
44 Reviews
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The Shield: Family Meeting (2008)
Season 7, Episode 13
Corruption's Destination
10 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
How do you end a series about a corrupt group of cops in the most perfect way possible? As many in these reviews would say, you reap what you sow. We all had a feeling they wouldn't really get away with everything they did over the years, and the creator made the wise choice and proved all of us right. Even after he gets his immunity, Vic instead ends up getting a fate worse than death. He has to confess to every crime he's committed, every heinous act, and tell them that all those who investigated him, Terry Crowley, Aceveda, Kavanaugh, the decoy force, they were all right. He loses literally everything, the respect of his colleagues, time with his family, every last friend he ever had, even his absolute freedom, finally getting the consequences he deserves for his actions, and it's implied he only ends up making the consequences worse in the end because he just can't help himself. And in an even bigger touch of irony, everyone else gets a happy ending, his family getting a new life away from him, his colleagues keeping their jobs and bringing true justice to the streets, and a real crackdown on all the other dirty cops. They seriously spent pretty much every episode since halfway through season 4 building up to this ending, and boy did they absolutely deliver. I'm so glad I stuck through with this series to the end, because every time you think it even slightly stagnates, it finds ways to get better over all.
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The Shield: Parricide (2008)
Season 7, Episode 8
The Walls Come Tumbling Down
7 August 2023
My title isn't to say this show is losing it's edge, quite the opposite, in fact. It's sharpening it's edge at every conceivable corner. We all knew this wouldn't end happily for them, but it starts to really show that by this episode. Finally, they all start getting punished for their past crimes, especially the ones that they thought they'd successfully covered up, we now know for a fact that they are not immune, and it sets up a new plot that will be the main storyline for the rest of the show, when all their careful planning comes to naught. It's just amazing how they manage to make the plot feel like it's always moving ahead, and deftly balance a bunch of episodic cases with overarching storylines, only now, those overarching storylines are coming to a climax, and it is exciting, to say the least. I'm so glad I chose to stick with this series, because I thought it was too slow for a while, but it's just so interesting, and it picked up pretty quickly, but now that's all coming to a head.
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Final Fantasy XVI (2023 Video Game)
It fixed the series
30 June 2023
I'll admit that I wasn't too excited for this one, mainly because the series had kind of lost it's way, and I feel that XV, while fun, was ultimately a step down from what made the series amazing. I was also a little worried when people said it wasn't going to be open world, I thought that was a bad idea. But then I actually played it, and in no uncertain terms, I was honestly blown away. I just misunderstood what people were saying earlier, it's technically an open world, just with a smaller one separated into more detailed sections, which I prefer to a big empty world. In a lot of ways, this is kind of a return to form for the series, definitely going for quality over quantity, even with a gameplay style somewhat reminiscent of Kingdom Hearts, which I thoroughly enjoy, it changes the formula while still bringing in some core features to the series. But what makes it even better is the story, they finally put more effort into all of that than the gameplay, the world building, the characters, even the progression, I can honestly say it's the best story in an FF game since X, and I'm not saying that ironically. There are genuinely parts I don't expect and a deeper tone to the whole thing.

My one gripe about it is the change to an M Rating, not just that, but the added violence and swearing, and to a lesser extent, sex. A lot of this can feel kind of out of place to a long time fan of Final Fantasy, and I honestly think they could've just as easily made it rated T. But ultimately, I'm not all that upset about it, because they don't just decide to fill it chock full of excessive swearing, sex, or overly gorey violence, they just put little bits of that in, and it still overall feels like an FF game with all the adventure, lore, and stakes in it. It doesn't try too hard to be dark and edgy, and keep in mind this isn't the first FF game to get an M Rating.

Overall, I think it is well worth your money, whether you're a fan of the series already or not, and I hope they maintain the direction of quality over quantity with future games, because one's like these prove that the series is not yet past it's prime.
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Better Call Saul: Saul Gone (2022)
Season 6, Episode 13
Perfect way to end a Franchise.
15 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'll be honest, I at first didn't give this show a chance because I thought it was just another cheap knock-off or something, but I'm glad I eventually gave it a shot. I started it about three months ago and just found myself binging it all the way through because so much was happening. I enjoyed it so much because even though it was a spin-off, it still brought a lot to the impressive table of Breaking Bad. I'm glad this series existed because of all of that, and it only got progressively better as it went on, exponentially so, and this finale was the accumulation of that increase. Whereas Breaking Bad ended with a brutal shootout and the main character dying, this one is a very nice contrast, having no violence throughout the entire thing and still ending with a character being punished, but also not dying. It stays faithful to itself first and foremost, ending with an appropriate courtroom scene that fits the series perfectly. But I'm also quite jealous of the writing in it, the flashbacks they add in don't use any previously filmed footage from Breaking Bad and instead have extra dialogue and situations that build up the lore of the series as a whole and the stakes for the finale, showing how different Jimmy really is from the very people he works for and how he could've been a very different person, circumstances permitting. They put in so much character development for Jimmy, showing how unexpectedly detached he's gotten from the Saul Goodman persona, to the point where he's actually willing to sacrifice everything for someone he used to love, and even sacrifice his own freedom. Jimmy isn't just a completely evil person who kept going into a pit of depravity like Walter did, he's a tragic character who's made plenty of bad decisions, but never had the gusto to go down the same impossible path so many others did in this series, he could never kill and never stay bad. I absolutely love the acting and character development in this episode, managing to do so much in so little time (that is, within a single episode), there's plenty of great bittersweet elements, and it's just the perfect way to end the entire franchise because there's pretty much no loose ends left. Everything finally comes full circle, and it continued to impress me independently from Breaking Bad all the way through. More of this, please, although I hope they don't continue this franchise just because this ending was absolutely perfect, easily one of the best series finales of all time, just like the last series, and it made the whole show worth watching.
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The Wire: The Buys (2002)
Season 1, Episode 3
Things finally start picking up
18 March 2023
Whenever I start an HBO show, I often think it's too much of a slow burn, stuff takes too long to actually happen and it's gonna be a while before it gets good, sometimes I'm right about that, and sometimes it gets good much sooner. Even before Omar finally shows up, I was so much more invested in this episode than the previous two, it felt like things were actually happening and there was genuine buildup. I found myself paying very close attention to the dialogue and situations now, especially when they became more symbolic and stuff from previous episodes had major consequences. I even found De'Angelo teaching his cronies how to play chess was really interesting. I'll definitely keep trying it.
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Spartacus: Victory (2013)
Season 3, Episode 10
Perfect end to an Epic Series
19 February 2023
If you know the story of Spartacus, you know there was no happy ending. They didn't beat the sheer size of the Roman Army, they didn't immediately ensure an end to slavery, and there was a lot more death in the final battle. But is this finale, keeping it close to the truth, as absurdly saddening as you'd expect? No, shockingly. It spends a great deal of it's time tying up all the remaining character arcs before the final battle, which is hugely epic by the way, and it rides off the theme of dying for a noble cause and succeeding in a different way. It somehow manages to make a massive historical tragedy hugely bittersweet, and even plenty of character deaths are heartwarming rather than outright tragic since they lose better than the winners won. It does all that while tying up every loose end remaining and giving a hugely satisfying conclusion despite the tragedy, which I would've never thought was possible. It ends in a much better way than some other similar series, especially those by HBO, cough, cough. It's worth watching the entire series through just for episodes like this.
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Vinland Saga: Slave (2023)
Season 2, Episode 1
Perfect new Beginning
10 January 2023
This is how you start another season. I'll admit I was a little leery when I heard another studio was doing it this time, but I was also so glad to hear that the same people were working on it. And now that the second season is finally here, everything that shined the past season arguably shines even more here. The breathtaking animation, the wonderful musical score, the incredible new characters who bring so much to the table, the deeply emotional narrative from the first one, the staunch realism, and so much more. It even brings back two beloved characters and takes a different approach to the story, one outside of war and about a time of peace and character growth instead. I positively cannot wait for what's to come, even if I had already read a great deal of the manga storyline.
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Spy x Family (2022– )
Mediocre show with awful fanbase
22 December 2022
This is yet another modern anime that's been pretty much condemned to the wastebin of mediocrity. There's nothing really special about any part of this to me, not the characters, not the story, not the style, not the humor, nothing. It all just feels like an amalgamation of every anime cliche, and the characters feel like walking overdone cliches. It always felt like a rip-off of The Americans, and somehow felt even more like it when I watched it. But what annoys me most is the fanbase, they blew it's quality way out of proportion, they constantly spam the Internet with how "amazing" this show is and don't know the difference between an honest opinion and harassment. They're practically asking for my opinion with the constant spamming, yet act like I'm an awful person just for sharing it in the most polite way possible. Even before I saw it, I said it sounded like a similar premise to the aforementioned The Americans, that was literally all I said, and I was still carpet bombed with harassment over literally nothing. We don't need more anime or more fanbases like this. The only positive thing I can think of to say about it is that it doesn't so profoundly and personally insult me as shows like Redo of Healer do, as much.
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Sons of Anarchy: NS (2010)
Season 3, Episode 13
Perfect Season Finale
15 December 2022
Holy cow, I thought this would be just another cliffhanger, and it kept baiting me into thinking that throughout this episode. However, that's just one of the ways it surprised me, it brought so much to a close that I feel is effective. There are so many wonderful plot twists that make the admittedly slow pacing of this season completely worth it, and plenty of emotionally satisfying moments in this one, something you wouldn't hear me say I'd expect of Sons of Anarchy years before. Also, this is a complete turn around from the last season's cliffhanger, using that cliffhanger to tie up pretty much everything in the show, tying up loose ends that had been in the show for years. I'm so glad they didn't end the show here, but this is how you properly end a season.
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Sons of Anarchy: Na Triobloidi (2009)
Season 2, Episode 13
Cliffhanger Ending, but really good one
8 November 2022
There has been so much I've been waiting for with the second season of SOA, so many characters I rooted for, so many I rooted against, and an ever expanding plot point that never lets up. I'm not gonna say this episode could've ended the series, because there was still more to do, but it did a great job amping the audience up for what's to come. The villains of this season are finally punished and punished severely, lots of satisfying revenge kills that took 12 episodes to properly set up, and topping it off with the unexpected and hugely saddening death of a main character before giving an unexpected cliffhanger to properly set up season 3. Can't wait for what's to follow.
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The Beauty of a Film Without Executive Meddling
15 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's no secret that the DCCU hasn't had the best of luck, and they really did everyone wrong with the original including and especially Zack Snyder and most of the cast. Zack Snyder might not be the best director, and not all his movies work, but I will always have infinitely more respect for him as a director and a person than I ever will for Joss Whedon especially now, Whedon's style has bored me for years and the original movie was the final nail in the coffin. But I've never seen a director's cut be exponentially better than the original quite like this. Everything that was wrong with the original is completely fixed here, the character development, especially for Cyborg, is honestly probably the best I've seen in a superhero movie, period, the action scenes are incredible even against such a high bar, and it just does a fantastic balancing comedy, action, and just pure emotional weight, arguably even better to me personally than even Avengers: Endgame. I can name double-digit scenes that actually had me crying for real, and that's not something too easy to do. I don't even care that it's 4 hours, it could be 10 for all I care because this is how you make a damn movie. It wasn't without it's problems, but I didn't really care all that much. The Epilogue was pretty much the perfect way to end the series as a whole, like it was just incredible. It sucks that DC is still kind of mistreating the crew even now when they're clearly their best asset, but this movie is just near perfection. I think it deserves even better than it's usually getting.
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Breaking Bad: Ozymandias (2013)
Season 5, Episode 14
Literally the best
15 May 2022
Holy crap. I didn't think television could get this good, and I'm not just saying that. So much changes in the plot, the character development is off the charts, it's actually super shocking and emotional, and it does all that without lots of sex, gore, and swearing. Move over HBO, there's a new boss in town.
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The Future Diary: Disconnection (2012)
Season 1, Episode 22
The episode that utterly killed it
8 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first half of this series was pretty awesome, but the second seemed to only get progressively more messy, and this episode was the accumulation of all that mess. I don't know why it's one of the highest rated in the series, because I found it to be the worst. They keep killing off major characters for little too no reason under the guise of having cinematic value, but this one completely screwed up the character development and killed not one, not two, but four likeable characters for an unbelievably petty reason and showed no care for anyone's abilities or likeability and turned Yuki from alright, to a douchebag, to a complete and irredeemable piece of crap. It literally only killed those characters off in a feeble attempt to be shocking and emotional, but failed in both regards because all it did was throw those characters away. Yuno got away with way too much beforehand, but this time was just plain insulting, it was blatant plot armor, she literally always gets what she wants and I'm pissed because of it. Why do they always give the awful characters good things in this and other series like it? It all just goes completely downhill from there for the rest of the series and I'm half convinced the creator only did this to troll the audience. Nothing about this episode works to the point where it makes a promising series turn completely awful. I'm done with this creator and anything else he's done.
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The Punisher (2004)
Deserves better.
30 January 2022
I'll admit this isn't a great marvel movie, but I think it certainly didn't deserve the harsh remarks it got from critics and fans (though most fans still like it). The acting is pretty spot on with Thomas Jane being the perfect Punisher, giving plenty of subtlety and emotion to the role. John Travolta is a bit of an overactor in this movie, considering his poor luck in film in the early 2000s, but I also kind of dig his performance in it.

There are some campy spots, but the film feels self aware a lot of the time and I'm glad it took a darker and grittier route since the Punisher is a dark and gritty story, pretty ballsy of marvel in the early 2000s. It's not perfect, some of the humor doesn't mesh well and some of the action and early parts can be a bit campy, but it seems able to overcome both those flaws as the movie goes on. In terms of storytelling, it doesn't really do anything new, but I still found it enjoyable nontheless, and there were plenty of story beats I enjoyed like how The Punisher's plan was enacted more slowly and carefully, kind of like he's supposed to be, it was much less cartoony than the trailers would lead you to believe. The directing was also pretty competent despite being by a brand new director.

All in all, I will reiterate that it's not a great marvel movie, and I found the Netflix show to be better with Jon Bernthal being a great new Frank Castle, but this movie was enjoyable and interesting enough to keep a guy with my pretty specific taste entertained. I think it and Thomas Jane deserve better.
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Braveheart (1995)
A brutal and brutally moving picture
13 December 2021
Amazing music, realistic action, loveable characters, what's not to like? Maybe the historical inaccuracies, but like any good movie or show, they don't make it any less good. But this one also stands out not just for it's production value and battle scenes, but for it's emotional weight that's expressed very well considering much of it actually happened. I highly recommend.
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Vinland Saga (2019–2023)
An incredible and unique anime
7 December 2021
I thought all the anime was going on the all-too-familiar shonen path, which lead me to being disappointed with Demon Slayer, but then this came along. Holy cow, everything about this show shines, from the animation that puts most new anime to shame, the characters being done of the most likeable and memorable in recent history, the unique blend of historical accuracy and creative licence, even the dialogue that avoid most anime tropes. Honestly, I didn't think I'd get a show like this in today's time, it's like Berserk mixed with Vikings but with a more realistic tone than either of those (as much as I love both). After just five episodes, there were parts that actually made me cry, something that hasn't happened in a very long time.
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Not that great
7 December 2021
I don't hate this show, but I don't love it like so many others either. The whole thing feels way too anime to me without doing anything very interesting. I don't want to compare this show to Sword Art Online, as that was one I hated, but I'm kind of getting similar vibes. The characters might have been likeable (more than I can say for the aforementioned SAO), but they weren't very memorable, same goes for most of the villains minus the likeable part, and the plotting is very familiar. The animation might be great, I'll admit, but I think any show can do that at this point. All in all, I just don't have strong feelings other than the feeling it's very overrated.
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The 100: Twilight's Last Gleaming (2014)
Season 1, Episode 5
From great to incredible
9 October 2021
I think this show is underrated, it takes a few episodes to get good, but it got good by the end of episode 3, great by episode 4, and this is the point where the plot really starts moving forward, alliances are questioned, morals are made more grey, and so many interesting things happen to make it worth watching, can't wait for what's to follow.
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A Movie with no Equal
8 October 2021
This has got to be the most profound, powerful movie I've ever seen that sent such a timeless message. I think it's BS that The Godfather and other movies are above it on IMDb's top 10. I mean, they're incredible movies too, no doubt about that, but do they tell a true story and send a powerful message about the worst and best humanity can be? Didn't think so. Anyone who belittles this movie or it's message simply aren't human.
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United 93 (2006)
An intense and moving picture
13 September 2021
The pacing of the script is excellent, with tension starting immediately then slowly but surely escalating all the way through until the ending. The tone is another thing worth mentioning, Paul Greengrass is known for making intense action movies, so he had some big shoes to fill in making a good historical movie. Did he do it right? Yes, he positively did. I've never seen a movie that blends such incredible intensity and some quieter moments into such perfect harmony like this one, that's something I've never seen in a movie before or since. You'd expect a massive cast to barely get any development in even a long movie, but this one is an exception because you get to know all the people on a personal level. I also like that they didn't make the terrorists stereotypical, sure they're irredeemably evil humans, but they still feel like real people. The whole movie keeps the feeling that you're really experiencing this whole thing and does a fantastic job feeling real.

What's even more impressive is how this movie is so tasteful in every aspect. There's no perfunctory pro-america message at any point, no sugarcoating the facts, none of that BS at any part of this movie. It's here to tell what happened and how it happened, and it succeeds greatly. Paul Greengrass took painstaking care to make this movie what it is both in and out of production, doing extensive research into every aspect of it to make it a highly sensitive movie. That's pretty much a perfect summary of the movie in and out, highly sensitive. It shows that this was an unspeakable tragedy for the world because of the acts of evil committed, but also that the passengers of United 93 committed an act of unparalleled bravery in order to save many people, and it's tasteful enough to know what to show and what not to show. There was nothing good about that day, but their actions helped prevent even further tragedy.

I seriously can't recommend this movie enough.
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Candyman (2021)
As good as the first, if not better.
3 September 2021
When I first heard about this, I didn't have high hopes, even if it looked much better than the sequels. When I watched it, it was pretty freaking awesome with excellent acting, perfect pacing, and enough homages to the first movie with plenty of original ideas that made it feel like a genuine update. Not to mention the story was even more scary and believable than the excellent first movie, it pretty deftly balances social commentary with horror in an even better way. We also get Vanessa Williams and Tony Todd back in physical performances and an interesting continuation of the story from the first. Jordan Peele has done it again.
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Hostel (2005)
Not my cup of tea
31 July 2021
Eli Roth is one of those people I don't think very highly of, he feels kind of like a more mean-spirited Rob Zombie when it comes to his movies.

I'm getting a little ahead of myself. This movie has the kind of characters that I don't like, dope smoking, sex-addicted, naive idiots, and there's plenty of dialogue that's pretty trashy like "I can't even remember the color of her tits". On that note, there's also way more sex than could be necessary in my opinion. The premise is admittedly pretty unique because murder for profit businesses are a thing that isn't explored much and it's perfect for a horror movie. There's also some stuff to enjoy in the gore department, but there's still a point where it's too much for me, with one particular death being the most mean-spirited I've seen. The characters do feel kind of realistic, but also a bit too naive. You'll be thinking "don't they think this is all a little too convenient?" for quite a while. The style also send like it's trying to blend horror with adventure, and doesn't always hold up to scrutiny.

But there were some things I liked. While some of the characters were just there to be a statistic, I found myself liking Paxton, because he's not only competent, but legitimately likeable as he shows that he's not all about sex and dope, and punishes a lot of the bad guys quite severely. I'm not a fan of how they depict Russia, because I'm sure a town like that, where the police are supporting this horrible practice, wouldn't exist for a lot of reasons and there's plenty of cliches, but I do like how they used an actual gang of street kids and people actually from the countries they play instead of Americans for their respective roles.

All in all, it's a decently made movie, but not as smart or scary as it wants to be. I think it has a few too many horror movie cliches to be anything more than decent, even if it's produced by Quentin Tarantino.
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Antichrist (2009)
They're right, it's no easy ride.
31 July 2021
Before I saw this movie, I'd heard all about how messed up it is. Don't know what ultimately made me watch it, but I did. Gotta say, I was impressed in a lot of ways. The cinematography is beautiful, the sound design and direction are great, the acting is perfect, and I always artistic style in movies like this, and the plot was pretty good. But don't get me pretty there were some parts I didn't like, hence the sex and violence. The sex gets to be a bit to graphic. I'll about I've never seen real sex between actors in a movie, and I don't need to see it again. The violence, while it's not super frequent, is downright painful to watch, and not in a good way. There's a threshold through which I can stand violence, and Antichrist most definitely crosses that threshold because of how painful it is. Is it a good movie? I'd say so. Will I ever watch it again? Most likely not.
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An epic an extremely satisfying finale
1 June 2021
I had been waiting for this third movie for quite a long time especially through the delay, and let me tell you, it did not disappoint. Fate/Zero brought us an incredibly intriguing story full of despair, tragedy, and happiness above all, but it left plenty of loose ends to build up the story for Fate/stay night. Unlimited Blade Works did well solving plenty of those loose ends, but that's why the series had several different storylines. Essentially, what UBW did right, Heaven's Feel did even MORE right.

Now, with this movie, just about every question anyone had is answered and answered thoroughly. And we finally get a bit of happiness compared to all the tragedy we had been previously accustomed to.

This is a movie that will keep you at the edge of your seat, waiting to know what happens next, and crying tears of sorrow in some parts, and tears of joy in most, especially the ending.

All the story bits aside, this is an exceptionally well done anime movie. It's no studio Ghibli, but what can be? It's animation is breathtaking, as expected of ufotable, as is the sound design and everything else.

But of course, what really makes this movie work for me is the exceptional story. If you haven't watched this trilogy or series, do yourself a favor and enjoy what is easily one of the most satisfying finales to a storyline that has been going on for over 10 years.
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Fireworks (2017)
A fun, imperfect movie
6 May 2021
I'm not gonna say this is a great movie. It kind of suffers from the same standard sins of plenty of anime out there, some jokes don't always hit, parts seem taken from a basic "how to make a successful anime" guide, over-stylised action, and the writing sometimes suffers from first-draft syndrome with a visible lack of polish. However, I'd also be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it.

The animation and music are both incredibly gorgeous. Not exactly on the level of Studio Ghibli, but it's not really trying to be, it feels like it's more often trying to be it's own way. I also found myself interested in the plot throughout despite the aforementioned shortcomings, and some of the characters ended up growing on me. I also enjoyed the tone, which managed to stay consistently emotional throughout.

So, is it a perfect movie? No, especially when compared to the aforementioned Studio Ghibli. But is it an enjoyable one? I think so. Not for everyone, but not terrible. I certainly found myself enjoying it much more than Sword Art Online.
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