
7 Reviews
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Consequences (2018)
13 June 2020
I actually didn't see that exact ending, and the subsequent acting from the main character in those finale few moments, coming at all. Fantastic. Loved this. Didn't realize it was from Slovenia until reading reviews. Understood the ending perfectly when I discovered this fact.
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Welp ¯\_(o.O)_/¯
13 June 2020
They tried. I assume they had a very low budget to give us this production. It was cute in its own way, but very unbelievable. However, I got a few laughs out of it, so I guess there's that?

I'm pretty sure it was both of the leads' first acting jobs, so I can forgive them for that. Also, I love that part of the world because it gives us so many attractive actors to look at.
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Silent Youth (2012)
Read storyline first
8 September 2019
This film has "silent" in the title for a reason. You will enjoy this film if you understand the intricacies of the noises in the silence. Watching this film brought me back to a time where I can remember all of the nuances of a budding relationship.

And yes, something is mentally off with one of the characters, but that adds much more to his mystery. It leaves you wondering what could have happened in this poor boy's life that brought him to where he is today. And it makes you like the other guy more for understanding how to deal with the situation. I really liked this film.
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O Beautiful (2002)
3 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This film is ludicrous. Absolutely ridiculous. It's insensitive and idiotic at best. In a film dealing with sexual assault, you should never try to frame one of the perpetrators as benevolent.

I hardly ever write reviews, but this one needed my two cents. DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE. The only good part of this movie is the ending, when the person who basically got raped does not dignify this "holier-than-thou" Christian Athletes president with a handshake. I am so unnerved that somebody thought this was a good plot to a short film. Obviously, anybody who appreciates this movie has never been sexually assaulted by a group of men. Watch literally any other gay movie, please.
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An intense love
9 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
What would that feel like though, to be completely consumed with one person from the very first moment you opened your eyes? I think this movie did a great job of showing possibly the greatest gay love story. An interesting one for anybody, really. Because you get to understand Tom Tom's point of view from the moment he opens his eyes untill the end of the movie.

This movie had made me wonder what I'd think if it happened to me, and I gotta say it's not my cup of tea with my siblings, but I think I'd be okay if presented the same situation as these boys...
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Fragments (V) (2015)
I love this short
21 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
However. Most people are getting a vibe of open sexuality, etc... The last 5 seconds though show me a scene of jealousy and toxic femininity (if that's even a thing). I love this short. I can't tell you enough times how much I love this short. But the girlfriend talks him into getting intimate with another dude, and then cockblocks him. We can wonder what her drone message might have said, but we don't need to wonder; she sent him one drone message before and it was for him to immediately come to her and have sex with her. Why should we believe this last one means anything different? In my head, he was about to take another step with a dude, but she interrupts it. Maybe I got the whole thing wrong though. Please don't be mad about what I said. I could be completely off. But that's just what I saw after watching this for the 50th+ time.
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90 minutes of splendor, followed by 5 minutes of complete trash (spoilers, obviously)
21 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm giving this a 2, because it was a great movie to start out with! Sure, it was slow, and the director was gratuitous with the nudity and with the side story of the main character's swimming aspirations. However, I feel completely cheated.

First off, neither of the gay men get a decent ending. What really grinds my gears, however, is that the one who gives up his gay lifestyle and goes back to his girlfriend gets to live, while the one who proudly tells his parents he won't change ends up dead. By the hands of a homophobe who gets the crap beat out of him earlier- on by his own boyfriend. So sure, the one gets to live, but now he's caused his ex-boyfriend to be heartbroken, by breaking up with him and not telling him why exactly, but he inadvertently causes his death. The only person who gets what they want in this film is the non-flushed- out character of the mother, who tells her son he needs to break up with his boyfriend and go back to the girlfriend.

Basically, what I've learned from this film is that I should never visit Poland. I might fall in love with someone, just for him to break up with me, and then I get murdered by people he beat up.

I honestly thought this movie was going to be great when I was about halfway through it. However, that ending ruined the entire film for me, and not just because I'm tired of the dead-gay-trope. I'm mad about the way the director went about doing it. It wasn't stylish. There was no mourning the dead gay character. It was tasteless and I'll never watch anything by this director again.
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