
7 Reviews
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"TOC" is no Top Chef
15 February 2024
First of all, I'm not a Guy Fieri fan. If this were 150 years ago, Fieri would be the traveling snake oil Guy who carries with him his progeny as the Guy Jr. Who is miraculously "cured" by his daddy's concoctions.

I am, however, a cooking competition fan. Top Chef is the GOAT. This competition pales in comparison mainly due to the "ultra-hip" host and his nepo-baby in training. I mute the sound whenever Fieri is shouting his cutesy-pie reductions of phrases into "clever" aphorisms and then repeated again and again.

The actual bit of dramatic tension comes from the "Randomizer" creating a mashup of styles, ingredients, cook time, etc. Other than that, this series is overblown plug-and-play with otherwise earnest chefs and sous chefs trying to obtain a cash reward and garish professional wrassler's champion belt that is nearly impossible to carry gracefully and is obviously embarrassing to hold.
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Reacher (2022– )
Thank you Lee Child!
11 January 2024
I appreciate the main recasting of the primary character.

Reacher is (at long last) no longer a dwarf that no one would fear walking down the highway. It is rewarding to witness the rebranding of one of my favorite novelists.

In this series our hero is finally accurately portrayed with sparkle and gruffness that is downplayed just enough to make Reacher likable in spite of himself.

Unfortunately, the support casting is lackluster...either that or they're Canadian... I definitely can see that the budget would require production going north of the border but the production values are the prime victims of their savings. It's a darned shame really.

The writers have obviously worked diligently at reflecting Lee Child's "Bad Luck and Trouble" and I cannot wait for a majority of Mr. Child's series to come to the screen and to determine how accurately his words reflect what I see in my head.
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Source of humor for "Airplane!"
10 September 2021
The filmed internal dialogue was the source for future Irwin Allen disaster movies and the truly classic Zucker comedy "Airplane!".
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"Proverbial" mess
10 September 2021
The writing of this little melodrama was sophomoric and uneven.

The acting was typical of the late-50's. The photography and lighting were unimaginative and flat.

Otherwise, this is a "proverbial" CLASSIC! Have a drinking game for one scene: the head of the airline's dialogue with chief pilot...each time you hear the word "proverbial".
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What a revolting development this is.
20 March 2021
The project should never have seen the light of day. This was an blatant effort to make a little cash in a Young Turk's life who never received the answer "No...that's a colossally stupid idea!"
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Beautifully crafted
23 October 2020
It makes me long for the days of thoughtful debate and passionate discourse.

Staging the screenplay for stage was a brilliant way to concentrate the actors' blocking and audience's attention for the splendid writing and the artful acting.

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My first nightmare
13 August 2019
This film was released under the title "The Creeping Unknown" and was the first movie I remember giving me nightmares. The scene in question was a man in the background lying on a gurney and sloooowly sitting up without the protagonist noticing.

Too early for a 10-year-old!
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