
8 Reviews
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some walking pronouns fight off evil
10 December 2023
Turned the movie on an immediately was annoyed, she put the needle on the edge of the record and starts spinning it backwards by hand. Anyone would know the needle would immediately fall off the record. You have to put it on the middle edge. Duh!! The whole fight scene within the apartment is ridiculously laughable. Two of the they/thems seemed to have no idea how to fight back or help one another. Makes you want to throw ur TV out the window. Poor Sam Raimi having to watch his brilliant creation get pumbled by garbled messes of hack like this. The one positive is the cinematography is fantastic!
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Old (2021)
how do movies this bad get made?
21 October 2022
I really tried to like this movie. I did. But it was a long hard struggle. It's actors do a pretty good job up to the midway point, but the believability and storyline and script is just so atrocious they have no chance. Not one "escape" attempt in the first hour. Yawn. Seriously? Oh and the sprinkled in wokeness is apparent too. An asian man dating a black woman? I just googled it and there's literally people who wrote their thesis' about how it's almost never happened. 5 cited examples in 26 years of studies. I can't write much more as to give spoilers but i suggest you watch another desolate beach movie instead. Don't grow old watching this one fall apart.
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Return to Me (2000)
Glory song was ripped off
25 May 2022
About 90minutes in when she rides the bike home, background song sounds like a direct ripoff from the film Glory (composer James Horner). Someone should let him know. It's one of my favorite soundtracks so i recognized it right away.
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Woke Hercules
25 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I swear there were 1000x more man boobs in this film then woman's. Why does he kill 5 of the 6 fighters in the arena that were to "fight to the death" but unexplainably not kill the woman warrior with the net? She should of broke free and killed him and ended the movie an hour earlier and spared us all the wokeness.
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Silence of the Heart (1984 TV Movie)
Definitely worth the emotional ride.
8 May 2022
Well i was searching on Ebay for 80s movies on VHS that might have slipped under my radar, and recently on a Charlie Sheen tangent I decided to try this film. Was not anything like I thought it was going to be. Very depressing subject matter but I couldn't turn away. Gut wrenching, and raw emotions. This should be a must watch for young high school kids to help with their inner emotions and help see potential warning signs of friends on the edge. I was enamored with the film as it really fit the same style (Sheen as a co-lead) of the great 80s movie The Boys Next Door. As a matter of fact one of the heartthrob girls plays a similar role! And I even saw an actress from Just One Of the Guys in there too. Bit the best hidden gem for me was the inclusion of two audio tracks by the epic 80s band Was Not Was!! I've been a huge fan of their album Born To Laugh At Tornadoes and to hear two tracks from the album in the film really was heartwarming. And I was shocked their was no mention of any songs in the end credits!! Made For TV films weren't required to give copyright credits!?! Solid film 7/10.
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Washington (2020)
Loved this documentary and highly recommend
20 April 2022
Extremely engaging and a must as a supplement to anyone with a passion for the roots of our country and the revolutionary period and George Washington's role. The first episode and a half I was thoroughly engaged and the second half though my interest waned a bit I held on with eagerness to see everything play out. I only have minor gripes with the production (which i thought had amazing quality). First was as it goes on you can't help but feel you are being indoctrinated with "wokeness" by the filmmakers and producers. Surely enough I checked the "date" which it was created/aired. 2020. So i knew I was being propagandized. I kept asking why Bill Clinton was being interviewed, what was his connection to Washington? I mean why not throw a Republic politician in the mix? Especially after a lady had the audacity to mention Obama in the same sentence as George Washington over the simple fact they were raised by a single parent. What!? And of course the production turns sour on occasion as the "need" arose to bring up the fact Washington had slaves. Slavery was legal back then and everyone with means had acquired them (Washington via inheritance at age 11). The never mentioned the slaves were purchased from slaves traders of color for some reason. Hmmmm. Slavery still exists in over 37 countries as of today. It seems from what the documentary points out that Washington whipped and executed many white men but no slaves and that they lived quite well and actually stayed serving Martha even when given ghe option to be freed. Again why the wokeness? How about focusing on how far the country has become based on everything Washington did while laying the framework for it? The United States history has EVERYTHING to do with how great it has become. Hundreds of years from now we'll probably all be persecuted by "eating meat" by future "woke" scholars judging people in a time or place they never lived. Enough is enough. Would love to see this redistributed with a "non woke" edit.
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Shooter (2016–2018)
Please read if these reviews confuse you
13 May 2021
I really wanted to like this show but it's bad and just gets worse. The first 10-15 mins are a direct ripoff of Benecio DelTorro's scene in The Hunted but with worse acting & script writing. A .223 is ineffective against anything bigger than a squirrel?? Seriously some writer actually wrote that and not one single person in production or on the set raised a RED flag on that?? I really have to express my distain that most of the reviews you will read up here giving praise are indeed shill writers which is unfortunately a big problem on here nowadays. I hope someone reads this.
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19 October 2020
Not that excellent.... suffers from all the narratives hollywood is shoveling down our throats nowadays. best parts were some of the alternate Bill & Teds they came across and i liked the cgi of hell although it didn't seem that bad of a place.
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