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Grotesk (2015)
Schlock horror for just an hour.
28 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Grotesk tells the story of an astronaut, who returns from a disastrous space mission and goes on a blood-letting massacre spree, a result of being driven mad after being contaminated by some strange alien substance that causes him to mutate into a disfigured creature.

Grotesk joins a small group of movies with a similar theme, ie; The Quatarmass Xperiment and The Incredible Melting Man but while those movies are well-made, Grotesk is, well, grotesquely produced which in all honesty works for this kind of film.

It does appear that Grotesk was filmed with a homemade camera manufactured by the same technical special effects guru who created a scientific tracking device in the movie that was made from a cardboard box and whatever other junk they found laying around, ridiculously funny, but don't let that stop you from watching this movie that could easily belong in a Troma catalog.

Is Grotesk worth going out of your way to watch, probably not, but there are some positives, one, you can tell first time director Peter J. Bonneman is a fan of the genre, and two, with a running time of only 64 minutes, Grotesk doesn't outlive it's welcome with the obligatory 90 minutes of most low budget horror movies.

There's no getting over the fact that this movie is not for the highbrow sophisticated movie goer, hell, it may not even be for fans of low budget horror movies, but if you have mental health problems or some serious brain damage then you might thoroughly enjoy this obscure euro schlock splatter flick which imo in any other world has what it takes to be an underground cult classic. 6/10
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