
31 Reviews
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Underwhelming, not what I was promised
2 March 2024
I was eager to watch this movie based on the glowing reviews I read and heard. However, I was disappointed. 'All of Us Strangers' reminds me of the general reception/reviews of the 2011 movie 'Weekend' that everyone raved about, but left me feeling..... underwhelmed. I like Andrew Scott, and was pleasantly surprised to see Jaime Bell as the father but I couldn't get into the movie due to the various holes in the storyline. The main character has revealing conversations with his dead parents, but how he got to that point was never explained. Was it visions? Or some like 'The Sixth Sense's? Did he have to go into his childhood home for them, and was it occupied/vacant? Were there owners? I just couldn't get past that. His relationship with his neighbor was interesting and handled/acted superbly. The initial love scene was tastefully done, and should be a blueprint for future LGBT movies. Overall - good acting, but the storyline was lacking.
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Of an Age (2022)
Serendipity love at its best
6 July 2023
The trailer for this film, although accurate, does not prepare you for the love story of this movie. A dancer's finds herself stranded on a beach, and calls her partner to arrange her brother to pick them up so they could make it to a contest being held that morning.

The movie focuses that chance meeting of both men, the easy yet personal banter they have, and the events that follow.

The chemistry between the main actors is the draw to the film. You can feel the growing attraction between the two. That's what's moves this film, making it stand out against others with nudity and "intimate" moments.

I love this film, and rank it right there with another awesome movie - 'God's Own Country'.
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The Batman (2022)
Too real. Too dark. Made it boring
18 June 2023
The movies was too dark. Literally. Couldn't see the sets half of the time. The plot was complicated. They were trying too hard for realism. The appeal of Batman were the toys and gadgets, the Batmobile, etc. Things that made an ordinary person more than human. That was what made Batman popular and enduring. THIS played like a murder mystery with a hardened private investigator chasing costume. If I was a bystander at one the crime scenes and saw this Batman I'd think "what a weirdo!". Lost interest a third in and use it as background noise. I still have no idea what the plot was abour. Those that say it's the best Batman movie needs to leave their mothers basement more often. I'd rather watch Law & Order.
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Just a terrible film all around
17 April 2023
I gave it a chance. There were good reviews on here which is why I watched. WHY? It was horrible! Reminded me of a really, really, really bad version of Yossi & Jagger. No character development of the two main actors.... I couldn't even tell who they were at times. Poor crappy CGI effects. From the first few minutes I could tell this was filmed locally in some woods. If I wanted to watch a Vietnam field I'd watch Apocalypse Now. One or two scenes does not make it LGBT. Still don't what the movie was all about. Really. It had potential, and could have a LGBT movie with the Vietnam War as the background - I don't think there is any such movie.
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Smiley (II) (2022)
Not what I expected - and that's good!!
11 December 2022
I wasn't sure what to expect with this series. The trailer looked promising but I've been duped by trailers before. The series starts with a call to a wrong number that sets up a chain of reactions and introduces us to the various storylines, all of which were well written and carried out - a stagnation marriage, a lesbian couple at the crossroads of their 7 year relationship, a widow and her long lost childhoold friend. The main story centers around Bruno and Alex, two polar opposites on the gay spectrum who meet by accident and discover there's a white hot chemistry between them. Yes, Carlos Cuevas is very easy on the eyes but that's not the only reason to watch. I intended to view just the first episode and ended up binge watching all eight episodes in one sitting. This series reminded me of the great 2000 Spanish film 'Km.0' which was amazing. Highly recommend this to fans of limited romantic drama series.
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Did not disappoint
4 December 2022
I heard about the series through a YouTube review and decided to check it out for myself. I found the series cute, fresh, lively. However, to me, the only thing missing in the series was the lack of physical interaction between all the actors. This movie delivered on that aspect and did not disappoint! You feel the closeness and friendship between the young actors throughout the movie. The chemistry between Cai and Gav is genuine, and I was pleasantly surprised to see how well Kokoy de Santos (Gav) played the serious parts - a change from his character's upbeat silliness. And yes, I was snotty and teary eyed at the end because this movie reminded me of that time in my life when I first met my special circle of friends that are still an important part of my life today. Thoroughly enjoyed this!!!
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Great entertainment!
27 August 2022
FINALLY got around to watching Top Gun: Maverick today. I was a bit apprehensive despite the high ratings and rave reviews, only because the movie is over two hours long. Still, curiosity got the better of me. The film was beautifully shot with great cinematography of not only the flight scenes, but also the landscape and terrain those scenes occurred. I felt the first 45 minutes was a bit heavy on the corny and nostalgic side, and I had a hard time relating to the heteronormative of naval camaraderie, as well as the unabashed bravado of the pilots - men and women. However, the storyline is actually good (mission into enemy territory to destroy a uranium plant; which four pilots of the 10 candidates will be selected), and I feel this version separated itself from the first movie and found its own path in the last 45 minutes. Of course the ending paid tribute to the first Top Gun as a means to tie up the ribbon of nostalgia that threaded the entire experience. Overall I'll give it an 8 out of 10. It's not an Oscar contender, but it's still great entertainment!
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The Sandman (2022– )
Good start - and stop comparing to the written version
21 August 2022
I wish people would stop comparing this to the comics. Each of us interprets written form to our individual tastes, so no two readers see the same tale. I didn't read the original yet I found this telling to be enjoyable, deep, and thought provoking. The characters were colorful, the CGI first rate. There is a lot of LGBT representation. Yes, the episodes dragged here and there, and the pace could be a little faster. However, some episodes stand on their own. I think the cafe episode was the best out of the lot even though I found the storyline a gory (to me) - it was well acted and executed, and could possibly stand on its own as a short film. The other two episodes I really liked was Morpheus's interaction with the devil, and the episode where Morpheus talks with his older sister. The first part of the bonus 11th episode was captivating. I liked the fact that Gaiman was hands on with the production - so this is HIS translation to film. The series adaptation stands on its own, and I hope there is a second season. Overall, I think this was an entertaining collection.
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Schitt's Creek (2015–2020)
Even better watching the second time around!
10 August 2022
Like some, the name seemed to "punny' (as Ted would say) to be good. The first two seasons more or less introduces characters of the show and we are taught and learn their idiocincracies. The plot lines are funny, and we get into the twists and turns of the setting and characters. By season 3 we are ready for story arcs and boy do they deliver! I've watched this series more than once, yet still the last two episodes leaves me an emotional wreck - bawling my eyes out and laughing at the same time! It's no surprise that the last season won so many Emmys and other awards. Highly recommend! Word of warning: you will get addicted to David and Alexis's twitches and gestures.....
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Better than Brokeback
23 July 2022
This is a film that stands on its own and is automatically a gay "must-see" classic. The cast not only inlcudes Josh O'Connor and Alec Secareanu, but the spectacular Yorkshire countryside. Great acting, fantastic scenery, heartwarming storyline. We watch as a hardened gay farmer finally allows himself to e vulnerable to love. The farm scenes are authentic to almost cringe worthy reality. Instantly one of my favorite films. Brutal reality yet love still finds a way. Highly, highly recommend.
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Jump, Darling (2020)
Didn't know what to expect ....
23 July 2022
..... but surprisingly the movie delivered at the finish. The beginning was a mish-mash of scenes and flashbacks, but the storyline eventually found its footing. The plot would suddenly veer away from expected paths of a few plotlines which kept the watcher's interet.

The last 30 minutes you kept wondering "how will this wrap up?" and the ending didn't disappoint. I agree - Cloris Leachman was the binder for the other main actors. Without her the movie may have faltered. But it does deliver. Intriguing ending......
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Fun reminder of being young and full of hope
20 July 2022
This film can be a bit all over the place but the feeling of hope is constant throughout the movie. It's a story of a bromance that started out as a one sided infatuation that became a friendship built on mutal love and respect. Loved the character development of the main actor, Ibrahim, who is faced with life changing choices. The ending was a bit scattered but it is really a thoroughly enjoyable story. Did not drag and moved at a good pace. Highly recommend as delightful palate cleanser between binge watching dramas or really heavy, nuanced movies.
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The Lake (2022– )
Reminded me of camp movies from the 80s
5 July 2022
Not sure why there are so many negative reviews but I guess haters gonna hate. This series is a witty, light hearted summer tale of a gay dad and the daughter he gave up for adoption They find conflict with the dad's stepsister when he discovers she inherited the family cottage from his father. The schemes to get back his inheritance are silly but fun. The acting is good, the interaction between cast works. It's not Emmy winning material, fellow reviewers, but it's still good. The lead actor holds his own, and Julia Stiles delivers as always. Highly recommend for ....... lite summer viewing.
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Fire Island (I) (2022)
A sofisticated version of Another Gay Movie. Sorta.
4 June 2022
Firstly, let me give credit to the two main leads - Joel Kim Booster and Bowen Yang. Solid performances. The movie really does give an accurate portrayal of club life for gay men - drug use, public sex, etc., but it also addresses issues not properly addressed by the LGBT community such as racial stereotyping, ageism, body issues, etc. Still, it's a fun movie that has its moments, witty one-liners, beautiful bodies and scenic views of the island itself. Dragged a bit here and there but overall I'd say it's a grown up version of Another Gay Movie.
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Not Knowing (2019)
About time.....
4 May 2022
I found this movie intriguing although the first half moved slowly. The storyline took a turn I didn't see coming, and actually addressed a major problem that plagues not only the LGBT community, it's also a general issue that is rarely focused on in film. I thought the acting was solid, and the ending well thought out. Makes you think......
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Minyan (2020)
Slow but steady
28 April 2022
I had no idea what to expect from this film, but it didn't disappoint. The storyline is a bit all over the place at parts but you still get the tale it tells. The acting is good, and I like how the dialogue of the main character, David, opens up more and more as he discovers who he is. The ending is not clean and wrapped in a bow but makes you think about the untold story. Solid movie, not great , but solid.
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Alien Warfare (2019)
Only because I like additional point awarded
25 July 2021
Like the rest of the reviewers I feel this only deserves one star. However, the main actor is a redhead with a full, lush red beard so I'll use that to add a point for Costume Design. The story is weak, the acting forced, the garb or the aliens were horrible (one of them had a tattered old clothes). The ending made no sense. As someone on here said, SHAME on Netflix for trying to pawn off this drek on their subscribers.
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Breeders (2020–2023)
A comedy that's really great drama
12 June 2021
Loved this from Season 1 Episode 1. It is funny at times but it also can get serious in two seconds. I found Season 2 to be more complex - one minute you're rooting for Paul, the next you feel his pain. The actress that plays Ally is brilliant - loved her from her role in 'Episodes' - it was her that made me watch 'Breeders'. My only complaint is having to wait another year for Season 3.... I mean, c'mon!! Make more episodes per season!!! Please!!!
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Tom and Jerry (II) (2021)
Classic Tom & Jerry slapstick!
27 February 2021
Don't care what anyone says - I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!! I have not laughed so hard in a long, long time. The movie kept to the true-to-form formula of classic Tom & Jerry cartoons. Hanna Barbera slapstick at its best with the human characters as supporting cast. Chicago's very own Michael Pena did a great job! Parents of kids under 6 are gonna HATE this movie 'cause they'll have to watch it again and again and again and again and again and again.....
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Dramarama (2020)
Interesting arc but could do with more "drama"
15 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is not what I thought it would be - teenage angst in a high school setting. Instead, it's about high school grads who deal with the reality that adulthood starts NOW. The film opens with a juvenile sequence but I think this was the director's deliberate way of showing the characters maturing as the movie progressed. The last 30 minutes are really good; I just wished there was a stolen kiss moment or something.
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Cute movie about family expectations
15 October 2020
Watched this during the Tampa International Film Fest. The storyline is good, the lead actor did a great job. Moves a bit slow and clunky at first but comes together nicely. The film is really about relationships with family and their expectations. Liked the ending.
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Don't compare the original with this production
11 October 2020
The 1970 movie is a landmark in queer culture, made at a time when the world was not used to admitting gays were people. I didn't connect with the original movie (but still thought it was incredible), but really connected with this revival. Powerful performances, really got me with a couple of scenes. Highly recommend watching BOTH versions. Don't know why there are negative reviews. I guess some people don't know how to appreciate both a classic and a well executed revival/remake without a sense of betrayal.
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Steady paced movie with great visuals
26 September 2020
Saw this movie during the 2020 Chicago Reeling Virtual Film Festival. The movie has a slow but steady pace. The director took great shots to document the beautiful city of Valvidia. I feel that the cinematography enhanced the story - like a supporting actor. This is a short yet sweet romance: boy meets boy, boys falls in love, boys realizes the difference in their lives However, life steps in and realities must be faced. The chemistry between the main characters is solid, supporting cast gave good performances. Overall a pleasing movie.
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Breaking Fast (2020)
A delightful PG romcom!
25 September 2020
Saw this movie during the Chicago Reeling Virtual Film Festival. The chemistry between the two lead actors is good and their dialogue flows easily. The gay best friend is cliche over the top camp but the actor did a good job of making it original to him. There's no sex scenes, no stolen breathy kisses, no remorse the day after - just good old fashion romance and courtship like the time before Grindr made everyone a one nighter. Total gem of a movie, made me laugh in unexpected places, the music was fun. Highly recommend!!
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15 Years (2019)
A solid movie with solid performances
2 August 2020
Interesting how the storyline developed. The acting is good by all characters. There were a few unanswered questions but this was a movie where your imagination had the answers. The movie is basically about one person's introspective of relationships and themselves after 15 years. Not a cut and dry ending - some movies don't need to have one. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Only wished the female character had more scenes - she was so interesting.
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