movie from the first 5 minutes! It's so ludicrous it blows my mind! First off......the parents have a deaf girl supervise a toddler! Like ..... WTF!!! When everyone is so careful to not make noise they don't even wear shoes! Lmfao! As if a young child wouldn't do that! Then..... they leave there and don't even walk behind and supervise their children. Who does this?! Um.....hello ......NO ONE! Especially a deaf child not knowing weather or not they are even making noise and a toddler child that never follows rules! SMH! It's ridiculous! And then the next scene the mother is pregnant! Like really! Do you want to bring another child into this world that makes noise and will be killed!? Come on! Use the rhythm method or pull out! Be smart! These people deserve what's coming! They are too stupid!
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Judge Mathis (1999–2023)
29 November 2023
Is this supposed to be a serious show!? Because all I see is a so called Judge speaking a language that's not taught in schools to people who also speak the same! It's like being in the hood! JS! Whatever! I know that all teachers teach the same subjects and English is always one of those!! LEARN IT AND SPEAK IT!!! Please don't try to sound ignorant! This so called judge does just that! He lowers himself to his constituents level. SMH! He should be ashamed! Everyone has the ability to speak correctly! Including him! This show just proves to the rest of the country that certain people will always hold themselves back from conforming to certain ideologies.
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4 September 2023
I am just what point does Hollywood or any of its actors take responsibility for the wasted dollars it spends on crap movies like this?! I can only imagine the amount of good those same dollars could do if put out into the world to help veterans or homeless!! It's just a shame that these actors sign on to do the most ridiculous stuff all the while knowing that kids are starving and people all across the world are striving to make their lives better! Meanwhile......they are wasting millions upon millions of dollars making a movie (#2 POS) and all for literally nothing!! I hope these so called actors enjoy their spoils.
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Heels (2021–2023)
Stick with it!
1 September 2023
I'd have to admit when I started watching this show I thought is was pretty cheesy and wasn't sure it if was going to have enough of a story to keep it going. It has great actors and plenty of them. I was a fan of the two playing brothers, but wasn't sure if they would fit together in this story. It took me a few episodes in and then I became hooked! The story expands and they add even more great actors to it! I'm now on episode 7 in first season and really looking forward to watching the second season! Glad I stumbled onto this series! Hopefully they don't cancel it! So, please stick thru the first couple and I'm sure you'll find you'll like it too! And I'm not even a fan of wrestling! Fun to watch tho!!
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Keep your head up!!
2 July 2023
As a mom who has a son your age with Tourette's, I find you extremely courageous! I am thankful he doesn't have the stress level you have! Stress definitely makes his worse. He doesn't take any meds for it. He just seems to manage his lifestyle and work around it. I am so glad you decided to make a documentary about it though! I think it really helps to educate people and make them more aware of it. I think the more people know the less reaction they will have when presented. Funny, I don't even really notice his tics u til they get more pronounced. Then I know he's dealing with something. When I watched your documentary I felt the same emotional pull towards you too. Sometimes you just need a hug and a break. A break from the stress. I hope you find your happy medium! You're a very talented individual and I wish you all life has to offer! Just remember to give yourself a break when you need it and don't feel guilty!
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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
From a newcomer
6 February 2023
I am new to this show and recently found out it is apparently a game people play. Thought I would watch since I wasn't a fan of the walking dead series. The first couple episodes were very intriguing. This 3rd episode was off the charts. I don't know if I've ever seen such a one as this. I'm a straight middle age female and this felt completely real to me. The years and planning.....the loneliness....this man must have endured. And then, one day another shows up. I felt relief for him. Companionship. Something many take for granted. It all seemed real in this new apocalyptic world. I'm glad they were able to enjoy what life they had left. I loved how the writers wrote the background story and wish they would do more!
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The Last of Us: Please Hold to My Hand (2023)
Season 1, Episode 4
Wrong character
6 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Have loved this show through the first 3 episodes until no. This felt like a filler episode. Who thought to put the woman from Two Men into such a strong character was crazy! She can't play that role to save her life! She's so unbelievably passive it's pathetic! I wasn't a fan of TWD because I had to suspend belief so often. Had such hope for this show. SMH. Now I'm not sure! Come on writers! Come up with something we can at least believe! And when you are driving who takes the main roads through a major city knowing there are bad people there?! Duh! Take the byways around 30 minutes before! Or just stick to the 2 lane roads altogether! Me, I would be backroads all the way! Safe, slow, and easy!
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That '90s Show (2023– )
So Happy to See Them Back!!!
24 January 2023
I just love the fact that I can see Kitty and Red back in action again!! I have watched That 70s show multiple times over and was really looking forward to seeing this one! I know it takes some getting use to with new characters, but the premise is pretty much the same. For me it's the nostalgia of the house and basement to once again be apart of! And of course Red and Kitty haven't missed a step! They look great and it makes me feel 20 years younger just to see them again! Give it a chance! I really don't want them to go away! I'd hope they can keep me entertained for a handful of more years and with some more surprise visits by the old characters! Thank you to Netflix for bringing them back!
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Forever Young
17 December 2022
This is a go to movie for me to remember my youth watching such great actors at the beginning of their career! I can't believe that it wasn't nominated for more Oscar's! Especially Leonardo! He did such a fantastic job! But everyone else did too! Such a feel good movie and I really appreciate it seeing as I have a younger brother on the spectrum. Thank you for bringing to light their needs and the extra love we need to give! It's always unconditional and sometimes never, if rarely returned. But in the end, definitely worth it! Nothing short of a ten out of ten in my book! And I find I always will watch when it comes on the telly!
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Yellowstone: Tall Drink of Water (2022)
Season 5, Episode 3
Heading for the train station
22 November 2022
The last few years Taylor Sheridan has become a household name with all of his different series on TV. This one started as a great filler for those of us looking for something grand after GOT was finished. Smart and sexy with an excellent cast of characters in a vast, beautiful region of our country. The first few seasons were great but these last 2 definitely are off. Every time I turn it on now the dialogue and storylines get worse. I'm surprised these actors are actually sticking with it honestly. I'm sure they feel it too. Every other show that Taylor has put out since has the same problem. And let's not even talk about the embarrassment of 1883! He may have the viewership but many are sitting around shaking their heads at the end. Would love for him to stop his Hollywood greed and go back to writing great for Yellowstone instead of subpar trash for all the shows. He's becoming a male Shonda. Too bad.
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Too bad
28 September 2022
Well, that was an utter disappointment to say the least! The first 5 episodes were great! Then all of a sudden we have this one and I actually thought I was watching something else until I saw the old man. Trying to figure out who was who and all the kids was a bit disconcerting. I was really invested into the other characters! Why couldn't we have moved at a more slower pace like GOT and enjoyed them? Would have been nice to see the progression from them over the years. I wonder if HBO is going to replace these characters in another few episodes?! Either way, I'm not anxious to see any more. Too bad because it started off so great! SMH.
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Sprung (2022– )
26 August 2022
How is this show not being viewed by everyone!? It totally rocks! Love the actors and the comedy! PLEASE DONT CANCEL IT!! Keep it on for a long time!!!
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Food vs politics
10 August 2022
If you want to do a food show about Italy then do that. Leave the politics to another show! There was so much wasted time on politics that I fast forwarded thru it! We are here for the food and to learn how to cook it. The history of its food is fine and how they came to use it but not it's current day politics. Don't have a family cook you dinner and spoil it by asking them such personal issues that have nothing to do with the show!
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Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy: Sicily (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
10 August 2022
This is supposed to be a cooking show not a political bandstand! These nice people create meals for you to enjoy not subject them to their political stance or lack there of!
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5 August 2022
As a WOMAN, I can only say THANK YOU!! You have shown how the internet craze and todays "fads" of the alphabet people have invaded our children and some of their crazy parents! Hollywood and the left leaning, so called, scientific minds, along with the professional educators too! It's amazing to me how brainwashed and greedy these people are to fit in and use our young people to support their theories in their advancement. Too bad it will take many catastrophic events to change. Womens rights have flown out the window. Suffrage is here. Again.
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Purple Hearts (2022)
1 August 2022
More of the same crap from Netflix! Is this what my $20 a month funds?!?! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ No wonder why so many people are leaving and streaming direct from the free internet sites!
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Poldark: Episode #4.8 (2018)
Season 4, Episode 8
30 July 2022
Can we now just call it what it is....... JUMPING THE SHARK!! What happened to the show and characters we all loved and enjoyed watching? The whole last couple episodes have been swindled! Up until them this series as remained mostly true to its origins until London came into the factor. Apparently another writer or director took it upon themselves to divert from the story and go unto a divergent linear line. Very unworthy!
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Poldark: Episode #4.7 (2018)
Season 4, Episode 7
Seriously wrong!
30 July 2022
Have been binge watching this whole series and this episode sits extremely unwell!! The portrayal of characters does not fit correctly with it! This London scene is filler and badly represents. Definitely leaves a bad taste. Whomever wrote this episode surely was off the mark!
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22 July 2022
Is this what Theo James went to instead of doing a second season of Sandition?! What was he thinking!!??? Crazy! SMH.

That show was a ton better than this was!
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Southern Charm: Great Ex-Pectations (2022)
Season 8, Episode 1
8 July 2022
Come on guys and gals......time to step it up! Same old stories, arguments, and drama! 30 and 40 something's trying to hold onto youth gone wrong. And let's not talk about the hideous makeup and plastic surgery....😂😂😂
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The Bear (2022– )
6 July 2022
Really love most of the characters, except the newbie girl! Ugh she's so annoying! The story line isn't bad but I feel it's just so all over the place. The yelling I could definitely do without. I felt exhausted after every show. Just listening to them all gives me a headache!
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Father Stu (2022)
31 May 2022
Mark...when you decide to start off the first 3 minutes of a movie with a bogus diagnosis you lose half your audience due to their education. Sorry. Like you as an actor but between the ignorant medical and horrible character acting I'm going to have to pass and save 2 hrs of my life.
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Ricky Gervais: SuperNature (2022 TV Special)
30 May 2022
Funny as all hell mate!! Always love watching your comedy because you haven't joined the woke cult and I hope you never do! Hopefully Netflix keeps your special coming!
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