
16 Reviews
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A must for Edgar Allan Poe fans
14 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A wonderful work for those who love Flanagan and know the world of Edgar Allan Poe.

This series is much more than itself, but I also know that many people will not like it for that reason.

Flanagan's well-known cast is excellent, with Mark Hamill as Arthur Pym (weaving into the romance Poe's only complete novel, the The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket) impressed me, Bruce Greenwood is also a perfect choice. It's interesting to follow 8 episodes of people who we know from the first minute are dead and have no positive human qualities, and although we are curious to see the outcome, the answer to "WHY", we don't for a minute think they are redeemable or worth saving.

Auguste Dupin, perhaps the first detective in world literature, who we also owe to Poe (from "The Murders in the Rue Morgue") and Roderick Usher provide the perfect setting for the series, which has an excellent and unique atmosphere.

And we can all rest easy in the end, because these rotten and evil people will get what they deserve.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 22: Guns for Hire (2023)
Season 3, Episode 6
5 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry, but that's not what you promised. Maybe Rian Johnson wrote this episode/season? I watch the show because of Din Djarin, who is obviously now an uninteresting supporting character. They took away his ship, they took away his beskar spear, they took away his Dark Saber. Din Djarin should have united Mandalore, not Bo Katan who has failed as a leader I can't count how many times. Also nothing is happening to Grogu, he is just a pet now. Season 2 was amazing, season 3 erased everything that happened in season 2. I don't think it was worth waiting 2.5 years for that. I will wait for Andor s2 but goodbye SW. There is no enjoyment value in this anymore.
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Station 19 (2018–2024)
9 September 2022
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It started off mediocre but entertaining, then out of nowhere two characters were killed off to be replaced by horrible characters; and the love interest of one of the dead characters doesn't even remember what happened a part later?

I don't understand the motivations of the characters, they don't tell us because I don't think they themselves know why they are breaking up with someone.

There's not much else in the series. Sex, break-up, death.

There is no point in watching any further , I have not made it past the third season.

What with the main series, Grey's Anatomy being unwatchable for a few years now, unfortunately it seems the same writers , and the same low standards.
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Manifest (2018–2023)
good conception, poor execution
18 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I like the concept, the execution is poor.

No character building, the father worrying about his child shows no nervousness , Mich and Jared talk every episode with Mich sitting, Jared standing at her desk, Jared repeating the same phrase . The main characters simply have no personality of their own and unfortunately no one can act.
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this is the series I needed
29 June 2022
After reading many reviews , I sat down to watch the series a little apprehensive, but I was very positively disappointed.

It was amazing to see Ewan as Obi wan again, Hayden as Anakin/ Vader, I didn't realise how much I needed it until I watched it :) Yes, the story is not complicated but enjoyable, for me it was insane to see Obi Wan return to the force, yes there was a lot of nostalgic elements, the new cast was good too, I loved it :)
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The Walking Dead: The Lucky Ones (2022)
Season 11, Episode 12
It wasn't that bad
8 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It was a bit better than the previous episode. It wasn't so terribly boring. But the unfortunate fact is that it has nothing to do with the TWD we loved.

There are too many characters and Kang is unable to use them . Lydia is just loitering, Ezekiel is hysterical, Eugene is lying to Rosita, Mercer and Princess storyline is gone, Daryl Connie storyline is gone. Gabriel is missing, Milton and CW pay a visit to Alexandria, but the show leaves out the exact purpose of the visit. There is a lot of speculation about politics, all without anyone being interested in politics. Maggie doesn't make new friends, and about 5 people remain in Hilltop under her control. Usual unrealistic shooting scenes . Scenes are simply thrown together without any particular coherence.
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Snowpiercer: A New Life (2022)
Season 3, Episode 5
Sadly it is getting worse
23 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well....pretty boring and meaningless episode again.the characters are starting to lack depth. Layton and Zarah together as lovers, why? They were separated for years and Layton loved Josie. Pike as the enemy again and again as he blows up the set. They don't know what to do with Till and she was one of the best characters. Layton is boring, zero charisma. Zarah is annoying and I expect her to be thrown off the train. Pike is like an idiot 6 year old . We are going nowhere. No excitement. I don't even understand what the plan is for this third season, as so far pretty much nothing has happened. So it was a waste to wait a year. I guess by the end of the season we will get to New Eden where there is nothing and we are in the same place as 3 years ago. It's a shame about this series, they should have stopped if they had no ideas.
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Mixed feelings
1 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I still don't understand what happened to the new sequel of my favourite movie. Everything was in place to make a wonderful sequel, yet it's as if the makers deliberately didn't want it to be good.

I understood that they were making fun of today's filmmaking..but I'm a fan, that's why I watched it, it wasn't even funny.

The story specifically would have been good if it was half the movie max, meanwhile when it finally had iconic moments, nothing helped it make an impact.

E.g. Trinity finally knows who she is and recognizes what? 5 second scene and we're rushing on into some pointless shootout. That's it?

This kind of revival of the character of Morpheus is beyond my understanding, why, why? He was there, but not there?

THE Builders successor was simply annoying.

Smith was also featureless, uninteresting in all his appearances. The new characters are just flat, nothing makes them interesting, they didn't even try to be. The majority of the conversations are uninteresting, simply passable.

For me, it lacked the catharsis I always got in the prequel films.

I still don't understand what happened to the new sequel of my favourite movie. Everything was in place to make a wonderful sequel, yet it's as if the makers deliberately didn't want it to be good.

All is given for a sequel, but please make it better!
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Colonia (2015)
An interesting story done very badly
26 December 2021
Could have been a wonderful film. But the actress is so untalented and the direction so bad that it is not worth wasting time on. Who would believe that after months of beatings and torture someone has perfect make-up and a smooth face ?whatever happens to her, the same expressionless face, horrible. Too bad, because the other actors were good.
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The Walking Dead: For Blood (2021)
Season 11, Episode 8
Good but not do good
4 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
We havent seen Alden for 4 episodes now we have to wait 5 months to know what happened to him? Pope dies without encountering anybody from the original group? We never learn why he had marked Maggie and what does it mean..They 've learnt nothing during 10 years and they can't handle a storm and 20 walkers? Jerry was sleeping during the storm? Negan walks through a minefield but doesn't change the direction when the mines are exploding? I don't understand the whole conception of s11...
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The Guilty (2021)
3 October 2021
I did not like it. The aggressive behaviour of the main character (towards everyone) was so obnoxious that I couldn't stand to watch it. I didn't understand, how can a baby be stabbed and the police hardly care, only him? Gyllenhaal is a very good actor, but this movie isnt good.
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The Walking Dead: On the Inside (2021)
Season 11, Episode 6
TIme to end the show
20 September 2021
It's time for it to end. Rick Grimes' story has become a tedious, confused, nothing about nothing time drag. Was it a good horror episode? Yes, and what does it have to do with TWD? Specifically nothing. TWD was a story about people. Now it's just Kang messing around for 40 minutes with story threads that she himself says have no relevance, but are perfect for stalling.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 16: The Rescue (2020)
Season 2, Episode 8
19 December 2020
I never thougth I would cry watching SW.But I did yesterday. I've waited 37 years for the last scene. Thank you Disney. I forgive you.
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The Walking Dead: The Tower (2020)
Season 10, Episode 15
another filler episode
6 April 2020
Another episode about nothing. But at least its not about hallucinations. What is happening to my favourite show???
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disappointing, a shame, just like a pc game
2 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As an old fan on SW I am very diappointed. This movie just uses the title Star Wars but has nothing to do with real SW. No real plot, its like a PC game - you should find the planet so you should go to x have to find the dagger if you want to move on, so go to another planet..ok there is the dagger, so go to an other planet,ok, then go to another. Rey find everything within 5 minutes even the place Luke was searching for 30 years, but of course he couldnt find it, because he is just Luke, the biggest hero in the SW universe, we need Rey, who solves everything in 5 minutes.

Cameos without any further meaning ( lando: why? Maz Katana just because Carrie died and somebody has to tell her final words?)

Kylo turns in one minute to the light, Rey steals his ship but he is on Exagon within 5 minutes? Palpatine has a big big plan, so he reveals it to Rey ? why?just to let her 'ruin' that? Plotholes everywhere, no real character arcs, no development.

And the end: Rey stole everything from the Skywalkers, their victory, their planet, their home, the life of the last SKywalker and even the name.. so a Palpatine won everything over Skywalkers . its just a shame.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
GoT is destroyed, as King Landing
22 May 2019
After 9 years of following GoT, we got a finale, which story is to explain in 6 senteces, full of logical mistakes. They killed the story for taking some good pictures.I've never seen so bad writing on the screen of HBO.Its a garbage.
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