
9 Reviews
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The Beekeeper (2024)
Amusing because it's so bad.
11 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If you've ever seen a Jason Statham film then you've seen this movie. He's lightyears ahead of everyone in the fighting game to the point he walks into the middle of 6 or so SWAT team members, has a little chat, then wipes them out in a couple of seconds.

Don't worry thought because he only maims good guys, he keeps the killing to the couple of hundred bad guys.

For me it definitely falls into the so bad it's good category, well almost. It is so, so bad. Ridiculous characters, scam call centers that are run like some wolf of wall street operation, and 2 FBI agents that really don't give off the right vibes.

It's a terrible movie. Really, really terrible.
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Another silly film
9 June 2023
The first John Wick movie was excellent. I loved its simplicity, I loved the action, and it was executed brilliantly, but movie makers always do the same thing. They realise they have something cool on their hands and try to make it cooler.

What make the first film cool wasn't organisations that solely employ tattooed women, nightclubs filled with people who dont seem to react to gun battles going on around them or blind assassins, it was cool because of the simplicity of the story, how straightforward it was.

John Wick 4 was pretty silly to be honest. Another money making venture that completely missed the point.
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12 March 2023
A forgettable number from Guy Ritchie, but pretty much what you expect from Jason Statham playing a Jason Statham spy role.

It's not terrible, but there is nothing that particularly stands out. The plot is generic with few twists or turns, the actors do their jobs without produce anything worth writing home about.

Jason Statham does exactly what Jason Statham always does. He looks super convincing beating the hell out of people and he is his usual dry, witty self. He literally does this in almost every movie.

Aubrey Plaza's performance is strange. Like they said go out there and be Aubrey Plaza and that exactly what she did. Do actors act anymore or do they just read lines as themselves?

Hugh Grant is decent as a kind of bad guy, I assume Josh Hartnett needs money, and everyone else is pretty generic.

Decidedly forgettable.
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Morbius (2022)
Hard to believe how bad it is.
22 May 2022
Was really looking forward to this movie, but watching it made me sad and a little angry.

I can only assume the studio got involved. I can think of no other reason for how strange the story line is. I kept wondering if I'd fallen asleep and missed something. It's puzzling how a team of film makers can produce something so devoid of direction, and I can only assume the editor has never edited anything before.

$85m down the drain.
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Cannot believe what I've just watched
26 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I remember feeling this way watching Batman Vs Superman. I was angry & bored. I almost walked out of the cinema for BvS. WW84 wasn't as boring, but it may actually have been a worse movie.

It was so silly, it wasn't funny, and visually it looked poor. The first scene with young Diana was good, but the mall scene was like something out of Adam West's batman tv series. It was corny and strange.

I cannot understand how a movie like this gets made. Surely someone must have realised how bad it was? Such a bizarre experience.
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Glass (2019)
Just Awful
22 September 2020
Typical M. Night Shyamalan film. Atrocious from start to finish. At the end you feel angry you put yourself through another one on the word of a colleague who said "oh I quite like that film". I can only assume the director has the gift of the gab & uses it to convince foolish studio execs he can make a good movie.
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11 January 2020
Say what you want about the prequels, so many flaws, but some great stuff too. The lightsaber fights were amazing. They also felt like the Star Wars universe, they were just silly in a lot of places, but this film, along with it's predecessor, are muddled.

There seems to be no connection between this film and the previous film. We all know why. The director of the previous episode was allowed to go his own way, which turned out to be a serious error. This film is all over the place. The end didn't really seem like an end. There were so many moments where i thought "what was the point of that?" Seemed like they had an idea, chucked it in, and went right on with the story.

They should have kept it simple. A simple story & great action. An end to a saga, but no, not that.

I had no emotional connection to this film. None. A very disappointing movie from start to finish and it's only redeeming point was that it's not quite as bad as the previous one.

A resounding "meh"
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Decidedly Awful
13 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I knew it would be awful before I saw it. I'm uncertain if it's as bad as Batman Vs Superman, I hated both with almost equal measure. I was falling asleep in BvS and when I wasn't asleep I was busy hating it.

I don't think I hated Justice League quite as much as BvS though, but that's probably because I expected it to be bad from the word go.

Maybe they should have had individual movies for each character first and brought it all together in a collaborative movie later on. You might then get a sense of the who the characters are, what motivates them and drives them, but in this movie there is no time for character arcs or movie plot. It's just another CGI bad guy who wants to transform earth using 3 boxes for some reason so they assemble a team and win. The End.

It's truly terrible.
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The Raid 2 (2014)
A bit silly really
22 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
just do not understand why people rave about this film so much. Its a standard martial arts film. Some people on the message boards calling for it to be in the top 25 films of all time... Ludicrous.

The acting is what you would expect from any martial arts film, The cinematography is quite good but nothing spectacular & the plot is flawed with huge holes throughout.

Why do they send a cop into prison undercover and then leave him there for 2 years for no apparent reason? The big fight sequence at the end is spectacular I guess, but I seriously doubt any human on the planet could take so much damage and continue to function.

I just don't see why people rate this film so highly when its all been done before & probably done better. I repeat... this is just a standard martial arts film.
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