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Homeland: A False Glimmer (2015)
Season 5, Episode 12
Season 5 Review
11 August 2022
After having a second go, ergo binge watching all seasons, this season is by far the slowest/boring season of all homeland seasons. I felt other seasons kept you engaged with other story lines/new characters for the most part. This seasons story lines, new characters, and everything in between was just plain boring!!

The end!
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Season 3
20 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Season 2 has set up season 3 very well! I get it....season 2 was sluggish until the final 3, whereas I found myself fast forwarding a lot of unnecessary/boring parts!! However season 3 makes up for all of season 2 sluggishness fairly quickly, and also clears up/answers questions as to the reality that this is a Time Travel show!!

Ps This is my second watch of the full season, so I hope I didn't spoil too much with my opinion/commentary, etc.

The end.
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Sooo Incredibly Heartbreaking/Frustrating
15 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Words can't express how deeply sad this reality was/is for all involved and especially the outcome for Suzanne and Michael!! Children are such beautiful innocent beings, and they deserve so much better than the world has to offer!

I also feel that the documentary had great potential to be longer maybe 6 eps ergo interested in a couple of the different storylines ie. Strip club owner was taken for 5 years? What happened with other siblings being adopted? Father back story Vietnam etc. Finally, why the F did Sandy, Suzannes mom not move heaven and earth to find her little girl!!!

The end!
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Wait for it. Wait for it. Nothing worth waiting for!
25 May 2022
Yawnnnn! So slow, and more about being 12 y.o. (not in a good way like stranger things) than about ghost...busters!! I mean the first hour (build up) of the movie is like watching paint dry! Side note the paint never dries! 😆😆

The end!
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The Blacklist: Helen Maghi (No. 172) (2022)
Season 9, Episode 16
Combine eps 14 15 16
21 April 2022
I am glad I was able to watch eps 14 15 16 together!!

Blacklist has been one of my fav TV shows since the beginning, but I've been on the fence as of late!! I feel like the writers/writing staff maybe have had too long of a COVID break or The Blacklist has..... don't want to write/say it out loud, but is doing jumping jacks!!

I hope not!!!

The end!
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My Brilliant Friend: Chi fugge, chi resta (2022)
Season 3, Episode 8
21 April 2022
Words can't express how my emotions about this 3rd season finally!!

Essentially I feel you are either over the top obsessed with any and all "my brilliant friend" HBO adaptation of Elena Ferrantes book series (never read) or haven't had the pleasure of watching!?I am the former, and have watched and rewatched seasons 1&2 and I will with 3. It's is literally my favorite TV show of all time, and I luv TV so that's saying a lot!

I can't wait fourth and final season!!!
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Dexter: Are We There Yet? (2013)
Season 8, Episode 8
Who the F is he, who the F are you?
14 April 2022
Probably my favorite episode of the final season!!! I love love Zach's character which the actor played very well!! I also loved the meet up at the hotel! "Who the F is he, who the f are you" I am also big Hannah fan ergo they match the best out of all the women even (more than) Rita!!

The end!
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Plethora of Weird Noises
10 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was crazy!! The amount of paranormal activity was over the top ergo weird noises, the disembodied voices cough, the laughter, etc.

Side note I'm a true believer and also feel Zac and crew are 100% legit!!

The end!
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Evil: C Is for Cannibal (2021)
Season 2, Episode 13
30 March 2022
This is the finale!!! WTF!! I mean how about not verbally throwing up everything into one finale!!! A lot of the stories could've been paced soooo much better!!

The end!!
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Evil: I Is for IRS (2021)
Season 2, Episode 11
30 March 2022
I waited binge the 2nd season which I think helps in not adding a review (critical/positive) of each episode, but man I am now writing a critical review. The on going weirdness of Kristen is just too over the top!!! If she is possessed then the writers are doing a suky job helping us along the way. Also her mom??!? Bugged.

The end.
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25 February 2022
I absolutely don't understand all the negative reviews on final episode whereas the majority of the reviews seemed to be about the entire 4th season, not just the final episode!! (Now my review is almost the same) At any rate I thoroughly enjoyed the whole season, which I think a lot is based on the fact that I simply just love all the characters!! I looooove Beth & Rip. I love pink hair! I love Tate!!! This show is more character than action slash I appreciate the Native American reminder/culture!!!!

I feel the negative reviewers need to go watch something else instead voicing their weird entitled expectations. Ergo if you dislike it so much THEN STOP WATCHING!!

BTW bobcabobb stop your endless reviews with a generic review rating of 6.

The end!
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Yellowstone: Cowboys and Dreamers (2020)
Season 3, Episode 5
Beth Justified
23 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I just want to clarify what actually happened with Beth's abortion. Beth made the mistake of trusting Jamie to help her with her unfortunate situation! And yes it was an unfortunate situation to allll who cast judgment!!!! The reality is Beth even though younger, not a child WAS never told/expressed to her the consequences of the reservation abortion/sterilization versus tell dad!!! Whereas Jamie was old enough to know better, and He knowingly/vengeful took her right to have children!!!

My heart goes out to all women who are put in a box when it comes it these situations/judgements/reactions

The end!!
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Good Documentary! Sad Documentary!
13 February 2022
All I can say is WOW!! I literally had no prior knowledge of this tinder swindler as I rarely watch the news, and I am not on social media which BTW is wonderful!! This documentary was very well done which included real live events. On personal note I feel very badly for these women!! This world has become way too harsh/judgmental!!! The reality is they were taking advantage of by an extremely narcissistic criminal!!

The end!!
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Claws: Chapter Ten: Mercy (2022)
Season 4, Episode 10
Perfect End
9 February 2022
This is exactly the way this series should end! I mean what more would one expect with this amazing campy show!! Great ending!!

Ps RIP uncle daddy and also roller!!!!!!!!!
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Rectify: Yolk (2016)
Season 4, Episode 2
Home Life without Daniel
20 January 2022
I felt this episode was a good Come Together episode for the family hence such a struggle for so many (seasons) months! I liked the banter between Ted jr and Amantha! All in all I felt it was a great 2nd episode!
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Cheers: The Days of Wine and Neuroses (1991)
Season 9, Episode 15
Kill Joy
14 January 2022
OMG one of the top 10 all time episodes of cheers. The following couple episodes are equally amazing!

PS American standards. Lilith what?'bb

Love me some Cheers

The End!
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Billions: No Direction Home (2021)
Season 5, Episode 12
So that explains the final eps of the 5 season
15 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I did actually like the final last episodes, because I binged them altogether, but when the final episode almost came to an end, I had to google cuz me was a LOT confused!! Essentially, I'm a BA fan through and through, whereas I do have love for several supporting characters, however, I just can't wrap my head around the new (BA) character, I mean he has bugged from the minute he was introduced to the series. Ergo for me he just seems super unauthentic, etc, etc, etc!! Anywho, just my several thoughts/opinions!!

At any rate will not be watching the new non BA series!!

The end!
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Narcos (2015–2017)
Boring!! **Watch Narcos Mexico!!
25 November 2021
I first started Narcos, and really couldn't get into it aft 5 eps, then the 3rd season of Narcos Mexico came on Netflix, so I thought I would give that series a try! Wow it was so good!!! Great writing, characters, etc. It was a great mix between English and Spanish. Has several different character plots, it's really good!!! I then tried Narcos again after finishing NM, and man is it boring in comparison! I get why it was rated so high when it first came out, (first if it's kind) but I'm still struggling to get through the first season (8eps). Essentially both series are based on actual events, but NM is just plain better ergo writing/characters/dramatizations!!

The end.
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Narcos: Mexico (2018–2021)
Narcos Mexico is Better than Narcos!!
25 November 2021
I watched Narcos Mexico, before watching the original series Narcos! For me I feel like NM is hands down better than Narcos. Narcos isn't bad, but I felt it just had boring characters, whereas NM, did exceptionally well with the characters, and I fell is very well written with minimal to no slowness (once you get to ep 4 of 1st season) will re-binge in year or two! Fantastic series!!

The end!
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Tiger King: Bounty Hunting (2021)
Season 2, Episode 3
Carol is Guilty
18 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
OMG, this is beyond ridiculous!! One, I'm a notary, and there's no way my signature would continuously match! Two, especially a signature with a first name, middle initial, and last name. This is hilarious to me that this evidence of fraud regarding the will hasn't been a factor! Seriously even if she didn't kill him, she for sure as hell is guilty and should be indicted for fraud!!

The end.
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The Sinner: Part V (2021)
Season 4, Episode 5
Questions being answered
11 November 2021
Pretty good episode! I like how character developments are coming together, ergo making more sense. I don't feel this is anything like the last season, and I am looking forward to the upcoming episodes!!

Side note I saved/binged the first 5 eps, as I feel that is a better way to watch The Sinner series.

The end!
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Ted Lasso: Inverting the Pyramid of Success (2021)
Season 2, Episode 12
Here Comes Season 3!!!
23 October 2021
Great final episode ergo tying up a lot of storylines, plus the final scene sets up season 3, which I feel like is going to be a fun rivalry to say the least!! Giddy up footballers!!
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F! Ken Hypocrite Ken Starr
20 October 2021
This season has done a fantastic job on bringing the Clinton/Lewinsky events to light!! It's absolutely ludicrous what they did to Monica, especially Ken Starr!!! The way he/they went after her to get Clinton is beyond unethical and just plain wrong! Also side note, I have to say Sarah Paulson is an amazing actor and did a phenomenal job as Linda Trip!!
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The Sopranos (1999–2007)
Great!!!, all but AJ & Meadow character reviews
6 October 2021
I love me some Sooranos, and have rewatched several times with admiration! However I just can't stand AJ's character whatsoever!!!!!

Aka era of spoiling ergo wanting to give to their kids what they never had... end result no work ethic and or the typical as long as you have a degree that's all that matters.

I'll shut up now, but still I will fast forward through all AJ related scenes; It's just to irritating to watch!!

The end.
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Outlander: Do No Harm (2018)
Season 4, Episode 2
PS Outlander is about TIME TRAVEL
23 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I am more than disappointed with the negative reviews about Claire wanting to change history regarding slavery. News Flash: this is a show about TIME TRAVEL!!! Ergo a lot focused on fixing the more than brutal/unnecessary's of the past!!! So here's the deal, if I had an opportunity to go back in history to this shiz slavery era, you bet your bottom dollar I would do any and everything in my power to HELP/FIX towards any and all slaves/slavery laws etc.

But hey some of those ignorant reviews about letting history be. Well how about 911!

The End.
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