
6 Reviews
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Nice Addition To The Franchise
6 July 2021
This film was probably just too close to reality for MAGA cultists, so ignore the bad reviews. If you are a fan of the franchise and don't worship the orange fascist, you should enjoy this film.
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Pelt (2010)
This is a classic film to have great laughs with friends....
27 July 2015
The B-horror movie seems to be going away. Long gone are the days of picking up a couple of "scary" movies from your local video store, buying some beer and inviting friends over to pick the movie apart. Today's B-horror either tries to be B-horror(thus losing the charm) or is so terrible and boring that there is nothing to make fun of. This film is the best laugh I have had in a while. It is just interesting enough to keep you keep watching and although I feel it does make fun of itself purposely on a couple of occasions, it is just serious enough to get the laughs going. For a B-movie to be funny, the golden rule is that the audience feels that the director has a masterpiece on his hands. No spoilers here: but the best laughs come from the bar scene in the beginning of the movie(particularly the "John" character), then later a female who keeps having a pain and describes it in detail, a certain character's sleeping apparel, the best stereotype of a yuppie jock in horror movie history(seriously) and the flying ax. That is just to name a few. Invite friends over, pour some refreshments and enjoy. This is as good as it gets for horror fun at the film's expense.
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Underbelly (2007)
Hidden Gem....
26 January 2012
Every now and then, a title that you have no expectations for turns out to be very entertaining and memorable. This is one of those films. VERY MILD SPOILER HERE**: I knew that it was going to be different with the first song interlude during the first violent scene in the film. END VERY MILD SPOILER** It just goes from there and will keep your attention with some great stereotypical humor(and i say "stereotypical" as a good thing in, making fun of stereotypes). I actually won this DVD in a Rue Morgue Radio contest and forgot about it for months. I have since viewed it 3 times and each time is enjoyable. Very original and looking forward to other Cade offerings. Beer will impress you as well in the "Toby" role and with the musical score. Nice to see a breath of fresh air in this genre. Do yourself a favor and check this one out!
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Hostel: Part III (2011 Video)
The BEST "Hostel" yet...
21 January 2012
I read the negative reviews of this film before watching it and went into it with low expectations. Now that I have watched the film, I must ask if these "naysayers" have some agenda against the new director? I love Eli Roth films and it is rare for any sequel to best it's predecessors, but this one really does! The Las Vegas setting is perfect. At the start, I did think it may be a bad idea because of the success of "The Hangover" franchise and the economic state of the United States. Who wants to see a horror film set in Vegas after "The Hangover" made us laugh so hard?...but....this one pulls you in. You will care about the characters...there are plot twists that you do NOT see coming...and you will be entertained. Watch with an open mind and enjoy.
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The Happening (2008)
Why Shyamalan's "The Happening" is happening....
23 July 2008
For those of you that love the "fear" aspect in films as opposed to the "horror" aspect, this is a film for you. Widely advertised as the first R-rated film from director M.Night Shyamalan, "The Happening" is more for those of you that prefer your movie not spoon-fed to you and like to think. M.Night does not waste any time on getting the movie going, as the violence starts within the first two minutes of the film. From there, it is a roller-coaster ride that takes us throughout the eastern part of the United States of America. This area is infected with this unseen affliction and it is graphic as people are killing themselves in pretty creative ways....I will stop there to not give anything away. For those of you looking for a slasher-type blood and guts horror-fest, you will hate it. For those thinkers that love a motive behind the violence and want to see actual "fear", it will give you fear. The difference between "fear" and "horror" is evident here. This is not a "horror movie". It is a movie that will scare the pants off of you.....The scariest movie that I have seen in the last 20 years is "The Sixth Sense"---this is a movie that I would not want to watch alone. Would you call "The Sixth Sense" horror??? i wouldn't... "The Happening" just joined that club. The message in the film will come to you after you see it and think about it. Fear and Scares, with a lack of the word "horror" do work once again in Shyamalan's blender....he simply has fear with no horror---which works!!!! This one is scary because it is REAL!!!! enjoy...
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Mayhem Motel (2001 Video)
Pretty interesting effort here...
20 April 2008
Before viewing this film, remember that Peter Jackson made "Bad Taste" before moving on to bigger things. Having said that, this film has a lot going for it. From the opening scene, you can see with the thorough dialogue and interesting and sublime turns that director Karl Kempter has a LOT of talent. This film kept me interested ala watching a John Water's movie as in "what in the hell will happen next???", i say give this man a budget and he will deliver! This film should and probably will go down as a cult classic, and I am anxious to see what else Kempter may have in store for us in the blows "Bad Taste" out of the water in every aspect by the way.
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