
43 Reviews
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Rather (2023)
Rather Not
21 April 2024
This is a story conjured up to simply be nothing more than slight of hand tactics with manipulation in mind. A story of a man who sold his soul to the highest bidder . A truth teller he is not. He chose to be a manipulative voice for indoctrination of things to draw the most views for the money grubbing moguls who try to push agendas. Facts do not contain opinions. Facts speak for themselves. Rather uses opinions(personal and other flawed views) to manipulate the truth for his own glorification as a supposed newsman. His news is nothing short of propaganda to change beliefs backed only by opinionated jibberish. A glorified prop for those who seek to skew the truth.
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Poor Things (2023)
10 March 2024
Possibly one of the worst movies I have ever seen. The acting was atrocious. Emma Stone was ho-hum and the gratuitous nudity and sex scenes was nothing but soft core porn. She has left her mark on the movie industry but not in a good way and tht unfortunate Mark Ruffalo was horrendous and his abilities were wasted in this trash movie. Directing was sub par at that and many of the techniques used simply failed to bring any meaning to this portly made film. This movie is so not an Oscar worthy film. Yet Oscar does have some really poor nominations at times. For this pathetic movie to even be classified as Oscar worthy is an absolute barrel of laughs.
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What a struggle
4 February 2023
I certainly had hopes for Wakanda Forever however the final result was a complete failure of a movie. Firstly, this movie was a super boring snore fest. It is so slow about getting to any point whatsoever. Second, the storyline is an absolute mess. The writers could have done so much better in coMing up with a plot that actually worked. However, this story was all over the place trying to make a point and the point is that it missed. Thirdly, the acting was atrocious. It was either over the top which led to not being believable or under played which got lost in the messy writing. Best part of movie was Namor and yet his role could have been much better. Simply a poor movie with poor writing and acting.
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24 January 2023
I was so hoping this would be a great one. Loved it when Chevy Chase played Fletch. Jon Hamm simply fails to pull it off. The movie is not funny a bit. Oh it certainly tries but simply misses almost every time. Appears the script is just thrown together and lacks any cohesion. Somewhere out there is has to be a better script, director and actor to really pull off a good and new Fletch movie. None of the supporting roles get fully comfortable in their own shoes. Each one seems it's a bout half way formed. Maybe that's the way they planned to give the Fletch character more prominence. Unfortunately, Fletch's character fails too.
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30 December 2022
Was hoping this series would be great but alas it was terrible. Can Hollywood not make anything worth watching anymore. Premise is ok but storyline and character backgrounds are quite dumb. Pieced together poorly and a real failure from the original National Treasure movies. The National Treasure Movies focused on interesting topics. This series focused on too much woke stuff. Actors in this series were lacking in authenticity or believability. Just a jumbled up mix of failures all the way through. Hopeful Hollywood will wise up up and start making worth while shows that people really want to watch.
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Waste of time
7 May 2022
What in the world did I just watch. This was dull with slight digs at things that aren't funny. Mike Myers is way past his prime and is no longer funny.
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The Outlaws: Episode #1.3 (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
6 May 2022
The first two episodes were decent. This one went woke and focusing on too much stupid stuff. It gets old having to watch directors and producers insert this liberal ridiculousness slowly into everything to justify their own fear tactics. Sometimes make believe and a narcissists actions try to shape real life. However at the days end, this is still just unintelligible people making unintelligible things to watch for the sake of gain off the misinformed people.
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Murderville: The Magician's Assistant (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
What a waste of time
3 February 2022
While there are good actors endeavoring to get this, it's a horrid train wreck. It is not funny and really makes no sense whatsoever. Hollywood and Netflix just seems to be throwing whatever together and hopes that something worthwhile sticks. This does not.
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Brazen (2022)
17 January 2022
This movie is a complete failure from beginning to end. The adaptation is bad. The directing is bad. The acting is bad. Not sure any actor could have made this better but Milano's acting was super bad. The money spent on this movie could have well went to a more worthy cause. Netflix certainly won't win any good recognition. With this one.
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17 January 2022
Denzel and Frances cannot Save this dismal attempt. Maybe it's the words! Maybe it's facial expressions they make at times! Maybe it's the lack of cohesion! Maybe it's that they just need to leave MacBeth in it's written form to be performed on an old stage and stop trying to make it into a movie. Fails to pull off what Shakespeare intended.
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Eternals (2021)
Marvel's worst
13 January 2022
Forever later, this train wreck is finally over. What was the reasoning for bringing this to us? This was a mess from the start. The acting and directing was off on this movie. Hopefully there will be no revisiting or including this bunch in any future movie.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
What utter stupidity
30 December 2021
Just when you think the Hollywood elite couldn't get any worse, well here ya go. What pitiful acting, writing and directing. Whatever silly back story or political slap in the face they are trying to pull off, doesn't work a bit. Real people should use common sense and not waste time watching this farce. Hollywood's ability to make real engaging movies these days is slim.
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The Wheel of Time: Shadow's Waiting (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
Still waiting
23 November 2021
Still waiting for this wheel to pick up some speed and be something worth really watching. These characters remain boring and the actors playing them so lifeless. Pike's main character needs to get it together too. Holding out that episode 3 will turn the corner and be worthy.
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The Wheel of Time: Leavetaking (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Utter boredom
23 November 2021
My word! How can a first episode be so utterly boring. Horrible acting and directing. I only hope this gets better with time. The cinematography is good though.
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The Morning Show: Fever (2021)
Season 2, Episode 10
What a mess
21 November 2021
Horrible writing. This episode a joke like most of the others. Hollywood has no idea how real people live. They live in their own dreamworld and try to pass that off as reality. If people really act like this, they have serious issues.
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A Million Little Things: Six Months Later (2021)
Season 4, Episode 6
Woke worthlessness again
11 November 2021
The directors and producers of this show are part of what's wrong with our country today. The subtle Dr Suess knock was ridiculous. How can these Hollywood elites try so hard to share their opinions to twist truth. These shows mean so little in the scheme of things. I don't recommend watching.
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The Protégé (2021)
Michael Keaton
29 October 2021
Micheal Keaton did an awesome job! Rest was eh. Plenty of action but no substance. Maggie just not a believable assassin. Also, Hate captions cause one is one too many.
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The Morning Show: A Private Person (2021)
Season 2, Episode 6
Let's make a big deal
24 October 2021
And yet again this shows continues to show its worth about spreading misconceptions and "woe is me, I'm offended". Hollywood is getting more ridiculous with every show. Let's hammer people with what Hollywood thinks should be "right" instead of just letting people be free to make up their own minds.
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The Morning Show: Ghosts (2021)
Season 2, Episode 5
Absolute mess
24 October 2021
This show getting worse with each episode. It sure is representing just how stupid the media looks (this one and the real media). Too much wokeness. It has truly gotten laughable how Hollywood tries to convey one message but certainly doesn't live it out. Poor pitiful actors.
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True Blue (2001)
Really bad
22 October 2021
What absolute horrible acting. This movie is a waste of time. 2000's Tom Beringer is lacking his old acting skills. The directing was atrocious. Find some pint that is drying and it will be a much better use of your time than this fertilized mushroom.
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A Million Little Things: United Front (2021)
Season 3, Episode 14
The drivel continues...
26 September 2021
Just stop with the nonsense of the adena that all police are bad. Hollywood has gotten ridiculous in pushing an agenda.
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A Million Little Things: Listen (2021)
Season 3, Episode 13
Waste of time to watch
25 September 2021
Trash episode. Spinning things to one side and blaming a whole group is not correct either. Bad pennies do not represent the true stance of a whole group.
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Feral State (2020)
Missed the mark
16 September 2021
This movie missed the mark on plot, acting and directing. Open for something much better but it fell short.
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16 September 2021
This may be one of the oddest shows I've watched. The creator of this was must take drugs regularly to think this weird stuff up. Pushing the limits for the sake of art sometimes is just utter failure.
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Cinderella (I) (2021)
Train wreck
6 September 2021
This was a train wreck of the worst proportions. Horrible acting, writing and directing.
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