
70 Reviews
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Helgoland 513 (2024– )
Really Good
26 March 2024
What a pleasant surprise ....didn't expect that much from this show but it's so good.

Excellent , believable story which starts off slow and gets more gripping with every episode.

First class acting too with characters you can relate too.

Surprised that someone gave it a 5 but maybe it's just too different for them ?

Not for me and I have just three episodes to go so I'm intrigued to see where this German thriller ends up.

I've seen a few of these futuristic , dystopian dramas which just fade out after a couple of episodes but this one certainly doesn't so as I say it's highly recommended.
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The Beekeeper (2024)
Not too bad but.....
25 February 2024
It's probably one of the worst Jason Statham movies ....we have to be honest don't we ?

It's sadly completely lacking in any of the style and finesse that he brought to some of his earlier films and the 2nd rate support cast certainly don't help him in this movie .....that I see he has produced himself.

I think it's made by the guy who made the woeful Expendables movies so you know exactly what to expect with The Beekeeper. Lots of action , a clunky script and bad acting all round.

But it's making truckloads of money for some bizarre reason so Jason will be very pleased ....just don't expect to see him at any awards ceremonies soon.
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22 December 2023
Where do I start ?

If you speak English and try and watch this nonsense on Amazon Prime with English subtitles .....forget it. The dialogue is subtitled so badly that whole chunks of conversation just do not appear. This makes it basically unwatchable.

There is poor dubbing but who wants to listen to that ?

This whole Italian production looks shoddy and half-hearted.

I don't know what Amazon are thinking putting it on Prime. Did nobody check the content before giving it the Ok ?

It's no wonder that it has only one review as I write so in my opinion just find something better watch tonight , they have plenty more decent thrillers available.
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Fargo (2014–2024)
Season 5 is a stormer
20 December 2023
I'm watching episode 6 of Season 5 tonight and I can't wait.

What a great story and this time its very believable.

The lead actress absolutely wins every scene she is in ...a fearless Mom-Tiger !

Thankfully the dark humour has been increased this series but not at the expense of grisly ends to Mom's adversaries. Her imagination knows no bounds when it comes to fighting her corner.

I thought i vaguely recognised Juno Temple as the heroine but never realised just how many quality productions she's been in. And John Hamm as her opposite number is just perfect casting as Head Baddie.

Roll on tonight ....' lock & load ! '
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an anticlimax
10 December 2023
How on earth has this noir movie got such high rating ? Its really strange.

The first half is s good gritty detective-gone-wrong story whereas the second half seems as tho it was written by different writers. Maybe all that snow befuddled them ?

They would have been much better writing a more interesting story about the girl in the bar and the gangsters girlfriend. They probably had better tales to tell than Ms Lupino who seemed totally out of her depth playing a femme fatale in a snow-swept cabin.

Robert Ryan was probably thinking 'I wish they'd all stayed in the city and made a better film but what do I know ? '
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Rather boring....
7 December 2023
Its not half as good as the original TV series to be honest.

And a lot of the contestants are just plain irritating. I'm not really that bothered about all their weepy back-stories.

It seems also to be devoid of tension compared to the edge-of-your-seat thrill of the original.

The games are undoubtably good but something is missing and i just can't see a way they can fix the show , should they make another one.

Why is it so American-orientated ? Could it not have have more contestants from all over the world to add to the mix ? The original was a global success after all.

It always was a tough challenge to replicate such a brilliant original but maybe next time it will work.
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Very Good but.....
8 September 2023
Definitely not enough of the famous Raylan quirky humour. Where did it go ?

OK there is a lot of violence in this series i'll give you that and it's hard to smile when bullets are flying but even so ? Just a tiny bit of the old off-beat Justified ?

But this is a good , believable story about Big Nasty Detroit and Givens being a fish-out-water.

Justified looks as good as it always did and its a very welcome return to our screens.

He's aged well but as soon as this job's completed we need him back with his own folks please. There must be plenty of new bad guys & girls to chase down in Raylan's own backyard.
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Glória (2021)
Could have been so good...
23 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Here we go again...Netflix and their 10 episode dramas which just drag on and on when 6 could tell the story more succinctly and interestingly.

On top of that this story started so well but around episode 5 it just got so unbelievable. We have a handsome Russian agent swanning around like james Bond who a blind man could soon figure out was up to no good coupled with the American 'agents' who are so comically incompetent that the stereotypical Russian agents rung rings around them without missing a beat.

So although tho the production does look very good and realistic , its just a shame that the writing wasn't better.
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Pine Gap (2018)
20 August 2023
This is one of the most boring 'thrillers' i've watched in ages. Where do i start ?

There is awful acting from just about everyone apart from possibly Moses. Most of the characters are just plain annoying.

The direction is just poor with intrusive , far too loud music.

It has an unbelievable and unrealistic storyline involving Chinese , American and Australian military power-politics.

These are supposed high level electronic spy analysts who behave as tho they are all in the pub on a Friday night. Is Australia really operating such an insecure spy establishment in the desert. It turns out they are.....and its really called Pine Gap.

So basically i find all the high recommendations regarding this show on IMDB quite bizarre.
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Bullet Train (2022)
i switched off
7 August 2023
Well that was yet another waste of two hours of my time . This movie was a cross between a poor Guy Ritchie movie ( take your pick) and a Tarantino rejected screenplay. The writers seem to think that their dialogue is so witty but actually none of their 'cleverness' really hits the target. Its all style but no substance.

Theres plenty of 'violence-in-a-confined-space' as you would expect from fighting in a high speed train but as with John Wick movies it all ends like an x-rated cartoon and the action just blurs from one assault to another.

But guess what ? The movie made loads of money ! People just love this stuff ....go figure.
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Rather poor
4 August 2023
"Underbelly: Vanishing Act" attempts to delve into the world of true crime drama, exploring a story of fraud and a Ponzi scheme. As a true crime enthusiast, I usually appreciate well-made productions with compelling storytelling, skilled direction, and talented actors. However, "The Vanishing" disappoints on many levels due to the poor acting and direction.

In contrast to the high standards set by streaming giants like Netflix, this TV production falls short in delivering a compelling narrative. The show squanders the potential of a genuinely gripping story by telling it in a disjointed and ineffective manner. The lack of coherence throughout the series makes it hard to be gripped by the plot and connect with the characters.

One of the main issues lies with the portrayal of the protagonist, the fraudster. Despite the best efforts of the main actress, her portrayal lacks the necessary depth and believability to fully embody the role. Her poor acting definitely failed to resonate with me. But to be honest she wasn't the only person in this show who needs to go back to drama school.

To add to the disappointment, the incorporation of such awful music throughout the series was simply annoying.

Finally a glaring misstep of "The Vanishing" is its excessive length. The series dragged on for too long and as a result the narrative loses momentum, and boredom set in after about 90 minutes. A tighter and more concise presentation could possibly have made this drama more believable.

All in all, "Underbelly: Vanishing Act" receives an underwhelming rating of 4/10 from me. Despite its promising premise, the show fails to capitalize on its potential. It lacks the finesse, depth, and compelling execution that a true crime drama demands. As a big fan of the genre, I find myself longing for more authentic and captivating productions that do justice to the enthralling world of true crime and fraudsters.
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Evacuation (2023– )
Excellent & Moving
8 July 2023
This brilliant documentary must be up for winning some awards.

The story of the British army and air force evacuating thousands of British passport holders as Kabul falls to the Taliban forces is told through the eyes and stories of the military personnel who took part.

Its incredibly moving and shocking at the same time and uses a lot of previously unseen video footage of the immense logistical operation. These soldiers , medics and airforce men and women will never forget what they saw and took part in.

The director has done a great job of letting the troops speak directly to the camera and has ended up making a superb documentary.
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Bloodhounds (2023– )
Good....almost great
19 June 2023
Almost great because as with so many of these Netflix productions they do too many episodes. You could tell this story in 6 gripping episodes.

For the first 6 episodes there was a great story , excellent acting , first class direction , believable martial arts and sympathetic characters. All the key ingredients of a quality Korean crime drama. It looked and sounded fantastic.

Then came the final two episodes which just stretch the story unbelievably as well as adding some stomach-turning violence. It is such a shame that the early momentum wasn't kept up ....but it was still a very enjoyable production.
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Turn of the Tide (2023– )
not quite awful but....
3 June 2023
There was a germ of a good story here but the whole series was just so unbelievable.

It certainly wasn't helped by some very poor acting , plot holes you could drive a truck through and second rate directing.

It should have been 4 episodes long but it was stretched into 7 . It just went on and on and the only reason I stayed with it was to see how the whole criminal endeavour ended.

Netflix really does need to get some proper quality control in their productions and stop catering for the lowest common denominator on low budgets. But what do I know ? This is only my personal opinion. You might enjoy it.
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The Glory (2022– )
15 March 2023
16 episodes ! It just went on and on and on . I swear there were some episodes where nothing really happened. This show could easily have been done in 8 but maybe it was geared to the Asian market and they decided that 16 was the way to go.

Anyway I was bored stiff after 6 episodes and baled out at episode 10. It was so boring....not remotely thrilling and to be honest watching The Glory was like wading through treacle. I swear I could probably write a thesis on Korean life by episode 10.

Its a simple enough , rather shocking story with a long-term revenge plan at its core. Sadly as I say I can't tell you how it ends but if you're ready for a Korean endurance test then good luck !
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could be so good
5 November 2022
Started off brilliantly with 3 amazing episodes . Simply first class television. It looks good , it sounds good and it intrigues me greatly . I'm not usually a fan of these kind of sci-fi/fantasy shows but The Peripheral shot off the starting grid.

Then last night on Episode 4 something happened. It all got so messy . The intrigue disappeared , the plot began to get very messy and the dialogue got so convoluted . I am gutted. I had such high hopes but i'm going to watch Episode 5 in the hope that all is not lost and The Peripheral can regain those lofty heights and become unmissable on my Friday nights.
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Interceptor (2022)
Pretty Awful
12 August 2022
Bad acting from the lead actress whose first language obviously isn't English. Everybody is 'acting' and the story is just bonkers. It looks as though its been made on a budget of $1M so where did the other $14M go ?
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6 August 2022
It just goes on and on and on ! It could easily have been 5 or 6 episodes. Its a good story but i was nodding off towards the end. K. I. S. S should have been the order of the day.
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The Old Man (2022– )
Not bad
23 July 2022
Its not half as clever as it thinks it is . The show is entertaining but why does everybody talk in riddles ? Its hilarious. People don't talk in those kind of sentences. You feel like shouting at the screen ' can you just get to the point ? Please ? '. And some of the meetings and character development is just so unbelievable. But what do i know eh ?
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19 July 2022
This really was a Division 2 to thriller . Totally unbelievable with some awful acting . Halfway through the third episode I really couldn't care less who did what to whom and when. Glasgow looked good tho .
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10 July 2022
This is the second European Netflix production i've watched in 3 days and its just as bad as the Spanish one ! Its badly directed , badly acted and the story is all over the place . They all seem to think its funny so i guess its that crazy German sense of humour .
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9 July 2022
Awful and totally unrealistic . Its a real 2nd division thriller with everybody acting badly . I just gave up by the third episode.....i doubt it got much better.
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Almost switch-off-able
1 July 2022
Definitely 2nd division and disappointing. It could have been so much better but the screenplay and acting was pretty awful. It had great potential but it was all a bit ' so what ' ?
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Love/Hate (2010–2014)
19 June 2022
Everything about this Irish gangland thriller is excellent ... acting ,directing and screenplay . I'm just surprised it didn't get more accolades. I discovered it by accident but would thoroughly recommend this violent tale of the Dublin underworld.
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The Outfit (2022)
First Class Movie
11 June 2022
I loved this and i'm a big 'gangster' fan. This is so well-made with amazing acting from all concerned especially Mark Rylance . The direction and lighting are just quality and this great little story is a pleasure to watch.
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