
16 Reviews
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The Old Man: IV (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
Writers today are infants
21 February 2023
First 3 episodes, great. Now in the 4th episode you have to suspend all belief because this show just took a turn for a mediocre no sense tv show. So Chase is a monumental bad ass, ex military, special agent, John wick kind a guy and apparently he is also a Bruce Wayne millionaire and sacrifice everything for a over night stand Zoe??! What an insufferable character, she is extremely unlikeable that you start hoping for her death at the hands of Chase, not because you the viewer are a bad person but because it's the only way that the show can keep up with what the initial premise, the same that made you like the show.
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They don't make it like they used to...
15 June 2022
... Well, apparently they can. This is a 90's movie made with 2022 quality. A true honor to the true meaning of Blockbuster, 100% entertaining, 100% escapism, 100% awesome! And the icing on the cake? NO WOKENESS!
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part III (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
Who writes this garbage?
3 June 2022
Really, the writing is infantile level, ridiculous. Chars are 2d, they act dumb.

Ofc theres the wokness problem, in which Obi Wan is a sad display of his just 10 year ago self. Even in rebels much older he remains wise and powerfull but hey, a char is only has good has the person writing. This show should be on Dave Filoni. Disney once again pumps out garbage. Thank you.
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Actors lip syncing... awful
20 May 2022
Just like the title, why on earth do you guys actors to enact recordings?? Totally immersion killer. Its a boring documentary overall. That's about it.
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Jimmy Carr: His Dark Material (2021 TV Special)
Woke standup
18 May 2022
Sorry but you can't be a woke comedian and be successful at it just can't. And now i need to write a few more words to get this review done. There.
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Cult status
15 April 2022
As of 2022 this movie is totally stratospheric. A legend. Everything worked. They successfully build an actual believable world where these 2 could exist. Incredible performances by Carey and Daniels. Thank you for making my childhood great.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Season 2 is awful
22 December 2021
Story tottaly off pace, confusing, and script is basic. Ofcourse i have to mention the forced diversity agenda that ruins the show. When your focus is to represent the social cultural scene of 2021 onto a Fantasy tv series you have a recipe for disaster. It needs more than "representation" to make a good story stick together, engaging. Season 1 was good, this second one is a disaster.

Also, whats up with the elves looking like bums??

Season 3, please god no. Just let it die.
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The gang has gone woke
3 December 2021
Apologising for past episodes?? Political correctness? Sorry thats just not the Gang anymore. The thing that made them funny was they had their own reality of the world, they just didnt care. Now they feel like stand up guys. It feels like a typical liberal sitcom where actors are playing a part.

The fact that so many comments are mentioning for/agaisnt political bias tells me im right. I guess Always sunny ends here.
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The Innocent (2021)
another fine example that shames Hollywood
2 October 2021
Awesome series, great acting and storyline and political undertones,, no wokeness. Just pure entretainment.
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Saw it as a standalone movie
13 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
That's right, never saw the other 2, will soon, but it definitely can be seen independently. You can get the sense of their background as it is themed as much of our own relationships. Myself at 38 the way, that, throughout the day they evolve into an argument is so real, so raw, it hits home. The chat between them is so natural, it never feels like a scripted dialogue. Though never boring IMO. In the end, similar to many of us, some go to the coffee shop to meet and "bury the hatchet" with our partner and hopefully solidify the relationship ...and others don't.
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Polar (I) (2019)
Metascore is laughable
23 February 2021
Is this a masterpiece? No. Is this a solid action packed buffet for when you're starving for some? Oh most definitely YES!
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2021 documentaries...
20 February 2021
...are now YouTuber documentaries. People getting back to the scene for over 5 years to "investigate". Social media is cancer.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 16: The Rescue (2020)
Season 2, Episode 8
The hype awakens
18 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, long gone since the force awakens which imo was also weak af. This episode is sublime, respects Star wars, honors it. When i saw the glove hand i could not fathom that in 2020 i was about to witness THE Luke Skywalker once again, not the old hag from the recent cash grabs. To Filoni and Favreau...thank you, keep it up. Cheers
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The Gentlemen (2019)
Epic! Breath of fresh air.
2 March 2020
Will this is what cinema should be, fun, entertaining and no lecture/politics. An insta classic from Guy Ritchie. Fabulous acted, great storytelling and and overall epic experience. Go see it.
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Missing soul
3 October 2019
This ep didn't do it for me, long time sunny fan but this lacked that vibe and felt forced. Mac is loosing his appeal and charlie is almost ....dare i say it...normal?! *dramatic bell*
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Prequels are actually pretty good...
6 January 2018 what i felt after leaving the theater. Star Wars the Last Jedi is a movie filled with good visuals and a great soundtrack but that it it. When you're making a movie such as this, you need to bare in mind its past lore, prequels, OT, clone wars, books....i mean its part of that same universe. This movie is an aberration to that same universe! The scrip is weak, full of plotholes and subplots that mean nothing. Political agenda is all over the place, one of the most feminist movies i've seen. Its ridiculous, because it compromised story in favor of "social justice". The hole premise of the movie is a fail. It really doesnt feel like a star wars movie at all. Then theres the infant like comedy which is absurd and too much. Overall i give this movie a 5 because it has nothing in it and mainly it does not honor the lore of star wars. Regarding the critics? i want whatever they're taking.
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