
4 Reviews
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1989: no more communism... what about communists?
6 February 2006
1989: Berlin wall is down. communist dictators in the past. for all the people that lived this age a new freedom, but for those who were in the west, it's the falling of hope. unless everybody knew that real socialism was a bad solution, it represented the chance to create, or just imagine, something different from capitalism. now the wall is down, what does it mean to be left-wing? if you've been a communist all of your life, what's your new position in society. Moretti here represents perfectly this situation: Italian communist party, is almost lost, a great discussion inside: what are we doing, where do we come from, and (most important) where do we go now? are we different, are we the same of the rest? can we find back the will to fight?
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Si nos dejan (2005)
no document? smile, you're one of us! enjoy your new illegal life!
20 January 2006
this movie is a story of immigrants in's filmed among the ghettos, in the old part of the city, based on real interviews, with real people coming from different places: east Europe, south America, Africa, or USA, looking for something, coming with hope. sometimes they are Lucky, sometimes they're not. Writter, and filmed by Ana Torres, an illegal immigrant from Argentina, Fast rhythm,a real look on life without permission (the title in English, would be "if they let us". you got to have a whole lot of sense of humor, to face that, but, surprise!, a lot of people has it. fear or expulsion, hunger, abuse, brotherhood, all is here. try to get it, it's worth it Roberto
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paranoid or normality? or both?
19 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The Wall. The Wall is a trip in paranoid, in the incapability of a man to relate himself with outer world. When the capability of your mind for resisting to the struggle of life is exhausted, it begins to build its defences, a wall, so that the enemies can't reach your heart and wound it with their mean attitudes. Pinky, surname Floyd, the alter ego of Roger Waters, was just a baby-boy, when his father died in WWII, in Anzio (Italy), leaving his child with a protective-oppressive mother, unable to help him relating with people. So every small problem a boy can have in his life, with other kids, teachers or what else, is turned into a major struggle and the poor boy has no other choice: his got to build a defence, a wall. And as he grows troubles grows too, until every people, everything he meets is "just another brick in the wall" Is there any hope? Watch and see. Music. It's a great work. Waters (or Pink Floyd, if you prefer) uses very simple forms, mostly derived from rock blues, mixed with a Wagner's technique (leitmotiv): The "brick" leitmotiv, comes very often, changing in sound or speed, but always clear, until, at the end… Ops… I'm talking too much ;)
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sad page of Italian history
27 November 2004
translation of Dario Fo's work of the early seventies. the anarchist was Pinelli, accused of bombing a bank (17 deads). He was innocent. The slaughter was organized by a deviate part of Italian secret services, as proved 20 years later. there's an Italian version with the unique play of Dario Fo, somewhere in the net. in 1971 Dario Fo wrote this piece, and started a long tour through the country. Italian government and secret services tried to stop the show legally, with denunciations, trials. It did non work, so they tried illegally: bombs in the theatre, physical aggression to the actors.It did not work, so here you have the sadly funny story of the accidental death of an anarchist. enjoy
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