
3 Reviews
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Cloverfield (2008)
With out a doubt best film off 2008 (so far)
4 February 2008
i've been reading the reviews online and i was shocked so many people hated this movie, i hardly ever write a review but after reading some peoples thoughts i thought i must,

this film is amazing, i know people are like "the camera's to shaky" + "there's no character development" but come on its filmed on a hand held camera what did you expect??? this film is unique for one aspect when you watch it, the whole way through you feel like your in the story, as if that could easyly happen and you could be there in the thick of it, i loved the film from start to end and i highly recommend any one to go see it.
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Kidulthood (2006)
credit where credits due
24 March 2006
i cant believe so many people have given this such a low rating the only thing i can think is that all these posh and people who went to school out side London go to see this film and think

" this is all so fake made up purely to draw audiences in" and tbh u guys are idiots cause this film hit's the mark,

i grew up in a school jus like this one and i can say that this is whats its like in London these days

and i say that this film is one of the best British films i ever seen, it portrays what life is really like for us inner city kids. the majority of the acting is second to non. the story line flows very well keeping you griped all the way through,

i'll be the first to admit that there are sum very chessey scene's but besides that its a very good film with brilliant directing.

i recommend any one to go see it
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Fakers (2004)
they only thing they didn't fake was my laughter!!!!
21 April 2005
this film is so good. it shows what us brits are Capable when they try. its as good a most big budget Hollywood films and Deserves the respect of every one. the only thing that lets it down is the fact that it was not a big budget movie, but with that in mind the film makers have managed to make a very fun and enjoyable film the writing of this is amazing and flows very well. i hope Paul Gerstenberger writes many more films as from the looks of this movie he has a very good talent. i recommend any person to go buy/rent this if u want a film that will entertain you and make you laugh at the best of times.

arran Essex
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