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28 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Its absolutely addictive and I like the focus on the family. How much is real, I wonder.

I did find the father's emotions and the frankness of Majo affecting. I'm glad that the bothers stepped up and spent time with Majo. Valentin on the boat with the flowers (and his wife's show) was lovely. The section with the comedian seemed authentic.

Love the places they go. Love esp the scenes of Paris. BUT- most of the clients are entitled and beyond unpleasant and, after a while, the excesses start to be truly obscene. Kudos to the client who liked a property but requested something more modest. No one needs the type of money the clients increasingly fork out especially after seeing the property once (or not at all.) The clients aren't exacting and full of taste and class. Quite the opposite- they are often classless and entitled. As the properties get grander and more garish, the entire show sinks lower in its gleefully admiring portrayal of the clients the agency tries to please.
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Maryland (2023)
Uneven- good start and then stumbles
25 May 2024
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The beginning is intriguing. As it goes along, the plot loses steam and becomes soapy and inexplicable. Story lines that could be followed (Mary's companion) are abruptly abandoned. The perspective of Mary's husband in the face of revelations is never explored and never makes sense. The ending seems really contrived.

The relationship between the sisters is pretty well done - but again the ending is soapy and contrived. Not entirely sure why they were estranged. The story line about illness of one of the characters is sketchy. The marriage of Becca is a cypher- she wants more out of life but then what happens?

A lot of these gaps could have been handled with better writing and planning- and perhaps a fourth episode. The writers barreled to the ending they wanted to reach.
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Unexpectedly good
24 January 2024
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Just when I was fearing that I might be becoming bored of some of the characters, the series switches into high gear and unleashes some new ethical and character-driven themes.

Is this a who done it? Yes.

But like the best of this genre, many of the characters are engaging (even if soon I tired of Andy's monotonous schtick) and interesting.

And, like the best of this genre, linking the mystery story to a larger narrative was done in a masterful and satisfying - albeit unsettling, way.

It reminded me a little of A Wrinkle in Time- one of my favorite books. There is a nerdy girl in that book and she is allowed to shine.
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Deep Water (2019– )
Engaging melodrama with great acting-4 female leads
2 January 2024
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Season one- not sure if there are more. The lead actresses- four of them- including the policewoman- were great and one was caught up in their stories. There were some twists and interesting method for exposition of those twists- some predictable, some not. Scenery is gorgeous. Lots of cringe-worthy decisions where on e finds oneself yelling at the screen: Noo- dont do that! It will not end well. Interesting exposition of class and money issues woven into the stories. Also issues of power, especially male lust for power over women who are vulnerable. Women's friendships are what carry them through and lift them up!
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Deadwind (2018–2021)
A+ noir- >some gruesome scenes great characters!
29 December 2023
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This is definitely worth a watch but some of the scenes - esp series 3 were offputtingly gory and I almost didn't watch. But the characters are engaging and the relationships draw you in. Some plots points are a wee bit thin and occasionally too filled with surprise turns but overall masterfully done. Chilly scenes of Finland and Estonia .

Interesting mix of villains and motives. The police team members have their own foibles and work glitches. Good mix of corporate and political themes blended in with the procedurals. Looking forward to season 4. I liked listening to the Finnish words and intonations.
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Virgin River (2019– )
Medical story lines are a Mess!
9 December 2023
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This started out as soothing TV but as the medical story lines are added- this is a total mess. Here are just a few- Mel's fertility issues dont make sense at all.

A character has diabetes and doesnt take meds and is found to have hypoglycemia-NONONO- this would lead to a high blood sugar.

The worst is the tone deafness on Huntington's and the sugar coating/casual attitude of supposedly grown up mature (and medically savvy) characters to the treatment of ethical issues related to this disease.

Where are the medical advisors for this show?

I agree with many other reviewers that the annoying quotient for main characters is going up. Charmaine is cringe-worthy and now Mel has turned from spirited and admirable to cloying.
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Women Talking (2022)
Stunning Moving Sad and Hopeful
10 March 2023
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This movie is absolutely amazing. (I would entirely favor it over TAR by the way. For awards.) Its also based on a true story. Wonderful acting by the ensemble cast. A horrific back story yields to a story of women struggling to reclaim their present and their future. And to protect their children.

There are sad subplots and subplots of awakenings. Subplots of friendship. And subplots of anguish.

This film also speaks to the many people who have had to make fraught decisions about staying/going/fighting in our world filled with refugee crises. Will we go and who will go with us? Who cannot go with us and how to we live with the pain of leaving others behind?
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Beautiful film-lead actress is vulnerable and perfect
30 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this at Sundance online. This film is so relatable for women who are struggling with the emotions and practicalities of thinking about perhaps having a child before it is too late. I too fell in love with a man with a child and I can imagine the devastation of losing both at once- along with the life one thought was one's own. The acting by. Efira is vulnerable and beautiful and assured. The young daughter is beyond endearing. The director shared in the Q and A that her life had some parallels with that of the lead character - and moreover that she found herself pregnant during the making of the film. Wiseman's cameo and Mastroianni's roles are unexpected additions. The music-esp Waters of March- is a delight. Bravo! I cant imagine this film not unlocking the emotions of viewers despite the fact that some parts of the plot were predictable..
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Beautiful -but something is missing
29 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The scenery is beautiful, the acting works- and yet something in the heart of the story seems missing. Caveat- I have not read the book so I do not know if there is something missing there as well. Movies don't need to spell everything out (of course) but there are many places in the film where there is not enough in the film to support key facets or turning points in the film. The rupture in the relationship between Pietro and his father- and the subsequent regrets, for example. The relationship between Pietro's family and Bruno. The effect on Pietro's romantic relationship of his friendship with Bruno and his sudden departures. And of course, is this relationship a pure friendship or did one or the other or both have homoerotic feelings for the other? And then there are the final conclusions Pietro utters-these seem at odds with what the film has been saying all along. Why the shift? In the end, the key events and shifts in plot and character come across as abrupt and without a solid foundation.

With all this, I can guess of course but some view of the underpinnings is necessary for me to care.
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Keeping Faith (2017–2021)
Imperfect but good enough to binge watch
17 November 2022
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This is re Season 1- The plot doesn't hang together at times. The songs are just awful and they appear over and over. The romantic pairings are not convincing. There's a lot of overacting. One of the secrets that drives the plot is incomprehensible as regards Evan's motivations.

But- if you are looking for a decent show to watch to take your mind off the news or pandemic isolation- this is one to consider. There is some good acting- Tom, Cerys, DI Williams, Delyth, Lisa, Gael, Erin, Terry -and the kids are just great! Great scenery.

This is a decent take on the "husband disappears and the wife realizes there was a lot she didn't know about him" story line. I will be watching season 2.
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Bad Sisters (2022– )
Dark madcap humor blended with serious themes
28 October 2022
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I loved Catastrophe. This one is great too! The opening credits are pure genius. The soundtrack is well chosen- perhaps not as great as the Big Chill but a great accompaniment and amplifier. ALL the actors-every one- really inhabit their characters and bring them to life. You believe in this family of sisters and the experiences that bind them together and threaten to tear them apart. Horgan does a masterful job of mixing madcap and raunchy elements into her story-while never losing sight of the respect that needs to be given to the serious theme running through the series. The last episode doesn't disappoint.
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Riviera (2017–2020)
Gets worse as it goes on until end of 2- then gets better
17 October 2022
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I am at the end of season 2. I would give season 1 a 7 or 8 but season 2 descends into an illogical snake pit (1-2 stars) where everyone outdoes each other in carrying out depraved and ridiculous acts. In fairness, this can also be said to have started in the last episode of season 1.

The romance between one of the Clios kids and the son of a wealthy family makes no sense whatsoever.

I did enjoy the scenes of the Riviera and the Mediterranean.

Reviews suggest that season 3 is even worse.

I think this is- as others have pointed out- a case of a decent series that went on too long and used far-fetched plot devices in lieu of well-thought out and plausible writing. The dialogue is very clunky.

I know this is meant as a glossy fantasy re rich people and their travails but the plots and dialogue still need to work and make a certain amount of sense.

___ I was wrong! I was persuaded to watch season 3 and I thought it was quite good- so I uppped the rating from 3 (most of seasons 1 and esp 2) to 7 (season 3 was 7-8). A more standard plot that hung together and where the actions were far more logical.
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The Resort (2022– )
Im still watching but its a hot mess- no White Lotus here
22 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm on episode 6 (end) and still watching. But- I find the dialogue clunky, the acting forced, the plot defective in many places. The plot is a hot mess of mystery, personal back story, and metaphysical glop.

I loved The White Lotus but this show is vastly inferior.

I will keep watching until the end and will revise my review if the last episode elevates the series.

The dialogue is poorly written. The acting is overwrought and the characters are not compelling or fleshed out. There is frequent vulgarity that adds nothing. The narration appears and disappears and is distracting.
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History, Community, Motherhood- an unexpected take
9 July 2022
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The story did not go as I had expected. I had to suspend belief in certain parts but the story explores complex relationships, community trauma, genetics, history, memory, sexuality, and community solidarity in interesting ways. The acting was wonderful and I loved hearing the lovely sounds of the Spanish and seeing the locales where the story unfolded. The past rushes into the present. Yes Almodovar can certainly be edgier (as one reviewed noted with disappointment) but this film worked on many levels and I am glad the director didn't resort to a formula.
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The Swamp (2001)
Haunting and fetid
17 April 2022
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An amazing film that captures the feeling of being invited to a party where no one tries to put on a good face but instead nakedly reveals all. Plot lines and characters swim past like fishes, disappear, then dart back. It took me most of the film to unravel the family relationships. The initial scenes of chairs scraping along the cement foreshadows the torpor and sense of dread that blankets the film. Sounds, weather, unsupervised children playing, gender dynamics, ambiguous but toxic relationships, and claustrophobia- all conspire to create a mood with minimal explanation.

My only criticism concerns the overhanging dread and the "resolution" in the last set of scenes and the way they hang in the air. I thought it was fine to have other events hang in the air without exploration but in the case of the ending, this seemed like a copout.
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Dopesick (2021– )
True story- as an MD who lived through this time can attest
2 January 2022
I remember being shamed for not being aggressive enough about prescribing opiates. It always seemed unlikely to me that this was non-addictive. The evidence was all around me that it was.

This series is well done but I found the time shifts (even though clearly marked by the timeline) were needlessly confusing.

This story needs to continue to be told until the Sackler family themselves are truly brought to justice. The toll of this saga is overwhelming. Opiates are important drugs. We need them for some circumstances. But these drugs alter the brain circuitry and that is what makes them so dangerous for chronic use.

This is but one example of the harm done by pharma promotion. Sadly, there are many many others.

(I put no spoilers since this story is totally in the public domain at this time and I doubt that anyone choosing to watch would be caught off guard by the trajectory of the movie.)
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American Rust (2021–2024)
A 9 after 9 episodes
25 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After 2 episdoes:So far- the acting and the characters are wonderful as are the scenes of hard times and celebrations in a rusted mill town. All the leads have immensely expressive and compelling expressions and body language that complement the spareness of the dialogue. The actors show real emotions - great relief after all of the shouting that fills the airwaves these days. Slow burn- I agree and an elegaic feel- an elegy for a town and the people that America left behind.

After show finished: Great show: 9-10/10 The elegaic feel is maintained until the end. Cliffhangers do raise possibility of another season. Main characters Daniels, Tierney, Mayoraga, Neustaedter, Alvarez) are superb as are Camp/Yang/Roberts. A dark story for dark times about complromised flawed people reaching for some degree of happiness and stability but the odds are always stacked against them- as injustice is baked inot the fabric of the town.
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Curious blend of cliché and engaging family drama
19 September 2021
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This won many accolades but I found it to be a strange mix of cliché/trite and a family drama that often hit the mark. The trailer essentially gave the entire story arc away. May's hesitations are never really explained and it seemed her fiancé might have had some as well. Their conversation also hint at their not being in sync but of course talking with unreliable connections in different time zones can do that for any interaction. I found the mothers changed views on attending the wedding strange.

The scenes of Jordan are engaging and beautiful, Some of the dialogue was jarring and trite but this is clearly a family that is enmeshed and fails to communicate. They just blurt things out at odd moments.

I am puzzled at the awards as much of this was a tearjerker with trite dialogue and was not well constructed IMHO.
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El Planeta (2021)
Gradual quirky exposition of Spain's economic woes
9 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The film stars the director and her actual mother in a quirky film about 2 fashionistas falling on hard times in a seaside town in Spain.

They are scrappy women who try to work any angle that might present itself but they are unable to abandon their zest for fashion and the luxe life that once was theirs.

The cinematography is superb including the scenes of many of the town's elders walking by deserted shops and residences.

The director makes serious points using a creative use of telling scenes that somehow are also touched with humor.
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Poignant portrait of a mother seeking to connect with grown chidlren, her past and her future
9 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This film stars the director's mother. The main character was widowed long ago and now is on the brink of retirement.

The mother longs for connection with her two children and revisits her past by scheduling a family vacation in a house where she had happy times with her family in the past.

This film reminds me a bit of Lost in Translation in that the mother travels to Hong Kong to visit her son- who is away when she arrives- and she explores the city on her own, discovering things about herself in the process.

The film embodies the French concept of depayse.

Many of the actors are actually people known to the director during his time living in Hong Kong rather than being professional actors. Scenes include footage of the protests in Hong Kong.

Intriguing, poignant, and familiar territory for a parent with grown children.

Recommend this!
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Azor (2021)
Oblique look at the Dirty War in Argentina-(Heart of Darkness)(SPOILER)
8 May 2021
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Much of the film reminded me of Heart of Darkness in subject matter and theme.

The scenes are glossy and engaging but this is ultimately a film about the Dirty War in Argentina and the human toll of the dictatorship--but told in an inventive, oblique way .This is also a film about ethical issues - in the world of banking in particular but equally applicable to the wider world.

The film uses both experienced actors and novices who were plucked form the real world of the film.

The film explores the effect of environment (immense wealth, banking) on character and moral choices.

And besides- I have a real fondness for films that feature pools.
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Magnificent acting. A father and daughter relationship brought to life
15 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Possible spoiler: One of my favorite films is Denis' Chocolat. This film (35 shots...) is a wonderful depiction of a father:daughter relationship. The two leads are superb with wonderful restrained acting. The other less featured actors (3 of them) are also compelling. The "Night Shift" scene in the cafe-bar is wondrous and magical and so is the aftermath of the trip back and Noe's apartment. I have a tiny issue with some of the implied action that leads from Jo going to Noe's flat and the subsequent developments- maybe a bit too subtle- or was something possibly edited out? The train scenes are mesmerizing but its the human interactions and emotions that shine fiercely, lovingly, and with poignancy.
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Not everyone's cup of tea but gorgeous cinematography and lifelke scenes
11 April 2021
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Mesmerizing and a bit frustrating. But the atmosphere and the cinematography are beautiful. You feel as though you are at a remote finca, not quite sure of who you are with or what their stories are. The details are striking: the laundry, the pool, the wind, the water. So much is left unsaid. This movie captures scenes that are extremely true to life.
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Superb+ Moving wonderful acting by Ahmed-and everyone else
27 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I gave it 9 stars not 10: (1) because the scene where Ruben hears again seemed off. I have read this in various reviews and I cant believe this one part is realistic. It was so perfunctory and I cant imagine a thoughtful guy like Ruben would not have been more aware of the pros and cons. (2) I also found it unrealistic that Lou was actually wealthy and she could have paid for the implants. (3) I was incredulous that the two of them did not communicate more during Ruben's stay at the house or that letters would not have been allowed.

Enough of the negative though!

I am glad this highlighted the deaf community and I thought the people who played the residents, teacher, student, and director there were great.

In the end, this is relatable and moving on so many levels: the loss of identity and a way of life, the pain of feeling different, and the struggle to create a new life. Riz Ahmed's face conveys so much depth of emotion and vulnerability. These are universal themes told beautifully. One can also sense the thought and artistry that went into the sound/sight/story-line choices in the film.
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Uncle Frank (2020)
Triteness and sterotypes detracted
6 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Not a bad film but there was a lot of triteness and hackneyed dialogue. I wanted to like this movie but the constant intrusions of stereotyped features were very distracting and detracting.
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