
19 Reviews
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Reptile (2023)
10 for Del Toro 6 for the rest
29 September 2023
Film icon Robert Mitchum epitomised the detective who slowly deliberately unraveled murder mysteries. His swaggering walk, his talk, his "less is more" performances were brilliant...But now Del Toro's awesome performance sets a new and higher standard for the tough no nonsense badass intelligent detective. His character is focused on finding the culprit and despite some missteps...well... watch to see the "surprise" climax. So yes a 10 for DelToro ...the rest of the cast try but cannot compete with the natural magnetism and deliberate patience of Del Toro. The only actor who comes close to a respectable performance is the understated but sneaky character performed by Timberlake - is he the reptile? The musical score is a blah...the set design and cinematography could use some inspiration...
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Juman (2019)
4 July 2023
What really grieved me was the way these Kuwaitis treat their maids cooks helpers each other etc. Horribly! Worse than slaves! I'm amazed that Netflix or the Kuwaiti producers of this junk revealed to the world their arrogance and inhuman behaviors. It really seems like just about everybody's on the verge of mass psychosis. The whole issue of families intertwined with uncles cousins marrying each other is frightful. They may think they're doing it right but the plot shows that matters go seriously wrong. Men demanding the right to cohabit with multiple wives is obscene and shows how males cannot control their passions. The society has institutionalized polygamy and everybody seems angry. Maybe Iraq was right to invade. Finally this series reveals a failed society and deeply disturbed humans ready to explode and a society that glorifies materialism and status over decency. Pluses. Fine performances by the leading cast members.
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Public Enemy (2016–2023)
Want more...
28 January 2023
Very much enjoyed the series. Two seasons is not enough. Thoughtful and well crafted narrative...sub plots integrated well with main thread...with few errors...yes the Belgian police need training but they're shown as human beings with all their weaknesses. Some townsfolk seem stereotypical as if out of some primeval neanderthal era...but reality matters and they can be redeemed at least some can... the social workers and other bureaucrats are shown in a sinister way as they should be...the performances rise to perfection. Yes. We need a 3rd and 4th season. Bravo. Another excellent Belgian series.
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Characters laughable
9 October 2022
I'm not going to bother with plot or the effects or the editing or any of that important stuff.

Just the performances. Miserable. Cliched boring ...all of them. Why would any husband want to find the Jaime Alexander character? Please spare the viewers from any more Alexander roles. Do they still have soaps? Maybe she could do a gig there...poorly filmed and scripted. Totally unrealistic. Has Hollywood run out of ideas...we're so done with the meth subplot. Ridiculous. Is it suspenseful? Not in the least...the frantic meanderings of Butler are pathetically derivative. If you're into Villeneuve's Prisoners. The viewers are glued to the screen and the plot twists are remarkable. LSA...stay away.. and Butler're no Liam Neeson who is far more expert and skilled in pulling our heartstrings.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Sheer hyperbolic adrenaline rush
26 July 2022
This is not Hitchcock or Fellini or Kubrick cinema. But movies do not have to be cerebral to be engaging ...entertaining and exciting. So give yourself a break and sit back and enjoy good guy vs bad guy and one hear stopping scene after another...and let's all pray the CIA self destructs or better yet gets bombed to smithereens.
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Lost Bullet (2020)
Move over Hollywood and yes even McQueen
27 June 2022
1. McQueen has been officially replaced by Alban Lenoir for his driving acting stunts and all the rest. This guy is elemental. He is relentless. Did I mention he is phenom in this role...yeah he is superb!

2. Script/Storyline. No it's not just bad cops vs the good guys assorted social rejects far more to that. It's the social lowlifes who win the day by sheer persistence and yes...lots of blood and a little hanging icon in the good dead cops car.

3. Guillaume replace Friedkin and Yates for your REMARKABLE filming of car chases the likes we have not seen in decades.

To sum up...great story, amazing characters and their portrayals, values, and of course the cinematography over the top.

On a scale of 1 to 10 this is cinema at its most entertaining. 10 is just not enough.
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Colony (2016–2018)
Tried hard
20 April 2022
I finally got involved in the family adventures but it took effort. The performances were sophomoric and the continuity and editing were awful at times...what a mess...but the plot kept the thing alive.
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
Derivative copycat insulting
28 March 2022
What a schlocky show. Accidentally watched a few minutes and realized I was in the land of imbeciles.

Poorly written acted directed...insulting to minorities...women...Spader...what a ridiculous caricature of you know who...
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watched for the sake of the setting
16 January 2022
Honestly after the first few minutes into it I knew the premise - dissastisfied with husband and children late 20th century woman who blames everyone except herself... how could one not? But I kept watching for 2 reasons: 1 to enjoy the location shots in Greece and 2 to see if Ed Harris beds her...pleasantly surprised he did not - lucky for him! I suppose one could fault Ms Gyllenhal for stereotyping the Greek American family - kind of a My Big Fat Greek Wedding bunch..but a touch more uncouth. The Greek American princess (GAP) with the child - good job at playing a really retarded young woman by Ms. Johnson.
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Black Summer (2019–2021)
Better than I could have hoped for
23 December 2021
Gripping action...cinematography splendid...phenomenal choices of settings...moral insights? YES! So far in almost every "scene" there is a morality tale being told...and when there is not...justice rears her head a few minutes what a ride! Now some say that there's not not enough delving into character backgrounds...what?! The principal characters, that is the ones who have survived into season 2...tell us what we need to know in terms of their strengths and weaknesses...when the world has just fallen apart and death is worse than life we don't need intricate details about their backgrounds ...their actions and behaviors tell us what we need to know.
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17 December 2021
A brilliant well crafted and acted film. One of very few I'd watch again. Perhaps I missed a few events or perhaps the film needs tighter any event an amazing delve into good vs evil and the banal vs the ethereal. Watch this gem.
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Sister? Mother?
13 December 2021
Just getting past the relationship was confusing...the plot seemed contrived and artificial. Sandy is too old to be playing the sister albeit older.

Fun watching Onofrio and Davis...but the rest a waste.
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Empire Games (2018– )
something but nothing much
12 April 2020
So many images and a bit of acting...and interviews by historians but not of the culture being shown! Why not? Are there no Greek historians who could shed light on the events being shown? Of course. But instead we are subjected to two Italian academics, one who does not speak English and the other who is barely comprehensible. But the main issue is that they are incompetent historians making statements that are patently false! The main issue is that there are so so many misstatements/ false assumptions, and just plain mistakes when discussing ancient Greek history! So the script is just plain sophomoric. Now for a highly distracting aspect. The background incidental music is just plain annoying. In sum, this is the kind of programing that gives netflix a bad reputation. Sad.
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Homeland (2011– )
God help us
26 March 2020
Hope nobody is taking this schlock seriously. Clare Daynes can never be Linda Hamilton. This series cannot begin to approach 24.
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Better Than Us (2018–2019)
23 February 2020
...very amazing high tech realistic special effects... I only wish the actors' voices were preserved and subtitles were used instead.
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Ana (II) (2020)
Almost great
6 January 2020
Pay no attention to the detractors of this visual dose of morality in a world that destroys not elevates good humans. This gem of a film will share its world and humanity like no other I've seen in a long time. Andy Garcia portrays a disillusioned car dealer and Ana comes into his life like an escaped angel from heaven's realms...but she's no least not the two dimensional type. In fact all the characters are complex creatures formed by an unforgiving environment. Here's what you'll enjoy: the real Puerto Rico and its warm tough down and out inhabitants surviving corruption drugs and hurricanes...along with the fakes who have given up on humanity; amazing performances led by by Garcia and Keen; an exploration of the psyche of a child scared of adults but eternally willing to live and help. See this pearl of a film. It's a movie to talk about afterward.
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Cold Pursuit (2019)
Deeply iconic
15 June 2019
Glad we watched it. The scenery is breathtaking. The acting is so so with several stand outs including the young boy and the policewoman. The storyline is fervently fun and the dialogue hits one home run after another. Are you politically correct? Don't bother watching as the norms are turned upside down in this one. Can't forget the sardonic humor and the film score. Both permeate the film brewing up a bowl of the most delicious broth of a film. And finally there are moments of filmic genius. Do watch and let the avalanche take you away.
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Still exciting and still waiting for more
28 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Blade Runner is a seminal ageless work of art. Its languishing slowness and quiet allow time for viewers to make connections and reflect on ageless themes...though for most it took several viewings. So what about BR 2049? Does it compare favorably to the first? Yes yes yes. We are treated to the mystery of another Deckard - is he fully human or a replicant? By 2049 we find out (we think) that he is and so is his son agent K or Joe...or maybe not? Only Eldon Tyrell knows and A "son" kills him in direct contrast to Joe who sacrifices himself to the cause and Deckard his dad. This film just like its precursor must be seen several times or more to even attempt an understanding. As an adaptive work from its source by P. Dick, Villeneuve captures the post apocalyptic malaise far better than even Scott. The characters and technology fascinate. The character of Luv - the monomaniacal slave to Wallace - has to be one of the most evil in film history. Bravo to Luv's monstrous echoing of Batty's sincere attempt at humanity. But then again Niander Wallace is human in name only. BR 2049 is a grand glorious film with only a few missteps along the way... WHY NOT 10? Corny attempt to depict Deckhard poorly portrayed by Ford. Those scenes failed miserably.
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Blood Father (2016)
Spectacular modern melodrama
26 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Father daughter reunite. Daughter carries on father's dreams. Sensitive believer in the "system" played by the amazingly understated Macy..dies horribly. Evil slimy dealer dies slow death in prison justice. I can go on but the performances are great...except perhaps the weaker young actress..but still .well worth it.. Raoul Trujillo. Can we see more performances by this incredible actor...what a blast to watch .Michael Parks...wild seed...Bus Riley...what a pleasant surprise to watch that exchange between you and now for the directing... Riche...ever since Inner City I knew it would come to this...glad Mel found you and you collaborated after getting the novel by Peter Craig who writes about Fathers...and how much we need them!!!! finally....Mel Gibson you rule! Best US made film I've seen in a long long time...
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