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1st Avengers + Captain America 2 = EASILY The Best Marvel Movie Ever
28 April 2016
I was shocked when I was watching this movie on how great it is. It was not only pop-corn kind of great like The Avengers, what shocked me was how fantastic and neatly the characters were developed and how smart the movie is. The movie is the combination of the best things of The Avengers+CA: Winter Soldier, resulting the perfect combination smart grown up thriller (yup there I said it), fantastic action (action, not only CG destruction), and actually incredible dialogues and jokes that actually works.

The characters of Stark, Rogers, Black Widow, Scarlett Witch, Falcon, etc had developed, and it actually didn't feel weird how characters' point of view changes just because how organic the script is. It's well known that the whole point of the movie is Team Cap vs Team Iron Man, and both character actually have good reasons on why they choose what they chose. Like Seriously, some of my friends debated intensely on whose point of view was more on the side of good, that's how good the character development was. Aand all I can say about the new lovely Spider- Man is this Peter Parker is EASILY the best one yet by a mile. All of my Spider-Man fatigue that has been developing is completely gone, and he's the character I'm most curious to see even more in upcoming movies.

Captain America: Civil War is unpredictable and unexpectedly thought provoking, yet you would not be confused watching it because the director knows how to construct multiple story arcs. In spite of that, this film is still a perfect action-popcorn movie. The action was certainly one of the best things about the movie, yet people would not say much about it because it got overshadowed by its great directing, acting, characters, editing, just all around a great film, not just a great superhero film. I rate this movie a 9, and I usually only give a 9 rating for near perfect masterpieces that will remembered for decades to come. Captain America: Civil War is literally a perfect blockbuster, it succeed in every way possible, and Marvel proved that they are only getting better.
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An Iconic Movie for the fans
23 March 2016
Seriously, there is no better word for describing the movie. LOADS of cool stuff in here, loads of spectacular action, lots of good drama. But, there are loads of downsides as a movie itself. The editing is kind of uneven, the tone is actually pretty decent but this movie lacks focus and sloppy.

There is no doubt the Ben Affleck is the best thing about this movie. He's a murderer, he's crazy, and his fight scenes are crazy good, not to mention he's the best Bruce Wayne ever that had appeared on the movie screen. Gal Gadot does all that she should've done, as she said on recent interview "she does the cool stuff". 1 bad thing about the movie is what many people fear would happen, there is no doubt that the character Superman/Clark got overshadowed by Batman/Ben Affleck. It really shows who's the better actor, Henry Cavill was just alright as he did in Man of steel.

It has lots of flaws, but this movie is not The Amazing Spider-man 2. Most ADULT comic book fans will love this movie, this definitely not a movie for kids. At least this movie will make people excited about The Justice League/future DC films, it sets up the universe really well. On that I give props to Snyder, although most of the flaws are same old Snyder flaws as he doesn't make us care about the characters (except batman).

I do think the movie will get better reception with time, because there are iconic scenes and dialogues that will remembered for a long time. This movie aimed high, sometimes too high, it's a grand vision, I appreciate that about DC because Marvel isn't doing that. Marvel plays it safe with their tone/characters, DC is more risky yet just maybe it will pay off.
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Not a great movie, but Terminator fans will like this one
28 June 2015
It is a VERY flawed movie, any one who have seen it knows that. Though the prospect of the plot is interesting and exciting, the writing was really baad, and the directing was just as bad. The casting of Kyle Reese was horrible, Jai Courtney proves to still be the most overrated actor living today. Putting all of that aside, I really enjoyed this movie. May it's because I'm a huge Terminator&T2 fan growing up, and the idea to be honest is very exciting and to be honest I'm not really disappointed. This may not be a good movie, but hey at least it's not boring like Salvation, the storyline kept me glued to the screen. Arnold was the best part of the movie, he did great in everything he does. Emilia Clarke also did the best anyone could do, she has the 'it' factor of a female action star, which is quite hard to find. The first half of the movie was quite great, but then it got real messy the second half. I blame Alan Taylor for that, the property's too big for him, he's not capable yet of doing a franchise this huge. If you're not familiar with the characters/storyline, I understand fully if you hate this film cause it was very messy and the writing is very confusing.

my personal score: 7.6/10 my objective score: 5.5/10
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The 'Spider-man 2' of this franchise reboot
17 April 2014
Spider-man 2 surely has its own special place in almost every comic book movie fans out there, it surely is the highlight of the Spider-man trilogy, and "Amazing Spider-man 2" might just do the same to this franchise reboot. It may not be as iconic as Spider-man 2 because then, it was like the only comic book movie coming out of that year, and these days, we got tons of other comic book movies that come out each year. Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone has never been better, not to mention how special their chemistry is. Andrew Garfield is actually the one that stands out, he somehow managed successfully bring more vulnerability to his acting, either successfully bring dramatic scenes to life or bring jokes and humor that freshens up the movie. Dane DeHaan as Harry is a perfect fit, probably a better fit than what James Franco did in the old Spidey franchise. The villains were also quite well developed, though I may say that they could've done more with electro. The entire cast was excellent, the action were great and the special effects were superbly satisfying, much improvement compared to the last one. My only complaint is probably there should've been more places for the viewers to breathe, because there were so many things happening in the movie, sometimes it felt a little bit too crowded (as anyone has expected), since they got 3 villains, so it's quite reasonable. Other than that, this movie is without question an improvement over the first movie, and what's important is that this movie brings the combination of great comic-book movie plot, fantastic action and special effects, and heart. If you're a fan of comic book movies, you WILL love this film, if you liked the old spidey movie, you will like this film, and if u liked the first Amazing Spider-man, you will love this movie even more. As a comic book movie, it's truly amazing.
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The Raid 2 (2014)
One of the best martial arts movies EVER !
29 March 2014
The Raid: Redemption was such a success and regarded by many people as one of the best action movies of 2012, and the sequel is likely to end the year 2014 as the best action movie of the year. It's pretty much different than the first movie, in this one there was actually a story. This movie is a great combination of a gangster flick with a very well coordinated martial arts.

The director Gareth Evans is masterful at filming incredible action sequences, probably better than ANY Hollywood directors working right now. It is inspiring how he managed to make such unbelievable fight scenes, and car chase in a such limited budget. The cast were good in delivering the good, the dialogue was fairly good, the choreography were Spectacular! Not to mention the unforgettable cinematography that was brilliantly managed by people who knows what they're doing.The only downside is perhaps the running time which could have been shortened 15-20 minutes, but you will still always be entertained while watching this movie.

Overall, The Raid 2 is arguably one of the best sequels ever, and even one of the best martial arts movies ever. It's superior to its predecessor in terms of story telling, considering the running time, and the choreography was also quite a bit improved from the already unforgettable moves in the first one. It had more action and violence than the previous one, although less action percentage-wise. It will keep you on the edge of your seat. It has everything a perfect martial arts movie has to have, and it deserves to be regarded as one of the best in its genre. I hope that the director Gareth Evans would make more films with a higher budget to showcase to the world his true potential as a director, and it'd be great to have it featuring Iko Uwais, that could be an icon for years to come.
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On par with Goodfellas!
25 December 2013
Scorsese has created goodfellas of the new generation. It's his longest film but it's never boring, and this movie's shockingly very hilarious. For me, Leonardo DiCaprio has never been better in a film before. The screenplay by Sopranos' Terence Winter was perfect in every way. As a conclusion, this movie is full 3 hour of enjoyment, minute by minute, and it's definitely better than another Scorses's classic Casino. Whether or not this movie is better than Goodfellas I'm not sure yet, but Goodfellas is one of the best movies EVER MADE, and this movie's on the same level to that. In 71years old, Martin Scorsese's surely back on that level, that's how incredible he is.
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VERY VERY entertaining!
4 November 2013
Before going to the theater, I expected this to be a great entertaining movie not necessarily better than the first thor, but an entertaining blockbuster, and it was still much better than what I expected! I had a blast ! The action were very entertaining, the universe that the director has made were beautiful. It was also really funny (though some jokes just seem too forced), and the script was also well written. The first 60 minutes was a great build up, and the next 60 minutes were just better, in other words this movie was entertaining from start to finish.

This movie's surely on par with Iron Man and even The Avengers (not necessarily better), and without a doubt better than the first Thor. This movie had a lot of flaws, but it doesn't matter since it's so entertaining. It might just be the best superhero movie of the year (though I really liked man of steel).

If u either like action movies or superhero movies, you must definitely watch the film. Some people might not like this film because they mostly don't really follow about what's going on or what's happening in the asgard world, if u are one of these people, do yourself a favor and watch this movie for a 2nd time!! It would be much much better if u really know what's going on since the start.
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Arrow (2012–2020)
A Very Entertaining but Flawed Show
16 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen all 23 episodes of Arrow, and honestly I'm pretty impressed. I believe this is inspired by Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy, but I don't think that it's a ripoff. For me, the show is never boring. It is like the combination between teen drama and the Dark Knight trilogy. Speaking of realism, this show is not realistic at all. Oliver with Diggle and Felicity seem to have any solution to every kind of problems, well it doesn't matter at all since this is a comic book adaptation.

As much as I love this show, I still think the show is so flawed. The cast aren't that good, well they are okay. Sometimes what really bothers me is the dialogs, it is so f-in cliché. The dialog is so fake that's filled with cheesy words that we'd NEVER say in real life. What I like most about the show are the action and the plot. The plot is very good, the crimes never seem to end, and I loved every episode in the series.

As much as how flawed the show is, it's pretty darn entertaining. It's obviously not Breaking Bad or game of Thrones, but it's one of the most entertaining shows in TV today.!
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Pacific Rim (2013)
Remember that Guillermo Del Toro isn't Michael Bay !
11 July 2013
Giant monster vs giant robot blockbuster movie? sounds that it will be somekind of a transformers movie. Wait... it's directed by Guillermo Del Toro? I should consider to watch this because this could be AWESOME. And my decision was right to watch this, money and time well spent, this movie is a lot of fun. The characters were good, the acting was also quite well done, and don't even ask about the action? It's Spectacular! Well actually to be honest some of the actors were kind of over the top, but that's actually quite make sense. The action was not like transformers, it's very much better. This comes from a director can actually frame the action up, unlike Michael Bay that just puts action and action and explosions and we don't even know what's happening in the movie because it's not well done. Don't even dare to compare this to Transformers, because comparing Pacific Rim to Transformers is like comparing Jurassic Park to Theodore Rex. One of the best things about the movie is it's not just action, the characters are also important and interesting in this movie. We do care about the characters. Only very few directors that can pull this kind of movie off, this just proves how good Guillermo Del Toro is, as a director.
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You know that good feeling you get after watching a great movie? You won't get that by watching this
26 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I have been a fan of the first Iron man film. Even though the second film was an absolute let down, I still had hopes for the third one.

The change of the director made me even more excited to see something fresh from this movie. But after a quite long wait, this movie turned out to be a quite disappointment. Don't get me wrong, the new director DID gave a fresh new feel of the movie, and the jokes are the funniest of all three films in the franchise.

Despite of all the plot holes, this movie is just not satisfying. The first 60 minutes was quite amazing and made me think for a moment that this is one of the best superhero movies, but this movie turned out to be just another boring-full of action superhero movie. The visual effects and action are amazing, but it turned out to be too much and quite boring.

The jokes and funny scenes did save the movie, without all that the movie would just be a train wreck. The movie was quite intense, but it's also quite predictable.

All the things were just so easy for Tony Stark and we won't be worry about nothing. All the suits are getting too much, and many many part of the movie is just nonsense.

What ruined the movie most is the villain. (SPOILERS!) Ben Kingsley as Mandarin should've been the main villain, but instead they add a plot twist of Mandarin is just the actor and the villain is Guy Pearce. Guy Pearce didn't really do a good job.

Even though this movie was far from satisfying, it's still slightly better than the 2nd Iron man. Well of course the first movie was far better than this.
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The Island (2005)
Mediocrity at its FINEST
7 April 2013
Before watching this movie, I had a quite high expectations for this movie. And guess what? I ended up quite disappointed. This movie has great special effects and CGIs. Well actually, the first 1 and a half hour of this movie was really good, but then it fell apart and became just a mediocre sci-fi-action movie.

For me, one of the biggest problems about this movie is the character development. Scarlett and Ewan's chemistry is actually not that bad, but they barely show such emotions. This movie had a GREAT potential, especially if they had showed the character developments a bit more. This movie is too focused on the action, and forgot about character developments and humors.

If you were looking for an full action packed movie with mediocre story and great CGI, it's the absolute right movie. But don't expect it to make you feel the emotions of this movie, this movie won't make you cry or laugh or even give you goosebumps. And in spite of all the thing I've written, I still think it's one of Michael Bay's best movies.
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