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Goof Troop (1992–1993)
Disney's Best
23 February 2014
Goofy was always my favourite Walt Disney Studios character, in all of the old short comic movies they did and even today with the various movie projects and TV shows that they have put Goofy in, the best they have done animation wise were those old short movies they did with Goofy and Mickey.

He is the ultimate not very intelligent character with a heart of gold who always gets into huge trouble and should be killed or horrible injured after his escapades but obviously it's a cartoon for kids so he comes out of it all right every time.

Goof Troop was a fantastic show that I loved and I hope it comes out again in some form.
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Seed (2013–2014)
It's A Shame
23 February 2014
It's a shame that this show was so disappointing because it was a very good idea for a show. The problem is that this show totally falls apart because first of all the acting is terrible, which is the most obvious problem with this show. The actors are very one dimensional and are terrible when it comes to getting across the jokes properly which I admit must be hard.

Working together with that to hurt the show is the bad writing. The characters are not very deep and the lines they are given are not natural sounding or believable, plus the jokes are just not very good at all.

So it is kind of a toss up between the actors not doing a great job and the writers not giving them anything really good to work with. It is one or the other or some combo of both that really hurts this television show.

Like I said it is a real shame because the idea behind this show was very exciting.
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Zorba (1966)
12 February 2008
In this movie the eponymous Zorba gets into trouble with the bad guys but refuses to give up and ends up saving the entire country. In this movie you will find... Action! Adventure! It's 1966's version of Star Wars! Zorba fights! Zorba rides! Zorba gets the girl and takes out the bad guy! Look out for Zorba! Zorba is coming for you - and Zorba always gets his man! Zorba will get you! He's handsome! He's debonair! He's amazing! He's... ZORBA! Amazing, awesome, fantastic, Zorba! His action-packed fighting skills and manly punch-throwing abilities can only be described as sensational! He's even proficient with firearms and dynamite! We all wish we were Zorba! Zorba deserves an award-a! The amazing Zorba the Greek! Zorba... AWAY!
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My Grampa had this on tape, it was awful but funny.
12 February 2008
I give this a one out of ten but mostly just because it is bad now because it is so old. It was not an awful show at the time I'm sure. But even my Grampa laughed at it when we watched it because it was so dated and funny. The main character, Rocky Jones, was like a Buck Rogers type character who fearlessly goes into space leading his men. I only saw two grainy episodes on an old tape with my Grampa like I said but it was okay considering how really old the show was. The funny parts were the "futuristic" equipment and all the enemy space men they found because the effects were so lame, actually there were no effect really. Worth it for a laugh if you like out of date stuff with bad effects.
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I like Tom Green, but this movie sucked!
12 February 2008
This is a terrible movie.

Nothing about it is funny.

The stunts are all predictable and lame. Even the "shocking" horse scene was just stupid.

The plot of the movie itself was... well what plot? It's just a bunch of excuses for him to do stupid stunts that aren't impressive or funny.

The only remotely interested parts (like "Daddy would you like some sausage?") were in the commercials and movie trailers.

Why was Rip Torn in this movie? I hope Tom Green comes back somehow and is funny again but I've seen his new talk show so I doubt it will happen. He deserved better than this movie though but I guess it's his own fault since he must have written it himself.
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Robots (2005)
It's okay but just okay...
12 February 2008
I give it five out of ten. The animation was really good so that is most of the reason why it gets five points out of ten and not an even lower score. It just wasn't that interesting or engaging of a plot. Even for a Disney movie there wasn't enough of a story there. So the robot's on his own little journey, finds his way, learns about life, yada yada yada... It wasn't too bad, it's not that it was bad, I just think the premise had a lot of potential but it didn't live up to it. Even though it wasn't bad it just wasn't that good, either. Most of the voices were well done but Robin Williams started irritating me after a while.
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Boring, boring, boring...
12 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers

Maybe this movie was okay when it came out back in 1977 but I could barely stay awake.

It was so boring! Wow! Aliens come to earth and play an old keyboard that lights up like that old Simon Says music game, whatever it was called, it's almost as old as this movie.

That's right the big climax is scientists playing keyboards and flashing coloured lights at the alien space ship and the aliens playing music back, then the ship opens and all these kidnapped people and children come out. Why aren't these people p.o.'d and killing these stupid aliens for keeping everyone for so long? The biggest action packed moment in the film is when a guy is making a mountain out of his mashed potatoes and I'm not even kidding.
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Sharky's Machine!
12 February 2008
I would give this one out of ten if not for the super amazing action packed unbelievable action sequences! They were so laugh out loud funny that I bumped it up to 2 out of 10.

It was also funny how there is a ton of swearing in the movie for no reason at all. Obviously they were just desperate to make the movie "tough" and get an R rating or trick people into going out to see the tough new action movie with... action superstar Burt Reynolds! I wondered why he'd be cast as an action superstar but then I saw in the credits he directed it so I guess that answers that question.

Then again this movie is 25 years old so what do you expect.
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My Talk Show (1990–1991)
Good idea with below average presentation!
8 January 2008
"My Talk Show" didn't work but it wasn't all bad. It was about a low budget, small town television talk show with all the problems you would expect from a small town television talk show with limited talent to choose from for hosts and a limited budget. In fact the budget was so small the hostess had to use her own living room for the set. Should have been funny but wasn't even though it was a decent premise.

Guests included nobodies from the town the example given before being a local dog catcher. But sometimes 'big names' would be on with an excuse given as to why they were happening to be going through this little town. The excuses never really worked though and weren't funny.

The hostess also always fought with her co-host but that didn't quite work either even though it was a good idea. It's not that the people on the show weren't good they were all fine but it just didn't work.
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Comedy that past its 'Best Before' date in 1981....
26 October 2006
Royal Canadian Air Farce is horribly bad television.

Please don't get me wrong, I know that there was a time when they were apparently comedy icons in Canada and their radio show was listened to by thousands of Canadians from coast to coast and they did popular live shows that my grandparents and their friends honestly enjoyed (yes I said grandparents and I am 40!). I'm sure they deserve appreciation for a job well done, but there comes a time when it's time to hang up the skates and gracefully step aside before it just get embarrassing, and I'm afraid that date may have already passed them by.

I don't find them funny at all. The jokes are terrible and worst of all they keep repeating the same characters and sketches over and over! Air Farce belongs in a museum, not on TV.
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Comedy Central Presents: Mitch Hedberg (1999)
Season 1, Episode 6
Great performance by a genius.
14 April 2005
Mitch Hedberg recently passed away and it is truly a shame because the world has lost a very intriguing standup comic. He wrote and his deliver was different from any other comic I have ever seen. This standup comic special on comedy central was truly awesome and featured some of the best Mitch Hedberg one liners he ever wrote meaning some of the best one liners in the history of standup comedy. He really was that good! If you like oddball or eccentric standup comedy or to listen to standup comics with different perspective you should definitely check out this standup special from comedy central. I give it 9 out of 10 it only lost 1 point because there were some odd camera-work and pauses in the show. The lighting could have been better but it was a great showcase of a gifted comic and his work. WE MISS YOU MITCH!
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Who thought this show was a good idea?
7 April 2005
Here is what the comedy network people must have thought. 'okay we already gave a show to Mike Bullard who is the second least funny guy in the whole country. now what should we do? OK i know, let's give a warmup show to the only guy in the country who is less funny than him so that maybe Mike Bullard looks better by comparison!' Then they all laughed around their fancy board room table, smoked cigars and drank champaign. The only thing less funny than bullard's pathetic interview skills and recycled monologue jokes were Sean Tweedley's juvenile standup routines. Mike bullard and the warmup show were without a doubt the two worst shows in Canadian television history. I am personally ashamed that my beautiful country produced such crap as them even though I know it is not my fault. Actually judging by the people I know who watched the shows it is not anybodies fault because nobody in the world watched these shows! How did they get on the air for more than two or three episodes? Did a bunch of people in the arctic circle tune on their TV's and then die, accidentally leaving bullard on? Anyway to the rest of the world we are very sorry that these shows got made. But hey at least they wised up and canceled this warmup show and the 'best of' mike bullard show - that's right they were for real crazy enough to think that that failure of a show should have clips re-aired again as a 'best of show' every week! To bad they took years to long to get the original bullard show off the air. Rating: Six million turds out of a possible four stars. Hopefully we will never hear from Sean Tweedley again.
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Ham & Cheese (2004)
I messed my pants in disbelief.
22 March 2005
This is the worst movie I have ever seen. Who are all of these people that are leaving the comments that say how good they think this movie is? There is no way anybody except somebody who is in this movie or there families can with a straight face say this movie is funny at all. It looks like it was shot on a high school video yearbook camcorder and the dialog is so bad it is like it was written by a bunch of fifth graders while they were skipping English class. I am sick and tired of these awful Canadian movies that make other Canadian movies look bad. How do they even get made? It's like the government will give money and film rights to anybody who can make a movie for less than $500. If you want to see a good Canadian comedy I recommend you go see something like Phil the Alien. One of the guys in this movie is also in Phil the Alien. I don't blame the people in this movie for it being so bad. It is just an awful script and bad directing. In my opinion this video is not even worth watching for free on TV let alone renting. Avoid at all costs!
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Blink 182: Punk Poets (2003 Video)
Pretty Pointless, Even for Blink-182 Fans ...
26 January 2005
When I got this video I was expecting a lot of great behind the scenes footage of the band and some great interviews with the band's members and with people in their lives but all this video gives is some really low production value footage of some old friends of theirs, mostly from high school. I was very disappointed this video could have been so much more if they had been informative and given us interesting details about the band but it seemed like nobody really had anything to say about Blink-182 or the origins of Blink-182. Obviously as old friends they praised the band all the time and this obviously got really boring. Some old footage of the band was pretty interesting but there wasn't much footage of Blink-182 themselves so the title is kind of misleading. I only would recommend this tape to the most hard core Blink fans because there is not much to this tape, it is obviously just something that was thrown together as a money grab.
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Discover Your World (1987– )
A Decent Travel Show!
19 January 2005
If you are a fan of travel shows then you would not have been disappointed by "Discover Your World". It was pretty informative and the host was likable enough to keep you interested. The locations were always beautiful (but affordable for everyday people to go to if they wanted to) and they provided all the information you needed to know through the host who was sometimes a bit too wacky and zany but it worked okay for the show and like I said what mattered most was that the information got across and the locations were shot very well and looked great. If "Discover Your World" is ever put on in reruns (which let's face it probably won't happen because it is a travel show and those types of shows probably won't stand the test of time very well because times, places, styles and prices always change) you should check it out if you are a fan of travel shows and like to see decent vacation destinations. 7/10 rating from me (a travel show fan).
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The Consultants (2000 TV Movie)
Better than most.
4 December 2004
I just watched this movie, or is it a series? And I was surprised in a good way when I saw how that this was a good show. I think it must have been scripted to be a fake documentary like Spinal Tap because there is no way people could be so stupid they are fooled into thinking these guys were actually "relationship experts" because they were not such believable characters but overall the jokes made up for it, I laughed more than I would have thought. Production values was not great I sometimes had trouble keeping up with the moving camera and I think only one camera was used but that was probably a budget thing and not a creative decision. The lighting was sometimes too dark, in the basement scene I did not really see what was going on until I'd already missed what I realized must have been all the biggest jokes. Nobody famous or recognizable in this movie (or show) but a decent time waster especially considering it obviously was not big budget. I give it about 8 of 10 for entertainment value and 6 of ten for the production as a whole with a big thumb down 3 out of ten for who did the lighting. Worth watching on TV or maybe a cheap rental if you see it but I would say it's the kind of thing that is really only funny the first time you watch it so no need to buy.
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The Toronto Show (2003–2004)
A pretty good show with flaws ...
30 August 2004
The Toronto show is far from perfect and I will be the first to grant that but I don't under stand the bad wrap it is getting from the media and from people. Most people have not even seen it and are bashing it anyway. I give the show a 7 out of 10, it looks pretty good production wise. I won't deduct too much points out of ten for the music guests because although i don't like or know the guest they always had they were usually rappers or guys who i don't listen to anyway.s So the host is just okay but they had comedy guests all the time and they were usually very good and they had kids in the hall on the show more than once that i saw so that is something that you obviously can't knock because every one loves kids in the hall! I think the show is cancel because it is always reruns but if you see this show on TV on the Toronto network you should give it a chance, i recommend it. 7 out of 10.
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The Endless Grind (2001– )
How many words are there for "terrible?"
26 August 2004
Just like most shows that are on the comedy network this show is about as much fun as pulling your own teeth out with a rusty pair of pliers. Some of the cast members like Jessica Holmes, peter old ring and Greg Lawrence -- who is Kevin Spencer from that show -- were pretty good but the rest had about as much talent as an average dog. The writing was completely terrible -- most of the stuff had no point at all and this show couldn't make you laugh if you were high on every drug you could get your hands on. Its sad that big money is sunk into shows like this when it should be put to better use. Kids in the Hall was good so why are all these other shows since then such garbage? For example, look at the buzz, or mike bullard, or the Holmes show (Jessica Holmes still is talented but that show was almost as bad as this one) or comedy inc or the bob room which features a lot of the same hacks as this show did. Hopefully they'll get it right again soon and stop wasting money and the few talented performers they can keep from leaving Canada for better money and opportunities in the USA! If you like comedy network check out comedy now or just for laughs or another stand up comics show instead of these shows because they just stink stink stink!
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